  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @talesyuki
    @talesyuki 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    You know, Greyson Chance is still my favorite singer since that time. Truly talented.

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Right? Honestly, I think his version was even better than Gaga's.. his song Waiting Outside the Lines is really good as well!

    • @talesyuki
      @talesyuki 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@weirdlybeloved I also think so! And I really like most of his songs. Had the privilege of going to one of his concerts couple of years ago. Ah, so good.

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @talesyuki Awesome!! What was it like watching him live? If he was that good so young, I can only imagine what an actual concert would have been like!

    • @talesyuki
      @talesyuki 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@weirdlybeloved I'm probably biased, but it was honestly, so far, the best day of my life haha He has such a great stage presence, and was so warm with us. I loved that there were moments where he even recognized a fan who had been in a previous concert and even called by name fans that he has met in the past. Then he even sang a new song for us that he only released publicly months later 🥲 Ah, I like him so much haha What a day.

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  22 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@talesyuki Omigosh, that's so sweet! I've never heard of a performer (other than Fall Out Boy) actually remembering fans they've met at other shows! He sounds like a really lovely person! 🥰

  • @KillStealMusic
    @KillStealMusic หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Honestly making a few parts would be painful but in a nostalgic way, like when we would wait for another Charmed episode!
    I think that would make more sense, although it‘d obviously be cooler to watch everything at once

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you! I do plan to have them all go up on the same day, I just wasn't sure whether it would be better to post them as separate videos or one long video!
      And right?! Omigosh, the breaks between episodes/seasons felt WAY too long sometimes.. and movies, too! I just saw Avengers Infinity War not too long ago, and I was desperate to get through the next day to watch what happens in Endgame! My friend was like, you think you had it bad? You had to wait a day.. we had to wait a whole YEAR! lol

  • @TCt83067695
    @TCt83067695 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Sorry to hear about your jaw. Hope it gets better soon.
    Your voice is quite chill and soothing .We'll tune in even if it's not Charmed related and it's just you taking us on a Hercules or FOB trip to the past. It's all good 👍🏾😊

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you so much! ^^
      Honestly, I love Charmed but I'd love to try out different topics and styles in the future, like documentaries! (I should avoid doing one on Fall Out Boy, though, because I could talk about them ALLLL day long.. as it is I'm listening to This Ain't A Scene on repeat haha)

    • @TCt83067695
      @TCt83067695 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @weirdlybeloved lol classic
      love the misheard lyrics too.
      _"I'm so evil and also into cats dooo dooo dooo dooo also into caaaats..."_ 🕺🏾😅

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@TCt83067695 LOLLLL I love Patrick to bits, but if it wasn't for the lyric booklets in the cds I'd never know what he was saying half the time 😂😂😂

  • @KiwiRuby-rf8ot
    @KiwiRuby-rf8ot หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Please take care of yourself. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@KiwiRuby-rf8ot Thank you! I hope you take care as well! 🤗

  • @KillStealMusic
    @KillStealMusic หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    7:45 the Charmed promos we deserved 😭

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Right?! I love that promo so much that I actually talked about it in an old video I did (about my favorite commercials) right around the time I started making videos about Charmed! I loved the concept and the colors! I'm gonna have to go and see if I can find more.. 🥰

  • @AK12king
    @AK12king หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Take care of yourself, health comes first ❤️‍🩹

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AK12king Thank you! 🤗

  • @elizabeths.3634
    @elizabeths.3634 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I hope you get better soon. Take care of yourself. Your health comes first.

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you so much! 🤗

  • @katherinepfister4177
    @katherinepfister4177 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Take care of yourself first. Jaw pain is no joke. As for a season 4 premiere title where prue is still alive I honestly couldn’t think of one. But maybe something like “hell bound” like they need to go rescue phoebe from the underworld. Idk.

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thank you so much, I will! I hope you're doing well! ^^
      Ooh, I love that idea! The episode does involve them rescuing Phoebe, so it would definitely fit the premise!

  • @MarquisBalom
    @MarquisBalom หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Pure love live forever

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@MarquisBalom ❤️❤️❤️

    • @MarquisBalom
      @MarquisBalom หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@weirdlybeloved I miss pure and Shannon so much

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @MarquisBalom Me too.. I hope she knew how much she meant to us! 🥺💔

  • @michaelpustilnik6914
    @michaelpustilnik6914 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Get well soon!

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@michaelpustilnik6914 Thank you!

  • @queenb7013
    @queenb7013 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I'll pray for your and sorry for your jaw!

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@queenb7013 Thank you so much! ❤️

  • @gregoryd5105
    @gregoryd5105 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I hope you feel better soon. Jaw pain is no joke :(

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@gregoryd5105 Thank you so much! ❤️

  • @kamui003
    @kamui003 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Your jaw recovering is far more important than you trying to maintain a consistent schedule.

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@kamui003 Thank you! ❤️

  • @AirQuotes
    @AirQuotes หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Literally do not apologise. We miss you and your videos, but no one wants them if you're in pain. I had wisdom tooth surgery years ago, and the memory of the pain still scares me. I hope your jaw heals asap

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you so much! And I'm really sorry to hear you had to go through that! I hope you're doing better now! ❤

  • @haydenmcqueenie8987
    @haydenmcqueenie8987 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Rewriting Season 4 would be interesting, I've always felt that there was a story that wasn't told with Phoebe stuck in the Underworld - yes I know that they explained in "Charmed Again" that they blindsided the Source by Leo just orbing her and Cole out - but I would have liked to see Phoebe's struggle in the Underworld, especially with Prue and Piper apparently dead after Shax's attack. Could she convince Tempest to turn back time a second time, if Tempest even survived?

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Same here! Making a deal like that with the Source shouldn't have been so easy to escape, and considering Phoebe's character arc was always tilting her towards evil, I think the show was meant to explore that side of her at some point!

  • @yusukeGum
    @yusukeGum หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Alyssa Milano a long time ago she said that she was planning for a Charmed movie projects and I don't know why it never happened I'm questioning if it doesn't have to do with this beef that started way back behind the scenes 11:06

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Could be. It's a shame, because I know a lot of us would have loved a Charmed movie.

    • @yusukeGum
      @yusukeGum หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@weirdlybeloved something tells me Alyssa she wanted them to be a part of it Shannan Holly Rose to be a part but something tells me that this beef they couldn't let go so it was giving me a vibe that they wanted to get back at her so badly that the Charmed movie never happened?!🔮

    • @yusukeGum
      @yusukeGum หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@weirdlybeloved before Shannen pass away she wanted to say her last thing about Alyssa she wants to explain the positive side of her even if they are not friends that much so Holly she did explain the R word probably can you play some music on and Holly wanted a Charmed remake so I'm not sure if Holly she's going to continue with the project that they plan

    • @yusukeGum
      @yusukeGum หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@weirdlybeloved look at X-Files daily 2 movies of X-Files including Veronica Mars She also had her own movie if only if they have left the beef aside they would have been a true Charmed movie

  • @miguelsantos-cd9tu
    @miguelsantos-cd9tu หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    On my second rewatch, i noticed that many of my favorite episodes are written by Sheryl J. Anderson.
    It's sad that she left after third season.
    Besides, Constance M. Burge, you have any favorite writers?

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Completely agree ~ Constance and Sheryl were great writers! Other than them, I actually really like a lot of the episodes Krista Vernoff wrote; Hell Hath No Fury, Siren Song, Sense and Sense Ability, Witch Wars, etc. Even in the later seasons when the writing went off the rails, you can tell that she was still trying to save the show and bring back that dark tone and emotional connection the show was so well-known for.
      She didn't write anything in the last two seasons, so I'm not sure if she left of her own accord or because of Brad, but it definitely helps explain why most of the episodes in the last two seasons really had no emotional depth at all.. they got rid of all the writers that actually cared about the show..

    • @miguelsantos-cd9tu
      @miguelsantos-cd9tu หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @weirdlybeloved How do you know so much about behind the scenes and writers?

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@miguelsantos-cd9tu I've always been really interested in behind the scenes stuff, so I like watching/reading documentaries, featurettes and interviews 😊

    • @TCt83067695
      @TCt83067695 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      There was a guy Cameron Litvick iirc that I always looked forward to his episodes. I think he was a Buffy writer too but I may be wrong.
      He was around in the later seasons

  • @larafranke1802
    @larafranke1802 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am so sorry for your pain. I struggle with my jaw too but not that severe. If I am suppressing a lot of or strong emotions I can feel it afterwards by a tense and even hurting jaw, head and neck. May I ask you if you experienced this phenomenon too and does it make your already existing pain worse? I am just curious but you don’t have to answer my question
    I just hope you have a good recovery/healing journey and that future recordings will be easier for you. Until then I will be patiently waiting for your new content ❤

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Omigosh, yes!! The pain comes and goes on its own, but it's always worse after getting really stressed out or upset! I didn't realize it could affect your jaw and/or make things worse! :(
      And thank you so much! I wish you a good healing journey as well! Though I'm really sorry to hear you struggle with jaw pain too ~ it can be so hard to deal with since your jaw is in such a sensitive area and it's not something you can really 'rest,' because you need it to do daily functions like talk and eat.. if you don't mind my asking, do you ever experience dizziness, migraines or hearing issues as a result of jaw pain?

    • @larafranke1802
      @larafranke1802 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @ Thank you ♥️
      I think mine is related to psychological trauma and/or (emotional) (di)stress. I often feel dizzy and sometimes I have a little migraine but I think the cause is my lack of care for my body (not drinking enough water, bad sleep schedule, bad eating habits, sometimes smoking etc) but the last time I had an X-ray of my jaw was last year I think. I really should make another dentist appointment if you are implying that I could also have a tumour 😬😅
      Would you mind describing the hearing issues a little bit further? I sometimes have a little tinnitus and I think it is sometimes connected with the pain in my jaw. I also struggle to locate noises. I am mostly convinced that they come from the direction my focus is on but I think this and often needing more time to process what other say is due to my ADHD.
      I don’t know if you remember but I once wrote a very stupid comment beneath one of your videos where I complained about pauses and background noises. I was in a very bad state at that moment and I let my frustrations out on you instead of giving constructive criticism or just leaving you alone. Sometimes I think about it and hope it was just a weird conversation for you and nothing that effected you in the long run.
      I just wanted to say that I am very sorry about that and that I took your advice to heart. The last time I wrote a frustrated comment beneath some else’s video after another rough day I remembered your reply and than delete it before posting it because I didn’t want to regret a second one. I am sorry but also thankful for the lesson I learned with you ♥️

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@larafranke1802 I'm so sorry to hear that! That sounds like a lot to deal with! And yeah.. I mean, it never hurts to have the dentist take another look! ^^
      And sure! The hearing thing is like.. there is a lot of tinnitus, especially if you already have a headache, but sometimes the way the jaw is positioned it feels like it might be.. I don't know, pushing against and cutting off whatever passageway that allows sound to travel from the ear to the brain? Like a bit of a crushing sensation, if that makes sense? And for me it always happens on my left side, where the ameloblastoma was. Have you noticed it happening more with one ear than the other?
      Aww, I really appreciate that, but don't worry about it at all! I totally get that sometimes we're not having a great day and it can spill over in ways we didn't intend. Besides, I didn't think you were rude and I do appreciate constructive criticism! Honestly, I'm glad for it because it helps me improve my content and learn what to change and what to keep!
      And I can see why the slight fuzzing was annoying ~ honestly, it annoys me too sometimes. I'm not sure if it's the mic itself (a tascam) or the fact that we live in an area that has a lot of interference anyway.. plus our downstairs neighbors are also SUPER loud and are constantly screaming at each other, so it's always coming through the mic and makes it very difficult to get clean audio. But I do have a new mic that I'm trying to figure out, so if that was the issue hopefully it will be resolved soon!

  • @summergolden
    @summergolden หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @FateTheWinx
    @FateTheWinx หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Omg pls dont burn urself out for us! Take care of ur jaw first!

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@FateTheWinx Thank you! 🤗

  • @FateTheWinx
    @FateTheWinx หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Do u think u can do a video abt that popular charmed rumor abt there being an ''All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2''? There are so many ppl saying they saw it, ppl saying it never existed and I just wanna know! Because first time watching charmed and starting season 4, U can tell it looks like there was an episode missing (Because they just continued with prues death without even showing anything to us prior to that).

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@FateTheWinx Ooh, that's a great idea! I've seen people saying that too, but I've never seen anything concrete yet! Though I do think I remember seeing on a wiki page somewhere that AHBL had to be re-cut once they realized Shannen wasn't coming back, so there might be some truth to it! 😯

    • @FateTheWinx
      @FateTheWinx หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@weirdlybeloved Someone said that it was never released bcz Shannen directed it and had all rights to the episode and so it was only aired once. Others say it was filmed but never aired.

  • @sifilore
    @sifilore หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Hope ur jaw is feeling better.
    U know, Prue never got turned into a demon before. Warlock yes, but nothing demonic that Piper, Phoebe, and Paige have done. She never got turning into good kinds of magical creatures. U said once before about how strange it was for Phoebe to get levitation despite all the psychic explanation, for it seems that Prue should've gotten it. I don't know which vid that was, but u talked about it. I personally think that if so, as her 3rd, Phoebe should've gotten telepathy.
    If u saw Agatha All Along...what did u think of it?

    • @weirdlybeloved
      @weirdlybeloved  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you so much! And that's a great point! Of all three sisters, Prue had the least amount of transformations.. it would have been cool to see her do more stuff like that!
      And yeah, I definitely feel like telepathy would have been a fitting power for Phoebe! And maybe some sort of projection power? Some sort of time reversal or manipulation seems like it would have been a good fit for Piper.. And Prue.. I'll have to think on it! I've been watching a lot of Marvel movies lately, so I just keep picturing her using powers like Wanda, haha.
      I haven't seen Agatha All Along yet, but I'm really excited for it! Now that I've finished the Infinity saga and Multiverse of Madness, I'm working my way through WandaVision, and then I can get started on Agatha!

    • @sifilore
      @sifilore หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@weirdlybeloved I'll just say this. In Agatha they mentioned Green Witches, which is in rl occult. Earth magic is with controling earth elements (dirt, soil, rock, plants), channeling earth's natural energy. And talking to the whole land and animals. But they changed it to earth magic is controling the entire forces of nature, and all its element. Every single one. I'm only saying this bc I never heard of a green witch before. It not something in everyday pop culture mentioning. They didn't say all that info, I looked it up. So its really a spoiler.
      If u think I did spoil a little, I really thought it was something that u just have to realize, without being told or reading about. I never realize those things myself when watching.