Not just given-time-off, not just 'retrained'-at-taxpayer-expense, not just disbanded, not just fired, not just banned from future police work, when the "bad apples" do crimes like that they need to be _imprisoned_ with the general prison population. Nothing less is acceptable. When those who are not only civil servants, not only law enforcement, but an "elite unit" commit terrible crimes, they need to be treated MORE harshly than the general public, not less!
My favorite part about your idea is housing them in gen pop. Because some states have specialty prisons just for police, which are often a specialty wing on a large women's prison. So they can continue getting treated with kid gloves. Nope. Put them exactly where they sent other people while they were playing so damned dirty.
When a "bad apple" does bad, they should be criminally punished, fired, and black-listed. Their supervisor should be fired, and black-listed. Any higher up with two*levels firings under them (so a captain, above a lieutenant who the officers report to is 2*2 away, so 4 is the number, and a chief above captain is 3*2=6), before they get the "fired and banned" treatment. The lack of punishment of management encourages management to ignore the problem.
I live in Memphis. A couple months before the Scorpion unit made national news by murdering an young unarmed black man, I was driving my route in Millington, a distant suburb of Memphis, and saw three MPD patrol cars with a “Scorpion Unit” logo on the front fender. And I remember thinking to myself how far out of jurisdiction they were. They ran around the entire county as if it was their terf. And then the news hit that they had beaten that young man to death. They are well known around certain parts of Memphis as being the one group of MPD officers to avoid at all costs. A friend of mine who lives in the Orange Mound area in South Memphis said that they would slam their brakes, jump out screaming, and tackle people, beat them to a pulp, taze them and arrest them simply because they happened to be looking at them as they passed by. They’re the meanest and most dangerous gang in Memphis.
*were the most dangerous, and you're definitely better off without them. I hope they go to the general population in the jail and prison, with some of the people they put there. No protective custody for dirty pigs.
@@comfortablynumb9342 high there 👋 ! Just posted a reply on another comment to pass a sentencing enhancement of 7 years - no parole for Abuse of Authority added to the sentence for whatever crime is guilty of. That's even if they get probation, must serve the 7 years. See if that gets anyone's attention ! Hope you are having a good Sunday !
Good grief, it sounds like something out of, IDK, the sort of 90ies movie where the Big Actor of the Hour then drives in and of course solves it all, and both of it, the open corruption & abuse of power, and the shining hero (trade marks; one-liners, very sexy girlfriend) seem equally unrealistic. Oh, and meanwhile Ron deSantis and some likeminded GOPs are whining about The Woke Mob. I keep feeling like I'm getting the much-wished for sequel to Idiocracy, only it's Reality TV and doesn't even have president Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho in it.
I have the idea that "squads" like the one you just now discussed are all over the place, kind of like cockroaches. If there's one, you know darn well there's a slew of them, hiding in the woodwork.
Bad cops make up bad charges. *EVERY SINGLE CASE THEY EVER FILED* is going to have to be reviewed, and *MANY* of them will result in payouts, retrials etc. Best outcome from a terrible series of events.
@@daltonadams4672 Abuse of Authority enhancement on sentencing. Plus 7 years - no parole. This in addition to the original sentence for crimes committed.
This isn't a TV show that's not how it works. All crimes and all charges of the people he arrested or charged will remain they will just look into if some of them had violations in it. I hate the fact that people think TV is real life.
When they've had to drop charges for dozens of ongoing cases, and with this much attention? I disagree. Anyone who had them even vaguely involved with their arrest is going to find it a lot easier than usual to get a lawyer to argue that there was police misconduct that needs investigating, whether there actually was or not.
@@jasonruggles4622No one said a single thing about TV. They're saying that when cops are found abusing theirs authority to such a degree and for such a long time, reopening and reinvestigating every single case they helped prosecute should damn well be standard procedure. Because every single one of those clowns repeatedly demonstrated just how little of a damn they gave for the law itself, due process, and the potential victims of their *obviously* illegal behavior. Cops are given a frankly absurd amount of power, authority, and public trust. 'Specialty units' are given even more still. That should *absolutely* warrant extra punishment when it's abused, full stop.
@@BeauoftheFifthColumn, from the use of the lowercase scorpions, I thought it was about venomous arthropods. Perhaps it should have read Scorpions.....though that might be confused with a German rock band. Regardless, it would be thrilling to see the "Winds of Change" blow through that police department !
As an exonerated person I just wanted to say thank you with all my heart right now. I got7 guys out on the same day when I was wrongfully imprisoned doing legal work for myself and others. Take care and end impunity.
Please don't say anything you're not 100% comfortable with, but could you maybe tell us a little about your story and that success? I'm not trying to pry, and typically I would just operate under the knowledge that it's just none of my damned business, but we're so used to people fetishizing the police in this country and never believing a victim of shitty cops until something like this inevitably blows up and makes enough news. But I'd think having a 'face' (as it were) attached to a story like this might help some people finally understand what the rest of us keep trying to say. What some people have been saying for decades already. I loathe the fact that police have as much power, authority, and public trust as they do. But so many people fully buy into the mythology of policing and think they can't do anything wrong that I don't even know what to say to them anymore.
@@RevShiftyremember, being exonerated doesnt mean they didn't do it. It means the government couldn't meet the burden of proof honestly. In short, wrongfully imprisoned doesn't automatically mean wrongfully accused.
@@specialnewb9821 Yea looking at there profile pic defo screams to me that maybe they were guilty of what they did Because most wrongfully convicted people just go on with there lives, this guy seems to make it HIS entire online persona
They should throw out all the cases without prejudice, obviously these pigs have no credibility. If they don't do so I hope the city gets hit with a tidal wave of lawsuits. It is time to move past slave catcher emeritus policing
A lot of lawsuits end up coming out of local/state taxes too, which is horrifying to me. Things need to change to hold the individuals accountable and stop making the citizens pay out of pocket to be abused by the people who should have their backs.
It's absolutely disgusting. We really need to evaluate how policing happens. Because I won't say we DON'T need them, but they sure are not helping make the case for themselves.
We definitely need GOOD cops. Problem is, no small town or state wants to foot the bill for cops with Criminal Justice degrees. I have never heard of (but I guess it could be happening) of police violence in Delaware. The require a BS degree if I am not mistaken. I didn’t live in DE but commuted in from Maryland for years. The cops in DE, with whom I had contact periodically in my work as a first responder, were always professional
In countries that keep deaths by police to single digits,they require a college degree and a couple years training. We need to require this as well. Any other profession that holds our life in their hands, requires seven to eight years plus internships. This would get rid of most of these people, imo.
@@TheQueenRulesAll First we need to make education affordable in this country. My son's doctor is at a place tied to a medical school. They rotate out as they graduate. Not that I have anything against most of the people in the medical profession who are either from, like India or wherever. But it's pretty obvious their countries of origin are either subsidizing their education costs here or they at least have better foundational education than people in our country do. Not that it wouldn't help force some diversity into police departments, it's our country sliding into stupidity and still being arrogant enough to think we're the best that irritates me.
Modern police were born out of corruption, they are doing exactly what they were designed to do. If we want fair justice it needs to be restructured from the top down.
Memphis administration should be investigated and charged for Civil rights and abuse. These officers and their supervisors should be prosecuted to full extent of the law. protect and serve by enforcement is Citizens right
Not saying we need to bring it back but if they were samurai they would be expected to disembowel themselves from the top down or lose all status and money and be put to death. We don’t need to be that extreme but just remember the types of extremes humans have required to hold those with state power to account.
This reminds me of Atlanta Red Dog police team back in the day. They terrorized Atl back in the days. They was disbanded after they did a no knock warrant at the wrong house end up killing a 92 year old woman. Kathryn Johnston thought the police was trying to break into the house n end up having a shot out with the police.
And corrective measures such as removal from office for the executives that created & sheltered these units/tactics. Prosecution of those that applied them !
I'd expect this story to keep popping up in the news for years to come. The officers involved in the George Floyd case pop up from time to time as their trials and sentencing proceed, and it's been 3 years since that incident.
I haven't heard of a single team like this that didn't descend into abuse of authority at best, and outright criminality at worst. Their function seems to be to instill fear in communities, and that's not something we ever want the people who are supposed to protect and serve us to be for.
About 100 cases reviewed, 39 dropped (13 of which were expunged), "more" got reduced charges. So, if I heard you right, about 60 cases might be worth pursuing and a number of those will be a slap on the wrist. I realize it only takes one case to put a bad cop away but that is not exactly making me feel great about the wheels of justice.
Horrifying situation, but the fact it is finally being addressed seriously by the federal government is of some comfort. But we will have to wait for the outcome to see if any real change blossoms. 🙁👍🏵🦋💙🇺🇸🕊
So far they've looked at 100 cases and concluded that two out of three ain't bad? Well, two out of three ain't _obviously_ bad. Can't have been looking very hard.
My WREG story: Around 10 years ago there was a cop, his wife, teenage son, and mother-in-law, (all pentecostal), that lived across the street from me. The cop became the big local story for a few days. Day one said a cop was shot. The cop claimed the shooter was a Latino male. There was a massive manhunt. A bad day in the Latino community. Day two revealed the gunshot was actually self-inflicted. It was an insurance scam. The cop was smitten with a girl who turned 18 just the day before and was going to use the settlement $ to impress her. On day three we found out he had another family about 2 miles away. A woman and a teenage son. That afternoon I came to home to find WREG parked in front of my house. They asked if I knew the family but the family kept to themselves so I knew almost nothing. So the crew asked if they could interview me for an opinion piece because they needed something to put on air. I reiterated I didn't know anything but they wanted to do it anyway. I said on camera that I didn't know the cop but my opinion was anybody so obsessed needs professional help. Especially a grown man obsessing about a high school girl. The next morning when the anchor introduced the story, he said, "Neighbor Jim Bogue says he was suspicious all along.". I have not watched WREG since
That's horrible. I would have not only been on the phone to that station but to their competition, the newspaper(s), and a lawyer just for good measure until they gave an on air retraction. That was your good name they tossed into the mud bath.
Criminals gonna crim unless we hold them accountable. And, if we don't, they'll just lay low until the heat dies down and restart it or reboot it under a different name.
I've been waiting to hear about updates to this. From all that I read about that group, back when this happened, the whole community was basically terrorized by those cops. What's bound to come out about them is going to get a lot of attention, as it should.
I can see convictions and MASSIVE payouts for Assault and Battery charges against the Officers and the City not to mention potential release of previous convictions. Along with this murder investigation. I also think the Cities Insurance Carrier will drop them or severely raise rates after this.
My problem with this is the fact, the supervisors of the bad cops get let off, the DAs. If they were held accountable for the actions of the police officers you can bet that shit around the country would get fixed fast. The DAs don't say anything because they want to maintain a good working relationship with these people. If they were held accountable for actions of the bad police, by way of not reporting crimes, then there would be a lot less shit sliding by. Cases shouldn't have to be reviewed if the DA were doing their job properly.
The behavior of Badged Criminals was far to comfortable in the footage for it to have been a one off. This pattern & practice of behavior does’nt thrive w/o the complicity of leadership & the mayors office. Memphis has a reputation as an ultra violent place w/the copaganda about certain citizens being used as justification for these “Teams/Units” in Memphis. We are now seen as Insurgents.
Agreed. It's similar to those Abu Ghraib evidence: if those guards / soldiers hadn't been 100% certain that everybody was perfectly okay with torture, they wouldn't ever have posed on fotos the way they did.
We might need to look at outlawing "joint task forces" as the multiple jurisdictions all want to point at the other ones and say it is their fault. The only other alternative is to designate the liable jurisdiction in advance and put full responsibility on the them for oversight making it really important to screen for bad apples in advance. The way it works now everyone is involved and no one is responsible. Likely by design but we cannot let them get away with that.
Law enforcement needs the trust of the community. The community needs law enforcement to protect and serve from being preyed on by violent criminals. When force meets force the police need the support to do the job they are paid to do. Everyone has a cell phone and most police wear body cameras. Oversight is part of the job. You try and fix what is broken and not make it worse. The job still needs to be do so you trust and verify to limit abuse.
Could reinstating Time Distance Cover training help weed out the people that shouldn't get the badge? Yes absolutely. Bring back Time Distance Cover training
@@steveblake8509 TDC training has been discontinued for around 15 years... Beau has a great vid called "Let's talk about a cop asking me for training" It's one of the vids I show first when I'm discussing police reform with someone
I'm not sure that "elite teams" are intrinsically bad. But the problem is that they need to be held to a higher standard rather than a relaxed standard. And tbe team members have to be the most ethical and moral, not the least. The most psychologically stable, not the most unstable. It's not TV or a deranged power fantasy.
The problem is that the US already has way too many laws which make it easy for police officers to literally get away with murder: "I was feeling threatened", Stand Your Ground laws ... tv channels stressing at any time that hey, "that young black man wouldn't have been beaten to death if he'd just complied!" surely are a nice addition. That is a bad enough mix without throwing "elite teams" into it.
They are intrinsically bad. These “elite teams” (not that elite in reality), are never held to a higher moral/ethical standard and are rarely held accountable at all. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but the profession of policing doesn’t exactly draw the most stable people around to staff their ranks. It’s not just “a few bad apples”. This is every city in America to varying degrees. Police have a very “us vs. them” culture.
I hold police in high regard. Being an officer should be a prestigious occupation (those who would be our safeguard). That is why those who abuse the status should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, with prejudice. Same with judges, doctors and politicians
If anyone doesn't know what the problem is with "special units" like the scorpion team, please watch Training Day, and know that Denzel's character was based on a real person.
If part of the process of arresting someone to stand trial involves literal torture that lasts hours, among many other inhumane, illegal behavior, then that case should be thrown out of court BY DEFAULT and the officers involved immediately detained, and off the streets, period, full stop. Let's see how long departments look the other way then. I get it, there are some truly savage humans out there, terrorizing neighborhoods and citizens, I get that, I've seen it, I've dealt with them directly, they are inexcusable and need to be incarcerated at the least, but if your methodology to arrest those people involve torturing people by simple association that have committed no related crime, then YOU are the monster in this scenario.
The FACT that LE attracts tyrants, coupled with things like the overblown police presence for Trump in Atlanta, makes me worry about whether the LE community can be reliable if civilian terrorist incidents uptick when Trump is convicted.
Memphis does have a problem with gang activity. But the biggest and most violent gang in town is the MPD. Not to mention that they wreck, on average, more than one cruiser per day, costing tax payers millions.
Like LA county SD and so many others. They specialize or form task forces with more leash and less accountability and demand numerical results. It is a blight.
Memphis has a pretty long history of having teams loke the Scorpion unit. I remember operation Blue Crush from a teenager. If they were efeective Memphis wouldnt have the violent crime numbers we do.
X twitter. By the way, I have difficulty communicating because I had a stroke in Broca’s area, the part of the brain that controls speech. 2/8/2021 but I lived again. (My wife helped me compose this.)
Hey, coming in from another country, love your intelligence and research and coverage. This is almost esoterica to us occupying different countries. I am beginning to sense I am a ''Stranger In A Strange Land''. Does ANYTHING cohere where you live?
Clarification question. You said cases were dropped. I'm assuming those cases were against citizens and not cases against officers, right? I felt like you would have been more fired up if they were deciding things weren't as bad as they looked, but it wasn't 100% clear to me. Thanks for everything!
Who was it that started this type of squads? Yes it is time that they have to be held responsible for what they do. No one including police are above the law.
One side: human beings occasionally make flawed decisions. The other side: flawed human beings usually make bad decisions. The words are mostly the same, as are the people who utter them.
Given what is going on in America on sp many levels, i am beginning to be confident rhst wexare going through growing pains, and America is struggling to be a "first world" developed nation, with all that implies in terms of rights and equality.
New Roads not Taken episode released today on second channel:
Context for current video:
There you thought about how to finish. How about "just thinking" as it is definitely more that "just a thought"
Excellent episode 👍🤙✌️
@@ankem4329- Or perhaps some take on the poem, the road less travelled? 😊
Blowing in the Wind .@@Erin-Thor
Not just given-time-off, not just 'retrained'-at-taxpayer-expense, not just disbanded, not just fired, not just banned from future police work, when the "bad apples" do crimes like that they need to be _imprisoned_ with the general prison population. Nothing less is acceptable.
When those who are not only civil servants, not only law enforcement, but an "elite unit" commit terrible crimes, they need to be treated MORE harshly than the general public, not less!
Yes you are correct. They ALL need to held accountable.
My favorite part about your idea is housing them in gen pop. Because some states have specialty prisons just for police, which are often a specialty wing on a large women's prison. So they can continue getting treated with kid gloves.
Nope. Put them exactly where they sent other people while they were playing so damned dirty.
When a "bad apple" does bad, they should be criminally punished, fired, and black-listed. Their supervisor should be fired, and black-listed. Any higher up with two*levels firings under them (so a captain, above a lieutenant who the officers report to is 2*2 away, so 4 is the number, and a chief above captain is 3*2=6), before they get the "fired and banned" treatment.
The lack of punishment of management encourages management to ignore the problem.
I live in Memphis. A couple months before the Scorpion unit made national news by murdering an young unarmed black man, I was driving my route in Millington, a distant suburb of Memphis, and saw three MPD patrol cars with a “Scorpion Unit” logo on the front fender. And I remember thinking to myself how far out of jurisdiction they were. They ran around the entire county as if it was their terf. And then the news hit that they had beaten that young man to death. They are well known around certain parts of Memphis as being the one group of MPD officers to avoid at all costs. A friend of mine who lives in the Orange Mound area in South Memphis said that they would slam their brakes, jump out screaming, and tackle people, beat them to a pulp, taze them and arrest them simply because they happened to be looking at them as they passed by. They’re the meanest and most dangerous gang in Memphis.
A flat out gang with badges?
*were the most dangerous, and you're definitely better off without them.
I hope they go to the general population in the jail and prison, with some of the people they put there. No protective custody for dirty pigs.
@@comfortablynumb9342 high there 👋 ! Just posted a reply on another comment to pass a sentencing enhancement of 7 years - no parole for Abuse of Authority added to the sentence for whatever crime is guilty of. That's even if they get probation, must serve the 7 years. See if that gets anyone's attention !
Hope you are having a good Sunday !
@@tombrown4683 I like it! I've always been in favor of giving dirty pigs an extra sentence for abusing the public's trust and their oaths.
Good grief, it sounds like something out of, IDK, the sort of 90ies movie where the Big Actor of the Hour then drives in and of course solves it all, and both of it, the open corruption & abuse of power, and the shining hero (trade marks; one-liners, very sexy girlfriend) seem equally unrealistic.
Oh, and meanwhile Ron deSantis and some likeminded GOPs are whining about The Woke Mob.
I keep feeling like I'm getting the much-wished for sequel to Idiocracy, only it's Reality TV and doesn't even have president Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho in it.
When cops have special units named after dangerous critters, one might want to keep a very tight leash on those mutts.
reminds me of the story "You knew I was a scorpion when you picked me up."
I have the idea that "squads" like the one you just now discussed are all over the place, kind of like cockroaches. If there's one, you know darn well there's a slew of them, hiding in the woodwork.
The FBI recently arrested a bunch of officers in California (Antioch and Pittsburgh CA) for similar violations of civil rights.
I would bet there are more than these 2 as well. Sadly.
Bad cops make up bad charges. *EVERY SINGLE CASE THEY EVER FILED* is going to have to be reviewed, and *MANY* of them will result in payouts, retrials etc. Best outcome from a terrible series of events.
Until it becomes the norm for police to be jailed,long sentences, and punished financially. This will continue.
@@daltonadams4672 Abuse of Authority enhancement on sentencing. Plus 7 years - no parole. This in addition to the original sentence for crimes committed.
This isn't a TV show that's not how it works. All crimes and all charges of the people he arrested or charged will remain they will just look into if some of them had violations in it. I hate the fact that people think TV is real life.
When they've had to drop charges for dozens of ongoing cases, and with this much attention? I disagree. Anyone who had them even vaguely involved with their arrest is going to find it a lot easier than usual to get a lawyer to argue that there was police misconduct that needs investigating, whether there actually was or not.
@@jasonruggles4622No one said a single thing about TV. They're saying that when cops are found abusing theirs authority to such a degree and for such a long time, reopening and reinvestigating every single case they helped prosecute should damn well be standard procedure. Because every single one of those clowns repeatedly demonstrated just how little of a damn they gave for the law itself, due process, and the potential victims of their *obviously* illegal behavior.
Cops are given a frankly absurd amount of power, authority, and public trust. 'Specialty units' are given even more still. That should *absolutely* warrant extra punishment when it's abused, full stop.
Uh oh ! When Beau wears that shirt !
Good news this time.
@@BeauoftheFifthColumnYes it is!! Double good news when it involves dirty, scumbag, coward pigs.
Howdy Tom!
Howdy Tom! Gr8 to see you! Can you see clearly now? 😊 Oh, and you’re 🎉FOURTH! 🎉 ❤
@@BeauoftheFifthColumn, from the use of the lowercase scorpions, I thought it was about venomous arthropods. Perhaps it should have read Scorpions.....though that might be confused with a German rock band. Regardless, it would be thrilling to see the "Winds of Change" blow through that police department !
NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW applies to everybody.
But there are plenty of people above the law. I don't know how that is even a statement worth repeating.
@@Sochi314 the law applies to everybody including those who enforce the law.
@@RafaelSang-tq8ur It's a nice sound bite to say "the law applies to everybody" , it's just not the reality with LEOs"
Unless you have a Florida governor to help you
As an exonerated person I just wanted to say thank you with all my heart right now. I got7 guys out on the same day when I was wrongfully imprisoned doing legal work for myself and others. Take care and end impunity.
Please don't say anything you're not 100% comfortable with, but could you maybe tell us a little about your story and that success? I'm not trying to pry, and typically I would just operate under the knowledge that it's just none of my damned business, but we're so used to people fetishizing the police in this country and never believing a victim of shitty cops until something like this inevitably blows up and makes enough news.
But I'd think having a 'face' (as it were) attached to a story like this might help some people finally understand what the rest of us keep trying to say. What some people have been saying for decades already. I loathe the fact that police have as much power, authority, and public trust as they do. But so many people fully buy into the mythology of policing and think they can't do anything wrong that I don't even know what to say to them anymore.
@@RevShiftyremember, being exonerated doesnt mean they didn't do it. It means the government couldn't meet the burden of proof honestly. In short, wrongfully imprisoned doesn't automatically mean wrongfully accused.
@@specialnewb9821 Yea looking at there profile pic defo screams to me that maybe they were guilty of what they did
Because most wrongfully convicted people just go on with there lives, this guy seems to make it HIS entire online persona
@@specialnewb9821it does in my case.
They should throw out all the cases without prejudice, obviously these pigs have no credibility. If they don't do so I hope the city gets hit with a tidal wave of lawsuits. It is time to move past slave catcher emeritus policing
Long overdue that these agencies practices are held accountable. Thanks Beau.
A lot of lawsuits end up coming out of local/state taxes too, which is horrifying to me. Things need to change to hold the individuals accountable and stop making the citizens pay out of pocket to be abused by the people who should have their backs.
It's absolutely disgusting. We really need to evaluate how policing happens. Because I won't say we DON'T need them, but they sure are not helping make the case for themselves.
We definitely need GOOD cops. Problem is, no small town or state wants to foot the bill for cops with Criminal Justice degrees.
I have never heard of (but I guess it could be happening) of police violence in Delaware. The require a BS degree if I am not mistaken. I didn’t live in DE but commuted in from Maryland for years. The cops in DE, with whom I had contact periodically in my work as a first responder, were always professional
In countries that keep deaths by police to single digits,they require a college degree and a couple years training. We need to require this as well. Any other profession that holds our life in their hands, requires seven to eight years plus internships. This would get rid of most of these people, imo.
@@TheQueenRulesAll First we need to make education affordable in this country. My son's doctor is at a place tied to a medical school. They rotate out as they graduate. Not that I have anything against most of the people in the medical profession who are either from, like India or wherever. But it's pretty obvious their countries of origin are either subsidizing their education costs here or they at least have better foundational education than people in our country do. Not that it wouldn't help force some diversity into police departments, it's our country sliding into stupidity and still being arrogant enough to think we're the best that irritates me.
Modern police were born out of corruption, they are doing exactly what they were designed to do. If we want fair justice it needs to be restructured from the top down.
A horrible case. I hope justice will be done.
Memphis administration should be investigated and charged for Civil rights and abuse. These officers and their supervisors should be prosecuted to full extent of the law. protect and serve by enforcement is Citizens right
Is Memphis PD operating under a Consent Decree from back in March?
Those "Scorpions" need for the "Winds of Change" to blow the venomous critters out of the Memphis police department.
I lived in Memphis for 45 years. The Memphis PD hates black and brown people.
Not saying we need to bring it back but if they were samurai they would be expected to disembowel themselves from the top down or lose all status and money and be put to death. We don’t need to be that extreme but just remember the types of extremes humans have required to hold those with state power to account.
Thank you for never letting important stories like this just fade away. That's why I watch and subscribe to both of your channels.
This reminds me of Atlanta Red Dog police team back in the day. They terrorized Atl back in the days. They was disbanded after they did a no knock warrant at the wrong house end up killing a 92 year old woman. Kathryn Johnston thought the police was trying to break into the house n end up having a shot out with the police.
Memphis Chief ran the Red Dogs
This needs to stay in the spotlight.
Memphis... where Dr. King was killed. Feels like nothing has changed since then. So sad. 😥
I think a top to bottom review of EVERY law enforcement agency by the feds should be SOP...
And corrective measures such as removal from office for the executives that created & sheltered these units/tactics. Prosecution of those that applied them !
I love the sound of your voice, Beau, as you give us all the bad news with such calm. Thanks. It helps our blood pressure.☺️
Always start my day with Beau's videos. It allows me to wake up calmly and get ready for whatever the day has to offer.
I'd expect this story to keep popping up in the news for years to come. The officers involved in the George Floyd case pop up from time to time as their trials and sentencing proceed, and it's been 3 years since that incident.
I haven't heard of a single team like this that didn't descend into abuse of authority at best, and outright criminality at worst. Their function seems to be to instill fear in communities, and that's not something we ever want the people who are supposed to protect and serve us to be for.
The U.S. has gotten so crazy that I literally thought you were talking about Scorpion bugs in the city of Memphis
Yeah - I also thought it was a climate change video. We've had armadillos in the St. Louis area for a few years now...
Hey Beau and internet folks.
Mr. Rogers is in the HOUSE! ❤
Good afternoon.
We have a pop up thunderstorm in the area.
The breeze feels nice. Not sure we will get any of the mystical rain.
@@shawnr771 - Hey Bud! And yes, heard about that, no sign of raindrops though. I/we could certainly use some rain! 🌧️
@@Erin-Thor It is now raining and hailing here.
@@shawnr771 SWEET! 👍🏼👍🏽👍🏻
@@shawnr771 may your vehicles be free of any dents & the rain last long enough for a real cool down !
About 100 cases reviewed, 39 dropped (13 of which were expunged), "more" got reduced charges. So, if I heard you right, about 60 cases might be worth pursuing and a number of those will be a slap on the wrist. I realize it only takes one case to put a bad cop away but that is not exactly making me feel great about the wheels of justice.
Disbanded isn't imprisoned. It should be.
Horrifying situation, but the fact it is finally being addressed seriously by the federal government is of some comfort. But we will have to wait for the outcome to see if any real change blossoms. 🙁👍🏵🦋💙🇺🇸🕊
I hope you're right that it will come back into the national news cycle. Too much of this just disappears.
The true hero of this case is whoever moved that surveillance camera!! 📷
So far they've looked at 100 cases and concluded that two out of three ain't bad?
Well, two out of three ain't _obviously_ bad.
Can't have been looking very hard.
Teams like this aren't assembled for "Americans". Their goal is carrying out the wishes of American *_corporations!_*
I dunno, I doubt these kinds of clowns really care to help them much either.
That's more the lawyers duty.
Beau, Thankyou. I hope these get better and better at being exposed. 👍💖💙🥰✌
Every case that they are involved in will be questioned. Lots of appeals are coming.
My WREG story: Around 10 years ago there was a cop, his wife, teenage son, and mother-in-law, (all pentecostal), that lived across the street from me. The cop became the big local story for a few days. Day one said a cop was shot. The cop claimed the shooter was a Latino male. There was a massive manhunt. A bad day in the Latino community. Day two revealed the gunshot was actually self-inflicted. It was an insurance scam. The cop was smitten with a girl who turned 18 just the day before and was going to use the settlement $ to impress her. On day three we found out he had another family about 2 miles away. A woman and a teenage son. That afternoon I came to home to find WREG parked in front of my house. They asked if I knew the family but the family kept to themselves so I knew almost nothing. So the crew asked if they could interview me for an opinion piece because they needed something to put on air. I reiterated I didn't know anything but they wanted to do it anyway. I said on camera that I didn't know the cop but my opinion was anybody so obsessed needs professional help. Especially a grown man obsessing about a high school girl. The next morning when the anchor introduced the story, he said, "Neighbor Jim Bogue says he was suspicious all along.". I have not watched WREG since
That is horrible. Sounds like worthy of a lawsuit, but I don't know how those things work in the USA.
That's horrible. I would have not only been on the phone to that station but to their competition, the newspaper(s), and a lawyer just for good measure until they gave an on air retraction. That was your good name they tossed into the mud bath.
Thank you so much for revisiting this. It really bithers me shen these kind of stories fade out. We need continual coverage on this news.
Criminals gonna crim unless we hold them accountable. And, if we don't, they'll just lay low until the heat dies down and restart it or reboot it under a different name.
Shouldn't whoever is responsible for them even being there be held to question also.
This festering wound must be lanced.
I've been waiting to hear about updates to this. From all that I read about that group, back when this happened, the whole community was basically terrorized by those cops. What's bound to come out about them is going to get a lot of attention, as it should.
Stay safe Beau
I can see convictions and MASSIVE payouts for Assault and Battery charges against the Officers and the City not to mention potential release of previous convictions. Along with this murder investigation. I also think the Cities Insurance Carrier will drop them or severely raise rates after this.
My problem with this is the fact, the supervisors of the bad cops get let off, the DAs. If they were held accountable for the actions of the police officers you can bet that shit around the country would get fixed fast. The DAs don't say anything because they want to maintain a good working relationship with these people. If they were held accountable for actions of the bad police, by way of not reporting crimes, then there would be a lot less shit sliding by. Cases shouldn't have to be reviewed if the DA were doing their job properly.
Thank you for the update on Tennessee
Unfortunate circumstances required me to occasionally work alongside the Red Dogs in Atlanta back in the 90's. I don't miss it a bit!
The names. Good lord. They act like they are special forces.
Thanks Beau.
When is it ever an isolated incident?
I bet there's the same in Oklahoma... and Texas ... and Florida ....
Thank you for the update.
Sago Beau thanks again.
The behavior of Badged Criminals was far to comfortable in the footage for it to have been a one off. This pattern & practice of behavior does’nt thrive w/o the complicity of leadership & the mayors office. Memphis has a reputation as an ultra violent place w/the copaganda about certain citizens being used as justification for these “Teams/Units” in Memphis. We are now seen as Insurgents.
Agreed. It's similar to those Abu Ghraib evidence: if those guards / soldiers hadn't been 100% certain that everybody was perfectly okay with torture, they wouldn't ever have posed on fotos the way they did.
I'm glad that those scorpions got stung, and the BS cases they created are being looked at.
That type of behavior is in most police Department the other ones just haven’t been caught yet
I just finished binging THE SHIELD again...
Shit never changes...
We might need to look at outlawing "joint task forces" as the multiple jurisdictions all want to point at the other ones and say it is their fault. The only other alternative is to designate the liable jurisdiction in advance and put full responsibility on the them for oversight making it really important to screen for bad apples in advance. The way it works now everyone is involved and no one is responsible. Likely by design but we cannot let them get away with that.
Thanks as always Beau
Good morning lovelies
Thank you
Hopefully not "rebranding" rather than "abandoning" on this one.
Wait, the cops lie? I had no idea this was an issue in America! /s
👍 Beau's videos 👍 and justice for all
Law enforcement needs the trust of the community. The community needs law enforcement to protect and serve from being preyed on by violent criminals. When force meets force the police need the support to do the job they are paid to do. Everyone has a cell phone and most police wear body cameras. Oversight is part of the job. You try and fix what is broken and not make it worse. The job still needs to be do so you trust and verify to limit abuse.
FANTASTIC shirt! ⭐🇺🇸
Not even Vic Mackey got away with all his crimes.
Could reinstating Time Distance Cover training help weed out the people that shouldn't get the badge?
Yes absolutely.
Bring back Time Distance Cover training
I am pretty sure that they still teach it. They still teach not to beat someone who is not resisting arrest, and then lie about it.
@@steveblake8509 TDC training has been discontinued for around 15 years...
Beau has a great vid called "Let's talk about a cop asking me for training"
It's one of the vids I show first when I'm discussing police reform with someone
Well, that is too bad. I was an FTO at my dept. for several years. I always tried to instill this in "My Lads "
Hello again
And Farewell.
@@johnsmith1953xwhy farewell?
🎉 Congratulations on snagging THE best seat in the house! 🎉 Fifth at the Fifth Column! 🎉 ❤
@@ankem4329Becauses it bedtime. GN!
@@Erin-Thor Hi Erin-Thor. Got lucky today. 🤓🍀
I'm all for good policing...but that shit is no bueno!!!
Put them under the jail.
Thank you Beau and Crew.
I'm not sure that "elite teams" are intrinsically bad. But the problem is that they need to be held to a higher standard rather than a relaxed standard. And tbe team members have to be the most ethical and moral, not the least. The most psychologically stable, not the most unstable. It's not TV or a deranged power fantasy.
The problem is that the US already has way too many laws which make it easy for police officers to literally get away with murder: "I was feeling threatened", Stand Your Ground laws ... tv channels stressing at any time that hey, "that young black man wouldn't have been beaten to death if he'd just complied!" surely are a nice addition.
That is a bad enough mix without throwing "elite teams" into it.
They are intrinsically bad. These “elite teams” (not that elite in reality), are never held to a higher moral/ethical standard and are rarely held accountable at all. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but the profession of policing doesn’t exactly draw the most stable people around to staff their ranks. It’s not just “a few bad apples”. This is every city in America to varying degrees. Police have a very “us vs. them” culture.
I do like the sound of this.
Thanks Beau and crew 😊
I hold police in high regard. Being an officer should be a prestigious occupation (those who would be our safeguard). That is why those who abuse the status should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, with prejudice. Same with judges, doctors and politicians
If anyone doesn't know what the problem is with "special units" like the scorpion team, please watch Training Day, and know that Denzel's character was based on a real person.
Thank you so much for the update!
All Hail the Algorithm.
Thank you Beau, I was just wondering about this case last week. ✌️
Good gravy. It's like they took the show The Shield a bit too seriously...
If part of the process of arresting someone to stand trial involves literal torture that lasts hours, among many other inhumane, illegal behavior, then that case should be thrown out of court BY DEFAULT and the officers involved immediately detained, and off the streets, period, full stop. Let's see how long departments look the other way then.
I get it, there are some truly savage humans out there, terrorizing neighborhoods and citizens, I get that, I've seen it, I've dealt with them directly, they are inexcusable and need to be incarcerated at the least, but if your methodology to arrest those people involve torturing people by simple association that have committed no related crime, then YOU are the monster in this scenario.
Beau of reality.
Yep. Sounds like how I left it.
Be on guard for them to simply re-brand the concept with a more generic handle.
The FACT that LE attracts tyrants, coupled with things like the overblown police presence for Trump in Atlanta, makes me worry about whether the LE community can be reliable if civilian terrorist incidents uptick when Trump is convicted.
They write the report
Memphis does have a problem with gang activity.
But the biggest and most violent gang in town is the MPD.
Not to mention that they wreck, on average, more than one cruiser per day, costing tax payers millions.
Like LA county SD and so many others. They specialize or form task forces with more leash and less accountability and demand numerical results. It is a blight.
Memphis has a pretty long history of having teams loke the Scorpion unit. I remember operation Blue Crush from a teenager. If they were efeective Memphis wouldnt have the violent crime numbers we do.
Oh well, they lose their jobs in Memphis, Florida will welcome them with open arms.
You know that is total bull crap!
Here in my hometown, a couple murdered a woman outside the local bar.
Only the male "got away", who was a cop.
We know how this goes
X twitter. By the way, I have difficulty communicating because I had a stroke in Broca’s area, the part of the brain that controls speech. 2/8/2021 but I lived again. (My wife helped me compose this.)
You have a good wife.
Hey, coming in from another country, love your intelligence and research and coverage. This is almost esoterica to us occupying different countries. I am beginning to sense I am a ''Stranger In A Strange Land''. Does ANYTHING cohere where you live?
Clarification question. You said cases were dropped. I'm assuming those cases were against citizens and not cases against officers, right? I felt like you would have been more fired up if they were deciding things weren't as bad as they looked, but it wasn't 100% clear to me.
Thanks for everything!
Any time you need to coin an intimidating name for yourselves; you're compensating for something.
WREG here isn't well-known for its journalism, but they sure nailed this one.
Can they really say they disbanded the team if the team was charged and arrested?
Who was it that started this type of squads? Yes it is time that they have to be held responsible for what they do. No one including police are above the law.
One side: human beings occasionally make flawed decisions. The other side: flawed human beings usually make bad decisions. The words are mostly the same, as are the people who utter them.
It's a sorry state of our nation when I had to stop and think " Which unarmed black man killed by white thugs in which city, today"
Given what is going on in America on sp many levels, i am beginning to be confident rhst wexare going through growing pains, and America is struggling to be a "first world" developed nation, with all that implies in terms of rights and equality.
It's like the end of "King Rat".
Beau time