I'm very excited about the new John Frieda range. I'm 55 with long, fine, frizzy flyaway hair. Kind of the mad scientist granny look. I cannot wait to try it as my hair has been driving me bonkers post menopause. Not sure about the leg blur stuff, unless it comes in a shade called snowman. I'm new to all this beauty stuff, even though I'm over 50. Life got in the way of looking after my appearance properly. I haven't really worn makeup, or bought beauty products, since my early 20s. Thank you for sharing all this info, I seriously have no idea what I'm doing. I'm so glad I happened to come across your channel.
Brilliant video! 👍🏼👌🏼. Love you Nadine i think you are amazing. Please do a video on your tape in extensions i.e. how comfortable they are to wear & sleep in? Does your hair thin out once they are removed? Etc. I really want to get them done. 💖💖💖
I 'own a time share' on a Lumea and it really does work. Myself, my sister and a friend split the cost and we use it and pass it along (with a rubbing alcohol cleaning kit!) so each gets to use it a couple of times a week and it makes it super affordable if you consider how much we'd spend on waxing appointments. I have basically no hair under my arms and my leg has big areas with little to no hair. As always, Nadine getting it 100% right!!! ♡♡♡
I just bloody love your candid videos I've learnt sooo much about skincare especially!!!! aswell as fab beauty products so thanks sooo much lovely and stunning x💓👌👏👏👏
Great to hear about Frizz Ease & tape extensions - getting my first ones put in, in 5 weeks. So excited! For everyone wondering, I’m getting Great Lengths 35cm full head & have naturally fine hair. Costing around £240 in total.
Nadine ,the ipl Braun you recommended has given me comfort and im thrilled no more cactus legs esp from my knee down which i always used elipation at home having been called a hairy molly at a salon.Honest years of legs shame gone ,school was a nightmare you could join the dots. FINALLY at 45 im free ,well at long as i top up .xx
Another great video! Im a big fan of The Ordinary products and have a few I use. My game changing item though is my Clarins Supra Mascara! Like the one you described, you can layer it on and its not clumpy. Lashes are still soft and flexible even with a few layers on. It cleans off easily and I have to say that since using it my lashes have become thicker and more healthy. Give it a bash! Have a great day Nadine! xx oh, btw, I am missing seeing the Beauty Hags!
Hi Nadine I really love the new John Frieda weightless wonder set it’s brilliant I bought it on your recommendation love love love it as my hair is white blonde very fine and slightly frizzy it doesn’t weigh my hair down at all and the crime is amazing too.always try your recommendations not been disappointed yet my love Thankyou so much for all your advice lv jan❤️💐😘💋💄🍀👄
I adored John Frieda Frizz Ease when it first came out, and for years after. Nothing else worked the way it did on my curly hair. But I have had so much thinning through the years that I stopped using most products. I have been afraid of them emphasizing my thinning curls, weighing them down. Sadly they are now parched! I wonder if the weightless line would be better for me now. Or is it more for straight hair? I have learned so much from you Nadine and heard about so many different products and gadgets to try from you and your brilliants guests! Thank you! 😘💗 PS Love the Tee shirt!
I bought the super-size it cosmetics CC cream desperately wanting to love it . I just couldn’t find a shade to suit and it was sooo thick like toothpaste on me. CYO Lifeproof foundation from boots suits my 59 yr old skin much better.
Its nice but not as much as the hype... i got it too...illuminating version..its nice high coverage. . Certainly not what one expects from a CC cream... make sure your face is moisturised n mix with bit of moisturizer ... n use very little. .. that should help
Great vid. You forgot to mention the primark micro fibre make up remover. Thats been one of my best game changers on your recomendations. Fab.. Keep wanting to try IT cc cream just cant work out the best shade i need. Hate heavy makeup though.
Hi - I did love the It cosmetics CC Cream. However, I caught myself in direct sunlight, in a mirror and the shimmer in it spoiled the look for me. Love it in Winter but hate shimmering in the sunlight. Wonder if they would make a matter version without the shimmer but with same texture? Thank you x
I'm a very recent IT Cosmetics convert. 2 weeks now and I'm not sure why I resisted it for so long. It's fantastic. 1 pump does my entire face. Any more and my skin looks a little too "perfect".
These are all fabulous! Will try the John Freida products immediately. Also, have you previously talked about what happened with your hair? (The damage done to it?) Was it a treatment? Not asking to name and shame specifically but am extremely interested. Xx
Weird, but i have the opposite opinion about Bad Gal mascara. Even one coat sticks my lashes together to the extent that i can't brush it out to separate. And I'm sure it's the brush, it's almost bold so it doesn't separate lashes at all
I’m so happy I watch u regular as u have changed my hair days forever I started using the John Frieda range two weeks ago wow wow it’s just amazing my fine wispy Bob is amazing just love it also cc cream and primark cloths are just amazing too so thanks so much nadine 💕💕💕
Hi Nadine! I have hair exactly like you described yours...would love to try that John Freida line, but I don’t think it’s available in the states. Looked all over, then checked their website. No sign of it. Since you are in communication with the company, any chance of finding out more info? Thanks!
I tried John Freda and it did not work for me. I live in Georgia where we have a hot humid climate.The only thing that stops the frizz is the product Wow or a Keratin treatment. Glad it works for you. xoxo roseingeorgia
I'll take the lot! Well, the lumy thingumibob might have to wait until new year. The mascara I use. The CC cream looks tempting, and shampoo etc may be just what I was looking for. You're great Nadine. Thanks a lot. Oh, did you see my query about the botox 'lip flip'? X
I love the bad gal mascara, love the loreal one also that you recommended. I like the It cosmetics illuminating cc cream..but it dosn't last as long as other foundations.
Hia🤗😍😘 The microfibre cloth is the best makeup remover! Thanks for suggesting it in the past...(I use it now every day) I use John Frieda products for more than 2 years and I love them
I have an older version of Philips IPL, but I´m afraid to use it on my face, even with head designed for it. I live in in sunny climate, am prone to hiperpigmentation, and use AHA/BHA and retinol. Can I get pigmentation from using this, while it is still hot and sunny. What can I do about scincare? I don't want any pigmentation mustache... Thank you!
I know! I really like the way it looks when I put it on, but the citrus/fragrance makes my skin reactive and my eyes burn horribly. (Even when I kept it away from the orbital area!) I am jealous of people who can wear it without having a reaction, because it looks good, it’s easy to find at Ulta, and it’s not too expensive.
Hi Nadine, love this video as always , Primark have stopped doing the pink micro fibre cloths 😩, they do a pink/grey/white ones but just not the same, do you know anywhere else we can get them from please? Thanks so much x
I got the cc cream when I was in the states after all the hype but found it too dry , I must have got a dud as it’s so popular , I’ll have to try again
I agree and I live on the States. I'm thinking about trying the illuminating version. And I have combination skin so I'm not why it felt dry and looked too matte
I use the same amount of shampoo and conditioner in the end. I like to oil my hair so I’ll shampoo more often when I do but when I don’t I use hella more conditioner. 💥
The Lumea IPL wasn´t that great for me, but I will try the John Frieda products - they sound like exactly what my hair needs. Oh, and it is MR. Spock, he´s the braniac, but not the doctor.
Ps my beauty game changer is bio effect EGF serum - I don’t use anything else and at 47 I don’t have a wrinkle or blemish anywhere. ( but I do drink lots of water)
Looking beautiful , just wabted your opinion plz . Using Paula’s choice bha gel . And holiday coming up . Shd I stop using it ?plus my skins become extremely dry . Trying to reduce/ Clean pores xxx
I must be the only person on this planet who doesn’t get on with IT Cosmetics CC Cream. It just looks crap on my skin. I keep trying to use it as I want the extra SPF, but nope. I too have similar hair and cannot wait for new John Frieda to arrive in Australia.
Thank you lovely Nadine for another informative no BS video! Just a thought, but why don't companies make a much larger conditioner [than shampoo]? xxx
I use makeup primer and bare minerals original powder in fair followed by a setting spray. Basically what you would use for long lasting makeup on your face. I only do this for special occasions but you can use cheaper products and use them more often. Hope that helps.
Boo Friedmann I know what you mean, it’s either to pink/yellow or white/brown based, or if you do find something which you believe will work for your skin tone, it dries with pink undertones or looks like you have patchy fake tan on, if it dries darker.
Hi Nadine! Thank you for this video. To use the philips lumea for chin hairs do you have to shave also the peach fuzz around them or just the individual hairs?
Hi Nadine, just wondering if It Cosmetics is manufactured in China. When they first started selling It Cosmetics (in Canada) the products were not manufactured in China. I purchased for a few years and then noticed my eyes were burning and very irritated so I checked the label and saw it was now manufactured in China. I threw it in the garbage as I try to avoid any products manufactured in China as you never know what the ingredients really are as you can’t always trust the source where the ingredients originated from. Do you have concerns with products manufactured in China?
Ooooh im going to try the john freida hair range as inhave really damaged ends but very fine greasy roots so this sounds great. I tried the cc cream but i found it didnt last for the day and made me look orange in photos hehe do you powder over the top.
Hi Nadine, in one of your vids you mention a self tanning retin-A was coming out ? Have you done the vid yet? Many thanks!!! you're always very informative. x
Gah! I can't use because I'm allergic to one of the ingredients- if people weren't so afraid of parabens, they'd not be using it! Just about every shampoo has it in these days, I'm down to about 3 shampoo options and none are high street store brands :(
Hi nadine! Do you think the phillips also works with pigmentation (sundamage)? Because I think they use also IPL on age-spots and stuff like that, right?
Thank you speaking on IPL and darker skin. So what would you recommend for hair removal for darker skin tones like Naomi Campbell, Janet Jackson skin shades? I need something...
I have frizzy fine hair but a lot of it. Original John Frieda actually makes it worse. Curious but sceptical about this new range, and would be interesting to know if it contains silicones first, which i avoid. After a little windfall and a big, big deep breath I invested in a Dyson hairdryer and that for me is a 100% game-changer. I was on the verge of getting a grade 1 all over buzz cut but have decided against it since purchase.
This mascara is my go to fantastic... I found The It cosmetics CC cream to moisturising for me, it found my lines and had a pool party in them. I am in my 50’s and still have trouble with the lack of staying power in a foundation I have oily ageing skin with large pores yuk! I am currently using colour Pop liquid foundation. Double wear foundation or Mac is now too heavy. Is anyone in the same position. I need help !!!
I have been wanting to try the IT cc foundation but really don’t know what shade to buy . I cannot find it any stores nearby. Has anyone got any suggestions please ?
IT Cosmetics are now sold in Boots so if you have a large Boots near you you should be able to test. I went to Boots in Cambridge (uk) and was given a tester pot of the CC cream by the sales assistant.
Hi 👋🏻 Anyone on here that has used Body Blur? I have Keratosis Pilaris on my legs. Does anyone know how badly body blue transfers? I really want to feel confident in skirts 😔
I am not a fan of the IT Cosmetics CC cream. I find it cakey and makeupy on me. I've tried lots of different application methods and just can't get it to work. I've got normal skin too. Also hate the smell. Just got another tube of it (mini) to give it another go and still not a fan.
I'm very excited about the new John Frieda range. I'm 55 with long, fine, frizzy flyaway hair. Kind of the mad scientist granny look. I cannot wait to try it as my hair has been driving me bonkers post menopause. Not sure about the leg blur stuff, unless it comes in a shade called snowman. I'm new to all this beauty stuff, even though I'm over 50. Life got in the way of looking after my appearance properly. I haven't really worn makeup, or bought beauty products, since my early 20s. Thank you for sharing all this info, I seriously have no idea what I'm doing. I'm so glad I happened to come across your channel.
Brilliant video! 👍🏼👌🏼. Love you Nadine i think you are amazing.
Please do a video on your tape in extensions i.e. how comfortable they are to wear & sleep in? Does your hair thin out once they are removed? Etc. I really want to get them done. 💖💖💖
I 'own a time share' on a Lumea and it really does work. Myself, my sister and a friend split the cost and we use it and pass it along (with a rubbing alcohol cleaning kit!) so each gets to use it a couple of times a week and it makes it super affordable if you consider how much we'd spend on waxing appointments. I have basically no hair under my arms and my leg has big areas with little to no hair. As always, Nadine getting it 100% right!!! ♡♡♡
Good to know!
I just bloody love your candid videos I've learnt sooo much about skincare especially!!!! aswell as fab beauty products so thanks sooo much lovely and stunning x💓👌👏👏👏
Great to hear about Frizz Ease & tape extensions - getting my first ones put in, in 5 weeks. So excited! For everyone wondering, I’m getting Great Lengths 35cm full head & have naturally fine hair. Costing around £240 in total.
Have you done a video of your hair extensions ???
If so which one ??
Thanks !!!💓💓💓💓
Nadine ,the ipl Braun you recommended has given me comfort and im thrilled no more cactus legs esp from my knee down which i always used elipation at home having been called a hairy molly at a salon.Honest years of legs shame gone ,school was a nightmare you could join the dots. FINALLY at 45 im free ,well at long as i top up .xx
Tania Murray it’s a true game changer ❤️
Hi great video , where would I get the hair extensions,xx
Can you please tell more about clip in extensions?
I use the John Freida curly line and it is fabulous.
Another great video! Im a big fan of The Ordinary products and have a few I use. My game changing item though is my Clarins Supra Mascara! Like the one you described, you can layer it on and its not clumpy. Lashes are still soft and flexible even with a few layers on. It cleans off easily and I have to say that since using it my lashes have become thicker and more healthy. Give it a bash! Have a great day Nadine! xx oh, btw, I am missing seeing the Beauty Hags!
The L’Oréal hyaluronic acid ampoules are amazing, brilliant for rehydrating after a flight ✈️
I agree. So wish they'd bring it out in a 30ml bottle. I absolutely love it. X
Hi Nadine I really love the new John Frieda weightless wonder set it’s brilliant I bought it on your recommendation love love love it as my hair is white blonde very fine and slightly frizzy it doesn’t weigh my hair down at all and the crime is amazing too.always try your recommendations not been disappointed yet my love Thankyou so much for all your advice lv jan❤️💐😘💋💄🍀👄
Your tips has really changed my life - so much more knowledge and so much more fun (and makeup). Thank you for all your efforts you put in/on here
IT foundation ..you missed the key bit...factor 50.. I've not needed sun cream on my face all summer ...brilliant it does what it says on the tube.
It doesn't provide sun protection, no makeup does. It's more like SPF5 at best.
ocandro I've used it alone all summer...and abroad....and no red nose....!
@@58southwinds good for you, but this is still spreading misinformation.
I adored John Frieda Frizz Ease when it first came out, and for years after. Nothing else worked the way it did on my curly hair. But I have had so much thinning through the years that I stopped using most products. I have been afraid of them emphasizing my thinning curls, weighing them down. Sadly they are now parched! I wonder if the weightless line would be better for me now. Or is it more for straight hair?
I have learned so much from you Nadine and heard about so many different products and gadgets to try from you and your brilliants guests! Thank you! 😘💗 PS Love the Tee shirt!
Wonderfull!! Caudalie also has a creme that is wonderfull for legs!!!
I bought the super-size it cosmetics CC cream desperately wanting to love it . I just couldn’t find a shade to suit and it was sooo thick like toothpaste on me. CYO Lifeproof foundation from boots suits my 59 yr old skin much better.
Its nice but not as much as the hype... i got it too...illuminating version..its nice high coverage. . Certainly not what one expects from a CC cream... make sure your face is moisturised n mix with bit of moisturizer ... n use very little. .. that should help
Looking fab as usual Nadine! Hair looks lovely xxx
I used to do Body Shop parties & I’d demo tanning/blurring products by using a body art stencil. Much easier than doing one leg over the other!
When they are on 3 for 2 offer in Boots, as they often are, I always buy one shampoo and two conditioners.
I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on our the BeautyPie body blur compares to the Vita one, I’m guessing this is what it’s a dupe off. Xx
Great vid. You forgot to mention the primark micro fibre make up remover. Thats been one of my best game changers on your recomendations. Fab.. Keep wanting to try IT cc cream just cant work out the best shade i need. Hate heavy makeup though.
Nadine, you’re glowing! Looking fab-u-lous! 🔥 Thanks for the vlog, as always! 🙏
hygge cal I noticed that straight away. She is inspiring me to get tuned up as well.
Love you!! Can you talk about those tape extensions? Also my game changers are the Glow Recipe Watermelon Mask and Avocado Mask!
Your videos are full of wise recommendations. Thank you ❤️
Hi - I did love the It cosmetics CC Cream. However, I caught myself in direct sunlight, in a mirror and the shimmer in it spoiled the look for me. Love it in Winter but hate shimmering in the sunlight. Wonder if they would make a matter version without the shimmer but with same texture? Thank you x
I'm a very recent IT Cosmetics convert. 2 weeks now and I'm not sure why I resisted it for so long. It's fantastic. 1 pump does my entire face. Any more and my skin looks a little too "perfect".
These are all fabulous! Will try the John Freida products immediately.
Also, have you previously talked about what happened with your hair? (The damage done to it?) Was it a treatment? Not asking to name and shame specifically but am extremely interested. Xx
Love my Luna machine 💕💕💕
This product John Frieda Weightless Wonder I cannot find in the USA - where are they available?
Weird, but i have the opposite opinion about Bad Gal mascara. Even one coat sticks my lashes together to the extent that i can't brush it out to separate. And I'm sure it's the brush, it's almost bold so it doesn't separate lashes at all
I’m so happy I watch u regular as u have changed my hair days forever I started using the John Frieda range two weeks ago wow wow it’s just amazing my fine wispy Bob is amazing just love it also cc cream and primark cloths are just amazing too so thanks so much nadine 💕💕💕
Hi Nadine!
I have hair exactly like you described yours...would love to try that John Freida line, but I don’t think it’s available in the states. Looked all over, then checked their website. No sign of it. Since you are in communication with the company, any chance of finding out more info? Thanks!
I tried John Freda and it did not work for me. I live in Georgia where we have a hot humid climate.The only thing that stops the frizz is the product Wow or a Keratin treatment. Glad it works for you. xoxo roseingeorgia
Hi Joe can you please tell me what Wow product you'd recommend. Thank you in advance
Do you have any information on when the Weightless will be available in the USA?
I'll take the lot! Well, the lumy thingumibob might have to wait until new year. The mascara I use. The CC cream looks tempting, and shampoo etc may be just what I was looking for. You're great Nadine. Thanks a lot. Oh, did you see my query about the botox 'lip flip'? X
Love your videos... but products once again aren't available in the states :(
I love the bad gal mascara, love the loreal one also that you recommended. I like the It cosmetics illuminating cc cream..but it dosn't last as long as other foundations.
My skin reacted to the weightless wonder which is gutting because I loved what it did for my hair.
oooh I love your hair! Beautiful color. :)
Great video, I want EVERYTHING! 🤗
Their frizz serum is holy water for my thick frizzy hair!! I love it!!
Is the shampoo color safe? Love your channel! Thanks for always addressing issues for us more mature ladies.
Great timing Nadine! I’m going on holiday to a humid climate soon - do you know if you can use the creme without heat, to just air dry hair?
Thanks xx
PolkaDotA you can AND the CC Cream has an spf50 x
Nadine Baggott, that’s brilliant, definitely getting it so! Thanks a mil Nadine 😘
The microfibre cloth is the best makeup remover! Thanks for suggesting it in the past...(I use it now every day)
I use John Frieda products for more than 2 years and I love them
I have an older version of Philips IPL, but I´m afraid to use it on my face, even with head designed for it. I live in in sunny climate, am prone to hiperpigmentation, and use AHA/BHA and retinol. Can I get pigmentation from using this, while it is still hot and sunny. What can I do about scincare? I don't want any pigmentation mustache... Thank you!
I love the it cosmetics cc cream but I just wish they wouldn’t put citrus oil‘s in it.
Elizabeth Boin I agree but it’s never irritated my skin x
I know! I really like the way it looks when I put it on, but the citrus/fragrance makes my skin reactive and my eyes burn horribly. (Even when I kept it away from the orbital area!) I am jealous of people who can wear it without having a reaction, because it looks good, it’s easy to find at Ulta, and it’s not too expensive.
I have never tried the It cosmetics cc cream,however I do find it's overpriced at $52 and refuse to pay that amount for a bb/cc cream type product.
I've got very fine hair so I'll be buying those hair products
Hi Nadine, love this video as always , Primark have stopped doing the pink micro fibre cloths 😩, they do a pink/grey/white ones but just not the same, do you know anywhere else we can get them from please? Thanks so much x
Shelley Barnes they come back in individual packs every so often x
I think they are better than the single ones, they wash better.
Nadine Baggott great thanks will keep a look out YAY x
I have both types, and the new ones are a little fluffier, but work just as well.
I got the cc cream when I was in the states after all the hype but found it too dry , I must have got a dud as it’s so popular , I’ll have to try again
I agree and I live on the States. I'm thinking about trying the illuminating version. And I have combination skin so I'm not why it felt dry and looked too matte
I use the same amount of shampoo and conditioner in the end. I like to oil my hair so I’ll shampoo more often when I do but when I don’t I use hella more conditioner. 💥
Must test those hair products asap. And you look fab on this video☺️
The Lumea IPL wasn´t that great for me, but I will try the John Frieda products - they sound like exactly what my hair needs. Oh, and it is MR. Spock, he´s the braniac, but not the doctor.
The Phillips IPL device...I am a natural blonde and very fair. Will it work on blondes?
Ps my beauty game changer is bio effect EGF serum - I don’t use anything else and at 47 I don’t have a wrinkle or blemish anywhere. ( but I do drink lots of water)
Looking beautiful , just wabted your opinion plz . Using Paula’s choice bha gel . And holiday coming up . Shd I stop using it ?plus my skins become extremely dry . Trying to reduce/ Clean pores xxx
I must be the only person on this planet who doesn’t get on with IT Cosmetics CC Cream. It just looks crap on my skin. I keep trying to use it as I want the extra SPF, but nope. I too have similar hair and cannot wait for new John Frieda to arrive in Australia.
I still wonder why that CC cream makes me look cakey I’ve tried different ways to apply it but I failed. I know a lot of people loves it.
Hello Rosa I used to feel the same, then I realised you only need the tiniest amount and then it looks like flawless skin. Try a teeny weeny bit! 🌺
I have eczema and moisturise really well underneath and a primer (just like any foundation). Hope that helps.
Thank you lovely Nadine for another informative no BS video! Just a thought, but why don't companies make a much larger conditioner [than shampoo]? xxx
Does Frieda make a volume product in the light version? I need volume for my fine hair. Great video!!!
I have fine hair too and need volume, so I hope we hear back from Nadine.
Could you do a follow up video on game changing gadgets and game changing professional treatments please?
I so wish there was a body "makeup" or blur for porcelain skin. I don't tan but want to blur those tiny spider veins. Does anyone have a suggestion?
I use makeup primer and bare minerals original powder in fair followed by a setting spray. Basically what you would use for long lasting makeup on your face. I only do this for special occasions but you can use cheaper products and use them more often. Hope that helps.
Boo Friedmann I know what you mean, it’s either to pink/yellow or white/brown based, or if you do find something which you believe will work for your skin tone, it dries with pink undertones or looks like you have patchy fake tan on, if it dries darker.
@@lorainemcgillivray77 I've tried that, but unfortunately it didn't end well lol
IPL yeah thank you Phillips! I’m definitely saving for that. Thank you Nadine!😘😂
I love my Lumea! 💕
I don think the John freida weightless version isn’t available in the USA 🇺🇸🙁
Hi Nadine! Thank you for this video. To use the philips lumea for chin hairs do you have to shave also the peach fuzz around them or just the individual hairs?
Thank you, always 🥳
Hi Nadine, just wondering if It Cosmetics is manufactured in China. When they first started selling It Cosmetics (in Canada) the products were not manufactured in China. I purchased for a few years and then noticed my eyes were burning and very irritated so I checked the label and saw it was now manufactured in China. I threw it in the garbage as I try to avoid any products manufactured in China as you never know what the ingredients really are as you can’t always trust the source where the ingredients originated from. Do you have concerns with products manufactured in China?
Ooooh im going to try the john freida hair range as inhave really damaged ends but very fine greasy roots so this sounds great. I tried the cc cream but i found it didnt last for the day and made me look orange in photos hehe do you powder over the top.
So curious to see if my skin tone can use the hair removal gadget...
You look lovely Nadine , as always a great video 😘❤️
OMG your so beautiful Nalintha!! Do you have a TH-cam channel?
love your informative videos. and your hair looks amazing!!!! love it!. rosemary
When will you do a video on the best facial fake tan?
Hi Nadine, in one of your vids you mention a self tanning retin-A was coming out ? Have you done the vid yet? Many thanks!!! you're always very informative. x
💯 agree with the Lumea- complete life changer for me and totally worth the money
Have you changed your hair colour? It really suits you! 😍
(Spock is not a dr, “bones” McCoy is...😋🤓)
Vita liberata stained all my clothes...its pretty but it transfers badly... To where you sit until all you take or drove by
Gah! I can't use because I'm allergic to one of the ingredients- if people weren't so afraid of parabens, they'd not be using it! Just about every shampoo has it in these days, I'm down to about 3 shampoo options and none are high street store brands :(
Hi! Would you suggest, if you know it, also the philips lumea essential?
Its a smaller version of the prestige pistol
Looks like a wax roller thingy 😅
Hi nadine! Do you think the phillips also works with pigmentation (sundamage)? Because I think they use also IPL on age-spots and stuff like that, right?
Özlem Ahmed no you need to have in Clinic IPL for that
I cannot find the IPL device in the US😔 Do you happen to have a link for all of the US shoppers? Thank you!
Thank you speaking on IPL and darker skin. So what would you recommend for hair removal for darker skin tones like Naomi Campbell, Janet Jackson skin shades? I need something...
Does the Lumea work well on light coloured, fine hair?
Alison Wright it says no on instructions. Only dark hairs
Have you tried the new Foreo?
I couldn't get IT CC to work for me. It is too yellow, heavy and oily.
susanmcf1 have you seen the new shade extensions? It also comes the three different finishes including matte and soft shimmer x
I have frizzy fine hair but a lot of it. Original John Frieda actually makes it worse. Curious but sceptical about this new range, and would be interesting to know if it contains silicones first, which i avoid. After a little windfall and a big, big deep breath I invested in a Dyson hairdryer and that for me is a 100% game-changer. I was on the verge of getting a grade 1 all over buzz cut but have decided against it since purchase.
where is your hair extension from please ? thanks
Nadine, is it recommended for wavy or curly hair?
This mascara is my go to fantastic...
I found The It cosmetics CC cream to moisturising for me, it found my lines and had a pool party in them. I am in my 50’s and still have trouble with the lack of staying power in a foundation I have oily ageing skin with large pores yuk! I am currently using colour Pop liquid foundation. Double wear foundation or Mac is now too heavy. Is anyone in the same position. I need help !!!
What shade of blonde do you use to colour?x
Have you tried the body blur on your face?
The John Frieda product is safe for color treated hair i assume?
Corned beef legs we called them 😂
I have been wanting to try the IT cc foundation but really don’t know what shade to buy . I cannot find it any stores nearby. Has anyone got any suggestions please ?
IT Cosmetics are now sold in Boots so if you have a large Boots near you you should be able to test. I went to Boots in Cambridge (uk) and was given a tester pot of the CC cream by the sales assistant.
Hi 👋🏻
Anyone on here that has used Body Blur?
I have Keratosis Pilaris on my legs. Does anyone know how badly body blue transfers? I really want to feel confident in skirts 😔
It doesn't transfer at all I've worn white cropped leggings with it no transfer
I am not a fan of the IT Cosmetics CC cream. I find it cakey and makeupy on me. I've tried lots of different application methods and just can't get it to work. I've got normal skin too. Also hate the smell. Just got another tube of it (mini) to give it another go and still not a fan.
I'm so sad, we don't have that line of Frizz Ease in the US :(
Can you use the lumea if you are blonde 👱♀️
Paula O'Connor only if the hair is dark blonde or light brown X
Does anyone know if they have discontinued the Luminous Colour Glaze? I’ve used it for 10 years it’s my HG and I can’t find it anywhere 😭😭😭
Does the IT cc cream have “snail gel” in it?