Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
向cam man 剪片師致敬😄 彩蛋拍攝並不容易 12個真係比1個複雜 唔知你地入行幾多年 係菜鳥定係已經做到無heart,無passion 又或者未能透過有愛的眼光望著台上演出者, if you just seek this as a job, you can never make a master piece. 如果經驗不足、不知道如何利用你擁有的鏡頭,建議看看不同地區海外組合演出的fancam / 官方cam,進修自己 拍攝,剪片從來都係view from the audience too 唔係單純feel from you 如果你地真係唔知道點樣 不如直接panel from Block 9 直影舞台呀 無需要特別剪 放大向左移向右移咪得咯 每次睇官cam剪片 我都傷心到要睇fancam 要人尊重大會唔好帶拍攝器材 首先你地剪片攝影大師都要説服到人 能夠記錄到美好moment先得架 次次團歌跳舞都拍到一舊屎咁樣 團舞要睇12個一齊條chorus steps 你地一係就影觀衆 一係就cut走左幾個 新年快樂! 負責正面cam果個唔好成日四圍移動 好好拍攝正面啦 負責剪片果個 我求下你啦 好好剪啦 大家都真係真金白銀支持架 仲有呀公司,今時今日已經4k - 8k世界,你地仲1080P!
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️ Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
12!Warrior 破鏡不是夢 繼續向宇宙誠心許願🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
好正 Mirror 個個歌藝音準都好大進步,唱得好好,真心不是客套話,表現就不用多說,十分精彩,最重要見到他們12個真致的笑容,開心享受舞台,觀賞的人也享受,保持你們真致的笑容,記著,有很多很多人是十分支持你們的💯💯💯❤❤❤💪💪💪
繼續許願破鏡 Warrior Reflection 🙏🏻❤
《 12 》已經係我嘅聖誕歌了,多謝 Mirror 💕🦄💙💜
最愛👂 12 好 ❤ Warm 🐨 Ian 🎤 聲線好靚 👍👍👍👍👍好好聽 👏👏👏👏👏
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
好鍾意12彩蛋❤❤ 支持Mirror 真心感動❤十分開心
Mirror帶比大家好多歡樂,原來一個好睇嘅演唱會真係唔需要好多機關,只要有好嘅編排,好嘅表演者,已經足以令人想睇完再睇。雖然有好多人質疑Mirror, 佢地而家可能實力未夠高,但明顯係有進步,希望佢地繼續努力,做好自己,加油呀Mirror每一位成員
向cam man 剪片師致敬😄
彩蛋拍攝並不容易 12個真係比1個複雜
唔知你地入行幾多年 係菜鳥定係已經做到無heart,無passion
又或者未能透過有愛的眼光望著台上演出者, if you just seek this as a job, you can never make a master piece.
如果經驗不足、不知道如何利用你擁有的鏡頭,建議看看不同地區海外組合演出的fancam / 官方cam,進修自己
拍攝,剪片從來都係view from the audience too 唔係單純feel from you
如果你地真係唔知道點樣 不如直接panel from Block 9 直影舞台呀 無需要特別剪 放大向左移向右移咪得咯
每次睇官cam剪片 我都傷心到要睇fancam 要人尊重大會唔好帶拍攝器材 首先你地剪片攝影大師都要説服到人 能夠記錄到美好moment先得架
次次團歌跳舞都拍到一舊屎咁樣 團舞要睇12個一齊條chorus steps 你地一係就影觀衆 一係就cut走左幾個 新年快樂!
負責正面cam果個唔好成日四圍移動 好好拍攝正面啦
負責剪片果個 我求下你啦 好好剪啦 大家都真係真金白銀支持架
仲有呀公司,今時今日已經4k - 8k世界,你地仲1080P!
所以呢個應該係導演嘅問題,冇做足分鏡嘅功課. 首歌又唔係新, 所以一早就知每一句歌詞係邊一個唱, 咁即係話一早就可以安排好分鏡. Live Show 有d鏡頭攞得唔靚都好正常, 但就算現場走位有出錯,或者有一兩部機轉唔切, 都唔會Miss咁多! 而家個問題係4分幾鐘嘅片, 有一半嘅鏡頭都對唔正唱緊歌嘅人, 咁只係代表撳機嗰個對首歌完全唔熟, 唔知道下一句會係邊個唱, 所以call唔切下一部機準備, 導致轉唔切鏡頭.
做過Live show panel嘅人都知,播緊A嘅時候,隻手已經Stand by緊B,把口已經叫C & D 緊轉鏡頭。係要一眼關七,唱緊呢句已經知下一句攞邊個Shot. 拍 Mirror 係考導演牌㗎! 平時做live show,台上主角通常都係一兩個人,9成嘅cam都會影住主角,所以到時睇feel撳,唔使Mark好分鏡都唔會Miss個主角。但 Mirror 12個人,人多走位多,同台前跳舞一樣,成個表演係要排㗎,包括導演組!
導演呀導演, 你嘅鏡頭就係觀眾嘅視覺,觀眾對眼無BCDE cam睇㗎,只可以睇你撳出嚟嘅shot! 呢條片講真唔合格, 浪費咗台前嘅努力,亦都辜負咗Fans對第一場Miro場彩蛋嘅期待。呢件事係有難度,但唔係做唔到。希望製作組俾多啲心機做。台前要進步,幕後都要㗎!
on panel take 鏡頭嗰位冇做功課,如果一早睇晒邊句邊個唱,就唔會成日個仔唱完都未take 到佢啦。其實最簡單,兩個cam每人影6個人,咁就一定唔會影唔到😂。
真係好唔專業, 唔知邊個責任, 但唔影唱嗰個真係唔合格
好開心,so far每日彩蛋都好驚喜,今日仲特別,真係"你向我呼叫,我回聽到你的心意."多謝監製和團隊.
留意Mirror 無可否認最初是因為姜濤,但看箸他們這12子成長特別今次唱這團歌12令我非常感動,這團隊從造星走到今天越來越有星味。想到這5年香港從興旺變成那樣的沉悶真好彩有他們帶來新的氣氛,衷心希望他們能彼此多些欣賞對方的長處而能包容彼此的短處能長久合唱下去成為香港一個12樂隊的傳奇🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍😘更希望他們的巡迴演唱會也在溫哥華舉行。不用我這老人家飛去多倫多看就好了。
呢個彩蛋好正, Mirror真係一個好出色嘅男團, 有了你哋多麼美好....有了你哋真的太好❤
尋晚好開心見到12子一齊做彩蛋,今次演唱會各人嘅演出都好有驚喜,見到佢地充滿自信咁喺台上好享受咁表演,真心有點感動。Mirror 加油呀~ 💪🏻❤️
其實我好鍾意聽12 ❤ 好想佢哋可以唱多啲12 live🥹
好開心見到 12子一齊做彩蛋,十分感動,支持Mirror, 繼續Good show ❤
12個一齊做彩蛋 係幾幸福先可以現場見到 🥺🥺🥺
好鍾意睇佢哋笑住去enjoy嗰表演同舞台再加埋好努力同觀眾互動嘅畫面 ❤️
如果鏡頭可以好啲capture到唱歌嘅成員就最好喇 😪
期待大馬場見到你哋 ❤
跪求會有Warrior 做彩蛋 🔥🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤❤❤
Love you all❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤今晚氣氛好正,support MIRROR
同意!❤❤❤❤❤ 大家繼續加油
非常同意,大家一齊努力💪加油❤❤❤我愛Mirror 🎉🎉🎉
Support MIRROR, love 12. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Keep growing 💧💧💦
支持❤MIRROR 12子😘真好彩有他們帶來新的氣氛,Mirror個個唱live都進步了很多!
1:21 AL唱緊但影AK, 最後影番佢得一半仲企最側
1:30 全年由一到十二姜濤唱但冇影
2:00 Ian 唱但影Ak
2:06 edan 唱但影Stanley, Frankie. Tiger
2:40 the one I want Ian 唱但影AL
3:16 AL 唱但影姜濤
3:19 lokman 唱但影Stanley , Frankie , tiger
3:24 Stanley 唱但影Ian , ak, Alton
3:26 tiger 唱但影Stanley , Frankie
3:28 lokman 唱但影Stanley ,Frankie , tiger
如果唔係搵番歌詞分配,真係唔知邊個唱緊,而無論大頭定群影,有啲成員出鏡特別多但有啲特別少出現極端。另外,你地今次演唱會現場cam man都係影得好差,經常影錯人,團舞就鏡頭左飛右飛,應近鏡就拉遠,應遠就近,又成日影觀眾,我想睇mirror 唔係燈牌同靚女觀眾謝謝。最後希望貴公司可安排攝影師哥哥們進修,但恕我尾場live 因為對你地攝影失去信心唔會幫襯。
@@kayanpamelalee1373 星島有影mirror 唱12? 俾條link 黎睇下
@@kayanpamelalee1373 星島youtube無你講條片﹐請問出處係邊呢?
@@kayanpamelalee1373 呢條官方片Anson Lo係其中一個最少鏡頭嘅成員﹐唱歌時鏡頭亦影咗其他成員唔係佢﹐你無中生有話星島有片﹐佢同另一成員一樣多鏡頭﹐咁做同顛倒黑白有何分別。
@@kayanpamelalee1373 毒hellos又無中生有星島有條彩蛋片影住AL. 好心你哋唔好影衰Ian😊
恐怕DVD 都係咁嘅片段直出,到時真係唔洗買嘞!
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters ❣️
其實團歌果句邊個唱緊,鏡頭就影果個人(單頭又好,多人包括唱果個都得)係好基本要求,可惜不論官方付費live, 定網上重溫片段都做唔到呢啲基本野。而且鏡頭明顯分配不公。呢個問題已經出現多年,唔知公司肯去改善進步未?
不如影一個wide shot 算數了,鏡頭追來追去頭暈
@@WML-qy8fu 同意,最簡單既解決方法,而且最好睇最能清楚睇哂12子既方法
12好正❤ 鏡頭捕捉有待改善, mirror加油 , 攝影師哥哥都要加油
好想聽warrior😭求下你呀🙏🏼已經買唔到飛入場睇😭小小願望 希望可以成真😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼
Miro 場好開心!今日在現場同佢哋一齊唱!好幸福,好滿足!
好鐘意呢個彩蛋!!12 好好聽好溫暖❤ 許願可以睇到 Warrior live 🙏🏻
I really like this song"12" very very much! Meaningful, cute and candy sweet.
好中意12❤ 呢個彩蛋好正 多謝Mirror
#姜糖一直都在 💪💪😘
#姜濤 #keung_show
看過今次 Mirror 演唱會更愛更愛12子❤不分你我
可愛既12😍 雖然唔係聖誕、但有你地12個鏡仔幾時都好似過節咁開心🤩🤩
就係想要依d!!! 現場一唱氣氛超好🥹 團con希望有多d 團歌🙏🏻🙏🏻
團是最好的!! ❤❤ 開心! 🥰
Love this song so much♥️♥️
I love 12💕
12好好聽❤I love mirror
My favourite song 12❤❤❤
12子一齊出嚟彩蛋真係好正! 繼續Good Show呀!
Wawawa! So sweet!
我仲見到好多對麒麟臂,Jer, Stanley, lan, Alton…..🤩🤩🤩
謝謝祝賀各位👍哦?原來彩蛋就係咁意思呀🤣 我都祝福🌠各位一年12個月都平平安安身體健康工作順利🙏🎄爽👍
Support & love Mirror, 繼續good show ❤❤❤ 希望Miro 場可以唱第一首團歌一秒間😊😊
12 好有意義,成班小朋友咁萬慶歡騰
如果可以有更多團歌做彩蛋就好啦 好掛住舊團歌
參與了Miro 場,氣氛好好,事前對團做彩蛋有期望,結果真係團+ 《12》,相信團粉+每家唯粉都好開心,皆大歡喜 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
12好聽👍我21年先入坑,大部分早期的團歌都未曾看過live, 例如12,Warrior, reflection ,破鏡等等,今次感到失望的是竟然主rundown並未有包括這些受歡迎的團歌,現場氣氛一定好好的。如果world tour 歌單不變的話,飛去海外看的意欲不太
好好聽 👏👏👏
姜姜個❤💓, 正。Ian嗰句:都係25號啫。笑咗😂。
Ohohhhhhh I like this song a lot!!!
Support you mirror your growth from 2019had surprised a lot of fans
好精彩,mirror 加油👏
Support❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤MIRROR 12子🎉🎉🎉今日第十場在現場看感受氣氛超正😍😍😍
3:34 大表哥好嬌俏❤
佢呢吓係向緊Alina架,睇Alina ig見到🤣 so sweet
mirror 12 永遠支持你❤😊
Mirror 好耐無唱12 啦!見到佢地唔熟但好努力咁唱真係好開心!今晚到我入場,希望再睇到你灺12 個的彩蛋!好多Mirror 舊歌都好耐無聽了!
Love this one. Sweet and soothing song from 12 of them. Perfect❤
12 好好聽❤
Finally 12 of you!! 🫶🏻
好彩睇到哩12個彩蛋 🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
12仔一齊就一定好睇👍👍👍, 支持!
團con就係要呢啲passion!!Love 12
Thank you so much for listening to our comments! So happy to finally hear KT and Ian talk!!!❤❤❤😊 love to see them all together!
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
Mirror is the best of the best. We love and respect all the members in Mirror. They are really hardworking, kindhearted with good characters. ❣️
12 好好聽,真心希望有Warrior🙏
希望攝影師影團歌時可以set定個cam一次過影晒12個 , 而家鏡頭成日飛來飛去 , 又唔係影住唱果位 , 連合唱part都只影住某幾個 , 想睇晒所有人🥲
好鍾意12 呢首歌, 陳卓賢唱得好啱feel! 係時候重溫官方MV!:)
今晚嘅觀眾好幸福呀 😍
Awesome 12 ❤❤❤ credit points to Lokman & Alton ‘ rap 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
12子彩蛋好有心思,好有團魂❤❤❤ 但cam man可唔可以都專業d 呀?拍團片如果追唔到頭就不如wide shot啦,一而再跟甩令到唱緊歌嘅人無鏡頭好咩?😊
12 ❤ one of my favorite songs