Questo inno cantato nella Chieda di S. Pietro a Roma supera i confini della basilica, valica la città della Citta' supera i confini d'Italia, avvolge il mondo e vola nell'universo intero , fino a Dio a cui rende la giusta gloria.
Che meraviglia i canti in latino..erano e sono sempre i più emozionanti..ti ringraziamo Dio Padre nostro x il tuo amore e x averci donato Tuo Figlio Gesu...mio grande amato
O Te Deum é um hino extraordinário....traduz a grandeza da igreja católica e a fé num criador inefável.....o SENHOR DEUS REIS DOS EXÉRCITOS.....AQUELE QUE É.....
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate. Amen."
At the height of corona virus and we are in a lockdown and I get this recommendation from UTube. Una bendicion del cielo. Canta maravillosa. Desde filipinas.
Que maravilha....A Igreja Católica não precisa de nenhum argumento intelectual para provar sua origem divina....basta a comtemplação do Te Deum e dos Cantos Gregorianos para chegar a conclusão de que essa Instituição é Divina....estupendo.....que magnificência....
@@felicciasc Claro, Jesus era apenas uma figura imaginária que fez milagres presenciados por milhares, os quais o viram devidamente ressuscitado e morreram de muitas formas horríveis, martirizado por pregar o evangelho, todos os mártires morreram por nada, nunca existiu Poncios Pilatos e nem sequer Judea, acho até mesmo que o Império Romano não existiu também, tudo holograma, CGI, etc etc ok.
@@felicciasc Você trate se. Está mesmo doente. Jamais acabará. (AS PORTAS DO INFERNO NÃO LEVARÃO A MELHOR SOBRE ELA). IGREJA. SABIA QUE CRISTO DISSE A PEDRO?
@@felicciasc "padeceu sob Poncio Pilatos." Essa é uma parte da nossa profissão de fé, ela testifica que Jesus veio ao mundo e morreu pelo poder de Poncio Pilatos (uma figura histórica) deixe seu negacionismo de lado, até os próprios historiadores confirmam que Jesus veio ao mundo.
Lord, help us reform the Church to even greater heights, so that all peoples may see its true nature and life saving ability, as well as create new Saints in our lifetime. Amen
Wolność’ Te Deum laudamus: Za te Wolność którą w Polsce z łaskawości Twojej mamy. Tobie Boże dziękujemy Ciebie Boga wysławiamy. Za te Wolność i i za Pokoj którym cieszyć się możemy. Ciebie Boga wysławiamy Tobie Boże dziękujemy. Za te Wolność którą czasem trudnym losem nazywamy. Tobie Boże dziękujemy Ciebie Boga wysławiamy. Za te Wolność i i za szanse które co dzień marnujemy. Ciebie Boga wysławiamy Tobie Boże dziękujemy. Za te Wolność której bronić aż do śmierci przysięgamy. Tobie Boże dziękujemy Ciebie Boga wysławiamy. Za te Wolność wymarzoną której sprostać nie umiemy. Ciebie Boga wysławiamy Tobie Boże dziękujemy. Za te Wolność którą z troską Twej opiece powierzamy. Tobie Boże dziękujemy Ciebie Boga wysławiamy.
And because of said belief, they cling to those who don the jackboot, goosestepping to the tunes of totalitarianism. Not for nothing does TS Eliot suggest that those who "will not have their respects to Hitler or Stalin."
@@flextape8661 TS Eliot, in _Christianity and Culture_ (1939) points out that to reject God is to fall in line with the totalitarian despot who fancies himself God. In his own words, "If you will not have God (and He is a jealous God), you should pay your respects to Hitler or Stalin." TL;DR: "Antitheists put the 'Godless' in 'Filthy Godless Commie-Nazis.'"
Why did we ever let go of the beautiful, ethereal Latin of our tradition? Does anything else lift the soul to heaven like the beautiful Latin chants and hymns of the pre-Vatican II Church. I am weeping as I listen because I am so moved spiritually in a way that I have not been moved since my childhood.
Theresa Snoderly the vatican second has been succesful to allow the church to reach those peoples whose languages are not related to Latin. If we enforce latin we would be puting obstacules to the expansion of the Gospel. It is better tp allow the gospel to spread and then after some time sharing the Latin Tradition.
@@jorgecarrillocastillo1957 Except the Second Vatican Council said explicitly, "Latin is to be preserved in the Latin Rites"... The idea that Latin is too difficult for people is intellectually dishonest.
When you compare a New Mass celebrated in St. Peter's, the best Music & Litugy staff on the planet, with the "New Masses" celebrated all around the world, the picture is not really that, i'm afraid. The Church can be perfectly divided between Pre-Novus Ordo and Novus Ordo when it comes to the complete lack of care for the Liturgy. The Tridentine Mass demands greater respect than any other.
+Therese sends roses You didn't see any because today, those who celebrate masses in that form are for the most part, aware of what it requires. But I talked with a dominican friar who was old enough to see the Preconcilar Church: He told me litugical abuses were older than Vatican II or the liturgical restoration. In fact, if there is a big difference between those two forms, I think it lies in what is required of the priest. In the old form, the priest just has to read what is written, and follow it as exactly as it is written. In the now form, the priest can't just follow the missal; he has to have a liturgical intelligence, as well as a formation in the History of the Liturgy, to understand the very nature of what he is doing. In a word, the OF is more demanding than the EF in my opinion.
A Religião Cristã, a Católica, tem que continuar. A maioria das pessoas, até os fiéis, não tem noção de como são salvos pelo poder de DEUS através da Religião Católica. O dia que entenderem o poder SALVÍFICO, talvês todos sejam salvos. DEUS esteja com todos. Johnny Notariano.
I miss the Amice and Maniple. Why abolish? Iconoclasts! Communism is also iconoclastic. Their abolition sure has improved Catholic devotion and Mass attendance. LOL
Te Deum laudamus: te Dominum confitemur. Te æternum Patrem omnis terra veneratur. Tibi omnes Angeli; tibi cæli et universæ Potestates; Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim incessabili voce proclamant: Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt cæli et terra maiestatis gloriæ tuæ Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus, Te Prophetarum laudabilis numerus, Te Martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus. Te per orbem terrarum sancta confitetur Ecclesia, Patrem immensæ maiestatis: Venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium; Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum. Tu Rex gloriae, Christe. Tu Patris sempiternus es Filius. Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem, non horruisti Virginis uterum. Tu, devicto mortis aculeo, aperuisti credentibus regna caelorum. Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes, in gloria Patris. Iudex crederis esse venturus. Te ergo quaesumus, tuis famulis subveni: quos pretioso sanguine redemisti. Aeterna fac cum sanctis tuis in gloria numerari. (Adicionado posteriormente, contendo trechos do Salmos:) Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine, et benedic hereditati tuae. Et rege eos, et extolle illos usque in aeternum. Per singulos dies benedicimus te; Et laudamus Nomen tuum in saeculum, et in saeculum saeculi. Dignare, Domine, die isto sine peccato nos custodire. Miserere nostri Domine, miserere nostri. Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos, quemadmodum speravimus in te. In te, Domine, speravi: non confundar in aeternum.
A Vós, ó Deus A Ti, Deus louvamos, A Ti Senhor, confessamos. A Ti, Pai Eterno, toda terra venera. A Ti, todos os anjos; A Ti os céus e todos as potestades; A Ti querubins e serafins aclamam sem cessar: Santo, Santo, Santo, Senhor Deus dos exércitos. Cheios estão céu e terra da majestade de tua glória. A Ti o glorioso coro dos apóstolos, A Ti a venerável multidão dos profetas, A Ti a legião dos mártires, louvam. A Ti, pelo orbe terrestre,louva a Santa Igreja, Pai de imensa majestade: A ao teu venerado, verdadeiro e único Filho; E também ao Santo Espírito Consolador. Tu és Rei de gloria, o Cristo. Tu, do Pai és Filho sempiterno. Tu, ao tornar-te homem, para libertar o homem, não desdenhaste o seio da Virgem. Tu, vencendo o aguilhão da morte, abriste aos fieis o reino dos céus. Tu, à direita de Deus Te assentas, na gloria do Pai. Como Juiz, cremos que regressarás. Rogamos-te, pois, que teus servos socorras: aqueles que com precioso sangue redimiste. Faze com que os teus santos na glória sejam contados. "Salve o teu povo, Senhor, e abençoa os teus herdeiros. E dirija-os e engrandece-os para sempre. Todos os dias te bendizemos; E louvamos teu nome eternamente, por todos os séculos dos séculos. Digna-te, Senhor, neste dia, guardar-nos sem pecado. Tem piedade de nós, Senhor, tem piedade de nós. Faça-se a tua misericórdia sobre nós, Senhor, do modo como a esperamos em Ti. Em Ti, Senhor, esperarei: que eu não seja jamais confundido."
A sedici anni ero innamorata di Papa Giovanni XXIII sono molto devota adesso per papa francesco Guai chi me lo critica io ogni sera prego per il Pap anche per il mio parroco
Señor, Dios eterno alegres te cantamos, a ti nuestra alabanza, a ti Padre del cielo, te aclama la creación. Postrados ante Ti, Los Ángeles te adoran y cantan sin cesar. Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor
I grew up as an Anglican. I have since come home to the Catholic Church, but I miss a lot of the grand music. One thing I have been unable to locate is the Te Deum the way we sang it in three different churches in two different cities in Canada. I believe we used the Merbecke setting. (That name was on the 'order of service' almost every week.) Has anyone seen that anywhere on the Internet?
It really doesn't take much to see many different settings, especially now that it's in the public domain:
*Speriamo che includi anche i drammi delle sconfitte di chi infanga la sua fama e di chi si arricchisce alle sue spalle. Pensa alle favelas sudamericane e ai tanti affamati senza 🏠 casa i senza medicine*
@@pedroluzdivina2355 This is a sacred space. Please take your vitrolic comments somewhere else. Lets pray for this misguided soul and place him in the hands of our holy mother MARY so that she'll take him back to her son our almighty God Jesus Christ.
@@fernandodearagon3061 Sacred space? You are joking. No sé por qué respondes en inglés si yo he hablado en español en un comentario que también venía en la lengua de Quevedo. Hace falta tener la cara de cemento para hablar de "lugar sagrado" en una noticia cuyo protagonista es ese nido de corrupción, opulencia, mentiras y degeneración que es el Vaticano. Pero oye, si tú crees en seres mortales que pecan y en seres irracionales que vuelan por el aire en forma de paloma, allá tú. Gute Nacht.
Te Deum laudamus , Ciebie Boga wysławiany , Polish version Tekst piosenki: 1. Ciebie Boga wysławiamy, Tobie Panu wieczna chwała, Ciebie Ojca, niebios bramy, Ciebie wielbi ziemia cała. 2. Tobie wszyscy Aniołowie, Tobie Moce i Niebiosy, Cheruby, Serafinowie, ślą wieczystej pieśni głosy. 3. Święty, Święty, nad Świętymi, Bóg Zastępów, Król łaskawy, Pełne niebo z kręgiem ziemi, Majestatu Twojej sławy. 4. Apostołów Tobie rzesza, chór Proroków pełen chwały, Tobie hołdy nieść pośpiesza Męczenników orszak biały. 5. Ciebie poprzez okrąg ziemi, z głębi serca ile zdoła, Głosy ludów zgodzonymi, wielbi święta pieśń Kościoła. 6. Niezmierzonej Ojca chwały, Syna Słowo wiekuiste, Z Duchem wszechświat wielbi cały, Królem chwały Tyś, o Chryste. 7. Tyś Rodzica Syn z wiek wieka, by świat zbawić swoim zgonem, Przyoblókłszy się w człowieka, nie wzgardziłeś Panny łonem. 8. Tyś pokruszył śmierci wrota; starł jej oścień w męki dobie I rajskiego kraj żywota, otworzyłeś wiernym sobie. 9. Po prawicy siedzisz Boga, w chwale Ojca, Syn Jedyny, Lecz gdy zagrzmi trąba sroga, przyjdziesz sądzić ludzkie czyny. 10. Prosim, słudzy łask niegodni, wspomóż, obmyj grzech co plami, Gdyś odkupił nas od zbrodni Drogiej swojej Krwi strugami. 11. Ze Świętymi w blaskach mocy, wiecznej chwały zlej nam zdroje: Zbaw o Panie, lud sierocy, Błogosław dziedzictwo swoje. 12. Rządź je, broń po wszystkie lata, prowadź w niebios błogie bramy, My w dzień każdy, Władco świata, Imię Twoje wysławiamy. 13. Po wiek wieków nie ustanie, Pieśń, co sławi Twoje czyny, O w dniu onym racz nas Panie od wszelakiej ustrzec winy. 14. Zjaw swą litość w życiu całym tym, co żebrzą Twej opieki: w Tobie Panie zaufałem, Nie zawstydzę się na wieki.
What most folks don't know is the Vatican II styled liturgical changes first came out during the reign of Pope Pius XI (not the 12th) but the American bishops chose to ignore them, we're talking about con-celebrated Masses, lay participation among others.
The Latin Mass is what I grew up with in 1950 When it was discontinued we still went to Mass but disliked it. The Mass for close to 2000 yrs after HIS death was to be a mystery Funny the church fathers popes, got rid of the Latin Rite, but if you live, work in the Vatican, Curia, civilian and clergy LATIN is the main language and likewise all writing is in LATIN. SO thank the English Speaking lands of the USA, UK who made it a point to do the Latin Rite In. Lord Save US from the church leaders who are leading us down to the depths of hell.
to tambrosia: NO ONE HAS to be lead down to the depths of hell ! God gave us ALL the gift of discernment ! We have brains and must not be mentally lazy, but, use our intelligence to READ , because in modern times, we should be able to READ and even write ! We may read the BIBLE and learn the commandments of God, in the Old Testament, and learn wonderful prayers by heart ! and go to "google university" and order used or new paperbacks about Catholicism. We can order, online, ALL the books of the clergy and the first Baltimore Catechism and teach our children. We must READ the NEW TESTAMENT and view all the word for word bibles on our video screens ! We have been endowed, with brains and bodies and spirits . . . and we have a magnificent and wonderful God to PRAISE, HONOR AND GLORIFY AND ADORE EVERY DAY ! . . . We have coffee beans to give us energy and prayer to ASK GOD FOR ANYTHING : ENERGY, STRONGER FAITH , MORE HOPE and MUCH TRUTH, AND LOVE OF THE TRUTH FOR THE SAKE OF GOD . . . ETC . . . Do not blame the rotten sinners and devilish people who worship Satan , today. We must start somewhere to improve things . . . start with ourselves with PRAYER AND FASTING for the love of GOD . . . Be a good EXAMPLE to OTHERS even if they laugh at us for being "goody goody" . . . Remember that Jesus Christ, our Saviour , was spit upon and crucified . . . so we must expect humiliation but, our reward in Heaven will be GREAT . . . no . . . not the depths of Hell if we WILL , to submit to GOD ´s WILL, we will reach HEAVEN ! . . .
@@Mrsjuniify I do not know you thank the Lord. But based on your attack i will bet you are USA based, Liberal, Demorat, and it is OK for women to abort their unborn child. I bet further that when you state just to READ THE NEW TESTAMENT, you are gullible hence why I think you are a dumb ass demorat. One cannot read the BIBLE without reading the OLD TESTAMENT which helps to prove what the People of Israel were about and how it leads to the New Testament. Even the late great St Pope John XXIII knew that. When he met the Rabbi of Rome in the Vatican for luncheon, a 1st, when lunch was announced the Rabbi said to Pope John to go 1st and Pope John said no, no Old Testament before the New. If you are a good catholic, you are supposed to never doubt the Pope and his teachings. And if that is you, then you are dumber than a bag of dung. But if you have a real working brain and suffer not from dementia, then wonderful, if you do not follow any pope, bishop or priest who today is more socialist and liberal. You are so right if all you read was the BIBLE from cover to cover, OLD and NEW, you would be a much better human being, and then if you practiced what HE instructed you would be indeed a saint here on earth. My comments were based on fact as I was in the Vatican and saw 1st hand the deep swamp even then from low brothers, priests, bishops, cardinals and 2 popes. People must say enough of these false liberal, socialist teachings and learn from the original Bible (KJV) and not the catholic version. As for leading people to hell, the dumb, ill informed, zealots like in our faith as well as in islam etc, are guilty for they listen to the leaders and falsehoods. Good luck in your search for the truth.
They are also vested with the dalmatic under the chasuble, which is something from the Extraordinary Form as well. This represents the fact that the bishop contains the fullness of holy orders, which is particular to bishops.
We use the fiddle backs here in Chicago along with traditional big miters. We even have two parishes devoted to the Tridentine Mass rites. You name it we got it here in dear old Chi. Google St. John Cantius Parish.
A GOOD number of Catholics are completely feed up with the economy version of Catholicism produced by the errors of Vat 2, and are seeking a return to the more traditional ways and expressions. In other words, "we're going to be Catholic today and for all of the tomorrows yet to come."
@@lucillebonds4332 realize you you can go to the Latin Mass if you choose now since the Moto Proprio...if there is not one near by practice the virtue of patience as the seminary for FSSP is growing and the seminarians are still finishing their studies...btw the Ordinary mass is valid just as the Extraordinary....
@@eugeniovincenzo1621 une seul eglise c est l eglise catholique point je suis un jeune homme métisse Algérien j'ai vu jésus et mon ange gardien j'ai également échapper miraculeusement à deux tire par balle par miracle plein d autre miracle seul jésus sauve
Questo inno cantato nella Chieda di S. Pietro a Roma supera i confini della basilica, valica la città della Citta' supera i confini d'Italia, avvolge il mondo e vola nell'universo intero , fino a Dio a cui rende la giusta gloria.
Dante quando entra in purgatorio oltrepassando la porta sente questo meraviglioso canto
Che meraviglia i canti in latino..erano e sono sempre i più emozionanti..ti ringraziamo Dio Padre nostro x il tuo amore e x averci donato Tuo Figlio Gesu...mio grande amato
Bellissimo e Meraviglioso canto solenne Benedizione e Ringrazio Dio mio salvatore Misericordioso ❤❤❤ sempre grato.. Amen Così sia..
Lord grant us many holy traditional priest...
We miss you papa Benedict XVI...,
Thanks for summorum pontificum...
What beauty. The Church is heaven on earth. How beautifully they sing and organize the whole event. God bless.
Francis Xavier we are so blessed to be Catholics. The most beautiful situation to be part of the Church which Christ Himself instituted.
@@ilonkastille2993 oui c'est un grand honneur pour nous d'être catholique que la paix règne sur la terre
@@jclcelerin8371 oui, la plus belle religion et la plus complete et profonde.
@Peyton Gustavo why did you hack it?
Una più belle cerimonie in rito romano del XXI secolo, mi sa che non verrà più superata ...
O Te Deum é um hino extraordinário....traduz a grandeza da igreja católica e a fé num criador inefável.....o SENHOR DEUS REIS DOS EXÉRCITOS.....AQUELE QUE É.....
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate. Amen."
Glory to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
At the height of corona virus and we are in a lockdown and I get this recommendation from UTube.
Una bendicion del cielo. Canta maravillosa. Desde filipinas.
Grazie infinite Dio mio salvatore Misericordioso Credo in Te manifestami la Tua Misericordia infinita..Amen..
I am crying. So beautiful is our God. Come and save us.
Que maravilha....A Igreja Católica não precisa de nenhum argumento intelectual para provar sua origem divina....basta a comtemplação do Te Deum e dos Cantos Gregorianos para chegar a conclusão de que essa Instituição é Divina....estupendo.....que magnificência....
Você errada. Jesus nunca existiu
@@felicciasc Claro, Jesus era apenas uma figura imaginária que fez milagres presenciados por milhares, os quais o viram devidamente ressuscitado e morreram de muitas formas horríveis, martirizado por pregar o evangelho, todos os mártires morreram por nada, nunca existiu Poncios Pilatos e nem sequer Judea, acho até mesmo que o Império Romano não existiu também, tudo holograma, CGI, etc etc ok.
@@felicciasc Você trate se. Está mesmo doente. Jamais acabará. (AS PORTAS DO INFERNO NÃO LEVARÃO A MELHOR SOBRE ELA). IGREJA. SABIA QUE CRISTO DISSE A PEDRO?
@@felicciasc "padeceu sob Poncio Pilatos."
Essa é uma parte da nossa profissão de fé, ela testifica que Jesus veio ao mundo e morreu pelo poder de Poncio Pilatos (uma figura histórica) deixe seu negacionismo de lado, até os próprios historiadores confirmam que Jesus veio ao mundo.
Lord, help us reform the Church to even greater heights, so that all peoples may see its true nature and life saving ability, as well as create new Saints in our lifetime. Amen
Wolność’ Te Deum laudamus:
Za te Wolność którą w Polsce z łaskawości Twojej mamy.
Tobie Boże dziękujemy Ciebie Boga wysławiamy.
Za te Wolność i i za Pokoj którym cieszyć się możemy.
Ciebie Boga wysławiamy Tobie Boże dziękujemy.
Za te Wolność którą czasem trudnym losem nazywamy.
Tobie Boże dziękujemy Ciebie Boga wysławiamy.
Za te Wolność i i za szanse które co dzień marnujemy.
Ciebie Boga wysławiamy Tobie Boże dziękujemy.
Za te Wolność której bronić aż do śmierci przysięgamy.
Tobie Boże dziękujemy Ciebie Boga wysławiamy.
Za te Wolność wymarzoną której sprostać nie umiemy.
Ciebie Boga wysławiamy Tobie Boże dziękujemy.
Za te Wolność którą z troską Twej opiece powierzamy.
Tobie Boże dziękujemy Ciebie Boga wysławiamy.
È molto importante è un bellissimo canto a Dio piacendo infinitamente grato ringrazio molto...Amen
Beautiful hymn and prayer: highly inspirational in a time where human beings wrongly believe they can survive without God !
And because of said belief, they cling to those who don the jackboot, goosestepping to the tunes of totalitarianism. Not for nothing does TS Eliot suggest that those who "will not have their respects to Hitler or Stalin."
@@HeIsAnAli what do you mean
@@flextape8661 TS Eliot, in _Christianity and Culture_ (1939) points out that to reject God is to fall in line with the totalitarian despot who fancies himself God. In his own words, "If you will not have God (and He is a jealous God), you should pay your respects to Hitler or Stalin."
TL;DR: "Antitheists put the 'Godless' in 'Filthy Godless Commie-Nazis.'"
AW !!! WOW !! ON MY BIRTHDAY TOO !! ----- 6TH OF JANUARY 2013. !!! Watching Now !!! 2021. FROM U.K.
Very devotional. Praise the lord.
Te deum laudamus🙏❤️🇵🇱
Thánh ca sốt sắng,cảm tạ Chúa vì những ơn lành Chúa đã ban cho con,vinh danh Chúa đến muôn đời.
Why did we ever let go of the beautiful, ethereal Latin of our tradition? Does anything else lift the soul to heaven like the beautiful Latin chants and hymns of the pre-Vatican II Church. I am weeping as I listen because I am so moved spiritually in a way that I have not been moved since my childhood.
Theresa Snoderly Amen. So very, very true...
Theresa Snoderly the vatican second has been succesful to allow the church to reach those peoples whose languages are not related to Latin. If we enforce latin we would be puting obstacules to the expansion of the Gospel. It is better tp allow the gospel to spread and then after some time sharing the Latin Tradition.
Theresa Snoderly
cause the apostates and heretics got control under PaulVi and now they have a heretic pope from Argentine doing the utmost damage.
Except the Second Vatican Council said explicitly, "Latin is to be preserved in the Latin Rites"...
The idea that Latin is too difficult for people is intellectually dishonest.
my favorite Te deum! Blessed be God! Grazie
very solemn!!beautiful..
The hymn of thanking to God: magnificent
Bellissima cerimonia coro e musica insuperabili
Beautiful. Such a mass is the proof there is no contradiction between the Pre-Vatican II Church and the Post-Vatican II one. Thank you Benedict XVI.
When you compare a New Mass celebrated in St. Peter's, the best Music & Litugy staff on the planet, with the "New Masses" celebrated all around the world, the picture is not really that, i'm afraid. The Church can be perfectly divided between Pre-Novus Ordo and Novus Ordo when it comes to the complete lack of care for the Liturgy. The Tridentine Mass demands greater respect than any other.
João vitor Oliveira I agree, but it is unfair to compare a well celebrated mass in the ordinary form with one which is not.
I have never seen a poorly celebrated EF mass. The form just doesn't allow it. Yet with the NO it really depends on a number of factors.
+Therese sends roses You didn't see any because today, those who celebrate masses in that form are for the most part, aware of what it requires. But I talked with a dominican friar who was old enough to see the Preconcilar Church: He told me litugical abuses were older than Vatican II or the liturgical restoration.
In fact, if there is a big difference between those two forms, I think it lies in what is required of the priest. In the old form, the priest just has to read what is written, and follow it as exactly as it is written. In the now form, the priest can't just follow the missal; he has to have a liturgical intelligence, as well as a formation in the History of the Liturgy, to understand the very nature of what he is doing. In a word, the OF is more demanding than the EF in my opinion.
Thanks to Cardinal Hozjusz ,Holy Father Pius V & Benedykt XVI for trident Liturgy
Sì, Divino !
Sim, é o Céu na Terra!
Do nascer ao por do Sol me ofereceram um sacrifício perfeito
The majesty of the church is unparalleled by any other religion.
It is marvellous !
Grazie per la pubblicazione . :-)
A Religião Cristã, a Católica, tem que continuar. A maioria das pessoas, até os fiéis, não tem noção de como são salvos pelo poder de DEUS através da Religião Católica. O dia que entenderem o poder SALVÍFICO, talvês todos sejam salvos. DEUS esteja com todos. Johnny Notariano.
una de las mejores formas del cristiano darle gracias a Dios.
I miss the Amice and Maniple. Why abolish? Iconoclasts! Communism is also iconoclastic. Their abolition sure has improved Catholic devotion and Mass attendance. LOL
Te Deum laudamus: te Dominum confitemur.
Te æternum Patrem omnis terra veneratur.
Tibi omnes Angeli; tibi cæli et universæ Potestates;
Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim incessabili voce proclamant:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt cæli et terra maiestatis gloriæ tuæ
Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus,
Te Prophetarum laudabilis numerus,
Te Martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus.
Te per orbem terrarum sancta confitetur Ecclesia,
Patrem immensæ maiestatis:
Venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium;
Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum.
Tu Rex gloriae, Christe.
Tu Patris sempiternus es Filius.
Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem,
non horruisti Virginis uterum.
Tu, devicto mortis aculeo,
aperuisti credentibus regna caelorum.
Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes, in gloria Patris.
Iudex crederis esse venturus.
Te ergo quaesumus, tuis famulis subveni:
quos pretioso sanguine redemisti.
Aeterna fac cum sanctis tuis in gloria numerari.
(Adicionado posteriormente, contendo trechos do Salmos:)
Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine, et benedic hereditati tuae.
Et rege eos, et extolle illos usque in aeternum.
Per singulos dies benedicimus te;
Et laudamus Nomen tuum in saeculum, et in saeculum saeculi.
Dignare, Domine, die isto sine peccato nos custodire.
Miserere nostri Domine,
miserere nostri.
Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos,
quemadmodum speravimus in te.
In te, Domine, speravi: non confundar in aeternum.
What how did you write this
A Vós, ó Deus
A Ti, Deus louvamos, A Ti Senhor, confessamos.
A Ti, Pai Eterno, toda terra venera.
A Ti, todos os anjos; A Ti os céus e todos as potestades;
A Ti querubins e serafins aclamam sem cessar:
Santo, Santo, Santo, Senhor Deus dos exércitos.
Cheios estão céu e terra da majestade de tua glória.
A Ti o glorioso coro dos apóstolos,
A Ti a venerável multidão dos profetas,
A Ti a legião dos mártires, louvam.
A Ti, pelo orbe terrestre,louva a Santa Igreja, Pai de imensa majestade:
A ao teu venerado, verdadeiro e único Filho;
E também ao Santo Espírito Consolador.
Tu és Rei de gloria, o Cristo.
Tu, do Pai és Filho sempiterno.
Tu, ao tornar-te homem, para libertar o homem,
não desdenhaste o seio da Virgem.
Tu, vencendo o aguilhão da morte,
abriste aos fieis o reino dos céus.
Tu, à direita de Deus Te assentas, na gloria do Pai.
Como Juiz, cremos que regressarás.
Rogamos-te, pois, que teus servos socorras:
aqueles que com precioso sangue redimiste.
Faze com que os teus santos na glória sejam contados.
"Salve o teu povo, Senhor, e abençoa os teus herdeiros.
E dirija-os e engrandece-os para sempre.
Todos os dias te bendizemos;
E louvamos teu nome eternamente, por todos os séculos dos séculos.
Digna-te, Senhor, neste dia, guardar-nos sem pecado.
Tem piedade de nós, Senhor,
tem piedade de nós.
Faça-se a tua misericórdia sobre nós, Senhor,
do modo como a esperamos em Ti.
Em Ti, Senhor, esperarei: que eu não seja jamais confundido."
Lode a Gesù Cristo e che Dio benedica tutti i cristiani di tutte le confessioni e che guidi i non credenti alla verità di Cristo
Great very solemn beauteful .thanks for this sharing ,god olmythy thank you.god bless us"
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus und Maria in Ewigkeit Amen ❤❤❤🙏🌍
Te Signore Dio Padre lodiamo adoriamo. Veneriamo. TE solo Dio con Gesù e l i Spirito Santo
que maravilha o canto de ação de graça até deus glorifica ao senhor Jerusalém
Lindo lindo demais, o vaticano tem sempre o melhor coral!
Majestuoso y Divino musica para Dios nuestro señor
A sedici anni ero innamorata di Papa Giovanni XXIII sono molto devota adesso per papa francesco Guai chi me lo critica io ogni sera prego per il Pap anche per il mio parroco
cerimonia lindissima!!!
Molto bella!
Señor, Dios eterno alegres te cantamos, a ti nuestra alabanza, a ti Padre del cielo, te aclama la creación. Postrados ante Ti, Los Ángeles te adoran y cantan sin cesar. Santo, Santo, Santo es el Señor
hermoso canto
Bellissimo canto
Gloria a Dios Padre,Dios Hijo,Dios Espiritu Santo. Tres personas distintas un solo Dios verdadero. Amen.
Thanks for this sharing.
I grew up as an Anglican. I have since come home to the Catholic Church, but I miss a lot of the grand music.
One thing I have been unable to locate is the Te Deum the way we sang it in three different churches in two different cities in Canada. I believe we used the Merbecke setting. (That name was on the 'order of service' almost every week.)
Has anyone seen that anywhere on the Internet?
It really doesn't take much to see many different settings, especially now that it's in the public domain:
When you finally grow up you should return to the Anglican church.
@@lakerosseau1346 why?
To sing gingle bells ?
Te Lodiamo Dio
Belíssima tradição e riqueza da Igreja! A sucessão apostólica!
É realmente santa, é maior milagre visível na terra.
*Speriamo che includi anche i drammi delle sconfitte di chi infanga la sua fama e di chi si arricchisce alle sue spalle. Pensa alle favelas sudamericane e ai tanti affamati senza 🏠 casa i senza medicine*
Siyakudumisa Thixo siyakuvuma ukuba unguYehova!
Voci maschili bellissime......
Nos va enloquecer el joven ofreciendo un curso de Inglés de forma intrusiva e inoportuna
Te Deum Laudamus
Splendoris Magnum Lux
Archbishop Georg blesses the way orthodox does .....using two fingers.....blessed sacerdos magnus
Santa igreja de Cristo ❤💒😍😍
Glory to God in the highest, Christ be praised.
อยากหังเพลงลาตินงานพิธีฝังศพ เรดวีแอมเ็นต้น โดยเฉพาะบทเพลงถวายในหลวงร9 เมื่อตอนสิ้นพระ(ชนม์ บรรเลงโดยวงดนตรงากมากจากมี.มกิดล และทหารครับ
viva la santa chiesa cattolica
Makes one feel very close to God
Hope the TLM becomes the ordinary rite again.
Que viva la iglesia católica apostólica Romana yo desde argentina 🇦🇷 🙏
Y que vivan también los pederastas, los corruptos, la opulencia, la hipocresía y el pecado... Viva, alabado sea por siempre Satanás. Amén.
@@pedroluzdivina2355 This is a sacred space. Please take your vitrolic comments somewhere else. Lets pray for this misguided soul and place him in the hands of our holy mother MARY so that she'll take him back to her son our almighty God Jesus Christ.
@@fernandodearagon3061 Sacred space? You are joking. No sé por qué respondes en inglés si yo he hablado en español en un comentario que también venía en la lengua de Quevedo. Hace falta tener la cara de cemento para hablar de "lugar sagrado" en una noticia cuyo protagonista es ese nido de corrupción, opulencia, mentiras y degeneración que es el Vaticano. Pero oye, si tú crees en seres mortales que pecan y en seres irracionales que vuelan por el aire en forma de paloma, allá tú. Gute Nacht.
Spiritualita' solennlta'
Ja, da war noch Würde und Schönheit erahnbar..
Und nun: Wie sagte Jorge Bergolgio nach seiner Wahl als Papst Franziskus:
"Der Karneval ist vorbei!"...
La Verdadera Iglesia y el Verdadero Papa
The author of this hymn is Niceta of Remesiana, called the„ Apostle of Dacians”, in fact of the Romanized Dacians, the ancestors of today`s Romanians.
Te Deum laudamus , Ciebie Boga wysławiany , Polish version
Tekst piosenki:
1. Ciebie Boga wysławiamy,
Tobie Panu wieczna chwała,
Ciebie Ojca, niebios bramy,
Ciebie wielbi ziemia cała.
2. Tobie wszyscy Aniołowie,
Tobie Moce i Niebiosy,
Cheruby, Serafinowie,
ślą wieczystej pieśni głosy.
3. Święty, Święty, nad Świętymi,
Bóg Zastępów, Król łaskawy,
Pełne niebo z kręgiem ziemi,
Majestatu Twojej sławy.
4. Apostołów Tobie rzesza,
chór Proroków pełen chwały,
Tobie hołdy nieść pośpiesza
Męczenników orszak biały.
5. Ciebie poprzez okrąg ziemi,
z głębi serca ile zdoła,
Głosy ludów zgodzonymi,
wielbi święta pieśń Kościoła.
6. Niezmierzonej Ojca chwały,
Syna Słowo wiekuiste,
Z Duchem wszechświat wielbi cały,
Królem chwały Tyś, o Chryste.
7. Tyś Rodzica Syn z wiek wieka,
by świat zbawić swoim zgonem,
Przyoblókłszy się w człowieka,
nie wzgardziłeś Panny łonem.
8. Tyś pokruszył śmierci wrota;
starł jej oścień w męki dobie
I rajskiego kraj żywota,
otworzyłeś wiernym sobie.
9. Po prawicy siedzisz Boga,
w chwale Ojca, Syn Jedyny,
Lecz gdy zagrzmi trąba sroga,
przyjdziesz sądzić ludzkie czyny.
10. Prosim, słudzy łask niegodni,
wspomóż, obmyj grzech co plami,
Gdyś odkupił nas od zbrodni
Drogiej swojej Krwi strugami.
11. Ze Świętymi w blaskach mocy,
wiecznej chwały zlej nam zdroje:
Zbaw o Panie, lud sierocy,
Błogosław dziedzictwo swoje.
12. Rządź je, broń po wszystkie lata,
prowadź w niebios błogie bramy,
My w dzień każdy, Władco świata,
Imię Twoje wysławiamy.
13. Po wiek wieków nie ustanie,
Pieśń, co sławi Twoje czyny,
O w dniu onym racz nas Panie
od wszelakiej ustrzec winy.
14. Zjaw swą litość w życiu całym
tym, co żebrzą Twej opieki:
w Tobie Panie zaufałem,
Nie zawstydzę się na wieki.
Viva a Santa Igreja
Oh señor Todopoderoso ten misericordia de este mundo 🙏
What most folks don't know is the Vatican II styled liturgical changes first came out during the reign of Pope Pius XI (not the 12th) but the American bishops chose to ignore them, we're talking about con-celebrated Masses, lay participation among others.
Bella liturgia
So much money and power ...
ecco la bellezza della liturgia romana
Exemplo da humildade de Cristo é o Papa!!!
Wow 🙏🙏🙏 Where can I find the full video? Anyone can help pls.
Domani sarà anche per mons. Guido Marini
Deus Abençõe o Brasil 🇧🇷
The Latin Mass is what I grew up with in 1950
When it was discontinued we still went to Mass but disliked it.
The Mass for close to 2000 yrs after HIS death was to be a mystery
Funny the church fathers popes, got rid of the Latin Rite, but if you live, work in the Vatican, Curia, civilian and clergy LATIN is the main language and likewise all writing is in LATIN.
SO thank the English Speaking lands of the USA, UK who made it a point to do the Latin Rite In.
Lord Save US from the church leaders who are leading us down to the depths of hell.
to tambrosia: NO ONE HAS to be lead down to the depths of hell ! God gave us ALL the gift of discernment ! We have brains and must not be mentally lazy, but, use our intelligence to READ , because in modern times, we should be able to READ and even write ! We may read the BIBLE and learn the commandments of God, in the Old Testament, and learn wonderful prayers by heart ! and go to "google university" and order used or new paperbacks about Catholicism. We can order, online, ALL the books of the clergy and the first Baltimore Catechism and teach our children. We must READ the NEW TESTAMENT and view all the word for word bibles on our video screens ! We have been endowed, with brains and bodies and spirits . . . and we have a magnificent and wonderful God to PRAISE, HONOR AND GLORIFY AND ADORE EVERY DAY ! . . . We have coffee beans to give us energy and prayer to ASK GOD FOR ANYTHING : ENERGY, STRONGER FAITH , MORE HOPE and MUCH TRUTH, AND LOVE OF THE TRUTH FOR THE SAKE OF GOD . . . ETC . . . Do not blame the rotten sinners and devilish people who worship Satan , today. We must start somewhere to improve things . . . start with ourselves with PRAYER AND FASTING for the love of GOD . . . Be a good EXAMPLE to OTHERS even if they laugh at us for being "goody goody" . . . Remember that Jesus Christ, our Saviour , was spit upon and crucified . . . so we must expect humiliation but, our reward in Heaven will be GREAT . . . no . . . not the depths of Hell if we WILL , to submit to GOD ´s WILL, we will reach HEAVEN ! . . .
@@Mrsjuniify I do not know you thank the Lord.
But based on your attack i will bet you are USA based, Liberal, Demorat, and it is OK for women to abort their unborn child.
I bet further that when you state just to READ THE NEW TESTAMENT, you are gullible hence why I think you are a dumb ass demorat.
One cannot read the BIBLE without reading the OLD TESTAMENT which helps to prove what the People of Israel were about and how it leads to the New Testament.
Even the late great St Pope John XXIII knew that. When he met the Rabbi of Rome in the Vatican for luncheon, a 1st, when lunch was announced the Rabbi said to Pope John to go 1st and Pope John said no, no Old Testament before the New.
If you are a good catholic, you are supposed to never doubt the Pope and his teachings.
And if that is you, then you are dumber than a bag of dung.
But if you have a real working brain and suffer not from dementia, then wonderful, if you do not follow any pope, bishop or priest who today is more socialist and liberal. You are so right if all you read was the BIBLE from cover to cover, OLD and NEW, you would be a much better human being, and then if you practiced what HE instructed you would be indeed a saint here on earth.
My comments were based on fact as I was in the Vatican and saw 1st hand the deep swamp even then from low brothers, priests, bishops, cardinals and 2 popes.
People must say enough of these false liberal, socialist teachings and learn from the original Bible (KJV) and not the catholic version.
As for leading people to hell, the dumb, ill informed, zealots like in our faith as well as in islam etc, are guilty for they listen to the leaders and falsehoods.
Good luck in your search for the truth.
Did anyone else notice that ALL of these new bishops are wearing the old pre-Vatican II fiddle back chasubles and have traditional designed crosiers?
+alwellus yea totally... how i wish we can bring back those times
Lay Reville Me too.
They are also vested with the dalmatic under the chasuble, which is something from the Extraordinary Form as well. This represents the fact that the bishop contains the fullness of holy orders, which is particular to bishops.
We use the fiddle backs here in Chicago along with traditional big miters. We even have two parishes devoted to the Tridentine Mass rites. You name it we got it here in dear old Chi. Google St. John Cantius Parish.
A GOOD number of Catholics are completely feed up with the economy version of Catholicism produced by the errors of Vat 2, and are seeking a return to the more traditional ways and expressions. In other words, "we're going to be Catholic today and for all of the tomorrows yet to come."
Gesù vive
2000 years of history
@@lucillebonds4332 realize you you can go to the Latin Mass if you choose now since the Moto Proprio...if there is not one near by practice the virtue of patience as the seminary for FSSP is growing and the seminarians are still finishing their studies...btw the Ordinary mass is valid just as the Extraordinary....
@@emiliecottebrune8663 watch your language...Protestants believe in Christ...we need to pray for their full conversion to the truth...
@@eugeniovincenzo1621 une seul eglise c est l eglise catholique point je suis un jeune homme métisse Algérien j'ai vu jésus et mon ange gardien j'ai également échapper miraculeusement à deux tire par balle par miracle plein d autre miracle seul jésus sauve
Does anyone know who these bishops are? I think one of them is Archbishop Gänswein.
Yeah, they're all 'newbies.'
Yes you are right! One of them is Archbishop Piero Marini, he was Master of Papal celebrities before Guido Marini came.
Gesù è vivo
Rest In Peace Pope Benedict XVI
Regina Angelorum ora pro nobis
Živo Isus Kralj ❤❤❤
Amém 🙏💒✝️🙏💞🌹