Hello, if I wanted to do the Simple Movements tutorial should I do it before or after this? I've integrated Custom Movement with ALSv3 already, but didn't realize that you have a tutorial on replicating Root Motion Guide, so I didn't bother with it as my replication experience isn't great.
Sorry. I couldn't fully understand your question. RootMotionGuide supports multiplayer through character blueprints. You can see the implementation of Blueprints in the following video. th-cam.com/video/XUze_XQxyvI/w-d-xo.html Alternatively, you can download the example project in the following video to see the implementation. th-cam.com/video/QZYq2xhWg1o/w-d-xo.html I recommend watching the Simple Movements tutorial first. Because it is recommended to learn how to use RootMotionGuide in simple projects. If you have any questions, please ask more. Thank you.
@@이주식-r5r THANK YOU FOR THE QUICK RESPONSE! What i meant was should I go thru the Simple Movements tutorial on a basic third person character and then set up the plug-in on the ALS Character, but I realize after watching the video all the way thru that i should just do this tutorial and then setup the Simple Movements set AND that the setup in this tutorial is replicated! 😊 I'm almost done with integrating Root Motion Guide with ALSv3 but I have 2 questions: 1: My character's capsule has a half height of 88, not 92, but the mesh's position is at -92. Do I use 88 for the half height when I add a Root Motion Guide or 92? 2: I haven't tested it yet, but I already have Custom Movement integrated into this project, will I have any issues using the two together? Thanks a lot!
@@furrybproductions 1. I recommend using the HalfHeight of the Capsule. However, since I hadn't thought about that situation, the preview snapshot of the character mesh will be displayed in a different position by the difference in those values. 2. Both systems work well with each other, but integration can be a bit difficult. Please send ALS purchase receipt to uouogu@hotmail.com and I will send you an example project. (ALS is not my product, so I need to confirm the purchase.) Thank you.
@@이주식-r5r thank you, but I think I've got it all working! The version of ALSv3 that I'm using has the mantling and rolling from ALSv4 in it as well as my additions like switching feet whenever you like as opposed to just when aiming, and basic prone movement. Custom Movement is working great with Root Motion Guide together!
Please watch the next tutorial video. th-cam.com/video/oV5B-8tDARo/w-d-xo.html In this video, you can change the Jump input event section to the input event you want. Thank you.
RootMotionGuide supports several trigger types. (Auto, Axis Input, Action Input) You can override the CanPlayRootMotionMontage function to add a root animation play condition. Thank you.
@@이주식-r5r Last question if ever I'm in a cover root motion movement would it be possible to equip weapons and move from cover left and right in a new animation stance? ty
@@stephenhidalgo7608 It will vary depending on your character's Animation Blueprint configuration. For example, you could blend your character's upper body into a weaponized animation: drive.google.com/open?id=1WDyYYpLFniRm_vi0O2WhQp66OQ_BIqFK Thank you.
@@이주식-r5r Hi I just purchased your root motion guide it works perfect!! If you dont mind are you going to make a cover system tutorial base on the RootMotionGuide? ty
With RootMotionGuide you can create the following movements. th-cam.com/video/aYnrrXKmLNw/w-d-xo.html The RootMotionGuide plays the RootMotion animation exactly as it is. But this also means that the user can't control it during playback. If "Wall Run" is what the user's control should be applied to, this is not possible.
Hey man, do you have a tutorial about how to interact between two characters? Like while playing the enemies should hide and shoot and stuff. You know what I mean?
Ты красавчик! Крутая система!)
Thank you!
Hello, if I wanted to do the Simple Movements tutorial should I do it before or after this? I've integrated Custom Movement with ALSv3 already, but didn't realize that you have a tutorial on replicating Root Motion Guide, so I didn't bother with it as my replication experience isn't great.
Sorry. I couldn't fully understand your question.
RootMotionGuide supports multiplayer through character blueprints.
You can see the implementation of Blueprints in the following video.
Alternatively, you can download the example project in the following video to see the implementation.
I recommend watching the Simple Movements tutorial first.
Because it is recommended to learn how to use RootMotionGuide in simple projects.
If you have any questions, please ask more.
Thank you.
@@이주식-r5r THANK YOU FOR THE QUICK RESPONSE! What i meant was should I go thru the Simple Movements tutorial on a basic third person character and then set up the plug-in on the ALS Character, but I realize after watching the video all the way thru that i should just do this tutorial and then setup the Simple Movements set AND that the setup in this tutorial is replicated! 😊 I'm almost done with integrating Root Motion Guide with ALSv3 but I have 2 questions:
1: My character's capsule has a half height of 88, not 92, but the mesh's position is at -92. Do I use 88 for the half height when I add a Root Motion Guide or 92?
2: I haven't tested it yet, but I already have Custom Movement integrated into this project, will I have any issues using the two together? Thanks a lot!
@@furrybproductions 1. I recommend using the HalfHeight of the Capsule. However, since I hadn't thought about that situation, the preview snapshot of the character mesh will be displayed in a different position by the difference in those values.
2. Both systems work well with each other, but integration can be a bit difficult. Please send ALS purchase receipt to uouogu@hotmail.com and I will send you an example project. (ALS is not my product, so I need to confirm the purchase.)
Thank you.
@@이주식-r5r thank you, but I think I've got it all working! The version of ALSv3 that I'm using has the mantling and rolling from ALSv4 in it as well as my additions like switching feet whenever you like as opposed to just when aiming, and basic prone movement. Custom Movement is working great with Root Motion Guide together!
Great work!
Thank you!
I bought the package today. What key is the action button? Or do I need to set it up in Input (projcet settings)
Please watch the next tutorial video.
In this video, you can change the Jump input event section to the input event you want.
Thank you.
Hi sir, any updates on the problem for ALS free hang movement?
Sorry. I can't help with the integration with ALS V4.
Because I have no plans to use ALS V4, so I have never tried to integrate with ALS V4.
Great work! but would I be able to control it when it overlap the cylinder or its just going to play a root animation? ty
RootMotionGuide supports several trigger types. (Auto, Axis Input, Action Input)
You can override the CanPlayRootMotionMontage function to add a root animation play condition.
Thank you.
@@이주식-r5r noted, ty
@@이주식-r5r Last question if ever I'm in a cover root motion movement would it be possible to equip weapons and move from cover left and right in a new animation stance? ty
@@stephenhidalgo7608 It will vary depending on your character's Animation Blueprint configuration.
For example, you could blend your character's upper body into a weaponized animation:
Thank you.
@@이주식-r5r Hi I just purchased your root motion guide it works perfect!! If you dont mind are you going to make a cover system tutorial base on the RootMotionGuide? ty
Could root motion be used to say make a wall run?
With RootMotionGuide you can create the following movements.
The RootMotionGuide plays the RootMotion animation exactly as it is. But this also means that the user can't control it during playback.
If "Wall Run" is what the user's control should be applied to, this is not possible.
thanks a lot :)
Thank you!
Hey man, do you have a tutorial about how to interact between two characters?
Like while playing the enemies should hide and shoot and stuff. You know what I mean?
Sorry. I don't have that tutorial.