add boss (takes 2x2 squares and moves 1x and all pieces attacking will pushed back to their normal possision it needs to be attacked 10x to kill) it auto spawn with 2x move if its a tie to make any team who run win or be placed in map regularly at center (its like a rook but no spike hat instead a devil head with horns and down area is a mini hell and it has a face) its on red team so it can kill any team pieces every 2 turns white and black does
4th dimensional creature (45) moves and attacks like a pawn and a bishop but it can travel to any move turn, for example, you are on move 56, your game must reset to any move 10 before the number 56, so you can only use this ability on numbers 46-55 (the 4th dimensional create still stays on the same square as it was on turn 56, it removes any piece on the same square as it is on, no matter whose piece). You could also remove the piece and place it back to any move 10 after you had removed the piece, for example, you removed the 4th dimensional creature from the board of move 24, you can only place it back on move turns 25-34 (on the same square you removed it, if there is a piece on the same square, it gets removed no matter whose piece it is), if you forgot to place the 4th dimensional creature, your king gets transported to the 4th dimension and you automatically lose.
Daredevil Knight (5) moves like a knight but can be moved two times, but it can only move to a space where in a capture of a piece by another piece that has higher or lower (no equal) points than the captured piece, for example, a queen captured a bishop of f7, the daredevil can move there; the knight was taken by a bishop on b2, the daredevil can never ever move there even if a piece was captured by a higher or lower pointed piece on b2.
Idea : The Egg Moves 1 square in any direction like a king but cannot take. If it is taken by another piece, the piece that takes the egg gets taken and the egg cracks to reveal a Lizard piece, who can move like the king and take like the king.
5th dimensional creature (623728) same as the 4th dimensional creature but it has no limits and can even transport from one game to another even if the game it transported to is played by completely different people
Ideas: The Even Queen - It only moves to and captures on squares that are an odd distance away from it. The Odd Queen - It only moves to and captures on squares that are an even distance away from it.
SUGGESTIONS 29. Palace (7) - like king and rook 30. Hashtag (7) - like king and knight 31. Priest (5) - like king and bishop 32. Frog (5) - like queen but jumps over a piece 33. Cannon (4) - like rook but captures by jumping over another piece 34. Eagle (4) - moves like queen but captures like knight 35. Soldier (2) - one square straight forward or sideways 36. Nwap (1.5) - like pawn but moves diagonally and captures forwards
Amelia Earhart (16) can move like a rook but can jump over any piece/s, but if you move it to any turn number that is a perfect cube number, it has a 67.34% chance to disappear completely and you must sacrifice 7 points material otherwise you lose
For those wondering, ChessTrapss did not make most of these, even though the title says they added them. While I don’t like liars, I love myself a good chess variant. So, go ChessTrapss!
if someone’s confused many of the first bunch are copied from fairy chess pieces (pieces not in the main board game)
you should also make a piece called a solder it can move 1 square in every direction and it can shoot pieces that are on the squares where solder moves but solder can capture pieces by moving
The Trauma : Has a 1 percent chance of spawning anywhere and taking a piece Chila-Moves like a pawn but captures like a queen The True King : Sacrifice ur self by check but the part where we check is protected makes the king immortal from check has a cape behind
I NEED THOSE: 29. Machine: Moves like a Dabbaba and Wazir 30: Ship: Moves 1 square diagonally and flies vertical 31: Rename Washop to Rhinoceros 32: Rename the Square to Squirrel 33: Lion: Combines Dabbaba, Alfil/Elephant, Knight and King 34: Quick Pawn: Like a pawn, but can also move 2 square forward without jumping 35: Steward: Moves like a Wazir but captures like a Ferz 36: Admiral: Rook+King 37:Missionary:Bishop+ King 38: Withdrawer: Like a queen but captures away when a Withdrawer adjacent a piece from 8 squares 39: Archer: Like a Cannon in Xiangqi but it's an bishop, moves like a bishop and captures a piece when a piece is diagonally away from the first piece 40: Prince: A king without being check or checkmate 41: Wildbeest/Gnu: Combines Knight and Camel 42: Sorecress: Combines Cannon and Archer (I talked about)
The Snatcher-Leaper: it moves forward two spaces and takes a piece, then moves backwards one space. If the space it would end on is occupied, it is taken by that piece.
Galaxy Chess: *PLACEABLES* Astronaut Spaceship Satellite Rock *PLACEABLE’S MOVES* Rocket: kills every piece that’s in its way in front of it. Astronaut: moves diagonally and can jump over 2 squares and kills whatever piece it lands on since astronauts explore space and the moon and the moon has low gravity and you can jump high so it kinda makes sense Spaceship: spreads rocks 1 square diagonally but only has a 20% chance of spreading and a 30% chance of dying. Satellite: can move in every square that a piece is standing on but it doesn’t kill the piece, instead it makes the piece lose a turn so it can’t move the the next time the other team moves, This can be very useful if your opponent only has a little amount of pieces. Rock: can capture any piece that moves in its place but disappears after any piece moves in the place but kills the piece that’s captured in it. *MOVES* Pawn: Can spawn a rock in front of itself but dies after doing it. Knight: Can spawn a spaceship 2 squares diagonally but only has 2 uses every round. Bishop: Can spawn an astronaut 2 squares in front of it. Rook: Can spawn a spaceship diagonally and horizontally but can’t spawn one behind him. Queen: Can spawn a rocket in front of it but can only do it after killing 3 pieces King: can spawn a satellite but only has 3 uses. *NOTES* Plz add this to one of ur vids 🥺
Chess dlc 2.0: Mower: that piece is like bishop but its powerful and moves anywhere nuker:that piece is like rose piece but its powerful too and kick the abuser who kill the king and queen it protects the pieces Griffin 2.0: Hes like pom pom from super mario 3d world but spawn rooks to protect also The red horse: this piece is popular and kills all opponents kebab: this is powerful also It help you win in chess ♟️ Bishop 2.0: its like an normal bishop but its not it kills anything 〿box: the piece is probably the best one but kills quickly as fast as can (hes like sonic) pawn 2.0: now its the last piece (not true) it definitely doesn't move but kills bishops easily part 2: The dog piece: Its probably impossible to beat but it kills anything The fish piece: THE TRUE FINAL PIECE ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ it kills all pieces except the white ones Part 3↓ paladin: It cannot move But it used as a gun 🔫 piercer: it collapsed anything horn: The horn will suck up the bad pieces tofish piece: the bad pieces are stumped Bombay cannon: it kills all bad pieces Shop 2.0 Bomb nuker blinder Kill all gun policed all bad ♟️ Kill spell Size of the chessboard 100× one hundred times sive THATS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Suggestion) 29. Ultimate rook it moves like the gryphon and rook master combined 30. Tic tac toe piece it moves like the knight, alfil, dabbaba, the stag and the giraffe 31. Spider it moves like the dragon from chess 4.0 but It can capture by jumping over them like the jumper 32. Modified megaqueen it moves like the chancellor (it moves like the rook and knight combined) it can capture like the bishop and capture like the camel but without moving 33. Gun it moves like the tic tac toe piece and washop combined 34. Cow it moves like the rook and captures like the stag 35. Bandit it moves like the bishop and ultimate rook combined 36. No jumping dababba it moves like the dababba but adds the kings movement and if teh kings movement is blocked that means it can’t jump 37. Zebra it’s a leaper that makes a 4 by 1 L shape 38. Rooker it combines the rooks and trippers movement 39. Square rider it makes a squares movement but it doubles the movement 40 no jumping alfil it makes its movement but it adds the wazir’s movement, just like the no jumping dababba it can’t jump 41. Color changing dababba it makes the dababba’s movement but it can change color just like the color changing bishop 42. Dababba without moving it moves just like the dababba but it captures without moving 43. Cylinder chancellor it moves like the rook and the knight but on the cylinder board 44. Baller it’s a leaper that makes a 5 by 1 L and throws balls horizontally and vertically on a 1,2 and a 3 square distance and captures like a knight 45. Glass piece it makes a baller and camels movement but when it got captured by a piece it captures a piece that it captured 46. Jasmine flower piece it makes a giraffes movement but it moves infinitely until it makes a circle and it moves in any direction 48. Cylinder rook it makes a rook’s movement but on a cylinder board 49. Eagle it moves like a glass piece and captures like a dababba 50. Fish it’s the most weakest piece and it can die on one move but it moves like a ferz 51. Hispanic rook it moves like a rook but it removes the vertical squares and adds a bishop’s movement 52. Wolf it moves like the knight but the knight movement squares then makes a rook’s movement just like the unicorn piece 53. Steve it moves like a rook but can jump over pieces and if the piece are in a 1 square distance near Steve it captures the pieces on the horizontals, verticals and the diagonals 54. Cylinder megaqueen it’s a megaqueen but on a cylinder board 55. Cylinder color changing bishop it moves like a bishop but can cylinder board and can change color 56. Bishop master it moves like a bishop but the alfil squares make another bishops movement 57. Ultra bandit it moves like a bishop, washop, gryphon and rook master
Tantalized Queen (-9) - Moves like a queen and can jump through pieces but it whenever it tries to attack, it instead moves 1 square southwest of the attacked piece (if there is no square southwest of the attacked piece, you immediately lose), after any turn number divisible by 3 except the 3rd move after moving the tantalized queen, can you only take the aforementioned attacked piece by the tantalized queen
The villager:moves forward,diagonally one space ahead of it. The were-knight:moves like a villager on light squares but moves like a knight on dark squares(reverses for black)
i think the square piece is 8/10 because when you protect it and the king can capture the square if you protect the square the oppennents king will be trapped inside the square piece
When a knight gets to the end of the board it can change into a Archbishop, Amazon, Chancellor, Horsey-Pawn, Knight-Rider 2, Tripper, Kniper, 2x Moving Knight, No jumping Knight,OR Any of the leapers.
You should make it so every team has to have the pawns at their normal spaces but the line under with bishop knight and all that are customized at the start of a match and then everyone gets a number like 25 or smth (i dont play chess a lot) and then both players can put their pieces below their pawns and then their number goes down by the material worth of the piece until it goes down to 0
Here's my ideas Bot Moves: 1 square horizontally and vertically Type: Promotable Promotes to: Rook Archer Moves: Any space verticaly and 1 space horizontally Attacks: can kill from all sides without moving Type: Ranged Priest Moves: 1 space diagonally Attacks: he does not kill. Instead, he turns characters into the same color as him. Type: Special Checker Moves: 1 space diagonally forward Attacks: jumps over pieces diagonally Type: Promotable Promotes to: Priest Tower Moves: King combined with a Rook Type: Mixed Princess Moves: 2 spaces vertical, horizontal, and diagonal Type: Faerie Jeweler Moves: Diamond shape, it looks like this ⬜️⬜️🟥⬜️⬜️ ⬜️🟥⬜️🟥⬜️ 🟥⬜️🟦⬜️🟥 ⬜️🟥⬜️🟥⬜️ ⬜️⬜️🟥⬜️⬜️ Type: Default Dragon Moves: Knight combined with a Bishop Type: Mixed More will come soon
The warper:moves like a bishop but can swap places with any piece on the board (a swap counts as a move) -Ideas: -move to the end of the board to promote a pawn -swap with the king into a checkmate -...
Make a assassin that can only be obtained by geting a queen to the other side of the board and it can check in a square around it but it can move anywhere without a piece
Bonus Pieces Catapult (7) - moves like king, does not capture, if placed in front of a friendly piece, launches it straight forward, allowing it to capture Swapper (6) - swaps positions with a friendly piece, does not capture Screen (2) - occupies the edge between 2 squares, blocks sliding pieces, rotates 90° around one end
Soldier: Movement: around a piece in a 5x5 area Capture: circle with a radius of 5 (no move to kill) (can't jump)(will always and you can move afterwards)
my suggestions: Alibaba combines dababa and elephant. icon: Upside down queen Alibaba-rider like Alibaba, but move until something blocks its path. icon: 2 upside down queens stacked on top each other.
Sometimes I see people struggling with how the pawn moves, then they see the knight and they’re like WHATTTTT?!?!!!! Imagine what this would do to them.
I feel like the knight that can't jump is a weak and kinda unusable peice, i recommend you can buff him by making him able to capture on every tile it can move on but only once every turn
Rose is actually not as broken as it looks if you put it on small boards. Remember, those circular arcs extend out 6 orthogonally and 4 diagonally. That's huge on an 8x8.
you should make a piece that shoots any piece no matter where it is but it only works for weak pieces, it takes 3 moves for the piece to charge and it cant move it can just shoot pieces
Jojo-inspired chess piece known as Star platinum piece (SPP): moves 2 squares orthogonally and diagonally but when it captures the piece it can change its movement and capture style into the piece that this piece had captured previously
I have a suggestion -Zebra Litteraly just a regular knight but it move on the whole "L" shape and its not jumping, + ferz movement 🟥🟥🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥🟥🟥 🟥 🟥🟥🟥🦓🟥🟥🟥 🟥 🟥🟥🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥🟥🟥
I decided to make point values for all pieces shown in this video, and ones that were specified by ChessTraps have an asterisk (*) next to them. Ones that didn't end up being interpreted by me. Values in (parentheses) are my takes on point values that were specified. Vanilla pieces Pawn - 1 point Knight - 3 points Bishop - 3 points Rook - 5 points Queen - 9 points Vanilla combinations Archbishop - 5 points* (8 points) Chancellor - 9 points Amazon - 12 points Horsey-Pawn - 4 points* (4 points) Pawn-Rook - 5.5 points Leapers Camel - 3 points Giraffe - 4 points* (3.5 points) Elephant - 2.5 points Stag - 4 points Other Leapers Threeleaper - 2.5 points Fourleaper - 2.5 points Commuter - 2.5 points Zebra - 3 points Dabbaba (I'll call it the frog) - 2.5 points Zero - 0.25 points Riders Giraffe-Rider - 5 points Frog-Rider - 3.5 points Knight-Rider-Twice - 4 points Elephant-Rider - 3.5 points Other Riders Knight-Rider - 5 points Camel-Rider - 5.5 points Stag-Rider - 6 points Frog-Elephant-Rider - 5 points Leapers + Riders and Leapers + Leapers Pope - 9 points Square - 6 points Frog-Elephant - 2.5 points* (3 points) Kniper - 4 points Flowers (These depend super heavily on the board size, so this is on a 20 by 20 board) Rose - 10 points Tulip - 12 points 2-move pieces Twice-Moving-Knight (Not in DLC) - 4.5 points (Peter) Griffin - 6.5 points Xiangqi Horse (No-Jumping-Knight) - 2 points Washop - 5.5 points Pieces that move and capture differently Knight-Bishop (Moves without taking like bishop, takes like knight) - 4 points Roshop (Moves without taking like bishop, takes like rook) - 7 points Square-Knight (Moves without taking like square, captures like knight) - 4.5 points Knightridero-Bishop (Moves without taking like knight-rider, takes like bishop) - 7 points Taking-without-moving-pieces Knight without moving - 3 points Modified amazon - 8 points Feel free to reply for other ideas for point values if you want
Dabbaba and Elephant riders are weaker than Rooks and Bishops because the riders have just twice as few spots to move because they have only every 2nd one
It moves like a king but more The twice a circle as the king can move like it can move to 8 squares but this time it can move into 10 + 8 squares it can make move to 18 squares
A knight with 2 moves?! I’ve already tried it alone and if you start first and have it you already won,with 2 movements it’s also a 100% to kill every enemy near enough.
MORE pieces for Chess DLC: Main: The Cook: Moves diagonally or vertically. The Prince: Moves by only the black squares that are around it. The Princess: Moves like a Prince except it's the white squares instead. The Towers: Fortress: Moves like a Rook but can also move diagonally. Castle: Moves like a Fortress but it can move two squares the direction. The Animals: Unicorn: Moves like a knight except it's a 3x3 "L" shape. Frog: Moves like a pawn except it can move foward 2 squares forever. But it captures the same. Bird: Moves like a queen except it can jump over pieces. I will edit this later.
Chess itself is DLC. Upgrading the Bishop to a German Courier, upgrading the Queen to a combination of Rook and Courier, and giving the Pawns a two-square initial move (and a rule patch that allows an enemy Pawn to intercept a two-square-advancing Pawn).
Any suggestions for part 2?
Also Play Chess DLCs here:
Super Alfil: Stomps a 2x2 area behind the move it took.
Bruh when I click play it won't start can you fix this bug
If chess have upgrade system
add boss (takes 2x2 squares and moves 1x and all pieces attacking will pushed back to their normal possision it needs to be attacked 10x to kill) it auto spawn with 2x move if its a tie to make any team who run win or be placed in map regularly at center (its like a rook but no spike hat instead a devil head with horns and down area is a mini hell and it has a face) its on red team so it can kill any team pieces every 2 turns white and black does
For knight-bishop, call it a paladin.
Terry Davis paladin walking
The modified archbishop
80 likes and only 3 comments? let me fix that
No! Call it Minecraft.
4th dimensional creature (45) moves and attacks like a pawn and a bishop but it can travel to any move turn, for example, you are on move 56, your game must reset to any move 10 before the number 56, so you can only use this ability on numbers 46-55 (the 4th dimensional create still stays on the same square as it was on turn 56, it removes any piece on the same square as it is on, no matter whose piece). You could also remove the piece and place it back to any move 10 after you had removed the piece, for example, you removed the 4th dimensional creature from the board of move 24, you can only place it back on move turns 25-34 (on the same square you removed it, if there is a piece on the same square, it gets removed no matter whose piece it is), if you forgot to place the 4th dimensional creature, your king gets transported to the 4th dimension and you automatically lose.
So basicaly what 5d chess with multiverse time travel was already doong
Chess is 2d wouldnt it just be more simple if it was a 3d chess piece than all of this advanced stuff that i totally did not read cuz im lazy
The goal was never simplicity...@@Hallujah-pn1gg
@@266art :O thank you for the wise words
Bro skipped the 3rd dimension entirely 💀
Daredevil Knight (5) moves like a knight but can be moved two times, but it can only move to a space where in a capture of a piece by another piece that has higher or lower (no equal) points than the captured piece, for example, a queen captured a bishop of f7, the daredevil can move there; the knight was taken by a bishop on b2, the daredevil can never ever move there even if a piece was captured by a higher or lower pointed piece on b2.
Idea :
The Egg
Moves 1 square in any direction like a king but cannot take. If it is taken by another piece, the piece that takes the egg gets taken and the egg cracks to reveal a Lizard piece, who can move like the king and take like the king.
Cool idea
"You might be wondering what the black version looks like"
*gets an ad for manscaped*
5th dimensional creature (623728) same as the 4th dimensional creature but it has no limits and can even transport from one game to another even if the game it transported to is played by completely different people
The Even Queen - It only moves to and captures on squares that are an odd distance away from it.
The Odd Queen - It only moves to and captures on squares that are an even distance away from it.
29. Palace (7) - like king and rook
30. Hashtag (7) - like king and knight
31. Priest (5) - like king and bishop
32. Frog (5) - like queen but jumps over a piece
33. Cannon (4) - like rook but captures by jumping over another piece
34. Eagle (4) - moves like queen but captures like knight
35. Soldier (2) - one square straight forward or sideways
36. Nwap (1.5) - like pawn but moves diagonally and captures forwards
i remember the nwap
@@splashmanej3 yes it was from chess 2.0
why Palace have 7 cost but weaker than queen?
@@shalfeydervysh Because palace only moves one square diagonally
@@splashmanej3dragon form four point0: o….o
*horsey-pawn* got me cracking up bro 💀💀 0:38
Can we call the pawn-rook = prook?
Also, the elephant-dabbaba already has a name. Alibaba.
The name came from fairy chess
@@arthvitbansal8376 yeah exactly
Amelia Earhart (16) can move like a rook but can jump over any piece/s, but if you move it to any turn number that is a perfect cube number, it has a 67.34% chance to disappear completely and you must sacrifice 7 points material otherwise you lose
Frog reskined Knight 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I don’t get it?
why do u have 3 top comments
This is what chess craps pieces be like
This is 2D chess, not 5D chess with multiverse time travel.
1:54 in russian "Elephant" means слон, but "bishop" in russian also means слон...
ну всё, локализация забагуется
Both pronounced "Slon"
For those wondering, ChessTrapss did not make most of these, even though the title says they added them. While I don’t like liars, I love myself a good chess variant. So, go ChessTrapss!
Yeah, the whole leapers board is literally copied off of the wiki.
if someone’s confused many of the first bunch are copied from fairy chess pieces (pieces not in the main board game)
8:30 change the knight-Bishop to knishop
you should also make a piece called a solder it can move 1 square in every direction and it can shoot pieces that are on the squares where solder moves but solder can capture pieces by moving
My invention is the castle so you need to rook to combine into each other, but it takes two tiles of space. It also gives him material every move.
The Trauma : Has a 1 percent chance of spawning anywhere and taking a piece
Chila-Moves like a pawn but captures like a queen
The True King : Sacrifice ur self by check but the part where we check is protected makes the king immortal from check has a cape behind
7:04 it’s the same as a week knight from contrast chess except it can move twice
He should have called it the “pawny”
Since it sounds like pony and a horse is a pony kind of
29. Machine: Moves like a Dabbaba and Wazir
30: Ship: Moves 1 square diagonally and flies vertical
31: Rename Washop to Rhinoceros
32: Rename the Square to Squirrel
33: Lion: Combines Dabbaba, Alfil/Elephant, Knight and King
34: Quick Pawn: Like a pawn, but can also move 2 square forward without jumping
35: Steward: Moves like a Wazir but captures like a Ferz
36: Admiral: Rook+King
37:Missionary:Bishop+ King
38: Withdrawer: Like a queen but captures away when a Withdrawer adjacent a piece from 8 squares
39: Archer: Like a Cannon in Xiangqi but it's an bishop, moves like a bishop and captures a piece when a piece is diagonally away from the first piece
40: Prince: A king without being check or checkmate
41: Wildbeest/Gnu: Combines Knight and Camel
42: Sorecress: Combines Cannon and Archer (I talked about)
the elephant was a pretty cool reference
anything pawn-move like a actal pawn but can promote to whatever it wants to even promote to all dlc and all normal
The washop is usually called the manticore. It can also be called a griffon, but that's already taken here.
The 27th piece must be named dragon
The Snatcher-Leaper: it moves forward two spaces and takes a piece, then moves backwards one space. If the space it would end on is occupied, it is taken by that piece.
also for the knight without moving, call it a glued knightridero
Galaxy Chess:
Rocket: kills every piece that’s in its way in front of it.
Astronaut: moves diagonally and can jump over 2 squares and kills whatever piece it lands on since astronauts explore space and the moon and the moon has low gravity and you can jump high so it kinda makes sense
Spaceship: spreads rocks 1 square diagonally but only has a 20% chance of spreading and a 30% chance of dying.
Satellite: can move in every square that a piece is standing on but it doesn’t kill the piece, instead it makes the piece lose a turn so it can’t move the the next time the other team moves, This can be very useful if your opponent only has a little amount of pieces.
Rock: can capture any piece that moves in its place but disappears after any piece moves in the place but kills the piece that’s captured in it.
Pawn: Can spawn a rock in front of itself but dies after doing it.
Knight: Can spawn a spaceship 2 squares diagonally but only has 2 uses every round.
Bishop: Can spawn an astronaut 2 squares in front of it.
Rook: Can spawn a spaceship diagonally and horizontally but can’t spawn one behind him.
Queen: Can spawn a rocket in front of it but can only do it after killing 3 pieces
King: can spawn a satellite but only has 3 uses.
Plz add this to one of ur vids 🥺
Bro, this is actually good! UP
Chess dlc 2.0:
Mower: that piece is like bishop but its powerful and moves anywhere
nuker:that piece is like rose piece but its powerful too and kick the abuser who kill the king and queen it protects the pieces
Griffin 2.0:
Hes like pom pom from super mario 3d world but spawn rooks to protect also
The red horse:
this piece is popular and kills all opponents
kebab: this is powerful also
It help you win in chess ♟️
Bishop 2.0:
its like an normal bishop but its not it kills anything
〿box: the piece is probably the best one but kills quickly as fast as can (hes like sonic)
pawn 2.0:
now its the last piece (not true)
it definitely doesn't move but kills bishops easily
part 2:
The dog piece:
Its probably impossible to beat
but it kills anything
The fish piece:
it kills all pieces except the white ones
Part 3↓
It cannot move
it used as a gun 🔫
it collapsed anything
The horn will suck up the bad pieces
tofish piece:
the bad pieces are stumped
Bombay cannon:
it kills all bad pieces
Shop 2.0
Kill all
policed all bad ♟️
Kill spell
Size of the chessboard
100× one hundred times sive
THATS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please tell me that this is satire
29. Ultimate rook it moves like the gryphon and rook master combined
30. Tic tac toe piece it moves like the knight, alfil, dabbaba, the stag and the giraffe
31. Spider it moves like the dragon from chess 4.0 but It can capture by jumping over them like the jumper
32. Modified megaqueen it moves like the chancellor (it moves like the rook and knight combined) it can capture like the bishop and capture like the camel but without moving
33. Gun it moves like the tic tac toe piece and washop combined
34. Cow it moves like the rook and captures like the stag
35. Bandit it moves like the bishop and ultimate rook combined
36. No jumping dababba it moves like the dababba but adds the kings movement and if teh kings movement is blocked that means it can’t jump
37. Zebra it’s a leaper that makes a 4 by 1 L shape
38. Rooker it combines the rooks and trippers movement
39. Square rider it makes a squares movement but it doubles the movement
40 no jumping alfil it makes its movement but it adds the wazir’s movement, just like the no jumping dababba it can’t jump
41. Color changing dababba it makes the dababba’s movement but it can change color just like the color changing bishop
42. Dababba without moving it moves just like the dababba but it captures without moving
43. Cylinder chancellor it moves like the rook and the knight but on the cylinder board
44. Baller it’s a leaper that makes a 5 by 1 L and throws balls horizontally and vertically on a 1,2 and a 3 square distance and captures like a knight
45. Glass piece it makes a baller and camels movement but when it got captured by a piece it captures a piece that it captured
46. Jasmine flower piece it makes a giraffes movement but it moves infinitely until it makes a circle and it moves in any direction
48. Cylinder rook it makes a rook’s movement but on a cylinder board
49. Eagle it moves like a glass piece and captures like a dababba
50. Fish it’s the most weakest piece and it can die on one move but it moves like a ferz
51. Hispanic rook it moves like a rook but it removes the vertical squares and adds a bishop’s movement
52. Wolf it moves like the knight but the knight movement squares then makes a rook’s movement just like the unicorn piece
53. Steve it moves like a rook but can jump over pieces and if the piece are in a 1 square distance near Steve it captures the pieces on the horizontals, verticals and the diagonals
54. Cylinder megaqueen it’s a megaqueen but on a cylinder board
55. Cylinder color changing bishop it moves like a bishop but can cylinder board and can change color
56. Bishop master it moves like a bishop but the alfil squares make another bishops movement
57. Ultra bandit it moves like a bishop, washop, gryphon and rook master
The archer can move two tiles horizontal, vertically, or diagonally. When it captures a piece, The archer goes back to where it attacked from
Tulip 2: Giraffe movement.
The dread rose
Tantalized Queen (-9) - Moves like a queen and can jump through pieces but it whenever it tries to attack, it instead moves 1 square southwest of the attacked piece (if there is no square southwest of the attacked piece, you immediately lose), after any turn number divisible by 3 except the 3rd move after moving the tantalized queen, can you only take the aforementioned attacked piece by the tantalized queen
To the pieces that move and capture differently the pawn belong to too
The villager:moves forward,diagonally one space ahead of it.
The were-knight:moves like a villager on light squares but moves like a knight on dark squares(reverses for black)
i think the square piece is 8/10 because when you protect it and the king can capture the square if you protect the square the oppennents king will be trapped inside the square piece
When a knight gets to the end of the board it can change into a Archbishop, Amazon, Chancellor, Horsey-Pawn, Knight-Rider 2, Tripper, Kniper, 2x Moving Knight, No jumping Knight,OR Any of the leapers.
Good point
Or rose and tulip
Can we please talk about the fact more than half of those are just knights with additional squares
You should make it so every team has to have the pawns at their normal spaces but the line under with bishop knight and all that are customized at the start of a match and then everyone gets a number like 25 or smth (i dont play chess a lot) and then both players can put their pieces below their pawns and then their number goes down by the material worth of the piece until it goes down to 0
Here's my ideas
Moves: 1 square horizontally and vertically
Type: Promotable
Promotes to: Rook
Moves: Any space verticaly and 1 space horizontally
Attacks: can kill from all sides without moving
Type: Ranged
Moves: 1 space diagonally
Attacks: he does not kill. Instead, he turns characters into the same color as him.
Type: Special
Moves: 1 space diagonally forward
Attacks: jumps over pieces diagonally
Type: Promotable
Promotes to: Priest
Moves: King combined with a Rook
Type: Mixed
Moves: 2 spaces vertical, horizontal, and diagonal
Type: Faerie
Moves: Diamond shape, it looks like this
Type: Default
Moves: Knight combined with a Bishop
Type: Mixed
More will come soon
Over powered thing :
The jhon. Basically a smile drawing.
Has every normal non dlc chess piece ability.
About 10 points
Knightpawn - it can move as pawns and knights, can double-step moves, captures, and _en passant._
imagine someone having to make all these pieces as physical models
The warper:moves like a bishop but can swap places with any piece on the board (a swap counts as a move)
-move to the end of the board to promote a pawn
-swap with the king into a checkmate
0:44 Call it the Destrier.
Imangine the old elephant piece going 2 squares in a x added into the dlc
Make a assassin that can only be obtained by geting a queen to the other side of the board and it can check in a square around it but it can move anywhere without a piece
For the knight that takes without moving, call it the inactive horse
Prince Ali - moves like a dabbaba (mighty is he!) but if he's ever found out to be a pawn in disguise, he is removed from the board.
Bonus Pieces
Catapult (7) - moves like king, does not capture, if placed in front of a friendly piece, launches it straight forward, allowing it to capture
Swapper (6) - swaps positions with a friendly piece, does not capture
Screen (2) - occupies the edge between 2 squares, blocks sliding pieces, rotates 90° around one end
Movement: around a piece in a 5x5 area
Capture: circle with a radius of 5 (no move to kill) (can't jump)(will always and you can move afterwards)
my suggestions:
Alibaba combines dababa and elephant. icon: Upside down queen
Alibaba-rider like Alibaba, but move until something blocks its path. icon: 2 upside down queens stacked on top each other.
Sometimes I see people struggling with how the pawn moves, then they see the knight and they’re like WHATTTTT?!?!!!! Imagine what this would do to them.
The magnet that pushes and pools any peace at all around
I like how the elephant actually moves as it normally does in Chinese chess
And so does the no-jump knight
The Domino player destroy every direct connected piece in direction of the taken one.
Man I would be terrified if I was playing with a dude with the ultimate edition of chess which has the dlc
A possible different name for the KWM is "Mounted Archer"
I have an idea
You can’t claim this piece,moves like a king,can’t claim any pieces.
I think the Knight-Bishop should be called a Horseman
I feel like the knight that can't jump is a weak and kinda unusable peice, i recommend you can buff him by making him able to capture on every tile it can move on but only once every turn
Instead of knight bishop, call it "modified archbishop".
War wagon: Moves like a rook and a king.
Cardinal: Moves like a bishop and a king.
Royal Guard: Moves like a king and captures like a queen.
The royal guard will be Impossible to checkmate
Rose is actually not as broken as it looks if you put it on small boards. Remember, those circular arcs extend out 6 orthogonally and 4 diagonally. That's huge on an 8x8.
Can't wait for Amazon but king
you should make a piece that shoots any piece no matter where it is but it only works for weak pieces, it takes 3 moves for the piece to charge and it cant move it can just shoot pieces
Jojo-inspired chess piece known as Star platinum piece (SPP): moves 2 squares orthogonally and diagonally but when it captures the piece it can change its movement and capture style into the piece that this piece had captured previously
King with Rifle: Can't attack, but can shoot once like a Queen.
Make all knight variants only come when knights reach the end of the board (like a pawn)
I have a suggestion
Litteraly just a regular knight but it move on the whole "L" shape and its not jumping, + ferz movement
🟥 🟥🟥🟥 🟥
🟥 🟥🟥🟥 🟥
Empress: Moves like a queen and a knight rider.
Already in chess 3.0
I cannot comprehend watching this video without soundsm with poor youtube translated subtitles for more then 4 minutes a day.
honestly, the riders should have been pieces that could ride other pieces, so when u move the piece being ridden, the piece riding move too.
Call the pieces that take without moving archers. Eg. Knight-archer.
King with a gun (replaces king) moves like king and attacks without moving like a square
I decided to make point values for all pieces shown in this video, and ones that were specified by ChessTraps have an asterisk (*) next to them. Ones that didn't end up being interpreted by me. Values in (parentheses) are my takes on point values that were specified.
Vanilla pieces
Pawn - 1 point
Knight - 3 points
Bishop - 3 points
Rook - 5 points
Queen - 9 points
Vanilla combinations
Archbishop - 5 points* (8 points)
Chancellor - 9 points
Amazon - 12 points
Horsey-Pawn - 4 points* (4 points)
Pawn-Rook - 5.5 points
Camel - 3 points
Giraffe - 4 points* (3.5 points)
Elephant - 2.5 points
Stag - 4 points
Other Leapers
Threeleaper - 2.5 points
Fourleaper - 2.5 points
Commuter - 2.5 points
Zebra - 3 points
Dabbaba (I'll call it the frog) - 2.5 points
Zero - 0.25 points
Giraffe-Rider - 5 points
Frog-Rider - 3.5 points
Knight-Rider-Twice - 4 points
Elephant-Rider - 3.5 points
Other Riders
Knight-Rider - 5 points
Camel-Rider - 5.5 points
Stag-Rider - 6 points
Frog-Elephant-Rider - 5 points
Leapers + Riders and Leapers + Leapers
Pope - 9 points
Square - 6 points
Frog-Elephant - 2.5 points* (3 points)
Kniper - 4 points
Flowers (These depend super heavily on the board size, so this is on a 20 by 20 board)
Rose - 10 points
Tulip - 12 points
2-move pieces
Twice-Moving-Knight (Not in DLC) - 4.5 points
(Peter) Griffin - 6.5 points
Xiangqi Horse (No-Jumping-Knight) - 2 points
Washop - 5.5 points
Pieces that move and capture differently
Knight-Bishop (Moves without taking like bishop, takes like knight) - 4 points
Roshop (Moves without taking like bishop, takes like rook) - 7 points
Square-Knight (Moves without taking like square, captures like knight) - 4.5 points
Knightridero-Bishop (Moves without taking like knight-rider, takes like bishop) - 7 points
Knight without moving - 3 points
Modified amazon - 8 points
Feel free to reply for other ideas for point values if you want
Yorkton rebel: it can move at 3 turns a d can have the abilities at the knight
0:45 what about promotion
blocker-can move any square but cant capture-used for blocking attacks
Bro forgot that the only way to win is to get a checkmate there’s no points in chess
Bruh points are in chess like How good they are
Idea for square chess:it camouflages with color of block it stands on
Make a new eagle shape
he will move like a horse but without turning into a corner
Dabbaba and Elephant riders are weaker than Rooks and Bishops because the riders have just twice as few spots to move because they have only every 2nd one
piece idea
it can go to any place on the board but can only capture like a pawn
For Horse pawn,I will call it Spider.
The camel has to be the cutest chess piece 🐪 🥰
First time ever hearing that ferz is not a second name of the queen but an entirely different piece
I’m trying to make all of these out of clay
It moves like a king but more The twice a circle as the king can move like it can move to 8 squares but this time it can move into 10 + 8 squares it can make move to 18 squares
A knight with 2 moves?! I’ve already tried it alone and if you start first and have it you already won,with 2 movements it’s also a 100% to kill every enemy near enough.
Finally after 200 years we got an update
well you better know that one move from the riders can check mate in a instant
For pieces that can take without moving. I would call them Archers
MORE pieces for Chess DLC:
The Cook: Moves diagonally or vertically.
The Prince: Moves by only the black squares that are around it.
The Princess: Moves like a Prince except it's the white squares instead.
The Towers:
Fortress: Moves like a Rook but can also move diagonally.
Castle: Moves like a Fortress but it can move two squares the direction.
The Animals:
Unicorn: Moves like a knight except it's a 3x3 "L" shape.
Frog: Moves like a pawn except it can move foward 2 squares forever. But it captures the same.
Bird: Moves like a queen except it can jump over pieces.
I will edit this later.
Fortress already exist name and movement done queen
Sinister , a troop with a queen but a male version, it moves like a rook and bishop and captures like squares of a hexagon
For the combination of the knight and bishop it's knishop.
7:39 “washop” actually contains a 3rd word, which is wash.
The diplomat
It moves like a king but can't capture. The enemy pieces adjacent at diplomat can become at their opponents team as 1 turn.
Chess itself is DLC. Upgrading the Bishop to a German Courier, upgrading the Queen to a combination of Rook and Courier, and giving the Pawns a two-square initial move (and a rule patch that allows an enemy Pawn to intercept a two-square-advancing Pawn).
for the knight without moving, it should be a hedgehog (even as a horse)