Excellent job! But I have a problem with PanacheMongoEntityBase..unfortunately @Valid annotation doesn’t works inside a rest api. For example if I use @NotNull for a field and I try a create with null field, there is no exception and document was created. Also for @Size or @NotBlank ☹️
So happy when I saw 14:50, reversed stack...so I don't have to literally go digging trough trash
This is awesome, i can't wait to try this on my next rest project
Excellent job! But I have a problem with PanacheMongoEntityBase..unfortunately @Valid annotation doesn’t works inside a rest api. For example if I use @NotNull for a field and I try a create with null field, there is no exception and document was created. Also for @Size or @NotBlank ☹️
Quarkus is crazy !
I see Dependency injection dont work in Lambads , any updates on that
looks good, who is using this in production ?
Unbelievable, not one asked about this. And speaker did not even address it. Bad, bad, bad talk.
43:15 He says RedHat uses it in Production
great framework
I see that demo uses vertx how are the both related?
So many french in RedHat.
Because Java community is really active in France :)