DobrÃ― den, vÅĄem. OpÄt ÚÅūasnÃĐ videoð. Venku chumelenice a jÃĄ bych se nejradÄji vydala na cestu ð . UÅū se tÄÅĄÃme na zÃĄÅÃ, aÅū se vydÃĄme na cestyð.
ZdravÃm, mÃĄme radost, Åūe se VÃĄm naÅĄe videa lÃbÃ, tÄÅĄÃ nÃĄs to.ðĨ°ð My ale nebudeme Äekat na zÃĄÅÃ a za chvilku vyrÃĄÅūÃme do chumelenice a pravÃĐ zimy. Tak se tÄÅĄte na dalÅĄÃ videa.ðððððð
Actually the name of Argyrocastra it comes from the Princes Argyro who threw herself from the castle holding her tiny baby in her arms not to fall into the hands of the Ottomans. Argyro is not a " Greek " name. The word " Ar " is translated into "gold" only from Albanian language and the word " argjend" is translated into " silver" exactly from Albanian. In fact, Albanians and Greeks were the same people living as One until the creation of the Greek state in 1821 who separated the same people. While Greeks became more "globalised" and changed their language a few times, tribal Albanians high up into their mountains stronghold kept their Ancient tongue unchanged. Some Greek historians are accepting lately that the " Ancient Greek still exist. It's the Albanians who speak it without even knowing it". Albanians always knew that their language was older than Greek, but it is nice that the Greeks are accepting it. Albanian language explains Greek and Latin languages alongside Homer's Gods in "Illiad and Oddissey" while Greek and Latin languages can't explain Albanian...... History needs to be rewritten, properly.
DobrÃ― den, vÅĄem. OpÄt ÚÅūasnÃĐ videoð. Venku chumelenice a jÃĄ bych se nejradÄji vydala na cestu ð . UÅū se tÄÅĄÃme na zÃĄÅÃ, aÅū se vydÃĄme na cestyð.
ZdravÃm, mÃĄme radost, Åūe se VÃĄm naÅĄe videa lÃbÃ, tÄÅĄÃ nÃĄs to.ðĨ°ð My ale nebudeme Äekat na zÃĄÅÃ a za chvilku vyrÃĄÅūÃme do chumelenice a pravÃĐ zimy. Tak se tÄÅĄte na dalÅĄÃ videa.ðððððð
ParÃĄdiÄka, ahoj ð
Actually the name of Argyrocastra it comes from the Princes Argyro who threw herself from the castle holding her tiny baby in her arms not to fall into the hands of the Ottomans. Argyro is not a " Greek " name. The word " Ar " is translated into "gold" only from Albanian language and the word " argjend" is translated into " silver" exactly from Albanian. In fact, Albanians and Greeks were the same people living as One until the creation of the Greek state in 1821 who separated the same people. While Greeks became more "globalised" and changed their language a few times, tribal Albanians high up into their mountains stronghold kept their Ancient tongue unchanged. Some Greek historians are accepting lately that the " Ancient Greek still exist. It's the Albanians who speak it without even knowing it".
Albanians always knew that their language was older than Greek, but it is nice that the Greeks are accepting it. Albanian language explains Greek and Latin languages alongside Homer's Gods in "Illiad and Oddissey" while Greek and Latin languages can't explain Albanian......
History needs to be rewritten, properly.