LEARN NAHWU - SHORROF: Wazan-wazan Isim Maf'ul (nahwu rules)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- Wazans of Isim Maf'ul
• Isim maf'ul was formed from fi'il tsulasy and ghair tsulasy. And functionally, sometimes it is formed from fi'll muta'addi with itself or with the intermediary of other lafadz.
• Isim maful of fi'il tsulasy formed with wazan مفعول
• If it comes from fi'il mu'tal 'ain or also called bina' ajwaf, then there will be an i'lal process
• Likewise if it comes from fi'il mu'tal lam or also called bina' naqis, then there will also be an i'lal process
• The ism maful of fi'il ghair tsulasy is formed from its fi'il mudhari' which is bina majhul, by replacing the mudhara'ah letters with mim which have the value dhammah, and the letter before the end is fatahah
• There is also an isim maf'ul form which is the same as the isim fa'il form after the l'lal process occurs, but the original form is different
• Lafadz which is in the form of masdar often also means isim maful
For beginners who just want to start learning nahwu, it is hoped that they will study the videos sequentially from the beginning. Starting from a discussion of hijaiyyah letters in the following video link:
And for those who already have the basics, please look for video discussions according to the material you want to find on the following link:
/ @basmalahchannel1102
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
1. Mau minta penjelasan terkait lafadz رغب bahwa lafadz itu memiliki dua makna jika disandingkan dg (في & عن) tapi di contoh sampean menggunakan على. Yg benar على apa عن kiai?
٢. رغبت في زيد
رغبت: فعل ماض مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير الرفع المتحرك و التاء ضمير بارز متصل مبني على الضم في محل رفع فاعل
في: حرف جر مبني على السكون
زيد: مجرور بفي وعلامة جره كسرة ظاهرة في اخره لانه اسم مفرد والجملة من الجار و المجرور في محل نصب مفعول به
Yang benar عن . Terima kasih atas koreksinya. Maaf kurang fokus
Terimakasih kiai🙏🙏
ijin bertanya, isim maf'ul yang berasal dari tsulatsi bina ajwaf wawu mengapa yang dibuang wawu yang kedua? bukan wawu yang pertama? illatnya? kemudian pada tsulatsi bina naqis iya, mengapa wawu nya diganti iya? (illatnya apa?)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Izin mengi'lal versi Arab kiai
مصون اصله مصوون على وزن مفعول نقلت حركة الواو لتحركها بعد حرف صحيح ساكن فصار مصوون ثم حذفت الوا و الاولى دفعا لالتقاء الساكنين فصار مصون