FCC Louisburg Worship - Trinity Sunday (6/12/2022)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Trinity Sunday 2022
    Prelude - "Abide with Me" (1:45)
    Welcome and Announcements (3:21)
    Hymn of Gathering - "Come Thou Almighty King" (7:46)
    Responsive Call to Worship - "Romans 5.1-5" (9:55)
    Children's Sermon (11:15)
    Scripture Reading - "John 16.12-15" (16:19)
    Sermon - "The God of Truth" (17:15)
    Call for our Offerings, Doxology, Prayer (31:38)
    Sharing of Joys & Concerns and Pastoral Prayer (34:26)
    The Lord’s Supper & The Lord's Prayer (45:12)
    Communion Song - "How Great is Our God" (48:38)
    Closing Hymn - "They’ll Know We Are Christians" (52:13)
    Benediction & Postlude - "I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me" (54:41)
    Join us for Sunday morning worship at First Christian Church of Louisburg, KS. In the sanctuary at 8:30am or 10:30am (live stream).
    Visit our website at www.fcclouisburgks.org

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