Regarding sound stage and imaging, In this video, he says that earphones have a big influence. DAC and amplifier are things that convert and amplify the sound of the source. Since it does not change the sound quality, the difference in DAC, Due to the difference between AKM version and ESS version, I believe that there is almost no difference within the range that humans can detect.
If I were to buy it, it would be the normal K9 (akm chip) version. The reason is that the DAC amplifier is made of mature technology, It is a genre that is difficult to innovate further than this. Even the normal K9 has sufficient performance. Accurate D/A conversion, accurate volume control, Extremely low noise, etc. Because you don't need more performance than this.
ウォークマンも繋げて聴いていますが、そちらでは、DSEE Ultimateのアップスケーリングと、Powerampにて立体音響Stereo Xの機能を使って楽しんでいます!
く~~ この動画を見るちょい前にK9-Proを買ってしまいました
K9 Proは、MQA方式に対応している都合で制限を付けた為、
試聴に何の影響もありません! Pro裏山^^ 価格差なりの性能は備えていますよ!
hi, which one soundstage and imaging better and bigger? AKM version k9 or ESS version?
Regarding sound stage and imaging,
In this video, he says that earphones have a big influence.
DAC and amplifier are things that convert and amplify the sound of the source.
Since it does not change the sound quality, the difference in DAC,
Due to the difference between AKM version and ESS version,
I believe that there is almost no difference within the range that humans can detect.
@@6島チャネル I'm thinking to buy Normal k9 version (now coming with akm chips) or k9 pro version? In your oninion witch one is better for you and why?
If I were to buy it, it would be the normal K9 (akm chip) version.
The reason is that the DAC amplifier is made of mature technology,
It is a genre that is difficult to innovate further than this.
Even the normal K9 has sufficient performance.
Accurate D/A conversion, accurate volume control,
Extremely low noise, etc.
Because you don't need more performance than this.
K9とK9 ProはまぁDACチップが2chか8chかくらいの違いなので、音の広さとかを考えるとProの方が流石としかいえないけど、音質だけを考えたら大きな差はないと思うしやっぱり半額はK9のコスパがエグすぎますね。
ちょうどヘッドホンを買ったタイミングでK9かK9 Proか迷って、K9 Proを買いましたが、これを見たらK9でも良かったかも。。。
K9 Pro買っときゃ間違いないクオリティーなのは確か、裏山ですね😊