Great video my friend. Keep them coming! Great picture, music, and words from the heart! I have learned to keep my videos a little shorter due to attention spans (lol). If you go to Your Video's and look under Insights, you will find Hot Spot. Click on that and take a read. This tells you if people are watching the full video and what parts were viewed the most. This has helped me to understand the average attention span. Hope that helps you as much as it has helped me. -Tom
masha'allah ,, such a nice vid.
it is through death that we know life,, with darkness we realize the light..
keep it up .. it's really good job.
باقي موجودين ؟ حزنت كثير لما سمعت الموسيقى وحزنت أكثر لما شفت التاريخ 💔💔💔
مين انتم ومين ذا لكي تعليق قبل 5سنوات وقبل سنه هل عايش صاحب القناه
i appreciate ur lovelly comment
cuz it's n Arabic :)
أشكرك يا صديقي
أتمنى أن تكون حياتك سعاده و فرح وبدون حزن :)
Very very nice my best freind
congratiolation for new and nice video
thx my dear 4 ur remarks & advice :)
Peace & Love Tom :)
Great video my friend. Keep them coming! Great picture, music, and words from the heart! I have learned to keep my videos a little shorter due to attention spans (lol). If you go to Your Video's and look under Insights, you will find Hot Spot. Click on that and take a read. This tells you if people are watching the full video and what parts were viewed the most. This has helped me to understand the average attention span. Hope that helps you as much as it has helped me. -Tom
very nice I like it ..thank u sir :))
يا سلام الأخ نايس مهتم بأشياء غير الالحاد .. هههههههههههههههه
ياا الله استمر .. :)
الصور و الموسيقي ماشين مع بعض جميل جدا
@nicewisdom - Anytime my good friend. Peace & Love.
اشتقت لك نايس ويزدوم ، أتمنى تكون بخير ..
تسلم يالغالي كله من ذووقك
يا صديقي الواايز زي خخخ :)