Dronning Sonja forteller om sitt kunstengasjement, sine egne arbeider og Dronningens kunststipend (Video: Finland MTV3 og Christian Lagaard, Det kongelige hoff, Stills: Rolf M. Aagaard)
I am absolutely astonished by that video (by the Queen as well). Very, very nice. Although I am not a Norwegian, so I would appreciate the english subtittles. Have a nice day, Radek.
Fantastic. Nice to see royal family intelligent and being able to talk about art so knowledgeably. No drama.
I am absolutely astonished by that video (by the Queen as well). Very, very nice.
Although I am not a Norwegian, so I would appreciate the english subtittles.
Have a nice day, Radek.
+kongehuset Kan du fortelle meg vær så snill hva er låta i videoen?
Ateljé Larsen represent!
- akkurat: prosessen frem til et kunstverk, - det er - helt ubeskrivelig og vel så viktig som verket i seg selv - praktfullt -