Your decision not to buy a new alphard is correct because the amount of money you have saved you can buy a new suv like CRV, RAV 4,KIA SORENTO. most of the family in Malaysia own 2 or more cars. Trust me suv is more fun to drive, it has more power and higher ground clearance, more carefree to drive long distances.
Definitely not bringing it back here to London. I have trouble parking my SUV here for fear of not being able to open the doors on both side sides safely. The UK is actually extremely backward despite being a developed nation.
Has anyone ever wondered why the Alphard is not being sold in the US? I don't want to be the one to shower on your parade, but do some in-depth research, and you shall find out the reason.😅✌️
@@A-Nomad-Lifeif there is a disable sign on the parking floor, that is for disable not healthy people Condo n public parking lots with the disable sign on the parking lot are the same reserved for disable only not healthy people Look infront of yr car parking lot There is a disable sign on the floor
I suggest you watch full video. All boxes are yellow line. For disabled parking, there will be a big wheelchair painting inside the parking space or a signboard around it. More important, disabled parking will be located just next to lift or main entrance, not somewhere in the middle of parking area.
@@A-Nomad-Life Ah yes, sorry.. you mentioned right at the very start.. i must have missed it :) 🙏 I was eyeing the Alphard for some time as to what car to buy when I leave London for KL very soon. I have decided not to buy the Alphard or any MPV because it’s too low. I drive the Merc GLE in London. Great car. So I will aim for an electric SUV. :)
关于如何挑选recon alphard车,如果你有什么问题可以私信我~
Pm 360 camera 改装店
我也有一辆2022的阿尔法 , 买了一年多, 没有后悔, 非常好用
@@NYLIE-em6bt 好的 谢谢分享
对。我在听博主说要找能下倾的安全座椅,我立刻愣住了。then its defeat the purpose of safety seat 🙄
@@kahkongang3013 但市面上有那种可以躺下的安全座椅,给小baby的那种诶
如果小孩够大,可以换去 booster seat。
车身低有它的好处,跑highway 很稳,车不会摇。过高的地方慢慢打斜过就OK拉。
If you can afford and have a family , alphard is the best choice as it gives the best passenger experience.
They can afford it because they have passive income from uk
我也是大概同一个时间买,买是因为家庭成员5-7人 。如果SUV会比较窄。所以MPV-Alpha车顶空间都会比较高阔,容易上下车。 u may try PPF & coating for yr paint protection. it will give slightly protection.
One more con you can add - ground clearance is too low. It will damage the bottom when going over humps and kerbs.
Your decision not to buy a new alphard is correct because the amount of money you have saved you can buy a new suv like CRV, RAV 4,KIA SORENTO. most of the family in Malaysia own 2 or more cars. Trust me suv is more fun to drive, it has more power and higher ground clearance, more carefree to drive long distances.
我是 Vellfire 前车主
我把它换去 探索06
现在在等 GaC M8
不再考虑 日本车了
如果是打 Shell 的话是大概驾 300km 左右
如果是打 BHP Petron Petronas 就可以驾到 430km - 450km
这个测评好全面 这个保姆车确实值得买
如果说要接近完美的车系,我建议欧洲知名车系,尤其是在安全性和performance这一方面,而接近欧车系安全性的日本车系,我记忆中的是马自达,不过也只是仅仅在撞击安全性上。车子安全性,很多人都误解了,只以为Encap Safety Test,其实这只是撞击时的最后防线的安全性,也就是车可毁,但人必须无事。而车子最主要的安全还是总体的安全,包括上下车安全,行车安全,停车安全,撞击安全等等,包揽的程面很多组织而成,在这一方面欧系车就做得很好,尤其是Volvo。
@@kahkongang3013 那不是说不能对比,只是这两家都供应了不同的选择罢了。欧系车的拥车,保养与用途的概念是一个要求,而日系车又是另一种要求罢了。
Once on the road anything can happened. Minor minor even under the sun it also can crack. So long safe and comfortable it is worth it.
You can change your tire size from 20 inches to 22 or 24inches.
Pls dont .. very uncomfortable
我本身也是考虑了很久,可是最后还是选择了 Kia Carnival, 新车且有五年保家
7:57 这个部位应该叫汽车裙边 (skirting) 新车开久了 磕磕碰碰是难免的 停车和开门的时候确实要注意一下过高的路肩 还有停路边的话也要确认后方没有摩托和车子才打开车门
163 Mall 受限于土地的大小 停车位确实偏窄 尤其楼上的 parking 会更窄 大车建议停在 basement parking 会比较轻松 或者像博主一样交给 Valet Parking 就好了
你的是加装modelista的围裙,我们叫做side skirt,这个牌子是名牌
视频内容非常有趣!有些事我不明白:我的okx钱包里面有usdt,我有恢复短语。{pride}-{pole}-{obtain}-{together}-{second}-{when}-{future}-{mask}-{review}-{nature}-{potato}-{bulb}: 我应该如何把它们变成比特币?
如果想更好一些,可以看看lexus 350 mpv也是不错的
去槟城旅游的时候要先做好准备或者直接valet parking
我的车是2019的,油耗大概10km/L, 打shell Ron95, 黑油是用Ravenol 5w40, 德国牌的,比较适合alphard 。
I prefer high power car ie sport car or sedan car that has acceleration power. it is safer and easy to overtake others on the highways.
每一类车款有属于它自己的用处。阿尔法是属于商务家庭用车,自然不会注重于加速而更倾向于稳定和舒适。谁会驾着这台车奔驰在路上呀😂。油耗方面真的因人而异,以你所说你丈夫应该是big foot driver 😂。我们这里2.5阿尔法在市区至少能开个300-400公里。
你的车有 bodykit, 停车的时候要注意路盾,进商场停车场时候也要注意。。这款车算是没什么大问题容易保养😂
这个车对只是坐的人来说是特别舒服的 。属于一种舒适的车。所以提速都是比较慢的。如果长途旅行的话这样的车是最好的选择。速度不快没关系重要是舒服。
嗯 我不喜欢加速度太快的车,容易头晕😅
Some of the car equipped with air suspension.You can raise your car. Higher or lower
油耗???不会吧!!其实 alphard是家庭车或者公司接待车。。油耗视我们踩油门的脚😂。。如果习惯开 high performance 的车然后换成开 MPV 会时常使劲的踩油门。。油耗肯定消耗的神速了。
很期待大馬國產電車Perodua eMO-II的推出🥹🥹🥹
Japanese cars recon or new are expensive to buy and maintain. It is time to buy ev. But where to charge in your condo?
如果你不爱🉑以送我 🙏 我是本地人 👋 , 我会用我一生最美好的感觉 👉 " 你是 💯 是好人 " 👍💪🙏 爱你 oh 😘😍🥰
放心小事而已,在大马车比人多,大马人换车如换衣服一般简单。重要的是大马的农历新年歌来啦,来啦!!圣诞节,冬至,元旦都还没到,大马的蛇年农历新年歌就抢先出炉上线了。一起来感受大马农历新年的气氛吧,让华人农历新年嗨翻天,热闹非凡!!Countdown to 2025 CNY💖💖🎵🎵
这次Astro 2025年贺岁主题曲《SHARE丰年》MV拍摄地点是在Desa Parkcity的Akadia👍
2025新年歌 | 有舍必有得 To Give is To Gain(蛇年新年歌)官方MV
马来西亚洗车很方便,入个购物中心的洗车店会员。轻松shopping, 车就焕然一新了😅
第一, 沒有别的選擇。 第二, 馬來西亞油很便宜。但再過兩年, 中國的7座電動車會打破這個情況
基本上ALPHARD 的bodykit 很低,过减速带,Road Hump, 都很容易刮伤 啊啊。
Benz or BMW is better for comfort and long journey for a small family.
现在的中国车。omoda 5或是omoda C9更好驾
what year is your Alphard ??
@@A-Nomad-Life the bumper skirting quality is bad. get a better one . is not easy to broke cos it quite durable
那是车子的“裙子” skirt.
You chose a very small tyre size, so vehicle is low.
可以去汽车修理店问,车身低, bumper 裂了,有什么建议,我相信他们都有办法,只是没人教你怎么做
剛看了Uncle Roger的台灣脫口秀,原來Alphard在台灣是“運兵車”😂(幫派毆鬥載送混混們用,抱歉跑題了😅)
Definitely not bringing it back here to London. I have trouble parking my SUV here for fear of not being able to open the doors on both side sides safely. The UK is actually extremely backward despite being a developed nation.
哈哈 不想给小孩在车上看视频😅 千万不能让他知道有这个功能🤫
Has anyone ever wondered why the Alphard is not being sold in the US? I don't want to be the one to shower on your parade, but do some in-depth research, and you shall find out the reason.😅✌️
Why is it? It's not available for sale in the UK either. But recently the Lexus MPV was introduced in the UK for over £80k
It's just a pure habit and culture thing. It's just like Americans like their pick up trucks but those are less common in the UK.
女主 好好看呢, 越看越好看!
@A-Nomad-Life 最好是问卖车给你们的代理商,要如何改做,把车身提高,方便开车门和通过减速丘不会碰撞到。
Oh, definitely shouldn’t bring it back to UK. The cost itself is already not worth it and it’s way too big for the common roads in UK.
早已说了。Alpha 不是这么好驾。我反而喜欢,驾欧洲车
其實在馬來西亞的停車位是很小的 在你買了保姆車後 政府就改大停車位了
新加坡HDB parking的更窄
买不到吧 因为马来西亚是和中国行驶方向相反
离开吉隆坡地区后 中国汽车零件最少要停一天 外加难找修理中国汽车技工。
Alphard 的舒适,平衡,稳定,耐用等,中国车要很多年后才追的上。买车不是单看 Fancy 的 Gadgets
我完全驾驭不了 这车太大了
Your car is parked on the parking lot for Disable parking which is illegal
That is a Disable sign on the floor
Where? It's our parking space in our condo.
This is an ordinary parking lot. The green painting with man icon on the floor only represents walking zone.
@@A-Nomad-Lifeif there is a disable sign on the parking floor, that is for disable not healthy people
Condo n public parking lots with the disable sign on the parking lot are the same reserved for disable only not healthy people
Look infront of yr car parking lot
There is a disable sign on the floor
@@chunjie2594its a yellow line box for disable parking
not green box
I suggest you watch full video. All boxes are yellow line. For disabled parking, there will be a big wheelchair painting inside the parking space or a signboard around it. More important, disabled parking will be located just next to lift or main entrance, not somewhere in the middle of parking area.
没装上Modelista body kit 的Toyota 车就像没戴上假睫毛的女人😂🤣
自從我換了電動車子後就再也不願轉返頭去駕燃油車了, 就好似換了智能手機後不會再用Nokia般😂
這engine 太小了...馬力不夠
One more con you can add - ground clearance is too low. It will damage the bottom when going over humps and kerbs.
Yes I have mentioned it
@@A-Nomad-Life Ah yes, sorry.. you mentioned right at the very start.. i must have missed it :) 🙏 I was eyeing the Alphard for some time as to what car to buy when I leave London for KL very soon. I have decided not to buy the Alphard or any MPV because it’s too low. I drive the Merc GLE in London. Great car. So I will aim for an electric SUV. :)
@@mkleng great! And I believe there is no import tax for electric vehicles