I don't think I've ever seen a top lane basically just roam the whole map before also most of the game you had the same amount of kills as the whole enemy team good stuff.
ww makes it possible but usually other high-elo top laners will also go out of their way to 1-either steal enemy team jg camps when ahead while pushing their own waves, 2- split push other lanes and help em get towers, 3- help others teamfight. Usually though if your teammates are really far behind first option is the safest imo. But ofc if ur a ww with W maxed out and swify boots, who knows.
Man gives me Andrew Garfield Spider-Man vibes. Anyways I still usually run titanic because it adds a ton to your burst with the on hit damage on your ult, but stride does look interesting for like an infinite scaling attack speed item build with terminus to turn ww into the ultimate duelist
I don't think I've ever seen a top lane basically just roam the whole map before also most of the game you had the same amount of kills as the whole enemy team good stuff.
ww makes it possible but usually other high-elo top laners will also go out of their way to 1-either steal enemy team jg camps when ahead while pushing their own waves, 2- split push other lanes and help em get towers, 3- help others teamfight. Usually though if your teammates are really far behind first option is the safest imo. But ofc if ur a ww with W maxed out and swify boots, who knows.
It’s an interesting strat for sure!
I wish all league players were as chill as you
Thanks man this means a lot! Appreciate it
Wow awesome match. Just wish my warwick would be like this too xDD
Thanks! And you’ll get there man keep at it!
The WW legend
you're efficient AF
Man gives me Andrew Garfield Spider-Man vibes. Anyways I still usually run titanic because it adds a ton to your burst with the on hit damage on your ult, but stride does look interesting for like an infinite scaling attack speed item build with terminus to turn ww into the ultimate duelist
I love terminus on WW yeah. I personally like stride a lot more than titanic atm
"I don't understand why people do this." Proceeds to do it too lol
@@Bucci10 At the end, when they were refusing to end and were hitting the enemy instead lol
Ohhh lol. At that point he was basically already dead and it was free KDA 😁 haha
why were people angry that ww roamed? Like, the guy helped secure kills and objectives and the tell him to fck off
Crazy to me lol..
cause he can get around so fast and can gank more than the jgl i think? idk thats what i felt
Emerald and diadogs want to be the one to influence, when someone else influences and they have to be carried it makes them angy
can you do some ww jg? please :)
Plan to!! 😁
Do you still feel shame after your champion does some of the things it does, or have you become jaded to the aids.
I think I’m jaded
Your teammates were just crybabies the whole game
Unfortunately :(
Feel like you belong in diamond or masters not emerald.
Will just take some time to get there. I didn’t have a good placements :( I was D1 in season 12 at 60LP… so close to masters ugh
sounds like typical riot. However just watching your games and past games you definitely belong in Masters and above imo. @@Bucci10