2024 MashAllah still watching 🫶 I follow all your lectures Allah pak give you long healthy life and give us sons who serve Islam one day like you inshallah 🤲
Yeah it's sad how western cartoons teach children that.. parents deserve respect, they did so much and they're your parents, your closest relative, the most dear one cuz you were and still are a part of them. Heaven is under your mother's feet for example. 💖 Also your parents did so much for you and loved you and looked after you when you couldn't do anything yourself. You should love and take care of them too. ❤️
new thing i came to know that life is put into foetus in 4months but can someone explain the heartbeat? heartbeat starts around 40days is that not considered as life in foetus? pls clarify please please please. I am 12 weeks want to clarify this.
All of baby's organs form during the 4 months, hence there will be heartbeat but that doesn't mean that the baby has a soul yet. The soul is blown into the baby at 4 months.
That's helpful, bcz I used to believe that life starts at 40 days I was forced to carry the 3rd child dispite health complications. Jazakillahukhairan for the answer
What if the scan before 4 months or tests show that child has a syndrome or congenital abnormalities eg down syndrome and the child's life will be a burden on mother ..is it allowed to abort .
May Allaah grant us righteous spouse and righteous children 🤲🏻
2022 still watching, jazakallahu khyran
2024 MashAllah still watching 🫶 I follow all your lectures Allah pak give you long healthy life and give us sons who serve Islam one day like you inshallah 🤲
m also pregnant please pray for me to have a righteous daughter..
May Allah swt give you a righteous child, Ameen
2024 watching ❤
May Allah reward you for this informative lecture
2020 and listening
me tooo
Jazakum Allahu khairan for such beautiful discussions
Helpful jazakallahu khair
22:03 is so important
Great speaker
Yeah it's sad how western cartoons teach children that.. parents deserve respect, they did so much and they're your parents, your closest relative, the most dear one cuz you were and still are a part of them. Heaven is under your mother's feet for example. 💖 Also your parents did so much for you and loved you and looked after you when you couldn't do anything yourself. You should love and take care of them too. ❤️
the clip ended on an important topic n did not continue in the part 3.. anyone have the missing pieces please?
What should I do if I married a man who has little interest in Islam, but i am pregnant. I'm scared my children will follow their dad.
Make dua, Allah guidance will come
My dad was the same but alhamdullilah my mum children was like my mum the like to pray and my dad prays now also we are shocked but so happy
U can divorce if u want but ask an Iman and pray for guidance for him :)
Just for corrections...vasectomy can be reveresed
new thing i came to know that life is put into foetus in 4months but can someone explain the heartbeat? heartbeat starts around 40days is that not considered as life in foetus? pls clarify please please please. I am 12 weeks want to clarify this.
All of baby's organs form during the 4 months, hence there will be heartbeat but that doesn't mean that the baby has a soul yet. The soul is blown into the baby at 4 months.
That's helpful, bcz I used to believe that life starts at 40 days I was forced to carry the 3rd child dispite health complications. Jazakillahukhairan for the answer
Do we also have to make up fasts missed during periods?
Yes those we are required to pay back!
What if the scan before 4 months or tests show that child has a syndrome or congenital abnormalities eg down syndrome and the child's life will be a burden on mother ..is it allowed to abort .
According to the first ruling it is purely a medical condition so it is allowed..
My wife doesnt want to get pregnant. We are both muslims. No body talks about such a situation. Whats the ruling on this.
It’s on the first video, this is the second btw.
Hope she has changed her mind by now...
2025 and watching