專訪日本紀錄片導演想田和弘:我曾被20多個電影節拒絕 Interview with Kazuhiro Soda

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • #想田和弘 畢業於東京大學,1993年移居美國。他擅長以觀察映畫(Observational cinema) 概念拍攝,深信觀察的力量。他提出觀察拍攝的十個戒律,認為紀錄片製作人需根據自己的觀察去拍攝對象,而不是基於任何假設或偏見。
    Kazuhiro Soda graduated from the University of Tokyo. He moved to the US in 1993. Soda specialises in observational cinema-he believes in the power of observation. According to his ‘Ten Commandments of Observational Filmmaking’, no research, meetings with subjects or scripts should be involved: shoot alone, as far as possible.
    Hong Kong Documentary Initiative interviewed film director Kazuhiro Soda in 2016, at the University of Hong Kong's Journalism and Media Studies Centre.
    *The event was in March 2016.

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