(Please read) Shibe I need help understanding the point system cause my regional is 161 and my all talent championship rank points are 138 and I’ve played 3 matches and my team got kills but are points are going up and people are passing us. But our regional points are not going up. It makes no sense cause if you go to out crew match results and add up all out games it comes to 161 but it still says 138.
If i'm not mistaken, Shibe's team was 17th on Qualifier Day 2 ATC Season 16 (current season) . When my team finished playing for the day his team was 2nd with 141 kills and 219 points. I'm glad i was not in the same lobby with his team 😂
Yea cuz I don't only upload wins now, if I only upload wins then people think I'm good, if I only upload losses people think I'm bad. Improving every day!
@@shibepubg I'm happy you replied but I wasn't talking about your performance or win or lose . I was talking about your gameplay it's kinda getting bad & slow . It feels like you are just playing to upload by you don't want to play . It seems 🗿 but I still respect you. We'll get better together 🤝
Why you all are playing like noobs ?? I am not your hater but i have more expectations from you and your team you guys can perform very much better than this i hope you understand ❤
@@shibepubgok ok ok I got you bro no words for this you are showing all the matches that's why I think why you all are playing like this my bad bro ❤
@@Tea-yp3op I've been watching him from day 1..and I'm his huge fan.., and I'm being real to him...not tryna demotivate him, but its disappointing to see him lose... Fr
So just cuz I upload myself not winning I'm becoming bad and so if I only upload the wins (which will show the team being good) I'm better? It's just perspective, I show everything now I don't keep the losses in the recycle bin
@@shibepubg not a tiny bit like that...but your gameplay bro, I can notice it....i'm not saying I'm better, and can play better than you but, it's not like before....
they qualified without you, and then you joined then and they started facing same problems your other teams had already faced while qualifying, so its not hard to guess now what is the problem here??
Hmmm, actually they invited me to play, what makes you think they would do better without me? I'm not saying they won't, but they needed player and I substituted in lol, if you watch the video, you realise the mistakes isn't a 1 man problem
@@shibepubg sarcasm bruh!! 😎 im here on this channel since very very long time, sometimes a negative comment or critique can ignite the fire i know which is inside you, these crew tournaments haven’t been gone your way lately, so i just tried to ignite you so that you can comeback, no hard feelings here mate, cheers peace ✌️
what is that?? your team is sfc, other team you played in is sfc, some enemies you killed are sfc, and team which made to finals is sfc, wtf is that??? how many sfc??
@@shibepubg and i always watch that in yiur videos, now that i have got your attention can you please say something about hezigege whr did he go?? why is he not playing?? you n him whr in contact i guess , can you shed some light on that??
6:40 when Nepali player shout 😂❤
Haso laira sunda🤣🤣
Let's go 4MV
6:30 that enemy raging was so funny
Dude from Nepal
Man I wish I had friends like this that can understand me when am playing 😭nice gameplay🦅
Play with me, I play with English people and we are decent good like 4kd+ in ace lobby
4kd ace suck bro we want 10kd ace dominators or conquerors that’s called pro@@ArneFX982
9:37 I love how Shibe teammates saying Cantonese bad word
11:57 love the beat sync here, especially with one of my favourite songs out there :)
I really want to see you winning it been here for such a long time.
Cant wait! 🥰 to see the tournament!
4:00 one of the most beautiful scenes I’ve ever seen of pubg.
op bhai
Bro literally you are my ideal in Crew Challenge. i have learned a lot from you❤ THANK YOU for uploading such content❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hi Shibe, we will meet in the semifinals of the All Talent Championship on December 16. Remember, I'm Hoky Forsaken, I'm your fan from Indonesia
Please tell
What is the song starting from 10:40
And the one at 15:26
A well put together video👍
I litreally cayme when i heard Rovin's voice
Didn't even watch the video but I came to the fact rovins in it
@@flickz3204 who is he?
Rovin’s the master of making us all coom, the master baiter
Best tank online player
Your iPad gameplay is too good but I'm missing your mobile gameplay videos!
This 1st music remembers me of someone
My Skills improve Soo much because of Shibe❤❤
Oh my days big fan
I like the music you adding ❤
Never give up Shibe ❤
Bro, U understand NEPALI. Wow.
0:37 The quick era of PUBG when you marked somewhere in the map and some VERY ANNOYING girl voice say the place.... XD Happy that it was quick.
9:35 dllm😂
Shibe what screen recorder you use?
We miss those days of pubg bruh ❤.. Love From india
Nice video shibe!
Those opponents are super tough though😯
I guess
Cos that wasn't classic match
legend shibe❤😊
damn nice vid shibe
Love you ❤
10:31 He put his Ump on Single, so if he 1v1 that guy who was nading, he will probaly die
SFC India, Love you bro. 😍
None of them indian
None of us from india but ok
@@stfuSWAGY I know, I meant by the NAME lol 😄
@@stfuSWAGYBITE is from INDIA buddy 😅
Shibe ,raptor, jerry, and carlo...we want back that epic 32 kill squad especially carlo...❤❤❤
Can't get so many kills cuz the lobbies are now just average 60 players, last time it goes to 80.
6:50 u know nepali??
There's a thing called translator🤓☝️ or maybe he does who knows
Bruh I thought the sfc dbs fight was a wow room
Imagine if PUBG TH-camrs like Sevou, Levinho, etc played like this tournament room.
they wii perform worse even tho they have good game sense they dont have the team skill
what did bro mean when he said "prolly the muslims again" 1:37
what language is that
Bro why don't you play in iOS device instead of iPad?
Es lo mismo
@@diegoy5367 ?????
So stressful
Is SFC • 채원 a korean??
I hope u will be in PMGC ❤❤❤
When is Shibe finally gonna get the All Talent Championship Winner title:(
istg wwcd is all about zone luck
Is it allowed to play in ipad??
Can u show ur sensitivity please
Oh yes daddy shibe
Lucky I wasn't there
(Please read)
Shibe I need help understanding the point system cause my regional is 161 and my all talent championship rank points are 138 and I’ve played 3 matches and my team got kills but are points are going up and people are passing us. But our regional points are not going up. It makes no sense cause if you go to out crew match results and add up all out games it comes to 161 but it still says 138.
Hey bro. So the way it works is that it only takes the points from your best 6 matches
U gotta play in PMGC
I'm not that good aha
Why playing on ipad it’s not allowed
But it is
@@shibepubg no its not allowed buddy
@@shibepubg Use of emulators (Bluestacks, Nox, Memu, etc.) & Ipad is prohibited during the tournament.
@@moyemoyeseksiallowed in ATC, even emulators are allowed
@@moyemoyeseksi It's not a organised/official tournament who fckin cares
Wait but how are you playing the tournament on the ipad???
ATC is the old Crew Challenge, everyone uses ipad it's allowed
Bro your teammates controls are also like your controls
It's my controls
Why you playing on ipad?
Phone 20fps
Use Car1o in your team blz
If i'm not mistaken, Shibe's team was 17th on Qualifier Day 2 ATC Season 16 (current season) . When my team finished playing for the day his team was 2nd with 141 kills and 219 points. I'm glad i was not in the same lobby with his team 😂
Now we are 1st
Why is smone else playing with sfc shibe account
They hacked my account
Ipad wale bhi scrims and tourneys khelne lage 😂
I also want to participate in crew challenges
Is there any chance to play in your team for practice 😅
Come trial
@@shibepubg for sure 😶🌫️
Rank #6 new order
T1 is hard😈
Bro can you give me Grunge's id or TH-cam or something?
Is iPad allowed in competitive?
This is all talent championship even emulator is allowed
@@shibepubg Ok thanks for the reply
y u plying on ipad now
Phone lags
Big W
Lobby looks impossible
Why is he on iPad 🤔 he's a mobile player right
I'm on ipad for months now because my phone couldn't handle the game anymore it was giving 20fps
Tf this cannot be a competitive match
Feel like you was a not that confident in your first team so you played a bit slower and not that confidently
If u look closely I didn't really mess up except like 2/12 games
India Lost the CWC 2023💔
Sad bro
@@shibepubg there is nothing we can do , Virat Kohli gives his best for his team but still lost🫠
Join pmgc idol
yall getting naded too often tf is going on
Nades are meta
Yea cuz I don't only upload wins now, if I only upload wins then people think I'm good, if I only upload losses people think I'm bad. Improving every day!
You are so used to youtubers not uploading their mistakes that when a youtuber decides to show their mistakes, you think they are bad
@@shibepubgtrain hard my man , we love u ❤
@@shibepubg I'm happy you replied but I wasn't talking about your performance or win or lose . I was talking about your gameplay it's kinda getting bad & slow . It feels like you are just playing to upload by you don't want to play . It seems 🗿 but I still respect you. We'll get better together 🤝
@@shibepubgi think you should change control and sensi high gyro and that control isnt suitable for ipad
T1 tournament 🤣
So dumb squad 😂
The pov guy gameplay is so average
Used iPad and still trash 💀
ipad has no advantage ipad players arent even good as mobile players gyro in mobile> any ipad player
please leave ipad
Stay mad 😡
ipad noobs
Why you all are playing like noobs ?? I am not your hater but i have more expectations from you and your team you guys can perform very much better than this i hope you understand ❤
Cuz I show every match, if I just showed my wins then I look so pro right? Im not like other ytbers only showing best match like I'm a perfect player
@@shibepubgok ok ok I got you bro no words for this you are showing all the matches that's why I think why you all are playing like this my bad bro ❤
easy team💩
this guy step on other people's achievements and still does bad. all the hard word of other teammates were wasted 😂
what color is ur atc top 10 title
get jiiizzzhh on kiddd
Bro you got no ATC titles shut up
At least his achievements are more than ur 14th generation combined
Well to be honest, I'm just your average player but don't toxic others while we don't know who you are
Bro your gameplay is becoming weak day by day.... And even your teammates lacks consistency, and no skills to handle the situation....
u think a youtuber is bad cuz he shows his mistakes ?
@@Tea-yp3op I never said 'he's' bad....
Lol think thrice before you say something bruv
@@Tea-yp3op I've been watching him from day 1..and I'm his huge fan.., and I'm being real to him...not tryna demotivate him, but its disappointing to see him lose... Fr
So just cuz I upload myself not winning I'm becoming bad and so if I only upload the wins (which will show the team being good) I'm better? It's just perspective, I show everything now I don't keep the losses in the recycle bin
@@shibepubg not a tiny bit like that...but your gameplay bro, I can notice it....i'm not saying I'm better, and can play better than you but, it's not like before....
they qualified without you, and then you joined then and they started facing same problems your other teams had already faced while qualifying, so its not hard to guess now what is the problem here??
Hmmm, actually they invited me to play, what makes you think they would do better without me? I'm not saying they won't, but they needed player and I substituted in lol, if you watch the video, you realise the mistakes isn't a 1 man problem
@@shibepubg sarcasm bruh!! 😎
im here on this channel since very very long time, sometimes a negative comment or critique can ignite the fire i know which is inside you, these crew tournaments haven’t been gone your way lately, so i just tried to ignite you so that you can comeback, no hard feelings here mate, cheers peace ✌️
what is that?? your team is sfc, other team you played in is sfc, some enemies you killed are sfc, and team which made to finals is sfc, wtf is that??? how many sfc??
Sfc is a big clan that loves to play this specific in game tournament, and we always qualify.
@@shibepubg and i always watch that in yiur videos, now that i have got your attention can you please say something about hezigege whr did he go?? why is he not playing?? you n him whr in contact i guess , can you shed some light on that??