Thank you for preaching the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you did make it simple, the holy spirit did help you, not everyone could explain revelation like you did.
Have to disagree, It sounded like he conflated the beast and the antichrist, these are not the same person. Secondly the seven heads and seven hills is referring to Rome and kings not kingdoms which would make the beast Nero his Humber is six hundred and sixty six. Not six six six. Hebrew gematria comes out to Nero Caesar. And he did persecute Christians for 42 months. Sermon was set up well, I’ll give you that but I think he has his eschatology I little funky
@@xAgent_Smithx The only problem is that Revelation is a prophetic future in a time after the Church Age. Nero was dead many decades ago so it doesn't fit with everything else that is coming in the near future.
@@xAgent_Smithx So where is the other half? The 42 months before he persecuted the "Christians" or was that the "Jews who believed in Christ?" Too many holes. The Great Tribulation is about persecuting the Jews who have not turned to Christ yet. Again future telling.
Scripture specifically says it is the 10 horns that represents kings. The little horn uproots 3 of them. That little horn is the antichrist of the beast.
Pastor Allen I thank the Good Lord for you sir and the knowledge you share. Coincidence maybe... I live just outside of a city the Rome ga that sits in the middle of seven hills and our county, Floyd co is called the enchanted land. I always wondered where in the world this came from but now understand it is a reference.
After 4 years i think this sermon needs a correction. City of 7 hills doesn't only refer to Rome or (the Vatican).. Mecca also refers to the city of 7 hills and it's sits in the desert... It's not just the revive Roman empire but a revive Byzantine-Ottoman Islamic Caliphate empire, whereas the Western part of the Roman empire (Adriatic) collapse the Eastern part (Levant) continues on till it fall in 1924 after WW1... This why we see the likes of Iran continues to fan up the jihad that we see today with the emergence of many islamic terror arms all around the world and especially towards Jerusalem and Israel as a whole.. Vatican is mute, Europe is currently falling into the hands of Islamic conquest via the largest immigration of Arabs Muslims since the Ottoman era conquest of Constantinople present day Turkey...
The capital of the Kingdom of Assyria, Nineveh, was said to have been located on the eastern bank of the Tigris River, near the modern-day city of Mosul in northern Iraq. It was said to have been built on seven hills. Considering the Antichrist is referred to as the Assyrian, think it would be more likely that the Assyrian empire is the one being referred to.
Thank you for making this, God bless you for your work. Have you considered the seventh head as Islam rather than Rome? The caliphate being destroyed last century, that would account for the fatal wound, and Turkey is now openly aiming to reestablish it. It seems to me that the fatal wound being healed must be talking about the same head that received it, rather than another head that was not yet there.
@@allennolan that’s not it either. The Seven Heads are a group of Seven people and one of them DID in fact suffer a head wound in his life and had brain surgery and lived therefore causing his eyesight to be lost in his LEFT eye contrary to what many think about it being the right one, it’s not, it’s the left, truly I tell you, but that is NOT the mortal wound that the world shall marvel at, I don’t even know what it is and I live with him in the same house, he who is of the seven and is also the Eighth yet his time must come for a little while and you shall receive him instead of Christ for he comes INSTEAD OF. The meaning of the name which only he knows is The Ark of God and his name is Arcadio. He is who you will receive and I will present him. Don’t expect Christ’s second coming because that already came, the Third coming ALSO, has come from 1884 to 1950 across Mexico where the Lord YAHVE or YHWH manifested to bring a new Third Testament and he already proclaimed his third coming as COMPLETED, this is now the FOURTH and none are aware, all are asleep, but TRULY I TELL YOU, before the time comes, as the prophets before, when the time came “do you not remember me telling you beforehand”? So I do the same. You will receive the rider of the white horse. Arcadio. The one who GOD chose.
The Muslim Empire is actually the 7th empire of Revelation. It ruled Israel for 666 x 2 years, from 636 AD to 1968, the year of the Jerusalem Holiday. It celebrated the taking over of Jerusalem by Israel in the 6-Day War of 1967. the Beast is the 8th king, and is of the 7, which means he is of the 7th, and is a Muslim.
You were doing SO WELL until you got to the city. I believe you missed it here. It is NOT Rome. The Beast will live in JERUSALEM, not Rome. Why Jerusalem? Because the Beast is coming in the place of the true Messiah, and the true Messiah, Jesus, will return to Jerusalem. Jerusalem will reign over all the cities of the world WHILE the Beast is living there deceiving the entire world. Did John mention "great city" in another verse in Revelation? Yes. Revelation 11:8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. The first mention of the Beast is in Revelation 13, which in timing is some unknown time after the Abomination that will divide the week - probably only a few days after the abomination - but maybe only a few hours. Therefore, all the verses describing the beast's actions will be what he will be doing during the last half of the week. He will be living in Jerusalem and will be deceived all the nations of the world from that city, Jerusalem. By the way, Jerusalem is also a city on seven hills and the book of Revelation is about Jerusalem.. Another point: the ten horns which are ten kings in Revelation 17 is not the ten nations of whom the Beast takes out three, leaving seven. These ten kings in Revelation are WITH the Beast, meaning, he is already in power. I believe they are to represent all the nations of the world that send armies to wipe Israel off the map. In short, all those nations involved with Armageddon.
Dear Pastor Allen, Greetings from Venezuela. God Bless You and All the congregation. In this sermon contained in your series of Revelation (and I suspect and fear that in all th sermon of this series) you refer to the seventh Kingdom as "The Revived Roman Empire". I have watched carefully you latest sermons, specially those covering The Oliveth Discourse and The End Times where you espose your understanding that The ANtichrist will be an Islamic individual referred in The Scriptures as "The Assyrian". My point is, are not those two opinions conflciting? If The Antichrist is from Syria and is islamic then He is not of Roman/European origin and then the last Empire/Kingdom is NOT the Roman Empire but rather an Islamic Kingdom/Empire. What I am proposing here is to update your entire series of Revelation with the appropriate changes to address this. God Bless!!!! Shalom.
This is a great comment! I have been studying eschatology for about 10 years, and different pastors have come along several times and been very convincing. Ultimately though, someone always comes along eventually and blows a few holes in the previous view point. Pastor Allen would be included in that except he didn’t add anything new to the classic pre trib view which sounds good with a cursory examination but just doesn’t work because dispensationalism has to be believed to see it in the scriptures. The “rapture” is always associated with the last trumpet and unless the last trumpet precedes the tribulation it just doesn’t work. But don’t misunderstand me, I have no clue what to expect other than for life to get REAL BAD, before we see Messiah coming in the clouds.
John 3:16, friend. It is sad to me that your worr was not alleviated your worry a year ago. I also have begun to worry at times because of all the conflicting views out there that I could lose my salvation. We should remember that it is necessary only to believe in Jesus as the Son of God who died to take away the sins of the world. Admit that you are a sinner, as are we all. Then receive the gift. Ask Jesus to come into your life and reside in your heart and help you in all things. Strive for a friendship with Him. Talk to Him and learn who He is by studying His teachings in the bible. It is a very good thing to make this decision public by finding a church and being baptized. Become a part of that church and to learn, serve, worship, have fellowship, etc. You are then acting as part of the Body of Christ. You have the promise of heaven after you believe in Jesus, confess your sin, and receive him into your heart to do His good work into your life. You don't have to do anything more after that. I'll see you in heaven. Trust you are saved by His grace!
Unanswered Scriptural facts Plz let someone explain these Scriptural truths 1. Book of Daniel says a beast as a symbol = a king(a person,leader) or a kingdom (so not just a kingdom or a political power or system or a nation) .it could mean both 2.if the anti Christ is not a person but a system how do u justify Rev 19:20 which states that both the Antichrist and the false prophet will be cast alive into the lake of fire 3. If the Antichrist is same as the false prophet how do you then explain Rev 13 and 19 where we have 2 different personalities (2 beasts) clearly mentioned. Daniel clearly states that a beast is either a king (a person, a leader) or a kingdom (a system, political power) 4.Revelation 13 ,16:13 and 19:20 are clearly referring to humans and not kingdoms because both the Antichrist and the false prophet will be judged at the same time while in Rev 20 satan's 1st judgment follows immediately for a 1000yrs before his final judgment comes up. So we see Trinity of evil in Rev 19:20-Rev20:1-3 (Satan, Antichrist,false prophet) 5. Rev 13:18 states that it's the "Number of A Man" and not the number of Man (all human) but " A MAN" (emphasis 'a man' a male person, a human) May be the false prophet(a global religious leader) is the papacy and not the Antichrist, so who is the Antichrist ? (is a Global political leader) So clear from the scriptures mentioned above that the Antichrist is a person , who will have political power while the false prophet will have religious power and will work assiduously to help the Antichrist fulfill his mission . _Personal insight:_ False prophet may be an apostate Christian that will deny Christ and the antichrist may be an apostate Muslim who will exalt himself above all gods (including Allah) . Both leaders will be use for the balance of power by the NWO global government btw the 2 big religions to have/attain world peace It's (Satan, Antichrist and the false prophet) the 3 working together 2 Thess 2+ , Rev 13 and Rev 19:20-Rev 20 These are 3 personalities and not kingdoms
Jesus told John that Seven heads are the seven hills, they are also SEVEN KINGS, 5 KINGS were fallen, ONE IS, and another KING hasn't yet come and when he comes will continue for a short time, then the beast is the eigth king and is one of the seven, who will come from the bottomless pit. Lets see the Kings/Kingdoms that ruled over Israel in its entire period before Jesus sets up His kingdom 1.Egyptian (fallen) 2.Assyrian (fallen) 3.Medo Persian (fallen) 4.Babylon (fallen) 5.Greek (fallen) 6.Roman(present during John's time) 7.Islamic Caliphate (came after John's time in 600s AD and ruled for a short time about 150 years before it broke into many Islamic Kingdoms, Muslims call it Islamic golden age) 8. Revived Islamic Caliphate (All Muslims are crying out for return of a worldwide caliphate, with the the spread of democracy, inclusivity and coexistence in many countries, many shall accept caliphate which shall show itself as the solution to economic and social problems in the world, it shall show them that wealth will be re distributed which shall appeal to many, indeed an Islamic leader Mahdi shall take the stage be force causing non followers to be slain in an international jihad.)
I like your video , however let me help you enlightened the masses in regards to what revelation 13 is truly speaking of ..Selah n blessings upon you . In regards to the whole chapter of Rev 13 Revelation 13:10 is a stumbling block for most without a understanding The understanding of that scripture in it's full context is this Rev 13: 1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Rev 13: 10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. The letter is coming to it's full potential Now if we continue from verse 11-18 and link the chapter with Daniel 7:1-3, Daniel 7:24-28, Mathew 26:52, Eph 4:8, Jer 15:2, Rev 19:20 It will all interpret it self very easy
True indeed, but revived caliphate is the healed would, many will marvel at the resurrected caliphate, of whom the bible says they were not in the book of life
No One is Clean Enough for The Spirit Until They are Washed by The Blood of The Lamb, how Brazen, What You're going to Blame The Holy Spirit? What Foolishness, Pouring Out of Your Mouth, Do You Think You're Not Committing Blasphemy Against The Spirit
not at all, Mark of the beast is something that proves you have rejected Christ and followed the devil who us identified as dragon in revelation, it's a form of allegiance or a creed which denies Jesus as the Son of God. Unless microchip causes you to deny Jesus, its not the mark of the beast.
So according to this Jesus is all knowing....except when he said the gates of hell will not prevail against his church? apparently, the gates of hell prevailed against it almost immediately?
He tries to make everyone seem stupid but himself I hate to break it to him but he doesn’t know everything some things in the past he’s so full of himself about are wrong
@@allennolan the one preserved unto all generations by holy men of God as moved by the Holy Spirit. The Authorized 1611 KJV - 1769 revision. The one from the faithful, fruitful textus receptus and Hebrew masoretic texts. You know, the one that doesn’t come from a couple of necromancer ecumenical sympathizers named Wescott and Hort. The version that doesn’t call lucifer and Jesus both the morning star and makes Jesus out to be a liar. Much love. God bless you in Jesus’ name 🙏💪😀❤️
@@allennolan those older manuscripts were found in a burn bin(where they belong) and are covered in errors and changes. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.
@@allennolan I’m sure I heard you say the king James was closest to the original languages the only thing is we font talk like that I think that’s what you said in the geneses teaching I may be wrong . I do listen to all your teachings and get a lot out of them and will continue to watch them you are a great teacher of Gods word . Ps I also use the 1611 king James I use a concordance to translate different words from the Greek and Hebrew from my English version and it’s very helpful . Thanks for the revelation teaching I’m enjoying it very much
From the True Bride out in the spiritual wilderness, out of ALL Churches. I sang The Song of The Lamb some call it The Song of Moses, in the spirit. I am one of the 144,000 we have a Pure Faith and The Testimony of Jesus. The Lamb helps us gain the VICTORY over THE BEAST it's MARK and it's IMAGE ( coming ). The Bride appears at MIDNIGHT with a message from Jesus to HIS PEOPLE if they will Hear it. The straight Testimony that will cause The Shaking. The REAL IDENTITY of MYSTERY BABYLON THE BEAST it's MARK the Numbers 666 THE FALSE PROPHET Man of Sin ANTI CHRIST. The True Location of the Most HOLY PLACE so you may get the VICTORY as well. Mystery Babylon is the one drunk with the blood of The Saints, is the same one that thinks to Change TIMES and LAWS. HER identity is The Roman Catholic Church with The Pope as HER representative. Every time SHE reappears in HISTORY there is much bloodshed of God's Commandment keeping People Saints. The Protestant Reformation is but one such event. The Roman Catholic Church MOVED God's SABBATH over to the pagan day of the sun Sunday SHE did it as HER MARK of authority over God's Laws and The Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus, which is BLSPHEMY. God tells us SHE has Harlot Sisters. They are ALL Churches under HER RULE and DOMINION that carry HER MARK the Roman Sunday. This is THE BEAST SYSTEM. This MOVE by HER made GODS CHURCH of The Laws and The Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus a desolation. God says SHE suffers no loss of Children. The Roman Catholic Church have foot soldiers called The Jesuits, they are loyal to HER alone They must infiltrate religion at the theological level. Creating NEW ones, and spinning ALL types of false narratives for the existing ones. This is MEANT to cause division dissension and confusion among God's People we know SATAN is the author of it ( confusion ). The MAIN GOAL of The Jesuits is to MAKE ALL WORSHIP THE BEAST THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and to MAKE ALL TAKE HER MARK the Roman Sunday. God tells us HER wound would be healed, The Pope has once again appeared on the World stage. The Anti Christ is anyone that speaks against God's Laws and The Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus. There have been many Anti Christs in the WORLD. The one that sets HIMSELF up in the Most HOLY PLACE lets call HIM Satan's Masterpiece THE FALSE PROPHET a Man who has led the WHOLE WORLD astray with HIS Anti Christ Doctrine. Where do we find the Most HOLY PLACE really ??? The Most HOLY PLACE is much debated for many reasons. The Jesuit infiltration into schools of religious learning, and THEIR deceptions concerning it. The others the IDEAS of Men. God tells us to BEWARE of those claiming to be Jews but are not. The others THE WORDS of a Man THE FALSE PROPHET and HIS deceptions concerning it. God has sent The Bible throughout The WORLD, it has been translated into many languages. IN IT God tells us who HE is and who HIS Son is and ALL about SATAN who seeks to DECEIVE the WHOLE WORLD if it were possible. FOR THIS REASON GOD TOLD SATAN YOU MUST REVEAL YOUR PLANS !! TO MY PEOPLE IN IT ( BIBLE ). That they may Discern THE TRUTH for themselves and CHOOSE WHOM they will FOLLOW !!! YOU ( SATAN ) OR I ( GOD ). THE BATTLE between GOD AND SATAN THE BEAST THE FALSE PROPHET ANTI CHRIST must be playing out in PLAIN SIGHT !! or it would not be FAIR . God says " I DO NOTHING IN SECRET " !!! FOR THIS REASON The ( Battle ) Has been going on since THE VERY BEGINNING right in front of Our Eyes. !!! THE BIBLE IS GODS MOST HOLY PLACE . Look for it anywhere else and You will Be DECEIVED and SATAN pleased, HE does not want to REVEAL HIS IDENTITY , HE wants to remain ( HIDDEN ). IN THE BIBLE GODS MOST HOLY PLACE God tells us who HE is and who HIS PEOPLE are They KEEP My Laws and The Commandments, The Testimony of Jesus. IN IT God also Tells us HE does NOT CHANGE . Until Heaven and Earth pass away not one stroke or Letter shall pass from THE LAW until ALL be fulfilled. This has always been God's MARK of HIS PEOPLE what happened ???. ENTER a Man a Roman INTO GODS MOST HOLY PLACE THE BIBLE. HE tells us HE is Saul to Paul an Apostle of God. That does depend on Who you ask. God's disciples knew HE was an IMPOSTER they had to send others behind HIM correcting HIS mistakes. They said HE was wreaking HAVOC on GODS CHURCH of The Laws and The Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus, they sought to KILL HIM. The Apostle Paul goes on to INVENT Pauline Christianity HIS BOOKS the Number of a Man 66 6 and THE BEAST THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Mystery Babylon. The Apostle Paul sets HIMSELF up IN GODS MOST HOLY PLACE THE BIBLE. Declaring HIMSELF to be God. Thinking to Change TIMES and LAWS just like HIS Roman COUNTER PART THE BEAST The Roman Catholic Church DID !!! The Apostle Paul TELLS US WHO HE IS !! IN The Book of Thessalonians. HE IS The Man of Sin THE LAWLESS ONE The Abomination THAT MAKES DESOLATE that God will REVEAL. There is only one LAWLESS ONE IN GODS MOST HOLY PLACE THE BIBLE. The Apostle Paul with HIS BOOKS of INVENTED CHRISTIANITY makes VOID God's Laws and The Commandments, The Testimony of Jesus this MOVE by HIM Made GODS CHURCH of The Laws and The Commandments, Testimony of Jesus a DESOLATION This makes The Apostle Paul THE ANTI CHRIST IN GODS MOST HOLY PLACE THE BIBLE God warns if a Man speak not according to THE LAW there is no Light in Them. The Anti Christ Apostle Paul is Also THE FALSE PROPHET that sets HIMSELF up IN GODS MOST HOLY PLACE THE BIBLE. The Anti Christ Apostle Paul THE FALSE PROPHET WORKS WITH THE BEAST THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH to MAKE ALL ( WORSHIP ) HER and to MAKE ALL TAKE HER MARK the Roman Sunday The Apostle Paul's Christians only have the ONE DAY available for WORSHIP The Roman Sunday which is the MARK OF THE BEAST This is ( HOW ) The ANTI CHRIST Apostle Paul THE FALSE PROPHET accomplishes it God says Come out of HER MY PEOPLE. Lest you drink of the wine of the wrath of HER FORNICATION. God says if you stay in a SUNDAY CHURCH I will say " I NEVER KNEW YOU " God is not a Christian. God says MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE and KEEP MY Laws and The Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus " I DO NOT CHANGE " !!! God left The Apostle Paul IN with HIS BOOKS of INVENTED CHRISTIANITY telling YOU that " I DO CHANGE " TO SEPERATE THE WHEAT FROM THE TARES God wants to know Who will Listen to HIS VOICE or rather THE VOICE of a Man the Apostle Paul THE FALSE PROPHET who has led the WHOLE WORLD astray with HIS Anti Christ Doctrine of Christianity The Combined efforts of THE BEAST The Roman Catholic Church ( MYSTERY BABYLON ) and The ANTI CHRIST Apostle Paul THE FALSE PROPHET have Made GODS CHURCH of The Laws and The Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus a desolation For Their PART THEY will have Their PLACE in the Lake of FIRE !!! Wake up it is MIDNIGHT From the True Bride out in the spiritual wilderness , out of ALL Churches they are ALL UNDER ROMAN OCCUPATION
What made you think that Paul was the antichrist? I think the antichrist is the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church. Watch this video:
@@honghanglin8811 he’s not an Anti Christ people just don’t understand him they need the meat to get what he’s saying. They only have milk. As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:16 . Lol Paul an AntiChrist? Nah he’s was far from it. Peter justified Paul. Peter already knew people were gonna come against Paul cause of his pass
No...just no...smh. Revelations was written to a very specific group of people showing that Jesus was the END of the prophecies (which is why it was written in a prophetic/Armageddon style. Most of this imagery wouldn't have been confusing to them. We are reading it 1900 years later like children. Everyone who does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is an antichrist [1 John 4:2-3, 2 John 7] Go watch the Bible Project
The Roman Papacy has all the colors of the Beast. It is indeed Antichrist, a dynasti, office and the seat of Satan, the Last king of the Beast. - Darkijah
The Devil ruled/rule the heads, and the Beast rules the 10 kings, as to say the Roman heads gave their dominion to the Devil and the future kings to the Beast. - Darkijah
The mountain in prophecy is a kingdom, a king, head and a horn. Although Rome might be known as the city on 7 mountains and God might have further used this in a double meaning it is in prophecy understanding not the direct correct way of use. Yet if you do understand that the Woman is the City of Rome do bear in mind she is shitting on all 7 heads, as to say these are Roman Government types ending with the now Papacy 666 the former the Dukes for a short time and The 6 in the time of John. Beginning head as a standard Kingdom. - Darkijah
I have studied the book of Revelation for over 50 years. This man clears up years of confusion in a half an hour. Praise God !
Same!! But inly 38 years.
50 years wow
I could watch teaching day after day and get it. Soon as I press play in an audio Bible. LOSTVILLE!!! 😅
Praise the lord
I can't believe how eloquent pastor Allen is. God bless !
Super fascinating. Thanks for the clear exposition and for uploading this onto youtube for the world to view! He who has ears, let him hear!
1:30pm I am completely convinced that I have received very accurate knowledge of the book of Revelation. Please continue your sharing of truth.
Thank you for preaching the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you did make it simple, the holy spirit did help you, not everyone could explain revelation like you did.
Love you Pastor Nolan
I love when you leave your notes and go deeper into the subject !
This is one of the best series on revelation ever.
Have to disagree, It sounded like he conflated the beast and the antichrist, these are not the same person. Secondly the seven heads and seven hills is referring to Rome and kings not kingdoms which would make the beast Nero his Humber is six hundred and sixty six. Not six six six. Hebrew gematria comes out to Nero Caesar. And he did persecute Christians for 42 months. Sermon was set up well, I’ll give you that but I think he has his eschatology I little funky
@@xAgent_Smithx The only problem is that Revelation is a prophetic future in a time after the Church Age. Nero was dead many decades ago so it doesn't fit with everything else that is coming in the near future.
@@seanc2788 fits perfectly for the 70Ad destruction of the temple that Christ prophesied
@@xAgent_Smithx So where is the other half? The 42 months before he persecuted the "Christians" or was that the "Jews who believed in Christ?" Too many holes. The Great Tribulation is about persecuting the Jews who have not turned to Christ yet. Again future telling.
Vatican City is on Seven Hill,
Absolutely brilliant brilliant teaching bless you Allen
Thank you for unlocking the book of Revelation. I am learning so many new things. Rev. Dr Anand K Lal, Dehradun, India.
Amen, Pastor Allen Nolan 🙏🙏🙏
I love your teaching. God gave you a gift to really explain the words of God. Thank you so much.
Pastor Allen is gifted
This is my second time listening. So much to connect. Thank you.
Very excellent presentation!!
Thank You 🙏
Thanks again Pastor Allen.
Very well done Pastor... That's good preaching... My second listen 01/23/25 and notes are being updated!
Thanks for trying to explain this portion of Revelation.
Thank you for explaining the Bible verses so clearly and understanding god bless. Go Dawgs
God blesses you with a Mind of Wisdom which you are sharing with us....Thank you for sharing.
Loving this series!!
I am on information overload!
Good to know the kings means kingdoms! Praise God!
Amazing! Pastor, you repeat the same thing up to 10, 12 times....
Going to be done ✅
Every christian is annointed 1st John
How can we get get transscripts for this great teaching.
Not sure about transcripts, but the video description says there are downloadable study notes on this. Maybe that will help.
OMG, I am getting it !!!! As I learn more and more I get scared ! :)
Good video tyvm
Scripture specifically says it is the 10 horns that represents kings. The little horn uproots 3 of them. That little horn is the antichrist of the beast.
Thanks for sharing
REVELATION 1:12-19, REVELATION 2:18, REVELATION 3:20, MATTHEW 22:35-40, EXODUS 20:1-7, EXODUS CHAPTER 32,33,34, MATTHEW 7:12-16, MATTHEW 7:21-27, ISAIAH 29:13, HEBREW 1:1-2, LUKE 16:19-31 AND 1 JOHN 2:22.
Pastor Allen I thank the Good Lord for you sir and the knowledge you share. Coincidence maybe... I live just outside of a city the Rome ga that sits in the middle of seven hills and our county, Floyd co is called the enchanted land. I always wondered where in the world this came from but now understand it is a reference.
After 4 years i think this sermon needs a correction. City of 7 hills doesn't only refer to Rome or (the Vatican).. Mecca also refers to the city of 7 hills and it's sits in the desert... It's not just the revive Roman empire but a revive Byzantine-Ottoman Islamic Caliphate empire, whereas the Western part of the Roman empire (Adriatic) collapse the Eastern part (Levant) continues on till it fall in 1924 after WW1... This why we see the likes of Iran continues to fan up the jihad that we see today with the emergence of many islamic terror arms all around the world and especially towards Jerusalem and Israel as a whole.. Vatican is mute, Europe is currently falling into the hands of Islamic conquest via the largest immigration of Arabs Muslims since the Ottoman era conquest of Constantinople present day Turkey...
Enjoying this series. What part covers Chapter 12 :7-17 ?
He explained it in bits over episodes 39-41.
The capital of the Kingdom of Assyria, Nineveh, was said to have been located on the eastern bank of the Tigris River, near the modern-day city of Mosul in northern Iraq. It was said to have been built on seven hills. Considering the Antichrist is referred to as the Assyrian, think it would be more likely that the Assyrian empire is the one being referred to.
it's very interesting that he started off with "the Emporer's new clothes" disclaimer
I shared this on my Facebook.
Thank you for making this, God bless you for your work. Have you considered the seventh head as Islam rather than Rome? The caliphate being destroyed last century, that would account for the fatal wound, and Turkey is now openly aiming to reestablish it. It seems to me that the fatal wound being healed must be talking about the same head that received it, rather than another head that was not yet there.
@@allennolan that’s not it either.
The Seven Heads are a group of Seven people and one of them DID in fact suffer a head wound in his life and had brain surgery and lived therefore causing his eyesight to be lost in his LEFT eye contrary to what many think about it being the right one, it’s not, it’s the left, truly I tell you, but that is NOT the mortal wound that the world shall marvel at, I don’t even know what it is and I live with him in the same house, he who is of the seven and is also the Eighth yet his time must come for a little while and you shall receive him instead of Christ for he comes INSTEAD OF.
The meaning of the name which only he knows is The Ark of God and his name is Arcadio.
He is who you will receive and I will present him.
Don’t expect Christ’s second coming because that already came, the Third coming ALSO, has come from 1884 to 1950 across Mexico where the Lord YAHVE or YHWH manifested to bring a new Third Testament and he already proclaimed his third coming as COMPLETED, this is now the FOURTH and none are aware, all are asleep, but TRULY I TELL YOU, before the time comes, as the prophets before, when the time came “do you not remember me telling you beforehand”?
So I do the same.
You will receive the rider of the white horse.
Arcadio. The one who GOD chose.
Wow, interesting. I like this.
@@allennolan where is part 42?
@@sibusisomagagula3633 they upload a new episode every Wednesday and Saturday!
The Muslim Empire is actually the 7th empire of Revelation. It ruled Israel for 666 x 2 years, from 636 AD to 1968, the year of the Jerusalem Holiday. It celebrated the taking over of Jerusalem by Israel in the 6-Day War of 1967. the Beast is the 8th king, and is of the 7, which means he is of the 7th, and is a Muslim.
The Catholic Church persecuted the saints for 1260 years. 538 - 1798
The Islamic Caliphate brother , Daniel couldn’t even describe and name it Terrible Beast !
You were doing SO WELL until you got to the city. I believe you missed it here. It is NOT Rome. The Beast will live in JERUSALEM, not Rome. Why Jerusalem? Because the Beast is coming in the place of the true Messiah, and the true Messiah, Jesus, will return to Jerusalem. Jerusalem will reign over all the cities of the world WHILE the Beast is living there deceiving the entire world.
Did John mention "great city" in another verse in Revelation? Yes.
Revelation 11:8
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
The first mention of the Beast is in Revelation 13, which in timing is some unknown time after the Abomination that will divide the week - probably only a few days after the abomination - but maybe only a few hours. Therefore, all the verses describing the beast's actions will be what he will be doing during the last half of the week. He will be living in Jerusalem and will be deceived all the nations of the world from that city, Jerusalem. By the way, Jerusalem is also a city on seven hills and the book of Revelation is about Jerusalem..
Another point: the ten horns which are ten kings in Revelation 17 is not the ten nations of whom the Beast takes out three, leaving seven. These ten kings in Revelation are WITH the Beast, meaning, he is already in power. I believe they are to represent all the nations of the world that send armies to wipe Israel off the map. In short, all those nations involved with Armageddon.
Dear Pastor Allen,
Greetings from Venezuela. God Bless You and All the congregation.
In this sermon contained in your series of Revelation (and I suspect and fear that in all th sermon of this series) you refer to the seventh Kingdom as "The Revived Roman Empire".
I have watched carefully you latest sermons, specially those covering The Oliveth Discourse and The End Times where you espose your understanding that The ANtichrist will be an Islamic individual referred in The Scriptures as "The Assyrian".
My point is, are not those two opinions conflciting?
If The Antichrist is from Syria and is islamic then He is not of Roman/European origin and then the last Empire/Kingdom is NOT the Roman Empire but rather an Islamic Kingdom/Empire.
What I am proposing here is to update your entire series of Revelation with the appropriate changes to address this.
God Bless!!!!
I'm so confused i gave up on trying to understand anymore. I just hope I make it to heaven but I honestly don't think I will.
This is a great comment! I have been studying eschatology for about 10 years, and different pastors have come along several times and been very convincing. Ultimately though, someone always comes along eventually and blows a few holes in the previous view point. Pastor Allen would be included in that except he didn’t add anything new to the classic pre trib view which sounds good with a cursory examination but just doesn’t work because dispensationalism has to be believed to see it in the scriptures. The “rapture” is always associated with the last trumpet and unless the last trumpet precedes the tribulation it just doesn’t work. But don’t misunderstand me, I have no clue what to expect other than for life to get REAL BAD, before we see Messiah coming in the clouds.
John 3:16, friend. It is sad to me that your worr was not alleviated your worry a year ago. I also have begun to worry at times because of all the conflicting views out there that I could lose my salvation. We should remember that it is necessary only to believe in Jesus as the Son of God who died to take away the sins of the world. Admit that you are a sinner, as are we all. Then receive the gift. Ask Jesus to come into your life and reside in your heart and help you in all things. Strive for a friendship with Him. Talk to Him and learn who He is by studying His teachings in the bible. It is a very good thing to make this decision public by finding a church and being baptized. Become a part of that church and to learn, serve, worship, have fellowship, etc. You are then acting as part of the Body of Christ. You have the promise of heaven after you believe in Jesus, confess your sin, and receive him into your heart to do His good work into your life. You don't have to do anything more after that. I'll see you in heaven. Trust you are saved by His grace!
Unanswered Scriptural facts
Plz let someone explain these Scriptural truths
1. Book of Daniel says a beast as a symbol = a king(a person,leader) or a kingdom (so not just a kingdom or a political power or system or a nation) .it could mean both
2.if the anti Christ is not a person but a system how do u justify Rev 19:20 which states that both the Antichrist and the false prophet will be cast alive into the lake of fire
3. If the Antichrist is same as the false prophet how do you then explain Rev 13 and 19 where we have 2 different personalities (2 beasts) clearly mentioned. Daniel clearly states that a beast is either a king (a person, a leader) or a kingdom (a system, political power)
4.Revelation 13 ,16:13 and 19:20 are clearly referring to humans and not kingdoms because both the Antichrist and the false prophet will be judged at the same time while in Rev 20 satan's 1st judgment follows immediately for a 1000yrs before his final judgment comes up. So we see Trinity of evil in Rev 19:20-Rev20:1-3 (Satan, Antichrist,false prophet)
5. Rev 13:18 states that it's the "Number of A Man" and not the number of Man (all human) but " A MAN" (emphasis 'a man' a male person, a human)
May be the false prophet(a global religious leader) is the papacy and not the Antichrist,
so who is the Antichrist ? (is a Global political leader)
So clear from the scriptures mentioned above that the Antichrist is a person , who will have political power while the false prophet will have religious power and will work assiduously to help the Antichrist fulfill his mission .
_Personal insight:_
False prophet may be an apostate Christian that will deny Christ and the antichrist may be an apostate Muslim who will exalt himself above all gods (including Allah) .
Both leaders will be use for the balance of power by the NWO global government btw the 2 big religions to have/attain world peace
It's (Satan, Antichrist and the false prophet) the 3 working together 2 Thess 2+ , Rev 13 and Rev 19:20-Rev 20
These are 3 personalities and not kingdoms
You broke this down so perfectly.
Jesus is a religious power that actually came into a church.. Just saying..
Maybe it’s like the rider in Lord of the Rings.
So.... the beast represents a world system. Why didnt you say that?
A world order, a new world order
What does the Book of Revelation say about President Trump moving the USA embassy to Jerusalem?
i missed chapter 12 verses 7-17
THERE'S THIS LINE IN REVELATION "GOD OF EARTH" means the expansion of the Lord of the Universe.
There is also 2 beasts
Jesus told John that Seven heads are the seven hills, they are also SEVEN KINGS, 5 KINGS were fallen, ONE IS, and another KING hasn't yet come and when he comes will continue for a short time, then the beast is the eigth king and is one of the seven, who will come from the bottomless pit.
Lets see the Kings/Kingdoms that ruled over Israel in its entire period before Jesus sets up His kingdom
1.Egyptian (fallen)
2.Assyrian (fallen)
3.Medo Persian (fallen)
4.Babylon (fallen)
5.Greek (fallen)
6.Roman(present during John's time)
7.Islamic Caliphate (came after John's time in 600s AD and ruled for a short time about 150 years before it broke into many Islamic Kingdoms, Muslims call it Islamic golden age)
8. Revived Islamic Caliphate (All Muslims are crying out for return of a worldwide caliphate, with the the spread of democracy, inclusivity and coexistence in many countries, many shall accept caliphate which shall show itself as the solution to economic and social problems in the world, it shall show them that wealth will be re distributed which shall appeal to many, indeed an Islamic leader Mahdi shall take the stage be force causing non followers to be slain in an international jihad.)
I like your video , however let me help you enlightened the masses in regards to what revelation 13 is truly speaking of ..Selah n blessings upon you .
In regards to the whole chapter of Rev 13
Revelation 13:10 is a stumbling block for most without a understanding
The understanding of that scripture in it's full context is this
Rev 13: 1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Rev 13: 10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
The letter is coming to it's full potential
Now if we continue from verse 11-18 and link the chapter with Daniel 7:1-3, Daniel 7:24-28, Mathew 26:52, Eph 4:8, Jer 15:2, Rev 19:20
It will all interpret it self very easy
I'm still not scared of the antichrist or the false prophet. I'm not impressed.
1924 the Calif got the physical wound.
True indeed, but revived caliphate is the healed would, many will marvel at the resurrected caliphate, of whom the bible says they were not in the book of life
Ottoman Empire is 7
Yep for sure, it came after the roman by quite a few years. Erdogan wants the ottoman empire to be revived.
Do you know who they will be are have any idea. If you like you can tell me on email and are on my phone.
No One is Clean Enough for The Spirit Until They are Washed by The Blood of The Lamb, how Brazen, What You're going to Blame The Holy Spirit? What Foolishness, Pouring Out of Your Mouth, Do You Think You're Not Committing Blasphemy Against The Spirit
I disagree. I like Daniel. I think Daniel did get it.
I like Moses more though.
WAY more.
why is the beast in the sea. What sea? Why does he come out of the sea? Where is this sea? Ha, Ha, Ha, God gave you the answer, HUH? Don't think so.
Im getting depressed again. Pray for your brother. Its been a min. N im not liking it.
Is the microchip the Mark of the Beast?
Possibly, keep your eyes and ears open..we are nearing the beginning of the 7yrs, we must be vigilant
@@lunarbunny3021 how do you know that? No one knows
@@kamryncalderon6256 no one knows the day or the hour, but The Lord said to watch for the signs that the end of the age is approaching
it's the Shahadat of Islam. Jihadis wear the Shahadat on their arms or foreheads. The 600, 60, and 6 in Greek looks like the Arabic name for Allah.
not at all, Mark of the beast is something that proves you have rejected Christ and followed the devil who us identified as dragon in revelation, it's a form of allegiance or a creed which denies Jesus as the Son of God. Unless microchip causes you to deny Jesus, its not the mark of the beast.
So according to this Jesus is all knowing....except when he said the gates of hell will not prevail against his church? apparently, the gates of hell prevailed against it almost immediately?
How ?
The church, is the believers of Christ not the building I believe. So no one will prevail against his followers ( his church)
Why are you even here if you don't believe?
@@Esbamken this says the church he established failed
@@SeanBeatsMapson this says the church(the people) he established failed
Antichrist is epsteins son wake up akready
He tries to make everyone seem stupid but himself I hate to break it to him but he doesn’t know everything some things in the past he’s so full of himself about are wrong
Why is he constantly using the wicked translation of the NIV???
You’re not gonna glean any truth reading from the non inspired version.
@@allennolan the one preserved unto all generations by holy men of God as moved by the Holy Spirit. The Authorized 1611 KJV - 1769 revision. The one from the faithful, fruitful textus receptus and Hebrew masoretic texts. You know, the one that doesn’t come from a couple of necromancer ecumenical sympathizers named Wescott and Hort. The version that doesn’t call lucifer and Jesus both the morning star and makes Jesus out to be a liar.
Much love.
God bless you in Jesus’ name 🙏💪😀❤️
@@allennolan those older manuscripts were found in a burn bin(where they belong) and are covered in errors and changes. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.
@@allennolan Agreed! 💪😀❤️
@@allennolan I’m sure I heard you say the king James was closest to the original languages the only thing is we font talk like that I think that’s what you said in the geneses teaching I may be wrong . I do listen to all your teachings and get a lot out of them and will continue to watch them you are a great teacher of Gods word . Ps I also use the 1611 king James I use a concordance to translate different words from the Greek and Hebrew from my English version and it’s very helpful . Thanks for the revelation teaching I’m enjoying it very much
From the True Bride out in the spiritual wilderness, out of ALL Churches. I sang The Song of
The Lamb some call it The Song of Moses, in the spirit. I am one of the 144,000 we have a
Pure Faith and The Testimony of Jesus. The Lamb helps us gain the VICTORY over
THE BEAST it's MARK and it's IMAGE ( coming ). The Bride appears at MIDNIGHT with a
message from Jesus to HIS PEOPLE if they will Hear it. The straight Testimony that will
the Numbers 666 THE FALSE PROPHET Man of Sin ANTI CHRIST. The True Location of the
Most HOLY PLACE so you may get the VICTORY as well.
Mystery Babylon is the one drunk with the blood of The Saints, is the same one that thinks to
Change TIMES and LAWS. HER identity is The Roman Catholic Church with The Pope as
HER representative. Every time SHE reappears in HISTORY there is much bloodshed of God's
Commandment keeping People Saints. The Protestant Reformation is but one such event.
The Roman Catholic Church MOVED God's SABBATH over to the pagan day of the sun Sunday
SHE did it as HER MARK of authority over God's Laws and The Commandments, and The
Testimony of Jesus, which is BLSPHEMY. God tells us SHE has Harlot Sisters. They are ALL
Churches under HER RULE and DOMINION that carry HER MARK the Roman Sunday. This is
THE BEAST SYSTEM. This MOVE by HER made GODS CHURCH of The Laws and The
Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus a desolation. God says SHE suffers no loss
of Children.
The Roman Catholic Church have foot soldiers called The Jesuits, they are loyal to HER alone
They must infiltrate religion at the theological level. Creating NEW ones, and spinning ALL
types of false narratives for the existing ones. This is MEANT to cause division dissension
and confusion among God's People we know SATAN is the author of it ( confusion ). The
CHURCH and to MAKE ALL TAKE HER MARK the Roman Sunday. God tells us HER wound
would be healed, The Pope has once again appeared on the World stage.
The Anti Christ is anyone that speaks against God's Laws and The Commandments, and The
Testimony of Jesus. There have been many Anti Christs in the WORLD. The one that sets
HIMSELF up in the Most HOLY PLACE lets call HIM Satan's Masterpiece
THE FALSE PROPHET a Man who has led the WHOLE WORLD astray with HIS Anti Christ
Doctrine. Where do we find the Most HOLY PLACE really ???
The Most HOLY PLACE is much debated for many reasons. The Jesuit infiltration into schools of religious learning, and THEIR deceptions concerning it. The others the IDEAS of
Men. God tells us to BEWARE of those claiming to be Jews but are not. The others
THE WORDS of a Man THE FALSE PROPHET and HIS deceptions concerning it.
God has sent The Bible throughout The WORLD, it has been translated into many languages.
IN IT God tells us who HE is and who HIS Son is and ALL about SATAN who seeks to
Discern THE TRUTH for themselves and CHOOSE WHOM they will FOLLOW !!!
THE FALSE PROPHET ANTI CHRIST must be playing out in PLAIN SIGHT !! or it would
not be FAIR . God says " I DO NOTHING IN SECRET " !!! FOR THIS REASON The ( Battle )
Has been going on since THE VERY BEGINNING right in front of Our Eyes. !!!
THE BIBLE IS GODS MOST HOLY PLACE . Look for it anywhere else and You will Be
DECEIVED and SATAN pleased, HE does not want to REVEAL HIS IDENTITY , HE wants
to remain ( HIDDEN ).
IN THE BIBLE GODS MOST HOLY PLACE God tells us who HE is and who HIS PEOPLE are
They KEEP My Laws and The Commandments, The Testimony of Jesus. IN IT God also
Tells us HE does NOT CHANGE . Until Heaven and Earth pass away not one stroke or
Letter shall pass from THE LAW until ALL be fulfilled. This has always been God's MARK
of HIS PEOPLE what happened ???.
Saul to Paul an Apostle of God. That does depend on Who you ask. God's disciples knew HE
was an IMPOSTER they had to send others behind HIM correcting HIS mistakes. They said
HE was wreaking HAVOC on GODS CHURCH of The Laws and The Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus, they sought to KILL HIM.
The Apostle Paul goes on to INVENT Pauline Christianity HIS BOOKS the Number of a Man
The Apostle Paul sets HIMSELF up IN GODS MOST HOLY PLACE THE BIBLE. Declaring
HIMSELF to be God. Thinking to Change TIMES and LAWS just like HIS Roman
COUNTER PART THE BEAST The Roman Catholic Church DID !!!
The Apostle Paul TELLS US WHO HE IS !! IN The Book of Thessalonians. HE IS
The Man of Sin THE LAWLESS ONE The Abomination THAT MAKES DESOLATE that
God's Laws and The Commandments, The Testimony of Jesus this MOVE by HIM Made
GODS CHURCH of The Laws and The Commandments, Testimony of Jesus a DESOLATION
God warns if a Man speak not according to THE LAW there is no Light in Them.
The Anti Christ Apostle Paul is Also THE FALSE PROPHET that sets HIMSELF up
The Apostle Paul's Christians only have the ONE DAY available for WORSHIP
The Roman Sunday which is the MARK OF THE BEAST
This is ( HOW ) The ANTI CHRIST Apostle Paul THE FALSE PROPHET accomplishes it
God says Come out of HER MY PEOPLE. Lest you drink of the wine of the wrath of HER
FORNICATION. God says if you stay in a SUNDAY CHURCH I will say " I NEVER KNEW YOU "
God is not a Christian. God says MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE and KEEP MY
Laws and The Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus " I DO NOT CHANGE " !!!
God left The Apostle Paul IN with HIS BOOKS of INVENTED CHRISTIANITY telling
God wants to know Who will Listen to HIS VOICE or rather THE VOICE
of a Man the Apostle Paul THE FALSE PROPHET who has led the
WHOLE WORLD astray with HIS Anti Christ Doctrine of Christianity
The Combined efforts of THE BEAST The Roman Catholic Church ( MYSTERY BABYLON )
The Laws and The Commandments, and The Testimony of Jesus a desolation
For Their PART THEY will have Their PLACE in the Lake of FIRE !!!
Wake up it is MIDNIGHT
From the True Bride out in the spiritual wilderness , out of ALL
What made you think that Paul was the antichrist? I think the antichrist is the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church. Watch this video:
The video is called "The Antichrist: 10 Proofs from the Bible! [It Exists TODAY]".
@@honghanglin8811 he’s not an Anti Christ people just don’t understand him they need the meat to get what he’s saying. They only have milk.
As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:16 . Lol Paul an AntiChrist? Nah he’s was far from it. Peter justified Paul. Peter already knew people were gonna come against Paul cause of his pass
No...just no...smh. Revelations was written to a very specific group of people showing that Jesus was the END of the prophecies (which is why it was written in a prophetic/Armageddon style. Most of this imagery wouldn't have been confusing to them. We are reading it 1900 years later like children.
Everyone who does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is an antichrist [1 John 4:2-3, 2 John 7]
Go watch the Bible Project
Jesus was actually giving the prophecies in Revelation. All Biblical prophecies have been given. They are about to be fulfilled.
Buy the Bible in sound and you can listen over and over and over to Daniel and Revelation to grow in understanding. - Darkijah
The Roman Papacy has all the colors of the Beast. It is indeed Antichrist, a dynasti, office and the seat of Satan, the Last king of the Beast. - Darkijah
The Antichrist has already ripped up the 3 horns in the past. The 10 kings in revelation is still future. - Darkijah
The Devil ruled/rule the heads, and the Beast rules the 10 kings, as to say the Roman heads gave their dominion to the Devil and the future kings to the Beast. - Darkijah
On the crowns
Jesus does that with the men just saying.
The mountain in prophecy is a kingdom, a king, head and a horn. Although Rome might be known as the city on 7 mountains and God might have further used this in a double meaning it is in prophecy understanding not the direct correct way of use.
Yet if you do understand that the Woman is the City of Rome do bear in mind she is shitting on all 7 heads, as to say these are Roman Government types ending with the now Papacy 666 the former the Dukes for a short time and The 6 in the time of John. Beginning head as a standard Kingdom. - Darkijah