四面佛經咒, 四面佛经咒

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
  • 誦咒著, ,必發四無量心, 所願方可快速成就
    1. 即慈無量心, 能與樂量心
    2. 悲無量心, 能撥苦之心
    3. 喜無量心, 見人離苦得樂生慶悅之心
    4. 舍無量心, 如上三心舍之而心不存著
    The person who worships by Chanting For Brahma has to perform virtue, by applying oneself to the 4 Brahmavihāra-s.
    In this way, he or she will quickly obtain the intended achievements.
    The 4 Brahmavihāra-s are
    1. Mettā : loving kindness
    2. Karunā : compassion
    3. Muditā : sympathetic joy
    4. Upekkhā : equanimity

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