This video was originally recorded in 2022. But as I had to open a new 'Altero Thai' channel, this video was uploaded here only now in 2024. It was enhanced to 4K and some additional color corrections were applied. I hope you would enjoy this video! 😊🙏
If you come by any chance to Patong Phuket and you would like to join these dancers, please let me know! And if we can get in touch then I might come with you too! Now I don't come often to dance there. But I am looking forward for any reason to do it again. I miss it! Zumba is fun!
Nekem is tetszik ez a tánc, szerintem jó mozgásforma, én is nagyon szívesen csinálnám. De sajnos csak itthon tudom csinálni, egyelőre nincs lehetőségem Phuketre utazni.
This video was originally recorded in 2022. But as I had to open a new 'Altero Thai' channel, this video was uploaded here only now in 2024. It was enhanced to 4K and some additional color corrections were applied. I hope you would enjoy this video! 😊🙏
If you come by any chance to Patong Phuket and you would like to join these dancers, please let me know! And if we can get in touch then I might come with you too! Now I don't come often to dance there. But I am looking forward for any reason to do it again. I miss it! Zumba is fun!
Nekem is tetszik ez a tánc, szerintem jó mozgásforma, én is nagyon szívesen csinálnám. De sajnos csak itthon tudom csinálni, egyelőre nincs lehetőségem Phuketre utazni.