When scrapman explores around an ancient temple he probably gets killed because he doesn't notice when ceilings come down onto him He just inspects the floor
Yeah, at first I made this door only for this challenge, but I also thought that it fit Moonbo's video perfectly, so I sent it to him as well. You can find it on the workshop as a separate creation.)
Thanks for playing my map! I spent a lot of time building it and I didn't expect it to become even more popular than my previous challenge. I guess the effort really paid off. I feel so good when I see a youtuber play my map, especially if he's my favorite one.) Anyway thank you for your awesome video, I enjoyed every second of it.) Also sorry for my English, it's not my native language. )
Dude ! That's some serious level design skills you got, every part of this map was well done, the puzzles and the design. Reminds me of black Mesa in half life, with that mysterious feel to it, a secret facility.
There are hundreds of escape rooms made for when you asked for one for multiplayer monday. Also you should do more parkour. The only parkour you've done so far was one of the hardest ones on the whole workshop.
Scrap man play colony survival again! The game is changed a lot from when you last played it.It was one of the best series on the channel please continue it
I was just watching durf playthrough your golf course and thought, "huh, scrap should make another episode with challenge mode". Then i ate dinner and when i came back, this happened
Dog multiplayer monday: you build walkers that look like dogs and at the start of each round you throw 3 bones, 3 balls and 3 steaks at the same time. The goal is to have one of each in your garaje, first one to have them all wins. (The mechanism used to grab the objects has to be the head of the dog)
Make a mech using hydraulics please (no powered bearings) I managed to make a single arm that could curl a 30x10x10 block of concrete(3 tons) Im going to make two so it will be able to curl 6 tons, WITH NO POWERED BEARINGS! I will then add tank tracks and a torso to complete it. PLEASE TRY THIS!
Scrap man I have a challenge for your trailmakers Tuesday thingy whatever you wanna call it, but pls do a submarine war thing where you battle underwater(obviously) and lastman standing wins (obviously *again* )
the puzzle works by starting the timer then there is a AND gate under the switch so the timer has to be powering the AND gate and u had to press the button at the same time
Im not the only one who noticed he said "purple yellow yellow red blue" first,then he repeated "purple yellow yellow blue". Oh and yeah it does really look like portal.
Scrapman: "I gotta keep saying it so I remember"
Also Scrapman: *Excludes a whole color*
Ikr, but he got it right first try anyways
@@rip_8114 That's true
He excluded red because that's one of the channel colors
When scrapman explores around an ancient temple he probably gets killed because he doesn't notice when ceilings come down onto him
He just inspects the floor
I got so mad because I am a fan of those type of traps but what are you gonna do.
@@jax_cat_attack he miiiiiight have been intentionally "ignoring" it
Because it was kinda obvious
@@marshaenderheart probably.
Am i dumb bc i didnt see this happening
3:13 Anyone else noticed that this door was reviewed by Moonbo in his doors vid a while back??
Yeah, at first I made this door only for this challenge, but I also thought that it fit Moonbo's video perfectly, so I sent it to him as well. You can find it on the workshop as a separate creation.)
2:13 right?
(Edit) nvm its the same door 😅
*sees floor
*dosn't notice roof about to crush him
I'm pretty sure he noticed that
Time stamp?
Hey, he's a ScrapMan, not a SmartMan... >:P
@@LordDragox412 fare point
Thanks for playing my map! I spent a lot of time building it and I didn't expect it to become even more popular than my previous challenge. I guess the effort really paid off. I feel so good when I see a youtuber play my map, especially if he's my favorite one.) Anyway thank you for your awesome video, I enjoyed every second of it.)
Also sorry for my English, it's not my native language. )
Dude ! That's some serious level design skills you got, every part of this map was well done, the puzzles and the design. Reminds me of black Mesa in half life, with that mysterious feel to it, a secret facility.
@@babarlebarbar2709 Thanks, dude!
That was really well made, excellent job!
@@ClayInvictus Thank you!
I can’t tell if you are the real creator,but,great map,perfect doors,and a really cool timing puzzle that I immediately figured out how it worked
ScrapMan after showing us the solutions to all the puzzles: If you want to solve it yourself go and check it out
ikr lol
not gonna lie I was just derping around and it was still too easy
@@NovaAge Weird Flex but okay.
איך הולך גבר
@@yrm1594 מה קורה
Scrapman: Purple yellow yellow blue. I gotta say that so i don't forget
Also Scrapman:
*Totally forgets about red*
ScrapMan: *skips intro*
Intro: *sad intro noises*
17:20 Wasnt the answer on the ceiling? That's how it is in games usually.
timers: feed into an and-gate together with a button and into another timer
Scrapman: Witchcraft!
Yeah, that's exactly how I did it.)) Idk why he was so impressed with it.
@@electro7018 probably a blend of his his relative gate logics illiteracy and the intuitive/visualy appealing presentation of the puzzle.
@@user-pc5sc7zi9j Maybe. It just seems like a very simple thing to do.)
Any one else like "Aw that sucks" when he actually made it out... I wanted to see so much more cool stuff they did... That level was awesome.
Scrapman: **Falls into a trap and shouted a bit*
Also Scrapman: That's fun!
Again with my sleeping pattern
You still sleep?
It's 3 am for me lol
2:15 for anyone who’s watched moonbow’s door videos, you’ll remember this door was featured in that series!
I like how he was completely oblivious to the fact that the roof in 12:34 was getting closer
6:07 hammer time
17:51 BFG
“I got to keep saying that to remember”,as when he said it was wrong 4 times 😂
How did he not see the roof dropping😂 12:45
12:55 NOW THATS A LOT OF DAMAGE!!! (flex tape, “I sawed this boat in half!”)
begin of the video: its been a while since... i’ve shaved myself😂
looks great scrapman👍🤗
6:04 omg this reminds me of portal! Cube red buttons and that tiled floor!!!
9:20 sm: how does that work
me: and gates
the rest with crazy logic scrap man: -.-
“this does not look like a place i would want to take an elevator to”
elevator: i never asked to be made
The Lazer blew my mind
Make a beyblade race or battle.
( 4 thrusters for spinning, 4 thrusters on low thrust for movement and made out of cardboard and 8 spikes)
Kantorax G. Copied!!!!
I loved the doors and the floor breaking!
The cube one is clearly based on portal with a companion cube and a large button
There's always in love you cameras
scrap man: says hes gonna look hard. also scrap man: do not see sign.
6:20 his look like portal
Escape rooms are always fun :-D All the puzzle codes were fun and the laser was an awesome touch :-D
The BFG part was my favourite part
There are hundreds of escape rooms made for when you asked for one for multiplayer monday. Also you should do more parkour. The only parkour you've done so far was one of the hardest ones on the whole workshop.
Scrap man play colony survival again! The game is changed a lot from when you last played it.It was one of the best series on the channel please continue it
I like these challenge maps!
I played this map a long time ago and it's AWESOME
longer ago now
0:14 this cracked me up
An escape map with actually good level design?? :O
I was just watching durf playthrough your golf course and thought, "huh, scrap should make another episode with challenge mode".
Then i ate dinner and when i came back, this happened
Very cool and amazing challenge !
Dog multiplayer monday: you build walkers that look like dogs and at the start of each round you throw 3 bones, 3 balls and 3 steaks at the same time. The goal is to have one of each in your garaje, first one to have them all wins. (The mechanism used to grab the objects has to be the head of the dog)
Your intro feels ALOT smoother
Make a mech using hydraulics please
(no powered bearings)
I managed to make a single arm that could curl a 30x10x10 block of concrete(3 tons)
Im going to make two so it will be able to curl 6 tons, WITH NO POWERED BEARINGS! I will then add tank tracks and a torso to complete it. PLEASE TRY THIS!
So 1000 concrete blocks are a ton? Since when?
its really amazing!
Scrapman: Purple Yellow Yellow Red Blue
~Purple Yellow 0o A Piece of candy.
~Purple Yellow Yellow Blue.
And then still gets it right at the end.
I like how he didn't notice the roof coming down
9:41 its a pixel art of a youtuber OVER SHOW
You finally did it
I'm feeling depressed today and this helps a lot
Day 2 of asking scrapman to play space engineers
This trend is not funny, just stop being such an idiot.
This is the best escape map i ever seen
The Lazer was awsome
My favoraite part is the puzzle light
Celing slowly lowering, him: look at the floor!
I was getting some serious portal vibes, mostly from the pixel art (reference to ratman maybe, a portal thing) and a couple things.
Like the cubes
17:28 It's BFG 10K
Love your vids!
Hello i love your videos and i wait hor them every day
Scrap man: bumerang bumer, escape rum
I’ve already played this level and beat it. Good luck!
Scrap man I have a challenge for your trailmakers Tuesday thingy whatever you wanna call it, but pls do a submarine war thing where you battle underwater(obviously) and lastman standing wins (obviously *again* )
The door design with the spiraling light was from moonbo's 30 or 25 door designs
the puzzle works by starting the timer then there is a AND gate under the switch so the timer has to be powering the AND gate and u had to press the button at the same time
Scrap man: “Why is there this hole?”
The roof is 2 in. above his head.
Me: sigh...
6:37 it looks like PORTAL 2 because they have blocks to detect in sensor
HES SO BLIND he didn't even see the ceiling collapsing
The cubes from this escape room reminds me of the Portal 2 companion cube
This man has the most innocent face that is why I watch his content
How could the legend forget his own intro???
hello love your vids you are my 1st youtuber
HOW DID I MISS THIS VIDEO and now I find it after 16 hours
Scrapman: anybody else noticed the hole in the floor
Me: anyone else noticed that the roof is coming down?
scrap man: im in tempel. celang: i must crus you so HARD!!!!!!!
Good video
I miss colony survival
Og's will remember
He didn't even notice the celling that was about to crush him
The timing puzzle must work by when the “worm” as I’ll call it,gets there it is one side of a AND gate and the button is the other side
Hey scrapman, could you and kan do a starwars themed workshop hunters for may 4th. Thank you
That laser cannon kinda resembles the BFG 10,000
Im not the only one who noticed he said "purple yellow yellow red blue" first,then he repeated "purple yellow yellow blue". Oh and yeah it does really look like portal.
the ones with buttons and blocks remind me a lot of portal 2
17:58 BFG 9500
That was kinda like portal!
are you also super exited about survival gamemode
when scrapman doesn't see the roof coming down..... face palm
U look grate scrap man
The bunker escape thing was just installed on my computer one day
Cant wait for survival. :)))))
with coronavirus, everyone's own home is an escape room
Pls play space engineers you will probably love it
That’s called the BFG, it’s famous in gaming culture ands origin is doom
When you said “i can’t use the connection tool” I was like that’s cheating
You know the box that he hit does it remind you of anything
Portal 1 and 2
the big laser thing was from black mesa(/ half life 1)
Do speedrun that would be fun