Your video makes me even more excited to get my radmini2! Hubs bike( Aventon Aventure) arrived yesterday but he’s waiting for mine to arrive before he takes his out for a good ride with me. We’re nearly 70 yrs young and haven’t ridden bikes for about 15 yrs and these will be our first ebikes. Hearing how you love your ebike is awesome…thanks for sharing!👍🏼😁
Nice additions on bike. I got my wife the Rad mini step through version 2 and I have the Rad Power 6 plus and I am going shopping off your list THANKS.
Love the orange throttle trigger you added and love that the throttle is on the right hand side like all motorcycles have. Some ebikes have throttles on the left side - confusing for motorcycle riders. Thanks for showing us your additions - worthwhile ones!
Thanks for all the great info. Haven't bought the RadMini yet, but thinking of one for myself and the mini Step thru for wife, both 2019 models. And we can also fold up to take on trains. Your enthusiasm for the bike speaks volumes.
@@Island-drummer 1) do you know what months they usually go on sale? 2) how much discount % off? I want this bike so bad but being a college student $1499 plus tax is a lot of money. Thanks your response will help me save enough to get the OEM accessories I hope. 😇😇😇😇😇
Right now with the front and rear racks, plus the changes I've made it comes in at a touch over 75 lbs. So it isn't light weight at all. Keep in mind that the more weight you add the harder you and the bike has to work. So if your at power-assist 1 (the lowest) then the rider will have to work harder. With all that being said, the only way I would be able to ride this heavy weight up a hill is entirely dependent on the incline and the power-assist available. I know for a fact that we have a section of road that is at an 18% incline and it takes everything I've got and power-assist 5 to get up it. Hope this all makes sense ;o)
Great video! I also just got the Rad Mini. I also put a rear rack with the Ibera truck. When I rode recently I came to a stop and went to dismount by throwing my leg over the seat my foot got caught on the truck bag and over I went! I'm 5'7" and I can't reach the ground while sitting on the seat. I have to plan my stops. I now come to aa stop and lean the bike over so I can get my leg over the bag. Have you run into this?
I missed your post way back when... all the links and descriptions are in the details. 1859 Throttle Trigger is the link
Hey Brad. My Mini has a cross bolt on the rear rack that I attached the front of the fender to, then I drilled out holes in the fender and zip-tied the outer fender (through the drilled out holes) to the rack frame. I could send you a picture if you have a email you don't mind sharing.
All the additions are listed above, here is the link for the 1859 Throttle Trigger: Cheers!
Hey M.T. Larry, thanks! The mirror is a Hafny ( and the throttle trigger is from 1859 Northwest ( Cheers, and happy riding!!
Hey Santiago... Addmotor has stopped selling these as far as I can tell. I even went to ( website and they are not available? You can check out other alternatives on amazon from the link
Not really bumpy. Works fine for the gravel and dirt roads I go on. I guess it all depends on the terrain. Regardless of the mirrors you use, I think you will love your bikes as much as I do. Congratulations!
@@PaulDeatherage Thanks Paul. We just got them and they are now waiting patiently for me to unbox them. I will be doing that first thing tomorrow. I ordered the throttle lever and will be getting the mirrors then. That leads me to ask if you really need two mirrors on a bike? In the past, I've always had one mounted on the left side, for traffic. Anyway... Spring is coming!!!
My worst mileage so far has been 17 miles, but I used the throttler (no pedal assist) for the whole ride... my best was 37 miles and I kept it at pedal assist 2 and I was on flat to slightly hilly terrain. It all really depends on how hard you want to pedal and the terrain. On average I get 20+ miles per charge. You also want to keep in mind that the lithium batteries require a break in period of about 5 hours and a couple of charges, meaning you won't get the results I did till after a few charges.
Any thoughts on this bike and the Rover. I’m trying to decide. Comfort and safety are my priority. I’ve never ridden a bike with 20inch wheels. Is closer to ground safer in some way you think? I’m about your size.
From a comfort and safety viewpoint you would probably feel safer on the Rover, the 20 inch tires on the Mini are a bit squirrelly, meaning they respond to slight movements from the rider and changes in the ground you're riding on quite rapidly. My best bud has the Rover and he has made several additions to his as well, including a shock absorbing seat post and a cruiser seat. They are both very comfortable bikes, the Rover is heavier by a pound or two and with the larger tires makes for a smoother ride. I would say that if you don't really need a folding bike, go for the Rover.
@@PaulDeatherage I tested the Rover and found it to be too much bike, I am woman 5'7" 165lbs and then rode the Mini and found I could control this better, especially in the need to make quick moves.
Addmotor Fat Tire Bike Fenders: Unfortunately they are NOT available right now. There are other alternatives on this page.
Thank u... can u tell me which ones will go good.. because I dont want to get the wrong ones .. just need the right setup . I dont want to be wrong and wont connect properly
For the most part it has all the same parts and functions a regular bike has... the only difference is the rear hub/motor, and the battery and controller. Brakes and gears are the same as a non-electric bike, and those are the two things that typically need adjusting. We recently had a electric bike shop start up in the town next door (4 miles away) and I wouldn't be surprised if New Orleans has one too... I would check it out. If there is an ebike shop near you I would go check them out and maybe they can help reduce your concerns.
Nice, I am doing a 2019 build with the same pedals and seat. You should check out the Cirrus Cycles Kinekt seat posts. Not sponsored, I don't work for them... but I need a cruiser seat and have a spring-loaded seat post is a really nice addition.
Thanks! I did check out several "shock-absorber" type seat posts, but it seems a bit over-kill to me... my best bud has a Thudbuster on his Rad Rover and I didn't feel much, if any difference from my Mini with the cruiser seat. All I know, this seat I have is 100% better than the original seat. The pedals that came with the Mini are pretty crappy, and too small for my liking... doesn't matter to me if they don't fold.
I'm 6 foot and 185 lbs ...I highly recommend this company and their bikes. Very great customer service and well thought out machines, especially for the price point.
@@PaulDeatherage dont you think we should get a cut from all these sales we are making for Rad bikes? I've had more than one person tell me they are buying the bike based on my reviews.
@@motogirlz101 ....oh heck yeah! I guess we could ask them to refer us when they make their purchase, then we would get a $50 amazon gift certificate, that would be nice!
Thank you... everything is holding up well, although I did have to re-secure the back fender using zip ties, the top sides were too close to the tire and it started rubbing. It is still the funnest bike I've ever ridden.
Hey Harshal, these fender are from Addmotor, another Ebike company... I purchased them from ( but they seem to be out of them right now. I went to the Addmotor website and I didn't see any option to purchase just the fenders. Addmotor also made changes to their M-150 (same style as the RADMini) and they now come with metal fenders... sorry Mate, but you might want to research another brand, or purchase the RAD Mini Full Fenders from RAD Power Bikes (
@@jeneentownsend3098 no problem! Yeah do our search something like are you too tall for the rad mini? You should find it if not let me know and I'll post it
Thank you for this info. We just bought 2 Mini's and are so excited to start our adventures (can't yet as Fed Ex lost one & waiting for a replacement, frustrating). Some of the items are out of stock, such as the fenders, so we are finding comparable ones, looking at SKS Rowdy: I appreciate all your info & effort to help us novices get started.
Nah, no mountain biking with this bike. It's quite squirrelly with the small 20" tires and rims. Great on gravel and sand as long as you don't ride the ruts. I live in the coastal foothills of Oregon and this is my neighborhood ride-about.
@@PaulDeatherage i have a radmini too. just got it and I dont have racks or anything like you have. I been taking it on mountain bike trails and jumps and it seems to handle them well. i talked to a support person from rad and they told me not to go on jumps with it but how can i not? its too much fun. especially with the throttle, i can ride those trails like it a dirtbike and go way faster than anyone else.
Thank you David, although I've never heard him, I guess that is a compliment? I have a tough time listening to myself, so thanks for giving me little ego boost.
Paul thanks you for the video and the link to products. Planning to buy my first e-bike but still can`t decide between Addmotor Motan M-150 vs. Voltbike Mariner vs. Radmini. Addmotor and Voltbike seem so similar bike so its must be down to quality of the company. Which one you would recommend ? Personally I`m leaning toward addmotor no particular reason, quess I like the orange colour addmotor more. Why would you choose Radmini over Addmotor Motan M-150 and Voltbike Mariner ? Your insight and answer would be highly appreaciated.
I actually went with RAD because of customer satisfaction. A couple of my close friends did a lot of research and purchased a Mini and a Rover, and they raved about the customer service. After riding their bikes I did some research and found that 99% of all RAD customers said the same thing... they all love the company and the service. For an example, the back taillight (it's just a basic battery operated light, no big deal) on my Mini stopped working after a month. I sent an email to customer support and they sent me a new light 2 days later, no questions asked. It also helped give me a little peace of mind knowing that there is a dealership in Seattle and I live in Oregon, just a state away.
@@PaulDeatherage Thank you for you reply Paul. Customer service means a lot to me aswell. Unfortunately I have rely only remote customer service because im located in north europe. Radpowerbikes dont even sell Radmini in europe. I have contacted one of the 3 previously mentioned bike brands and they wrote shipping is straight from China. Dunno how much any of these companies does quality checking post bike leaving china. Anyways, putting Radpowerbikes excellent customer service aside, whats your opinion the other two bike ? Maybe it comes down which bike I get here in Europe so I might not have much choice afterall. Those pedal upgrades looks must to have !
You say you have been a avid bike rider for years so tell us again how much wrist fatigue you must have had to suffer through until you were able to get that thumb piece upgrade SMMFH! Personally I like the bike the way they send it from the manufacturer just fine been biking over 35 yrs on and off road with dirt bikes & mountain bikes in the country or in the middle of rush hr in the middle of crazy New York City traffic in my younger days. What I’m trying to say is we never needed to put all those bells & whistles on our bikes that was for those candy ass sissy dudes that couldn’t ride so they had to go that extra mile to try and look good you know over compensating
Well I've been riding for over 59 years, I'm 65. Most of my riding has been road riding, didn't get my first Mt bike till the mid 80's and went through 4 of those, one of which I still have, along with a old 70's Schwinn cruiser. I used to commute 24 miles a day to work and back, but now I'm retired. I've also made several long distance treks with biking buddies... so I've put a few miles under my belt. Once we moved out of town, we live in the Oregon Coast range where roads are gravel and steep (up to 18% grade) my riding was limited to hauling my bike, our bikes, to a more reasonable place. So this is the perfect bike for myself and where I live. I'm not the man I used to be, so I guess you could call me a "candy ass sissy." But I ride where others don't! Yeah, if you like those POS pedals that come with the bike, more power to you, and as far as the throttle trigger goes its MY preference to a twist throttle. If you're looking for trolling BS go somewhere else G O A T THE BOGGIEDOWN
Your video makes me even more excited to get my radmini2! Hubs bike( Aventon Aventure) arrived yesterday but he’s waiting for mine to arrive before he takes his out for a good ride with me. We’re nearly 70 yrs young and haven’t ridden bikes for about 15 yrs and these will be our first ebikes. Hearing how you love your ebike is awesome…thanks for sharing!👍🏼😁
Nice additions on bike. I got my wife the Rad mini step through version 2 and I have the Rad Power 6 plus and I am going shopping off your list THANKS.
Love the orange throttle trigger you added and love that the throttle is on the right hand side like all motorcycles have. Some ebikes have throttles on the left side - confusing for motorcycle riders. Thanks for showing us your additions - worthwhile ones!
The bungee net is brilliant! I couldn’t figure out how to keep my bag on without buying the special rack.
Great ideas! I ordered the same foldable basket after seeing your vid.
I found some upgrades for my Rad Min Step Through because of your thanks!
I love the folding basket idea! Well done!
Thanks for the video. I bought the throttle trigger !!
Thanks for seat idea! Bought one , hope it works.
Thanks for all the great info. Haven't bought the RadMini yet, but thinking of one for myself and the mini Step thru for wife, both 2019 models. And we can also fold up to take on trains. Your enthusiasm for the bike speaks volumes.
Greg Hwin they are on sale now just a heads up
@@Island-drummer 1) do you know what months they usually go on sale? 2) how much discount % off? I want this bike so bad but being a college student $1499 plus tax is a lot of money. Thanks your response will help me save enough to get the OEM accessories I hope. 😇😇😇😇😇
@@WHITELIONNYC We got are two in Dec2019
Nice upgrades and mods Paul!! Ride On Man :-)
Ha, I found it in your links below, thanks 😊
"so then we go up here to the COCKPIT..."
Great review man!!!
great video!! been trying to decide on all the options out there but I think u might have sold me on this one
Did u get it yet
@@gregoryburkhead7813 did he get it?
Great additions.
Wow, you really modded your bike out. I love my Rad Mini. 🙋♀️
Ride on!
Thank you! I love mine too!!
where did you get the handlebar mirror from mate,
Hafny Bar End Bike Mirror
Nice bike can you give update like on weightyness and what goes on when your at low power levels
Right now with the front and rear racks, plus the changes I've made it comes in at a touch over 75 lbs. So it isn't light weight at all.
Keep in mind that the more weight you add the harder you and the bike has to work.
So if your at power-assist 1 (the lowest) then the rider will have to work harder.
With all that being said, the only way I would be able to ride this heavy weight up a hill is entirely dependent on the incline and the power-assist available. I know for a fact that we have a section of road that is at an 18% incline and it takes everything I've got and power-assist 5 to get up it.
Hope this all makes sense ;o)
Great video! I also just got the Rad Mini. I also put a rear rack with the Ibera truck. When I rode recently I came to a stop and went to dismount by throwing my leg over the seat my foot got caught on the truck bag and over I went! I'm 5'7" and I can't reach the ground while sitting on the seat. I have to plan my stops. I now come to aa stop and lean the bike over so I can get my leg over the bag. Have you run into this?
Nice video. I would like to get a thumb trigger but can’t fine one. Where exactly did you find yours?
I missed your post way back when... all the links and descriptions are in the details. 1859 Throttle Trigger is the link
Thanks for sharing.
How did you mount the rear fender? I bought the same fender you linked, but I'm not sure how you did it with the provided hardware.
Hey Brad. My Mini has a cross bolt on the rear rack that I attached the front of the fender to, then I drilled out holes in the fender and zip-tied the outer fender (through the drilled out holes) to the rack frame. I could send you a picture if you have a email you don't mind sharing.
How can I get that orange throttle lever?
All the additions are listed above, here is the link for the 1859 Throttle Trigger:
Thanks for the video! Just bought a used 2018 Radmini. What was the name of your throttle thumb tab and folding mirror? I like those.
Hey M.T. Larry, thanks! The mirror is a Hafny ( and the throttle trigger is from 1859 Northwest (
Cheers, and happy riding!!
@@PaulDeatherage thanks I'm going to buy both...😇
Have you upgraded the brakes to hydraulics by any chance? If so which ones did you choose and where did you buy? Thanks!
No I haven't... but that is a good idea! Sorry for the late reply. Sometimes I have so many YT notifications from other channels I miss some of them.
Thanks for sharing ! Could you please send me link where you got fenders from? I believe I heard Addmotor, but can’t find them
Hey Santiago... Addmotor has stopped selling these as far as I can tell. I even went to ( website and they are not available?
You can check out other alternatives on amazon from the link
Nice video! How tall are you?
5' 10"
Great review. We’ve ordered 2 bikes and can’t wait. I have a question about the mirror though. How well does it work? Does it work on bumpy terrain?
Not really bumpy. Works fine for the gravel and dirt roads I go on. I guess it all depends on the terrain.
Regardless of the mirrors you use, I think you will love your bikes as much as I do. Congratulations!
@@PaulDeatherage Thanks Paul. We just got them and they are now waiting patiently for me to unbox them. I will be doing that first thing tomorrow. I ordered the throttle lever and will be getting the mirrors then. That leads me to ask if you really need two mirrors on a bike? In the past, I've always had one mounted on the left side, for traffic. Anyway... Spring is coming!!!
@@TerryV06 ...I just have the one mounted on the left. Seems like if you have them on both sides it is just more to watch out for.
Happy riding!
Good video. No GPS ? Next video... tell us where you get this stuff.
Well, I have GPS on my phone ;o)
The links to all the additions are in the details above.
Great video! How many milage do you get on a single charge? Im considering this bike as my first Ebike.cheers
My worst mileage so far has been 17 miles, but I used the throttler (no pedal assist) for the whole ride... my best was 37 miles and I kept it at pedal assist 2 and I was on flat to slightly hilly terrain. It all really depends on how hard you want to pedal and the terrain. On average I get 20+ miles per charge. You also want to keep in mind that the lithium batteries require a break in period of about 5 hours and a couple of charges, meaning you won't get the results I did till after a few charges.
@@PaulDeatherage thanks for taking the time to answer
where is the Bungee thing from? Thanks
PowerTye 50151 Red 15"X15" Cargo Net:
Any thoughts on this bike and the Rover. I’m trying to decide. Comfort and safety are my priority. I’ve never ridden a bike with 20inch wheels. Is closer to ground safer in some way you think? I’m about your size.
From a comfort and safety viewpoint you would probably feel safer on the Rover, the 20 inch tires on the Mini are a bit squirrelly, meaning they respond to slight movements from the rider and changes in the ground you're riding on quite rapidly. My best bud has the Rover and he has made several additions to his as well, including a shock absorbing seat post and a cruiser seat. They are both very comfortable bikes, the Rover is heavier by a pound or two and with the larger tires makes for a smoother ride.
I would say that if you don't really need a folding bike, go for the Rover.
Paul Deatherage thank you so much for the great information and advice.
@@PaulDeatherage I tested the Rover and found it to be too much bike, I am woman 5'7" 165lbs and then rode the Mini and found I could control this better, especially in the need to make quick moves.
Nice video ... where did u get the fenders from .. link
Addmotor Fat Tire Bike Fenders:
Unfortunately they are NOT available right now.
There are other alternatives on this page.
Thank u... can u tell me which ones will go good.. because I dont want to get the wrong ones .. just need the right setup . I dont want to be wrong and wont connect properly
Is the thread of the bike pedals 9/16
Very nice like to set up
Does that peddle fold?
Not the the replacement pedals.
What was the brand of pedal you used?
Mzyrh Mountain Bike Pedals:
I am concerned that if I get one of these bikes I would have no place in New Orleans to get it serviced or tuned up. Any thoughts about that?
For the most part it has all the same parts and functions a regular bike has... the only difference is the rear hub/motor, and the battery and controller. Brakes and gears are the same as a non-electric bike, and those are the two things that typically need adjusting.
We recently had a electric bike shop start up in the town next door (4 miles away) and I wouldn't be surprised if New Orleans has one too... I would check it out. If there is an ebike shop near you I would go check them out and maybe they can help reduce your concerns.
Look at where the food delivery guys get their bikes serviced, usually an immigrant bike/electrician repair shop.
Nice, I am doing a 2019 build with the same pedals and seat. You should check out the Cirrus Cycles Kinekt seat posts. Not sponsored, I don't work for them... but I need a cruiser seat and have a spring-loaded seat post is a really nice addition.
Thanks! I did check out several "shock-absorber" type seat posts, but it seems a bit over-kill to me... my best bud has a Thudbuster on his Rad Rover and I didn't feel much, if any difference from my Mini with the cruiser seat. All I know, this seat I have is 100% better than the original seat.
The pedals that came with the Mini are pretty crappy, and too small for my liking... doesn't matter to me if they don't fold.
my but hurts after riding for a little. i need a good seat but that one u linked is sold out
There are some other alternative on the same page as the link.
Nice video! How tall are you? I think after watching this video I will buy this machine....
I'm 6 foot and 185 lbs ...I highly recommend this company and their bikes. Very great customer service and well thought out machines, especially for the price point.
Paul Deatherage thanks for responding.
@@PaulDeatherage dont you think we should get a cut from all these sales we are making for Rad bikes? I've had more than one person tell me they are buying the bike based on my reviews.
@@motogirlz101 ....oh heck yeah! I guess we could ask them to refer us when they make their purchase, then we would get a $50 amazon gift certificate, that would be nice!
What brand is the saddle?
It is the XWERX Most Comfortable Bicycle Seat... you can review the list of additions above in the description, links included :o)
Sweet rad mini! Throttle thumb thing looks cool! How are things holding up almost 1 year later?
Thank you... everything is holding up well, although I did have to re-secure the back fender using zip ties, the top sides were too close to the tire and it started rubbing. It is still the funnest bike I've ever ridden.
I’ve been trying to find one of these on Amazon and can’t seem to find one. Do you have a link to one?
Nice video! What kind of fenders do you have on the bike? Cheers
Hey Harshal, these fender are from Addmotor, another Ebike company... I purchased them from ( but they seem to be out of them right now.
I went to the Addmotor website and I didn't see any option to purchase just the fenders. Addmotor also made changes to their M-150 (same style as the RADMini) and they now come with metal fenders... sorry Mate, but you might want to research another brand, or purchase the RAD Mini Full Fenders from RAD Power Bikes (
How tall are you? I am 6-3 and concerned it's a little small
I was wondering this also. I am 6’ tall...
@@jeneentownsend3098 someone recently posted a video on TH-cam about this topic I believe he was my height 250 lb and rode no problem
Joe Botz Thank you! I am 6’ tall however legs are irregularly long. So was very concerned. This helps a lot. Thanks!!!
@@jeneentownsend3098 no problem! Yeah do our search something like are you too tall for the rad mini? You should find it if not let me know and I'll post it
Thank you for this info. We just bought 2 Mini's and are so excited to start our adventures (can't yet as Fed Ex lost one & waiting for a replacement, frustrating). Some of the items are out of stock, such as the fenders, so we are finding comparable ones, looking at SKS Rowdy: I appreciate all your info & effort to help us novices get started.
hey man, do you go on mountain bike trails with that bag on? thanks
Nah, no mountain biking with this bike. It's quite squirrelly with the small 20" tires and rims. Great on gravel and sand as long as you don't ride the ruts. I live in the coastal foothills of Oregon and this is my neighborhood ride-about.
@@PaulDeatherage i have a radmini too. just got it and I dont have racks or anything like you have. I been taking it on mountain bike trails and jumps and it seems to handle them well. i talked to a support person from rad and they told me not to go on jumps with it but how can i not? its too much fun. especially with the throttle, i can ride those trails like it a dirtbike and go way faster than anyone else.
You speak and sound identical to Bill Bennett the radio guy/foxy news guy
Thank you David, although I've never heard him, I guess that is a compliment? I have a tough time listening to myself, so thanks for giving me little ego boost.
@@PaulDeatherage EVERYONE'S the same Paul
$50 phone mount?
Right!?!? They great mounts, but $50 is far too much.
I bought mine for $39, which is still a bit steep.
Paul Deatherage I got one on amazon for 12$
Spend some $$ on a better lock. 90% of bike that are stolen had cable type locks.
No worries mate... where I live it's not an issue. Unless you come on my property.
@@PaulDeatherage 😆😆😆😆😆
RC for me yeah...I live in Midtown Manhattan, NYC that's why I want the folding one so I can take it inside anywhere I go.
You have to watch to eat B video
Paul thanks you for the video and the link to products. Planning to buy my first e-bike but still can`t decide between Addmotor Motan M-150 vs. Voltbike Mariner vs. Radmini. Addmotor and Voltbike seem so similar bike so its must be down to quality of the company. Which one you would recommend ? Personally I`m leaning toward addmotor no particular reason, quess I like the orange colour addmotor more. Why would you choose Radmini over Addmotor Motan M-150 and Voltbike Mariner ? Your insight and answer would be highly appreaciated.
I actually went with RAD because of customer satisfaction. A couple of my close friends did a lot of research and purchased a Mini and a Rover, and they raved about the customer service. After riding their bikes I did some research and found that 99% of all RAD customers said the same thing... they all love the company and the service.
For an example, the back taillight (it's just a basic battery operated light, no big deal) on my Mini stopped working after a month. I sent an email to customer support and they sent me a new light 2 days later, no questions asked.
It also helped give me a little peace of mind knowing that there is a dealership in Seattle and I live in Oregon, just a state away.
@@PaulDeatherage Thank you for you reply Paul. Customer service means a lot to me aswell. Unfortunately I have rely only remote customer service because im located in north europe. Radpowerbikes dont even sell Radmini in europe. I have contacted one of the 3 previously mentioned bike brands and they wrote shipping is straight from China. Dunno how much any of these companies does quality checking post bike leaving china. Anyways, putting Radpowerbikes excellent customer service aside, whats your opinion the other two bike ? Maybe it comes down which bike I get here in Europe so I might not have much choice afterall. Those pedal upgrades looks must to have !
@@cyberghost4572 RAD - customer service - 24 hr. 7 days a week phone call away - they stand behind their product
You say you have been a avid bike rider for years so tell us again how much wrist fatigue you must have had to suffer through until you were able to get that thumb piece upgrade SMMFH! Personally I like the bike the way they send it from the manufacturer just fine been biking over 35 yrs on and off road with dirt bikes & mountain bikes in the country or in the middle of rush hr in the middle of crazy New York City traffic in my younger days. What I’m trying to say is we never needed to put all those bells & whistles on our bikes that was for those candy ass sissy dudes that couldn’t ride so they had to go that extra mile to try and look good you know over compensating
Well I've been riding for over 59 years, I'm 65. Most of my riding has been road riding, didn't get my first Mt bike till the mid 80's and went through 4 of those, one of which I still have, along with a old 70's Schwinn cruiser. I used to commute 24 miles a day to work and back, but now I'm retired. I've also made several long distance treks with biking buddies... so I've put a few miles under my belt. Once we moved out of town, we live in the Oregon Coast range where roads are gravel and steep (up to 18% grade) my riding was limited to hauling my bike, our bikes, to a more reasonable place. So this is the perfect bike for myself and where I live.
I'm not the man I used to be, so I guess you could call me a "candy ass sissy." But I ride where others don't!
Yeah, if you like those POS pedals that come with the bike, more power to you, and as far as the throttle trigger goes its MY preference to a twist throttle.
If you're looking for trolling BS go somewhere else G O A T THE BOGGIEDOWN
Thanks for sharing