😱😱👉 ♻️ 💰 So What is Old IT Hardware Worth? There are three ways that a retired device can find value in a new life: resale of the whole device, resale of its parts, or resale of the material once it has been shredded. The path that any given device takes depends on its condition, how modern its components are, storage and RAM capacity, and other factors. If a device is truly end-of-life, it will be destroyed in bulk with similar devices, and the separated recyclable materials will be sold as scrap for manufacturing. That would include any precious metals in the device - but those will make up only a miniscule fraction of the original weight. Scrap commodities are traded by weight, and an 8-lb laptop or 25-lb monitor may only contain a few grams of precious metals at most. The majority of a device’s weight comes from less valuable material like plastic and glass. A scrapped, shredded laptop might end up being worth about $10 per pound of material, maybe more if it is an older device and contains more gold. Newer-generation devices typically contain less gold as advancements in technology and efforts to reduce production costs have pushed tech manufacturers to design thinner, lighter, less resource-intensive units. Electronic wastes (e-wastes) refer to abandoned electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). E-waste contains significant concentration of gold which is 10 times more than its concentration in gold ores. It approximately contains 10-10,000 g of gold/ton, whereas the gold ore contains barely 0.5-13.5 g of gold/ton. In this chapter, insights on the importance of precious metal recovery (PMR) from e-waste are emphasized. Also, an overview of various technologies available to recover precious metals from e-waste
Yup. I sold 2 TSR 80s to guy in Guam for $250 USD. One fully functional, other had minor issues. He paid $75 shipping. Some ppl collect old electronics. I still have functioning 80's Trion w pentium ceramic CPU.
Using cement is a very old refining technique called cuppelation. When the chips were initially smelted lead was added into the mix. Lead has an affinity for precious metals so when it melted it collected all of the gold and silver present into its alloy. The cement is used as a cupel. When the lead alloy reaches a certain temperature it oxidizes to letharge along with all of the other base metals. The cement cannot absorb the molten metal, but it can absorb the metal oxides drawing them out of the rest of the metal. Do this long enough and the only metal left behind will be the precious metals. I really enjoyed this video. I love watching using traditional old technology used to process our modern technology. Thank you making this one 👍
Thank you for explaining it correctly. Too many people who tried to explain it skipped the part about adding the litharge (lead oxide) as a collector metal when the borax was added. No way you would that much metal out of roasted IC chips and borax after the first melt!
At the same time, being able to skillfully and successfully carry out such demanding work, despite its difficulties, can be seen as impressive in its own way - demonstrating human resilience, determination and resourcefulness.
Wow thats amazing. Ive seen plenty of videos of people using actual forging equiptment, but never have seen someone do it the original way! Hats off to these guys. That 1 day of work is worth more than what most make in a week!
If that is the case, then I can understand why you find their efforts so impressive and valuable. Replicating metallurgy processes from before the industrial era solely through skilled manual labor is incredibly arduous work requiring special knowledge and technique. Working fordays to produce just one simple metal object or tool through those painstaking original methods could easily outweigh the value of what someone might make through a full week of more modern labor.
Always remember to breathe deeply especially when vaporizing aluminum or lead or lithium aluminum halide you want to throw a whole lot of water on lithium aluminum halide and hit it with a hammer that's always a good thing
dont worry, if you had born there you would be working in Flip-Flop, torn singlet and for only and only single US dollar as daily wages. After all this most critical feeding you tummy, will think about Helmat, Goggles, mask etc.
While dangerous its quite impressive to see humans working with whatever material they have. Dude in the video has probably been doing this kind of work for decades. (I'm guessing cause bros hands were RUGGED) . Props to all the humans out there just making it work.
In fact the video was posted year ago but : I presume there is much more gold on the SATA connectors instead of chips :) - AND it is not possible to get 42g of PURE gold from 7kg BGA chips (if they would be a PENTIUM processors - maybe, but not BGA) , also it is not whole process of gold recovery. The process does not show 24C gold recovery - still it has some contamination comes from chips. 1st dissolve all base materials (steel, copper, silver ,etc) , 2nd use aqua reggia and dissolve gold - and the same create a liquid gold solution, 3rd. filter solution, 4th. use MBS, 5th. clean received gold powder using (distilled water), 6th melt powder to the 24C gold. The blue colour of the solution indicates Silver which also can be recovered in easy way.
While the techniques you've described may have seemed straightforward from the videos, many homemade manufacturing methods can be extremely dangerous if not done correctly with the right setup, protective gear and expertise.
Ok - ein durchaus stimmiges Argument - aber trotzdem ist Es ein Hohn, daß in 'zivilisierteren Gegenden' Unmengen an Geld aufgewendet wird, um Spuren von Schadstoffen in irgend welchen Prozessen zu reduzieren und Da wird 'Alles, was Gott und die Welt herausblasen kann' ... heraus geblasen. Weder sah das 'Chips räuchern' sonderlich gesund aus, noch der Öl-Brenner, Der immer hin Altöl recycelt ... aber Dessen Abgaswerte sich hierzulande wohl kaum mit den ansässigen Geräten messen ließen ... Wie war der Spruch? So lange man in chinesischen Flüssen Filme entwickeln kann, macht Es keinen Sinn, hier an 0,5% des Abgaswert zumzuschrauben ... In diesem Sinne: Ab in die Rinne ... oder: Nach uns die Sintflut Es müsste doch Heute möglich sein, den ganzen Mist 'etwas schonender' zu recyceln ... aber Da spielt wohl wieder das Geld eine große Rolle - man bekommt mit wesentlich weniger Arbeit ebenfalls Geld raus, indem man den [s]Schrott[/s] Müll als Schüttgut ins ferne Ausland verschifft ... und kann Das dann auch noch als Entwicklungshilfe steuerlich geltend machen ... was eine feine Zeit, in Der wir leben ...
I completely understand the need to make use of available resources, especially in difficult economic circumstances. However, I would be negligent if I did not plainly warn about the well-established risks of amateur handling of e-waste and attempting to extract materials like heavy metals and rare earth elements without proper facilities, training and safety equipment.
What's even worse is they are working with molten everything without any masks. Who knows what they are breathing in when they burn off old electronics! I think this place is considered the toxic place on earth. Even more than Chernobyl
5:10 This is a procedure called, "cupelling." The plaster dish is called a cupel. The alloy is heated to a temp where the metal melts, then to about 1750 degrees F, at which point, metal oxides form, and rise to the surface, and are shed off the edges, absorbed by the cupel. As more and more of the metals oxidize, the oxides are absorbed, and the button shrinks. Finally, all the common metals are oxidized, and only the noble metals (gold, palladium, silver, etc) remain. All copper, lead, tin, iron have been oxidized and their oxides absorbed into the plaster cupel.
The best way where the miners anchient "cupelling" could be used is to stripping the young virgins. At the end and to the tip, the untouched flesh remains.
Roasting the plastic chip packages might make a lot of poisonous fumes, especially if the plastic is fire retardant. There is a lot of dissolved copper they're pouring off in that blue water from the nitric acid. This seems like very traditional gold mining techniques applied to a new type of ore. More recent electronic waste has much more silver in it from all the silver solder.
the compound used as retardant is bromine. Bromine affect central nervous system , damages kidneys and brain, and obviously lungs. Happy smelting everyone
You make extremely valid points about the hazards and environmental impacts involved in the processes being depicted. Burning plastic chip packages and other electronic components can indeed release extremely toxic fumes if they contain fire retardants or other hazardous additives. The fumes from that alone pose serious inhalation risks. Likewise, the use of nitric acid to dissolve and extract copper, as shown by the blue colored solution, is very dangerous if not properly contained and disposed of. Nitric acid is highly corrosive and its vapors are hazardous to respiratory systems. Your comparison to traditional gold mining techniques adapted for extracting value from "modern ore" in the form of e-waste is apt. However, historical mining practices are notorious for their lack of environmental and health safeguards. You are also correct that more recent electronics tend to have higher silver content from solder and other components, making them an tempting target, but no less hazardous to process improperly.
No amount of skill or simple materials can make up for the lack of proper industrial hygiene controls, personal protective equipment, regulated disposal protocols, and engineered safety systems. Improvising these kinds of processes creates an unacceptably dangerous situation.
My cousin is a programer and he constantly yells at me for recovery says some stuff is worth more than gold weight mean while I'm over here like 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥burn the mf down
While the intent to try to mitigate lead exposures is good, this cement approach does not constitute adequate health and safety measures. Proper industrial equipment like negative air exhaust and personal protective equipment is essential when working with these materials.
There is also a lot of copper from the PCB, there is silver and tin in the soldier. I think some capacitors have nickel and palladium. Some resistors have bismuth rhodate. The HDD case has aluminium.
However, based on your mentions of neodymium magnets and gold mud versus turmeric powder, it sounds like you may be describing some kind of improvised mineral extraction, chemical processing or salvaging of materials from electronic components or other sources. While acquiring certain materials through unconventional means can be tempting, many such processes carry significant health and safety risks if not done properly with the right facilities, protective equipment and training.
aqui acaba não valendo apena fazer esse processo, até pq o gasto seria quase o mesmo valor do lucro com o ouro, a menos que consiga processadores junto, que acabam tendo maior quantidade de ouro nos condutores
@@VandroMendesdeOliveira como vc sabe que esta funcionando se aquele gabinete enferrujado estava no ferro velho jogado em algum lugar sabe-se lá a quantos anos levando chuva e secando no sol.
Awesome!!! A computer that once cost 10k is reduces to sixty bucks worth of gold. This is such an amazing use of our recourses (fuel/chemicals/materials) and the toxic waste that is created burning, melting, and smelting!
No amount of recycling value gained can justify jeopardizing personal safety and polluting the environment so recklessly. Proper e-waste recycling facilities have engineered systems like emission controls, protective equipment, hazardous materials training and regulated disposal protocols to handle these processes responsibly.
So, but did you watch the video? Looks like advocating for the recovery or enticing towards the process. And the process obviously lacked all safety materials and methods. How about a lungfull of gasses from molten lead? Lead poisoning? I didnt see them advocating for the use of respirators. Or glasses, gloves, or even shoes. Hot nitric acid will burn you to the bone. Great video though. I was enthralled till the end.
@@MakeGold ฉันเห็นด้วย แต่เขาระมัดระวัง แต่การระมัดระวังไม่ได้หยุดอุบัติเหตุเสมอไป I agree but hes careful. But being careful don't always stop accidents.
However, your statement seems to imply that you or others have had to take on difficult, unpleasant or unconventional work out of financial necessity. Many people around the world do indeed face challenging circumstances that require them to pursue arduous labor or unsavory tasks simply to earn a living and support themselves or their families. This can be a humbling experience that demands perseverance and sacrifice.
Marginal? That was my impression as well... and then I checked how much 42g of gold is actually worth 🤣🤣. When you add that those old hardware components cost close to nothing...
The cement mix is for removing lead from the metal disc its called cuppellation glad you remade the video from 5 years ago ancient way of gold recovery..........
Cupellation is the metallurgy process used with bone ash or cement powder, calcium etc. He’s making a cupel dish to absorb metal oxides. Or lead/copper cupel is another way alloy PMs. All base metals will form slag under controlled temps during smelting operations. Precious metals don’t form oxides under controlled temperatures. All the slag from base metals are skimmed off the material. You’re left w/ a PM dore bar. You then can use traditional analytical chemistry to dissolve and precipitate the type of pms. Fire Assaying to Chemical Purification process using the Reactivity series etc.
Comparing this to casually holding a hot coffee cup illustrates a dangerous lack of appreciation for the burn hazards involved with molten materials. This is not something that should ever be attempted without extensive safety gear and training.
It always amazes me the different processes for refining gold that I see all throughout TH-cam and the world some guys are wearing lab coats clean rooms , Gloves eye and lung protection etc. playing true chemist, some guys are wearing flip-flops breathing dangerous fumes but all and all we all want the same thing.
Because of the rare and hard to find elements in the old tech pieces, I keep them and always take them apart and I have so much saved to go through already. I keep them.
I understand the motivation behind wanting to extract and recover the rare and valuable materials from old electronics and tech components. However, I must reiterate my serious concerns about attempting this type of activity yourself outside of proper industrial facilities and safety protocols. Disassembling and processing electronics, even if just stockpiling the materials for now, exposes you to hazardous substances like lead, mercury, arsenic, and other toxic chemicals and metals. Improper handling or storage can lead to environmental contamination of soil and groundwater in your area over time.
Muchas gracias por sus amables palabras desde Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España. Me complace mucho que haya encontrado nuestro intercambio informativo y enriquecedor. Si bien es impresionante la destreza y los conocimientos involucrados en los procesos metalúrgicos artesanales que hemos estado discutiendo, mi principal preocupación sigue siendo los graves riesgos para la salud y el medio ambiente asociados con intentar realizarlos de manera improvisada, sin los controles de seguridad, el equipo de protección y las instalaciones industriales adecuadas.
I am pretty sure that the blue liquid left over from the nitric is silver,if you take copper coil, or something large made of copper and put in the blue liquid, you will get a Grey mud that will be silver extracted from the liquid, use distilled water to rinse mud off copper, and smelt like gold powder,make a silver button
For anyone actually attempting this. A MUCH easier way is to burn to ash and then use first hydrochloric acid alone which will dissolve all the low order metals. Filter and throw the liquid away or keep it whatever. THEN add a much more concentrated HCL together with an OXIDIZER such as peroxide to the filtered powder. That will dissolve the gold without the need for nitric acid(Which may actually make explosive compounds if certain metals are present) and is not readily available everywhere. HCL sells as Pool acid or cement cleaner. Then just use sodium bisulfate to precipitate the gold powder. Filter and melt in stainless steel, even in an oven. Gold has a very low melting point. At no point do you need a furnace. Or any Nitric acid. Also, RAM chips, CPU's GPUS, and old 8-bit controllers work best. Hard drives are actually a crap source because as you saw you would need a whole bucket. With 8-bit controllers, a single beaker full will do. Same for RAM chips. GOOD LUCK.
I was trying to think of a way that was better to dissolve the copper. Your method sounds pretty good, aside from still having to ash the plastic packages.
Even aluminium melts easily in a wood fire. I do it all the time and basically make molds which I pour the metal into. There is also a type of bronze you can make from copper 80 aluminium 20 which looks like gold and yet is much harder while still being easily melted at the beginning before the amalgamation forms. Let's help each other instead of arguing small issues that don't matter. We are here to learn I assume and not argue. Let's spread knowledge and understanding in this field.
@@davidgunther8428 the ash is just carbon which is not reacting with anything else. If you really don't like the look of it or if it's too much carbon then add peroxide which will turn it to c02 gas and get rid of the black powder. It's just a cost that's not really nessesary.
I appreciate you pointing out the impressive resourcefulness of being able to extract valuable materials from electronic waste using relatively basic tools and materials. It does speak to human ingenuity.
No worse than what happens in a factory on any given day. Or in America we usually just bury it and as it decomposes into the earth. Plants use the contaminated soil in which you consume direct or indirectly from the animals you eat, that eat the plants. He’s atleast recovering it from it being buried and provides a resource otherwise to obtain it in its natural form also cause massive environmental damage.
@@Slavicplayer251 I don’t think they missed it. I think the video just shows nitric leeching of gold. You can tell by the dore shot he’s dumping in the water and the color of the solution after he’s decanting. Plus you wouldn’t cupel if it was just gold recovery. It’s would be a added unneeded step. IMO
It is sad that there are elements that are lost in the process that have more value than gold, for example, most of microchips have paladium. gold right now is at 50 Eur per gram, and paladium is at 60 Eur per gram.. could be interesting to find a way to get paladium extracted
@@NaNa-cq8ck Probably not.. but its not the point, the point should be "Extract both" first gold (as is easier than paladium) then, a process to extract "paladium" without wasting it. Iron, glass, plastics are the easiest, copper and aluminum can be extracted easily too.. but when speaking of "internal layers" like gold/silver/palladium/Rodium.. individually the quantities are so small that a single PC wont make u rich.. u need to process hundred of thousands to get an actual profit. Silver and gold can get some interesting quantities, but rodium and palladium are so small that u wont see a profit in the short run. but.. it will increase the "lose earns" (don't know if that's the name in english) because it can pay part of the chemicals used to extract gold (And contribute to earn more reducing the expenses) Still, i don't know how to extract paladium.. and the quantity... maybe.. about 0,0010/20 grams per microchip (Maybe 1 gram each 1000 processors? probably) that maybe doesn't sound like much.. but... we are speaking of trash anyway. the more we can recover in the long run, the more money we can make. In terms of "Experimenting"... can be interesting, but if someone want to make money in the real way recycling, every single material have to be processed. even the plastics and the iron is solid money (But again, low profit, not the main objective) I gived up with rodium, but there must be a way to do it with palladium. maybe on a furnace at 1600º and lowering it slowly to 1555º the palladium should go to the bottom.
a hard disk is weight 500gram, hard disk is 85% aluminium. Aluminium is worth $2 USD per kg. if 500 hard disks make 7kg of ICs on this video, then 500/2 x $2 USD x 0.85= $425 these guys lost $425 bucks worth of aluminium. There is also 1.3 grams of neodymium per HD, and 1.5 grams of copper per HD, Every neodymium magnet is nickel plated, so there is like half gram of nickel too (per HD). You can calculate their loss on your own.
The melting on cement is called cupelling, the cement absorbs the formed oxides of more reactive metals and left behind there is a mixture of all precious metals
The cement mixed with water is essentiallu Portland cement and it acts as a cupel would...i.e. absorbs lead oxide (or base metal oxide) and leaves behind only precious metal
I understand you are explaining that the use of a cement and water mixture in this improvised e-waste processing acts similarly to a cupel, which absorbs base metal oxides like lead oxide while allowing precious metals to remain behind.
After watching this video, and help but think hoe great and environmentally friendly modern equipment and recycling techniques are! Extra safe looking work station too I might add
At the same time, being able to skillfully and successfully carry out such demanding work, despite its difficulties, can be seen as impressive in its own way - demonstrating human resilience, determination and resourcefulness.
If he makes 2000 dollars a day for a month, like he did it on this video, he can buy a farm in one month and plant more trees than you and your whole family ever will in your whole life.
The step with the cement is called cupelling, the base metals oxidize and are absorbed by the cement, the precious metals don't oxidize and stay in their metallic form.
it's really hard to oxidize all base metals. specially iron and copper. idea is removing most of the active metals(aluminum, tin, lead, zinc...) from dore.
Very interesting. It's time TH-cam offered instant translation same as Facebook does. It would significantly improve the comments sections for a poor linguist like me.
I'm sure they know that, it's just not shown as it's not part of the video context, which is focussing on the chips and their gold internal wiring, not all the plating on pins and circuit board contacts. not to mention all the Palladium (worth more than gold currently) in the capacitor chips on the PCB.
I wonder if you can still recover the HDD data... Also this gold is far more precious than any other ordinary gold. Sure it killed the extractors but It transfered so much data (ie wisdom) in its lifetime!
O processo é muito demorado e trabalhoso, acredito que deve servir também C.I de Placas mãe e afins.. Processadores de computador tbem, acho que compensa se for arrumar uns 100kg disso..
Entendo sua curiosidade sobre a extração de materiais e metais preciosos a partir de componentes eletrônicos antigos, como placas-mãe, processadores e outros. No entanto, devo alertá-lo sobre os sérios riscos envolvidos nesse tipo de atividade quando feita de maneira amadora e sem os devidos cuidados. O processo de desmontagem e processamento desses itens pode expô-lo a substâncias tóxicas como chumbo, mercúrio, gases e químicos perigosos. Além disso, a queima inadequada dos componentes pode liberar dioxinas e furanos na atmosfera, contaminando o meio ambiente. Mesmo que a escala seja grande, como menciona 100kg de material, ainda assim é uma operação complexa que exige instalações apropriadas, equipamentos de proteção individual, conhecimentos técnicos sobre manuseio seguro dos resíduos e descarte adequado ao fim do processo. Minha recomendação é encaminhar qualquer quantidade significativa de lixo eletrônico para reciclagem profissional por empresas certificadas e ambientalmente responsáveis. Elas possuem os meios adequados para extrair os metais preciosos e componentes recicláveis com segurança e mitigação dos impactos. A tentativa amadora pode trazer mais prejuízos que benefícios, colocando em risco sua saúde, a vizinhança e o meio ambiente. Por mais tentadora que pareça a possível recompensa financeira, ela simplesmente não compensa os perigos envolvidos. Valorize sua segurança acima de tudo.
Em geral, para revestimentos de cimento/concreto, é necessário um período de cura para que o cimento endureça e atinja sua resistência máxima. Esse processo de cura envolve reações químicas que ocorrem com o passar do tempo quando o cimento está úmido.
That is exactly what I am trying to find out. They got 6 chips from each drives,so how many drives did they use at the bottom at the end it says Gold 42 g = black chip 7kg from hard disk so can anyone explain ‽ did he end up with 42g or 7 kg?
While I love learning about and observing the processes used to extract precious metals, it would be irresponsible not to point out the flagrant disregard for human safety and environmentally destructive practices demonstrated in this video.
Ya the worker could have been wearing a respirator sure. But a fire isn’t that terrible. I see green technology as much more of an environmental destroyer. As modern countries limit mining its offshored to third world countries where there are no laws. Thousands have died from pollution and child labor is rampant for instance in the Congo mining cobalt for green tech. And it destroys the jungle. A cobalt mine tried to open up in Utah for instance and was instantly sued. Environmentalists would prefer child labor and the destruction of pristine jungles than reopening a mine in Utah where there are actual laws. Even rare earths that used to be processed in the US are now all done in China. The US and Canada used to break down ships for recycling but now it’s all done in India where asbestos is now polluting a lot of beaches and going into the ocean. Whatever pollution there used to be in the US doing it there would still have been less then the way it’s now done in third world countries.
@@koltoncrane3099 While I agree that the disregard for worker safety and our environment in some countries is terrible, to blame it on the "green industry" or environmentalists is misplaced. The blame goes to the governments of those nations and the criminals/industrialist who exploit both the people and the planet in the name of money. Environmentalist do NOT prefer child labor or destruction of any natural ecosystem. But crooked politicians and business leaders around the world don't care as long as they can make money. They should be the target of your anger...of all our anger.
And this is why Americans get all of their electronics and everything from other countries because they are allowed to make as much pollution as they want it's like they are in a different world
“His friend walks in” Friend:- “Sup dude what are you cooking” Him:- “IC CHIPS FROM HARD DISKS” Friend:- “wha- ight i...i i'mma head out i have some work😅....”
Did this for while. PCs pre 1989 have most gold. 1970s had a lot. Its 10 microns @ 9-10k. After 1989 its 7 mics @ 7-8k. Old military is ( if you can get it) 22k @ 18 mics. You can't get rich unless you do it industrially there's ☣waste disposal costs, these ppl aren't worried about. The copper alum tin paid for my chems. When they started charging me to take the very high grade, fire rated, plastics, it wasn't worth it. You don't want to burn chips. Its toxic AF. There's better ways.
@Timothy Jenkins I did for yrs. You want to be careful. It does produce gasses close to Mustard gas. So I kept it outside. They charge $10 per item to dispose of electronics here. So a PC can cost $40/$50 to drop at transfer station. Ppl were burning them, burying in back yard. My daughter was enviro bio chem mjr in college. Wanted to help the enviro. I put adds free newspaper, sign out front. Ppl could drop off anything but picture tube monitors.( they have lead powder inside NY is strict on lead) If you buy scrap( Ebay, yard sales)? You already lost $. I got it free. Spent my nights watching TV tearing apart PCs. Some older ones still worked are collectable ( TRS 80's etc) needed floppies or easy to factory reset. I sold them. Some Big $ too. The tin, high grade fire rated plastics, alum, copper, rubber coated wire, even stripped boards, I sold for scrap. That paid for my chems eqpt. I got gold silver platt for free. Less my time. It was a hobby. My son won the science fair.😁
It says 42g gold had extracted from 7kg HDD... OFC those methods is too dangerous for nature and our body bcs he burned all of that stuffs out instead of using chemical liquid for that...
most of the process needs great ventilation. doing it outside is dangerous and illegal in most places. the biggest setback is that the chip all sell for more than the gold is worth
Everything did? That's the point to reclaim? He made around $2000.00 on material that I only pay $100.00 for, We can make anywhere from $10K-@20K Comfortably each month because people don't understand how easy it is, They always bring up a what if? So that's great, It gives the rest a good life, secretly and privately.
😱😱👉 ♻️ 💰 So What is Old IT Hardware Worth?
There are three ways that a retired device can find value in a new life: resale of the whole device, resale of its parts, or resale of the material once it has been shredded. The path that any given device takes depends on its condition, how modern its components are, storage and RAM capacity, and other factors.
If a device is truly end-of-life, it will be destroyed in bulk with similar devices, and the separated recyclable materials will be sold as scrap for manufacturing. That would include any precious metals in the device - but those will make up only a miniscule fraction of the original weight.
Scrap commodities are traded by weight, and an 8-lb laptop or 25-lb monitor may only contain a few grams of precious metals at most. The majority of a device’s weight comes from less valuable material like plastic and glass.
A scrapped, shredded laptop might end up being worth about $10 per pound of material, maybe more if it is an older device and contains more gold. Newer-generation devices typically contain less gold as advancements in technology and efforts to reduce production costs have pushed tech manufacturers to design thinner, lighter, less resource-intensive units.
Electronic wastes (e-wastes) refer to abandoned electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). E-waste contains significant concentration of gold which is 10 times more than its concentration in gold ores. It approximately contains 10-10,000 g of gold/ton, whereas the gold ore contains barely 0.5-13.5 g of gold/ton. In this chapter, insights on the importance of precious metal recovery (PMR) from e-waste are emphasized. Also, an overview of various technologies available to recover precious metals from e-waste
500hundred hard disk available here
I rod gold metal detector
Yup. I sold 2 TSR 80s to guy in Guam for $250 USD. One fully functional, other had minor issues. He paid $75 shipping. Some ppl collect old electronics. I still have functioning 80's Trion w pentium ceramic CPU.
Using cement is a very old refining technique called cuppelation. When the chips were initially smelted lead was added into the mix. Lead has an affinity for precious metals so when it melted it collected all of the gold and silver present into its alloy. The cement is used as a cupel. When the lead alloy reaches a certain temperature it oxidizes to letharge along with all of the other base metals. The cement cannot absorb the molten metal, but it can absorb the metal oxides drawing them out of the rest of the metal. Do this long enough and the only metal left behind will be the precious metals. I really enjoyed this video. I love watching using traditional old technology used to process our modern technology. Thank you making this one 👍
👍👍👍👍👍 Excellent, thank you very much for the great answer.
@@MakeGold it was my pleasure
Thank you for explaining it correctly. Too many people who tried to explain it skipped the part about adding the litharge (lead oxide) as a collector metal when the borax was added. No way you would that much metal out of roasted IC chips and borax after the first melt!
@@jakospence no problem. Its a technology that's been around for a long time, but the process is still commonly used in the mining industry
👍🏻👍🏻bravo @jacop thank you from answers
....the things we do for money, very humbling and very impressive at the same time. All the best to you lads
At the same time, being able to skillfully and successfully carry out such demanding work, despite its difficulties, can be seen as impressive in its own way - demonstrating human resilience, determination and resourcefulness.
Wow thats amazing. Ive seen plenty of videos of people using actual forging equiptment, but never have seen someone do it the original way! Hats off to these guys. That 1 day of work is worth more than what most make in a week!
in Hungary doctors do not make that kind of money in a month..
If that is the case, then I can understand why you find their efforts so impressive and valuable. Replicating metallurgy processes from before the industrial era solely through skilled manual labor is incredibly arduous work requiring special knowledge and technique.
Working fordays to produce just one simple metal object or tool through those painstaking original methods could easily outweigh the value of what someone might make through a full week of more modern labor.
Remember your safety....always wear flip flops when smelting. Very important!
Safety third!!
Always remember to breathe deeply especially when vaporizing aluminum or lead or lithium aluminum halide you want to throw a whole lot of water on lithium aluminum halide and hit it with a hammer that's always a good thing
dont worry, if you had born there you would be working in Flip-Flop, torn singlet and for only and only single US dollar as daily wages. After all this most critical feeding you tummy, will think about Helmat, Goggles, mask etc.
yeah, barefoot would be a catastrophe
While dangerous its quite impressive to see humans working with whatever material they have. Dude in the video has probably been doing this kind of work for decades. (I'm guessing cause bros hands were RUGGED) .
Props to all the humans out there just making it work.
Dude was 14 years old.
I appreciate your perspective and thank you for taking the time to watch and share your thoughts. It's always valuable to hear different viewpoints.
These guys made it look so easy, I think I'm gonna try this in my backyard today..
In fact the video was posted year ago but : I presume there is much more gold on the SATA connectors instead of chips :) - AND it is not possible to get 42g of PURE gold from 7kg BGA chips (if they would be a PENTIUM processors - maybe, but not BGA) , also it is not whole process of gold recovery. The process does not show 24C gold recovery - still it has some contamination comes from chips. 1st dissolve all base materials (steel, copper, silver ,etc) , 2nd use aqua reggia and dissolve gold - and the same create a liquid gold solution, 3rd. filter solution, 4th. use MBS, 5th. clean received gold powder using (distilled water), 6th melt powder to the 24C gold. The blue colour of the solution indicates Silver which also can be recovered in easy way.
While the techniques you've described may have seemed straightforward from the videos, many homemade manufacturing methods can be extremely dangerous if not done correctly with the right setup, protective gear and expertise.
Kinda like Breaking Bad.
Most people here just hating on a man for doing what he can with the resources he has, ya'll stay hating out here
Ok - ein durchaus stimmiges Argument - aber trotzdem ist Es ein Hohn, daß in 'zivilisierteren Gegenden' Unmengen an Geld aufgewendet wird, um Spuren von Schadstoffen in irgend welchen Prozessen zu reduzieren und Da wird 'Alles, was Gott und die Welt herausblasen kann' ... heraus geblasen.
Weder sah das 'Chips räuchern' sonderlich gesund aus, noch der Öl-Brenner, Der immer hin Altöl recycelt ... aber Dessen Abgaswerte sich hierzulande wohl kaum mit den ansässigen Geräten messen ließen ...
Wie war der Spruch?
So lange man in chinesischen Flüssen Filme entwickeln kann, macht Es keinen Sinn, hier an 0,5% des Abgaswert zumzuschrauben ...
In diesem Sinne: Ab in die Rinne ... oder: Nach uns die Sintflut
Es müsste doch Heute möglich sein, den ganzen Mist 'etwas schonender' zu recyceln ... aber Da spielt wohl wieder das Geld eine große Rolle - man bekommt mit wesentlich weniger Arbeit ebenfalls Geld raus, indem man den [s]Schrott[/s] Müll als Schüttgut ins ferne Ausland verschifft ... und kann Das dann auch noch als Entwicklungshilfe steuerlich geltend machen ... was eine feine Zeit, in Der wir leben ...
I completely understand the need to make use of available resources, especially in difficult economic circumstances. However, I would be negligent if I did not plainly warn about the well-established risks of amateur handling of e-waste and attempting to extract materials like heavy metals and rare earth elements without proper facilities, training and safety equipment.
What is unsetteling is the fact that these guys work with molten metal in sandals
Yeah.. Def. Not OSHA approved sandals
@@danphelps8865 i think not even common sense approved
So stupid huh.
@@jesserosas88 not stupid, just reckless
What's even worse is they are working with molten everything without any masks. Who knows what they are breathing in when they burn off old electronics! I think this place is considered the toxic place on earth. Even more than Chernobyl
5:10 This is a procedure called, "cupelling." The plaster dish is called a cupel. The alloy is heated to a temp where the metal melts, then to about 1750 degrees F, at which point, metal oxides form, and rise to the surface, and are shed off the edges, absorbed by the cupel. As more and more of the metals oxidize, the oxides are absorbed, and the button shrinks. Finally, all the common metals are oxidized, and only the noble metals (gold, palladium, silver, etc) remain. All copper, lead, tin, iron have been oxidized and their oxides absorbed into the plaster cupel.
👉👉👉 Very good information, thank you very much
I’m glad I didn’t have to type all that out lol you did it for me.
Cement cupel
@@MakeGold but you never let the cupel finish right? You let it melt then pour in water, right?
The best way where the miners anchient "cupelling" could be used is to stripping the young virgins. At the end and to the tip, the untouched flesh remains.
Roasting the plastic chip packages might make a lot of poisonous fumes, especially if the plastic is fire retardant.
There is a lot of dissolved copper they're pouring off in that blue water from the nitric acid.
This seems like very traditional gold mining techniques applied to a new type of ore.
More recent electronic waste has much more silver in it from all the silver solder.
Came to say this, very dirty and unsafe method
blue water is silver
the compound used as retardant is bromine. Bromine affect central nervous system , damages kidneys and brain, and obviously lungs. Happy smelting everyone
You make extremely valid points about the hazards and environmental impacts involved in the processes being depicted.
Burning plastic chip packages and other electronic components can indeed release extremely toxic fumes if they contain fire retardants or other hazardous additives. The fumes from that alone pose serious inhalation risks.
Likewise, the use of nitric acid to dissolve and extract copper, as shown by the blue colored solution, is very dangerous if not properly contained and disposed of. Nitric acid is highly corrosive and its vapors are hazardous to respiratory systems.
Your comparison to traditional gold mining techniques adapted for extracting value from "modern ore" in the form of e-waste is apt. However, historical mining practices are notorious for their lack of environmental and health safeguards.
You are also correct that more recent electronics tend to have higher silver content from solder and other components, making them an tempting target, but no less hazardous to process improperly.
Techinique is not the safest, yet it is to the point. Thank you for sharing.👏👏👏 👍
You're welcome.
Plot twist. There was $220M USD of Bitcoin on those hard drives.
Hilary Clinton's Emails as well
How can that be possible? Please can you explain?
@@cocoafarmconsultant Bitcoin
That is so damn funny I love people's comments
Thanks for the video.
I've around 30 HDDs, I think I'll give it a shot.
how much gold you got ?
Honestly I didn't get the chance to try it, I am dealing with some difficulties I hope things will get better soon. @@VIRTUALBoyy
Start with 3,000
I see they have the proper safety shoes on along with proper ventilation for the melted plastic fumes.
No amount of skill or simple materials can make up for the lack of proper industrial hygiene controls, personal protective equipment, regulated disposal protocols, and engineered safety systems. Improvising these kinds of processes creates an unacceptably dangerous situation.
Imagine one of those HD has lost btc coins let's say 10,000 btc lol
I definitely would have tried to check them to see what was on them and then ripped them apart
@@brianpratt2432 wouldn't have the password tho
My cousin is a programer and he constantly yells at me for recovery says some stuff is worth more than gold weight mean while I'm over here like 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥burn the mf down
You'd be surprised how many fools live on this planet. They'll throw away $10,000,000 just to make $100. Fools I tell you.
And here I was just burning cds when I should have burned the whole computer!
we are all George!
Time to replace my Nero burner.
First step - cook the chips then add some fish and serve hot...mmm :)
You can call it, Fish n Chips xD
Give me the fish,and throw away your dirties papas.Gollum! Gollum!😂❤
The cement sucks in the lead oxide being formed on the surface to remove lead
Its called "cupelling"
While the intent to try to mitigate lead exposures is good, this cement approach does not constitute adequate health and safety measures. Proper industrial equipment like negative air exhaust and personal protective equipment is essential when working with these materials.
They are a good source of neodymium magnets too.
Also; don't confuse the gold mud with your turmeric powder.
There is also a lot of copper from the PCB, there is silver and tin in the soldier. I think some capacitors have nickel and palladium. Some resistors have bismuth rhodate. The HDD case has aluminium.
However, based on your mentions of neodymium magnets and gold mud versus turmeric powder, it sounds like you may be describing some kind of improvised mineral extraction, chemical processing or salvaging of materials from electronic components or other sources.
While acquiring certain materials through unconventional means can be tempting, many such processes carry significant health and safety risks if not done properly with the right facilities, protective equipment and training.
Which Ai are you using to generate your replies?
HDs SCSI aqui no Brasil ainda valem mais que ouro. Duvido que estavam perdidos.
aqui acaba não valendo apena fazer esse processo, até pq o gasto seria quase o mesmo valor do lucro com o ouro, a menos que consiga processadores junto, que acabam tendo maior quantidade de ouro nos condutores
aonde ??? aqui onde eu moro no ferro velho o HD ta 1 real cada
@@rockvega157 me refiro a hd SCSI funcionando, como os do vídeo.
@@joaolucas5931 como não se 42g de ouro da R$ 13.722,66.
@@VandroMendesdeOliveira como vc sabe que esta funcionando se aquele gabinete enferrujado estava no ferro velho jogado em algum lugar sabe-se lá a quantos anos levando chuva e secando no sol.
Awesome!!! A computer that once cost 10k is reduces to sixty bucks worth of gold. This is such an amazing use of our recourses (fuel/chemicals/materials) and the toxic waste that is created burning, melting, and smelting!
42 grams of gold is like $3000+ bucks. It's much better carbonwise per dollar made than him driving too and from work everyday.
But yes I also see your point and it is silly humans.
No amount of recycling value gained can justify jeopardizing personal safety and polluting the environment so recklessly. Proper e-waste recycling facilities have engineered systems like emission controls, protective equipment, hazardous materials training and regulated disposal protocols to handle these processes responsibly.
Better recycling it then throwing in the landfill
So, but did you watch the video? Looks like advocating for the recovery or enticing towards the process.
And the process obviously lacked all safety materials and methods. How about a lungfull of gasses from molten lead? Lead poisoning? I didnt see them advocating for the use of respirators. Or glasses, gloves, or even shoes. Hot nitric acid will burn you to the bone.
Great video though. I was enthralled till the end.
I would be stuck looking through all that data on those drives. Be like opening diaries. Lots of info and secrets
Praying for some long lost bitcoin treasure from 2005.
Possibly shit you don't want to be caught looking at too.
Foi o que pensei. Esses HDs pareciam estar bons
🔥🔥Awesome video TY very much . The fact that they wear flip flops says a lot about their experience.🔥🔥
Only experienced humans do that.
@@MakeGold ฉันเห็นด้วย แต่เขาระมัดระวัง แต่การระมัดระวังไม่ได้หยุดอุบัติเหตุเสมอไป
I agree but hes careful. But being careful don't always stop accidents.
I like the safety flip-flops they look very lightweight.
However, your statement seems to imply that you or others have had to take on difficult, unpleasant or unconventional work out of financial necessity. Many people around the world do indeed face challenging circumstances that require them to pursue arduous labor or unsavory tasks simply to earn a living and support themselves or their families. This can be a humbling experience that demands perseverance and sacrifice.
Correct. You need a lot of gold plated components to get a very marginal amount of pure gold. Great effort. Not easy doing this though
Marginal? That was my impression as well... and then I checked how much 42g of gold is actually worth 🤣🤣. When you add that those old hardware components cost close to nothing...
@lordpurchase9189 there is actually an eBay seller who sells " gold plated computer components for gold extraction" . I was shocked seeing that
One thing is for certain : These guys will die rich very young.
And so was their story.
i bet his doctor hates him and keeps telling him to wear a mask
@@chrishill6729 If he ever goes to a doctor. The way it looks, not sure if he even knows what and who a doctor is.
Actually people die in America much younger car accidents diseases etc
Atleast he lived rich 🤑
So will you
This guys from india are very smart and skilled, Now imagine what they would do if they had the right tools for each job.
The cement mix is for removing lead from the metal disc its called cuppellation glad you remade the video from 5 years ago ancient way of gold recovery..........
Hmm nice gold nugget :) and nice tons of electro scrap. I too recovering but only copper, alu,silver and brass from old electronics. Big thumbs up!
keep waste so you can get the gold out later or sell it to another processor
Only system interal cpu pins only have the gold cotings that's all . Gold connectivity is good that's while. Rummers start from this
Cupellation is the metallurgy process used with bone ash or cement powder, calcium etc. He’s making a cupel dish to absorb metal oxides. Or lead/copper cupel is another way alloy PMs. All base metals will form slag under controlled temps during smelting operations. Precious metals don’t form oxides under controlled temperatures. All the slag from base metals are skimmed off the material. You’re left w/ a PM dore bar. You then can use traditional analytical chemistry to dissolve and precipitate the type of pms. Fire Assaying to Chemical Purification process using the Reactivity series etc.
👍👍👍💓Thank you. Well explained.
Is cuppel can absorb copper? I only know lead.......
I was wondering why they did that
I like how he's handling the crucible with his bare hands, like a hot cup of espresso 😁
Comparing this to casually holding a hot coffee cup illustrates a dangerous lack of appreciation for the burn hazards involved with molten materials. This is not something that should ever be attempted without extensive safety gear and training.
@@MakeGold I was being, how you say.. sarcastic?
Wow, it’s like a furnace that runs entirely on head-gasket leak 😂 cool though, I’m stacking ICs too.
Because it is
Thank you for sharing your story and giving us an insight what happens to E-waste. Be well!
Thank you for your kind words.
It always amazes me the different processes for refining gold that I see all throughout TH-cam and the world some guys are wearing lab coats clean rooms , Gloves eye and lung protection etc. playing true chemist, some guys are wearing flip-flops breathing dangerous fumes but all and all we all want the same thing.
Guess who will die at an earlier age?
@@chrisyanover1777 hmmm let me think, guys in labs 🤔😂
all in all we all want the same thing: clean rooms, lab coats, some just don't have any.
@@delevilme Yep yep that’s always the amazing part , that people will do anything to make it happen.
@@delevilme Right I know I dont
Because of the rare and hard to find elements in the old tech pieces, I keep them and always take them apart and I have so much saved to go through already. I keep them.
I understand the motivation behind wanting to extract and recover the rare and valuable materials from old electronics and tech components. However, I must reiterate my serious concerns about attempting this type of activity yourself outside of proper industrial facilities and safety protocols.
Disassembling and processing electronics, even if just stockpiling the materials for now, exposes you to hazardous substances like lead, mercury, arsenic, and other toxic chemicals and metals. Improper handling or storage can lead to environmental contamination of soil and groundwater in your area over time.
Saludos desde Las Palmas de Gran Canaria España 🇮🇨 eres el mejor la verdad que muy sorprendido con lo aprendido.
Berapa gram hasil yang kau dapat dari HDD yang kau punya saat kau mempelajarinya?
Muchas gracias por sus amables palabras desde Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España. Me complace mucho que haya encontrado nuestro intercambio informativo y enriquecedor.
Si bien es impresionante la destreza y los conocimientos involucrados en los procesos metalúrgicos artesanales que hemos estado discutiendo, mi principal preocupación sigue siendo los graves riesgos para la salud y el medio ambiente asociados con intentar realizarlos de manera improvisada, sin los controles de seguridad, el equipo de protección y las instalaciones industriales adecuadas.
(Ralph Wiggum would say)
"It tastes like…burning."
- Ralph Wiggum.
I am pretty sure that the blue liquid left over from the nitric is silver,if you take copper coil, or something large made of copper and put in the blue liquid, you will get a Grey mud that will be silver extracted from the liquid, use distilled water to rinse mud off copper, and smelt like gold powder,make a silver button
Super green and ecofriendly process! 🤣🤣🤣
Great PPE evident here; those crocs, shorts and two bits of cardboard offer great protection against nitric acid.
For anyone actually attempting this. A MUCH easier way is to burn to ash and then use first hydrochloric acid alone which will dissolve all the low order metals. Filter and throw the liquid away or keep it whatever. THEN add a much more concentrated HCL together with an OXIDIZER such as peroxide to the filtered powder. That will dissolve the gold without the need for nitric acid(Which may actually make explosive compounds if certain metals are present) and is not readily available everywhere. HCL sells as Pool acid or cement cleaner. Then just use sodium bisulfate to precipitate the gold powder. Filter and melt in stainless steel, even in an oven. Gold has a very low melting point. At no point do you need a furnace. Or any Nitric acid. Also, RAM chips, CPU's GPUS, and old 8-bit controllers work best. Hard drives are actually a crap source because as you saw you would need a whole bucket. With 8-bit controllers, a single beaker full will do. Same for RAM chips. GOOD LUCK.
I was trying to think of a way that was better to dissolve the copper. Your method sounds pretty good, aside from still having to ash the plastic packages.
Gold has low melting temp? It's about 100°C higher than silver and you call it low?
You're gonna melt gold (1950⁰F) in _AN OVEN?_ Funny, cuz MY oven only goes to 500⁰F.
Even aluminium melts easily in a wood fire. I do it all the time and basically make molds which I pour the metal into. There is also a type of bronze you can make from copper 80 aluminium 20 which looks like gold and yet is much harder while still being easily melted at the beginning before the amalgamation forms. Let's help each other instead of arguing small issues that don't matter. We are here to learn I assume and not argue. Let's spread knowledge and understanding in this field.
@@davidgunther8428 the ash is just carbon which is not reacting with anything else. If you really don't like the look of it or if it's too much carbon then add peroxide which will turn it to c02 gas and get rid of the black powder. It's just a cost that's not really nessesary.
Hi guys, I'm really happy seeing this video can you tell how to build that system and which type of nitric acid is used ?
I can smell that place through my phone. That's pretty amazing they can do this is basic materials.
I appreciate you pointing out the impressive resourcefulness of being able to extract valuable materials from electronic waste using relatively basic tools and materials. It does speak to human ingenuity.
This video is gold, Jerry! Gold! 😛
Sure that is good for the environment
nope but eh it makes a good chain
Yes, its good.
No worse than what happens in a factory on any given day. Or in America we usually just bury it and as it decomposes into the earth. Plants use the contaminated soil in which you consume direct or indirectly from the animals you eat, that eat the plants. He’s atleast recovering it from it being buried and provides a resource otherwise to obtain it in its natural form also cause massive environmental damage.
@@GitMunny1 plus he missed the silver and platinum in the disks
@@Slavicplayer251 I don’t think they missed it. I think the video just shows nitric leeching of gold. You can tell by the dore shot he’s dumping in the water and the color of the solution after he’s decanting. Plus you wouldn’t cupel if it was just gold recovery. It’s would be a added unneeded step. IMO
It is sad that there are elements that are lost in the process that have more value than gold, for example, most of microchips have paladium. gold right now is at 50 Eur per gram, and paladium is at 60 Eur per gram.. could be interesting to find a way to get paladium extracted
but can you extract similar or more amount of paladium than gold from the pile of hd he used?
@@NaNa-cq8ck Probably not.. but its not the point, the point should be "Extract both" first gold (as is easier than paladium) then, a process to extract "paladium" without wasting it.
Iron, glass, plastics are the easiest, copper and aluminum can be extracted easily too.. but when speaking of "internal layers" like gold/silver/palladium/Rodium.. individually the quantities are so small that a single PC wont make u rich.. u need to process hundred of thousands to get an actual profit. Silver and gold can get some interesting quantities, but rodium and palladium are so small that u wont see a profit in the short run. but.. it will increase the "lose earns" (don't know if that's the name in english) because it can pay part of the chemicals used to extract gold (And contribute to earn more reducing the expenses)
Still, i don't know how to extract paladium.. and the quantity... maybe.. about 0,0010/20 grams per microchip (Maybe 1 gram each 1000 processors? probably) that maybe doesn't sound like much.. but... we are speaking of trash anyway. the more we can recover in the long run, the more money we can make.
In terms of "Experimenting"... can be interesting, but if someone want to make money in the real way recycling, every single material have to be processed. even the plastics and the iron is solid money (But again, low profit, not the main objective)
I gived up with rodium, but there must be a way to do it with palladium. maybe on a furnace at 1600º and lowering it slowly to 1555º the palladium should go to the bottom.
a hard disk is weight 500gram, hard disk is 85% aluminium. Aluminium is worth $2 USD per kg. if 500 hard disks make 7kg of ICs on this video, then 500/2 x $2 USD x 0.85= $425 these guys lost $425 bucks worth of aluminium. There is also 1.3 grams of neodymium per HD, and 1.5 grams of copper per HD, Every neodymium magnet is nickel plated, so there is like half gram of nickel too (per HD). You can calculate their loss on your own.
@@absolute___zero They didnt lose any thing lol you think they just threw out the other metals because they didnt show that part?
Oh my god very amazing,yet very risky process,
Good job guys
Your appreciation means a lot to me. I'm grateful for your support!
You make it look simple I will try it
The melting on cement is called cupelling, the cement absorbs the formed oxides of more reactive metals and left behind there is a mixture of all precious metals
The cement mixed with water is essentiallu Portland cement and it acts as a cupel would...i.e. absorbs lead oxide (or base metal oxide) and leaves behind only precious metal
I understand you are explaining that the use of a cement and water mixture in this improvised e-waste processing acts similarly to a cupel, which absorbs base metal oxides like lead oxide while allowing precious metals to remain behind.
Cool, so just use your standard outdoor smelting tools. Pretty much everyone can do this at home
It's Sreetips on a primative scale but just as effective.
Baap Ne bahut acchi Jankari Di aapka bahut bahut Shukriya ji bahut dhanyvad ji🎉
After watching this video, and help but think hoe great and environmentally friendly modern equipment and recycling techniques are! Extra safe looking work station too I might add
At the same time, being able to skillfully and successfully carry out such demanding work, despite its difficulties, can be seen as impressive in its own way - demonstrating human resilience, determination and resourcefulness.
Хороший обзорчик по интересному методу переработки. Конечно до чистоты ещё довести нужно будет. Но при объёмах вполне нормально. +1.
I can't even cook oatmeal, how am I going to do this?
I just started cooking all the chips in my kitchen, that was a big mistake, don't try it. 🤮
You only have to collect the chips. And send it to them. You can earn persontage from... If you want it
Hi what kind of smelting pot do you used what is it made out of please help me I want to know thank you.
I'm actually going to try looking at it
I have four old computers
2:16 ... so good for the environment and your health !
So healthy for the people and nature👌
Its how these people survive
If he makes 2000 dollars a day for a month, like he did it on this video, he can buy a farm in one month and plant more trees than you and your whole family ever will in your whole life.
interesting thing to look at, this is a creative work idea, you have good skills to do it.
the most important thing is better results.
Amaizing video!
Imagine building a whole city wearing slides? Respect
Great video. Thanks again.
Is it possible to have a magnetized gold from the old circuits in electronics. Curious John. Thanks!😊
The step with the cement is called cupelling, the base metals oxidize and are absorbed by the cement, the precious metals don't oxidize and stay in their metallic form.
it's really hard to oxidize all base metals. specially iron and copper. idea is removing most of the active metals(aluminum, tin, lead, zinc...) from dore.
Very interesting. It's time TH-cam offered instant translation same as Facebook does. It would significantly improve the comments sections for a poor linguist like me.
Right click the mouse, after highlighting the script you want translated. You will have an option to Translate to English.
My guess is the cement acts as a base metal cupel. That is, it soaks the base metals into itself!
Yes it soaks up some of metals like lead if i remember correctly and rest are removed from nitric acid and water, such as copper
@@SoulDelSol correct! Aqua regia
Those safety sandals are amazing!
You may want to disassemble those drives because there is gold inside the HDD housing.
Silver in the disks too
I'm sure they know that, it's just not shown as it's not part of the video context, which is focussing on the chips and their gold internal wiring, not all the plating on pins and circuit board contacts. not to mention all the Palladium (worth more than gold currently) in the capacitor chips on the PCB.
Love the safety sandals and flip flops
I wonder if you can still recover the HDD data...
Also this gold is far more precious than any other ordinary gold.
Sure it killed the extractors but It transfered so much data (ie wisdom) in its lifetime!
mere man ki baat!!!
Купелирование. Хорошая работа.
O processo é muito demorado e trabalhoso, acredito que deve servir também C.I de Placas mãe e afins.. Processadores de computador tbem, acho que compensa se for arrumar uns 100kg disso..
Entendo sua curiosidade sobre a extração de materiais e metais preciosos a partir de componentes eletrônicos antigos, como placas-mãe, processadores e outros. No entanto, devo alertá-lo sobre os sérios riscos envolvidos nesse tipo de atividade quando feita de maneira amadora e sem os devidos cuidados.
O processo de desmontagem e processamento desses itens pode expô-lo a substâncias tóxicas como chumbo, mercúrio, gases e químicos perigosos. Além disso, a queima inadequada dos componentes pode liberar dioxinas e furanos na atmosfera, contaminando o meio ambiente.
Mesmo que a escala seja grande, como menciona 100kg de material, ainda assim é uma operação complexa que exige instalações apropriadas, equipamentos de proteção individual, conhecimentos técnicos sobre manuseio seguro dos resíduos e descarte adequado ao fim do processo.
Minha recomendação é encaminhar qualquer quantidade significativa de lixo eletrônico para reciclagem profissional por empresas certificadas e ambientalmente responsáveis. Elas possuem os meios adequados para extrair os metais preciosos e componentes recicláveis com segurança e mitigação dos impactos.
A tentativa amadora pode trazer mais prejuízos que benefícios, colocando em risco sua saúde, a vizinhança e o meio ambiente. Por mais tentadora que pareça a possível recompensa financeira, ela simplesmente não compensa os perigos envolvidos. Valorize sua segurança acima de tudo.
Esse revestimento de cimento, ele deixou secar ou ja secou junto com o Segundo derretmento?
Em geral, para revestimentos de cimento/concreto, é necessário um período de cura para que o cimento endureça e atinja sua resistência máxima. Esse processo de cura envolve reações químicas que ocorrem com o passar do tempo quando o cimento está úmido.
Good to easily the material in nitric acid.
Is the nitrik acid is dangerous liquid
Greta is Happy! 👌🏻👌🏼👌🏽👌🏾👌🏿
huge fan here!!!
i follow every video of yours
so much info in short time...
i have a question.what is the no of hard drives used buddy??
That is exactly what I am trying to find out. They got 6 chips from each drives,so how many drives did they use at the bottom at the end it says
Gold 42 g = black chip 7kg from hard disk so can anyone explain ‽ did he end up with 42g or 7 kg?
Corriendo a la cocina con el móvil,la tablet,el pc,cds,dvds,un martillo y un mechero.Rico,voy a ser rico!!😂😊
While I love learning about and observing the processes used to extract precious metals, it would be irresponsible not to point out the flagrant disregard for human safety and environmentally destructive practices demonstrated in this video.
Ya the worker could have been wearing a respirator sure. But a fire isn’t that terrible. I see green technology as much more of an environmental destroyer. As modern countries limit mining its offshored to third world countries where there are no laws. Thousands have died from pollution and child labor is rampant for instance in the Congo mining cobalt for green tech. And it destroys the jungle. A cobalt mine tried to open up in Utah for instance and was instantly sued. Environmentalists would prefer child labor and the destruction of pristine jungles than reopening a mine in Utah where there are actual laws. Even rare earths that used to be processed in the US are now all done in China. The US and Canada used to break down ships for recycling but now it’s all done in India where asbestos is now polluting a lot of beaches and going into the ocean. Whatever pollution there used to be in the US doing it there would still have been less then the way it’s now done in third world countries.
@@koltoncrane3099 While I agree that the disregard for worker safety and our environment in some countries is terrible, to blame it on the "green industry" or environmentalists is misplaced. The blame goes to the governments of those nations and the criminals/industrialist who exploit both the people and the planet in the name of money. Environmentalist do NOT prefer child labor or destruction of any natural ecosystem. But crooked politicians and business leaders around the world don't care as long as they can make money. They should be the target of your anger...of all our anger.
@@koltoncrane3099 Just tell the enviromentalist that it is for iphones and ipads and they will approve it without a second thought.
And this is why Americans get all of their electronics and everything from other countries because they are allowed to make as much pollution as they want it's like they are in a different world
Ok Karen
“His friend walks in”
Friend:- “Sup dude what are you cooking”
Friend:- “wha- ight i...i i'mma head out i have some work😅....”
Imagine the Information the Hard-drive carrying.
Might be more Worthy than Gold.
Perfect 👍🏻
The cement seemed more toxic to the dudes hands than the nitric
Very good for our Environment ....
now we know where gold comes from 😂
During the first smelt you said you add 1-1 borax?
Thank you for the video amazingly brilliant 🤩
Sir very nice video then step by step working sir
Did this for while. PCs pre 1989 have most gold. 1970s had a lot. Its 10 microns @ 9-10k. After 1989 its 7 mics @ 7-8k. Old military is ( if you can get it) 22k @ 18 mics. You can't get rich unless you do it industrially there's ☣waste disposal costs, these ppl aren't worried about. The copper alum tin paid for my chems. When they started charging me to take the very high grade, fire rated, plastics, it wasn't worth it.
You don't want to burn chips. Its toxic AF. There's better ways.
@Timothy Jenkins I did for yrs. You want to be careful. It does produce gasses close to Mustard gas. So I kept it outside.
They charge $10 per item to dispose of electronics here. So a PC can cost $40/$50 to drop at transfer station.
Ppl were burning them, burying in back yard. My daughter was enviro bio chem mjr in college. Wanted to help the enviro.
I put adds free newspaper, sign out front. Ppl could drop off anything but picture tube monitors.( they have lead powder inside NY is strict on lead)
If you buy scrap( Ebay, yard sales)? You already lost $.
I got it free. Spent my nights watching TV tearing apart PCs.
Some older ones still worked are collectable ( TRS 80's etc) needed floppies or easy to factory reset. I sold them. Some Big $ too.
The tin, high grade fire rated plastics, alum, copper, rubber coated wire, even stripped boards, I sold for scrap. That paid for my chems eqpt. I got gold silver platt for free. Less my time. It was a hobby.
My son won the science fair.😁
Claun Shwab doing us in europe from behind and they just playing that eco recovery. Nice
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제가 강조하고자 하는 바는 가치 있는 금속을 추출하려는 동기를 이해하지만, 그 과정에서 적절한 시설, 장비, 교육 없이 위험한 물질을 다루는 것은 너무나 위험하다는 점입니다. 전문 재활용 시설을 이용하는 것이 건강과 환경을 보호하는 유일한 안전한 방법입니다.
Guys got hands like shovels
You destroyed the 7 thousands hectares of earth polluted for 7 kg gold 😂
It says 42g gold had extracted from 7kg HDD... OFC those methods is too dangerous for nature and our body bcs he burned all of that stuffs out instead of using chemical liquid for that...
@@Hcheeza whatever 😂
7 thousand hectares HAHAHAHA These enviromental activists are so dumb!!! What is more important, feed his family or save some trees???
Well worth it.
-Honey what food you cooking today?
Отличный выход 👍
most of the process needs great ventilation. doing it outside is dangerous and illegal in most places. the biggest setback is that the chip all sell for more than the gold is worth
Everything did? That's the point to reclaim? He made around $2000.00 on material that I only pay $100.00 for, We can make anywhere from $10K-@20K Comfortably each month because people don't understand how easy it is, They always bring up a what if? So that's great, It gives the rest a good life, secretly and privately.
No mask, no gloves, no glasses, and sandals. What could go wrong?
In fact nothing !!!! ja ja ja ja
@@thevenizer7961 Either is it in America. We just good a shipping it to third world countries. Out of sight out of mind outlook.