I did Rune redings for friends from the 1980's-2010's. I soon lost friends as they prospered as I predicted.. They all said they would never forget me . Huh.
32:00 I've always believed we started on Mars, screwed it up and came to Earth. Now we have screwed up Earth and are looking to go to Mars. LOL Full circle.
YAY ! A slabbing with Tuxedo's at last. It's been a while.
Astrol projection. Done that !
I did Rune redings for friends from the 1980's-2010's. I soon lost friends as they prospered as I predicted.. They all said they would never forget me . Huh.
Ooo, a load of electronics components have arrived. I'm going to build something.
32:00 I've always believed we started on Mars, screwed it up and came to Earth. Now we have screwed up Earth and are looking to go to Mars. LOL Full circle.
EDIT : 20 30 We've had cat aliens before ? I'm sure we have.
Just to let you know, I've had a lot of beer and whisky. I'm chatty.
So they put a trcker in, seemlessly, and replaced it with a wound ?
6:36 I've cut my arm on barbed wire crossing a field and not noticed, no pain, and I still have a tiny scar. So possible.
Happy Birthday to ME! oh fun. it's me on my own.
Arkid ? Was she from New Castle ?
Oh god, ignore the Flerfers. 🌎⬅not exist. 🤣
24:00 So they were beaming healing power to her but it did'nt heal her leg ?
So slabbed and telepothised. ?