Hi sir, how much is the cut between the led's you cut. Can you cut anywhere in the neon strip. Or will u design according to the cutting marks in between the led's
The led is cut every 1 inch, there is a black mark on the back of the led for the cutting line, if the led is not cut on that line, the led will not light up
@Karyamology Sir, Thanks for replying. Another question sir, how will you exactly cut the light at the end of the cnc carved outline. How will you sketch the outline in software. Any tips can you give. How much should be measurement of the text, that the light should cut at the exact point only where the cut mark is there.
Wah keren banget
Pake mesin laser akrilik terus dibikin mal2an ap yg mai dibuat terus ditaro neon flexnya
Bang jika mau di pasang outdoor ujung kedua lampu yg kita potong di kasih lem apa ya?
kasih lem bakar aja
Link YT nya mana taruh dong biar bisa lihat detail nya
Iya tuh bner kalo bisa bikin pesan saya juga mau pesan buat di warkop saya
Bisa, cek kontak di info channel ya
bg,itu alasnya pake akrilik ya ?
Drpada print kecil.kecil di dsmbung..lbh baik cetak banner bahan flexy aja yg murah ..jdi gk perlu di lem dan di sambung sambung..semoga bermanfaat 😊
Setuju, bisa lebih cepat juga karena memangkas proses
Max ukuran brp kalo print flexy bang?
Itu bang klo di potong2 sambungin kabel.a gmna bang biar nyala lg
ada caranya, cek video yang lain bg
Pake lem apa itu bang neon fx nya?
lem korea cuy
Apakah aman terhadap hujan
Ga aman, bisa konslet
Ga aman, bisa konslet
@@GabutMaker ok mksh gan
Sambungin kabelnya gmna bang?
cek video ane yang lain brooo
bang ini narik listrik smpe beraapa watt
tergantung beban lampu yang terpasang broo,, kalo hanya panjang total satu meter 8-10 watt
toturial mecahin gambar dong bang 🙏
udah pernah ta bikinin tutornya bang, cek aja
@@GabutMaker iya bang ,udah liat kok mksh ilmunya 🙏
Cara nyambung antar led gimana bang?
kabel positif disambung jadi satu, kabel negatif juga di sambung jadi satu.. lalu masing2 masuk ke adaptor
Hi sir, how much is the cut between the led's you cut. Can you cut anywhere in the neon strip. Or will u design according to the cutting marks in between the led's
The led is cut every 1 inch, there is a black mark on the back of the led for the cutting line, if the led is not cut on that line, the led will not light up
@Karyamology Sir, Thanks for replying. Another question sir, how will you exactly cut the light at the end of the cnc carved outline. How will you sketch the outline in software. Any tips can you give. How much should be measurement of the text, that the light should cut at the exact point only where the cut mark is there.
I have uploaded a complete tutorial for making LEDs from design to installation, check out my other videos
Corel draw se command dete ho print ki , kisme type krte ho pls btana
Bang itu lampu led nya yang ukuran brapa ya
standart neon flex
Bisa order?
cek info channel ya
Bisa pesan kah?
Bisa kak.. Cek info channel
Bang butuh berapa meter itu bang
1 roll cukup per warna
@@GabutMaker ohh
Bisa pesan ga bos?
bisa,,, cek info channel bro
itu gimana cara mecah gambarnya?
Pake coreldraw
Kok bisa digunting lampu nya?
bisa asalkan sesuai dengan garis potong
Bang bisa bikin pesanan gak?
Bisa.. Cek info channel kak
Yg ini keren tapi pengen ganti tulisan nya,
Klw pesan berapa ya
@@agiittiiga3 bisa japri aja kak di info channel
@@afreniza6687 tergantung ukuran dan desain kak
Mau psen gmn
cek info channel
font apa