Pitching to just a home plate is one thing and to a batter is another. It would be nice to see how effective these pitches really are against an opposing teams batters.
The Changeup is thrown almost reverse to a curve and will run into a right handers hands. It also goes to the plate slower, while the tossing motion is the same, almost a cut curve
I was chosen as the pitcher for my company softball team last week. Tonight is my first game and I am def going to use these pitches. I'll let you know how it goes. Greta stuff.
Cool vid. my first couple of years pitching i was the meatball kid. realy served it up and let the defense try to run it down.I dont walk hardly any usualy 1 or less a game so i can throw strikes consistantlybut once i started learning a few other types of pitches the game got realy fun, now i look more forward to pitching then i do to hitting, so i want to try a couple of the trows you sudjest in this vid namely the knuckle curve, cause they do get used to my curve. thursday night im trying it
I believe there are two ways to throw a "screwball" (pitch that breaks opposite the direction of a curve) in slowpitch. I do it using basically the same grip I use for the curve ball (see my previous comments), except that I use a backspin delivery, with my palm toward the ground. I angle my arm out a little to the side so that the ball comes out spinning at an angle (similar to the curve except backwards instead of forwards). I find that I have to keep my wrist loose when I throw this pitch.
The best way to throw a curve is to hold the ball with the seams (similar to this guy; I use a "3 fingered" grip, laying my index and ring fingers along the seams where they are closest together, but this isn't essential). When you deliver the ball you let it roll forward out of your hand off of the finger closest to you (in my case the ring finger, but if you use a "2 fingered" grip it would be your middle finger). The ball should come out spinning forward but at an angle. (see next comment)
I'm usually playing third or left field, but my team is too afraid to pitch to the big hitters in our league, so by default I became pitcher. I actually forwarded this vid to the guy that was suppose to do it so we wouldn't get rocked. I tried the curve for the most part and moved around from side to side on the mound depending on which side the batter hit from.
"Screwball" (cont.): The other way to throw a "screwball" or "reverse curve", is similar to the curve ball I described previously, except that you roll the ball off of your index finger instead of your ring or middle finger, so that the ball again comes out spinning forward at an angle, but facing the other way. If you're right handed, the ball will be spinning forward and to the right of vertical. I personally use the backspin method, but I have seen this method used by others.
Praise be to thee Malach the Merciless for bestowing upon us such wonderous Slow Pitch guidance! We are not worthy but shall try our best on the field of softball battle o thee Malach!!
This actually is the best video i've seen on youtube describing slowpitch softball pitches. Most are geared towards fastpitch. So...THANKS for the tips!
I don't know how your league works, but usually there is a dot system with all balls. There is the green dots being the lowest, and red dots being the highest. Red dots go a mile. Very tight, and hard. Basically an enlarged baseball. Green dots are mush balls. There are gold and blue as well. Blue and gold are very close to each other, but gold after about 20-50 hits, they turn into a good green ball basically. Just check your rules, and check their balls. The only difference. Is the balls' skin
The curve ball was great then they got used to it. I moved to the knuckle ball and one with backspin against the big guys and they really struggled. Got a lot of pop ups in the infield, I recommend this to everyone, in competitive and beer leagues..!! Nice job!
Thanks for the tips Malach! I am playing my first slow pitch game tomorrow and I am the pitcher! YIKES! I throw a back spin like a fast pitch change-up, and can throw the meatb all, but that's it. Your vid will help.
Curve ball (cont.): You DO NOT torque your hand and impart sidespin on the ball. I have only seen one guy throw an effective sidespin curve, and he was like 6' 4" and 300 lbs. You have to be very strong to do it that way. However, I have seen many guys throw effective curves in the manner I described. I personally have gotten the ball to break more than two feet on occasion. Note that if the wind is blowing from behind you or against the break it will not work.
As for the knuckleball, your website says that we should release the fingers at the end of the windup: (1) does that mean release during the "backswing" or, when you're about to let go of the pitch? (2) What do you mean by "release": just let go of it? I've heard other people say to "extend the fingers".
In Special Olmypics which I know follows ISF rules does it really matter how you throw the ball. I guess it doesn't matter if you use the change up, curve ball, and knuckle ball sometimes. I would like to get myself as a pitcher to the point where i'm not throwing the basic meatball. I can throw a curve, a change up, etc. I can be able to throw at least 2 types of pitches.
Pitches do work - I use the curveball and knuckleball - I get atleast 2 Ks a night and mostly make them pop up or ground out - we made the playoffs - lost first round due to our bats not being there
Nice job!! Our league is underway tomorrow, and I feel like I have some responsibility as the starting catcher to try and use the pitcher's tools to outsmart the hitters. It could be a big team effort, or you may have found something during the offseason that they have no idea to adapt to right now.
You don't get it, the goal is not to strike people out, it is to make them adjust to the movement and hit grounders and pop flies. Yes, I still give up hits and runs, but not that many. In addition as I have said before, I play is a wooden bat league.
Wow, thank you. I have had a few surgeries on my glove hand so my shoulder does not go up as well. I never really leaned to step back after the follow through. So I gave up my pride position. I like to be the one coming in to replace the easy hit pitcher. I would love to get back into this. I will be working hard at this so when I come back I will have some awesome to display. Thanks
For the curveball, do we want to focus on putting equal amounts of (1) twisting with (2) backspin? Or, would a curve ball be more effective if we focused entirely on just twisting it ?
Being a softball pitcher I agree. But in s.p.s.b. compared to baseball strikeouts are a rare thing. Batters WILL hit the ball 95-98% of the time. The purpose is to give them these sloppy pitches so that they will make sloppy hits which are easier to catch or make an out with.
sorry. I meant a straight trace ball with minimum curve. the young kids couldn't hit my ball because my ball was always curved too much in front of the home plate. i just wanted to help them to practice hittin a ball.
@bigFATloser29 Change up is a name I use, it is more like a cut fastball, but that did not sound right for slow pitch. It runs in on right handed batters.
i started in slowpitch but now play fastpitch but dont think im any better than a slow pitch player,. slowpitch is good for beginners etc and then you can step up to fastpitch if you want,. slowpitch gives you a different element to the game everyone is able to get bat on ball more plays are made more runs are put on the board and everyone has a great time! & thats the main thing,. i do have one question for you though, what is this "Traveling slowpitch"?
I get called for illegal if I got over 15' for Special Olympics, honestly, the umpire love me there cause I can throw all sorts of pitches and hardly ever toss a walk, and can hit a strike 95% of the time.
@Rubbersuitman More important than a good defense is a good offense. In baseball related games having good hitters is what scores and wins games. I've lost many games with an awesome D but we lost because we didn't have enough good base hitters.
first off im not a pitcher, i play everwhere but pitcher and catcher im just here to show my buddy some new pitches, second this video just made my day because Clutch- profits of doom is playing in the background haha
Turning your back on the batter and pitching it over your shoulder would not be a good idea for two reasons. 1) The umpire may call that "illegal" and have that be an automatic ball. 2) If the batter hits that anyway it could line drive into the back of your head causing injury and even possibly death. So always face the batter when pitching.
@michaelisbalance I am real good fielder, so hit through the middle. Again, the idea is not to get you to strike out, it is to get you to hit it into my good defense, generally where I want you too hit it. A little late movement, which I have, throws off batters.
any help? would someone explain how to throw a fastball? I never took any softball training but somehow ended up pitching for kids' practice (after two guys were knockdowned by the ball on their faces.). My balls always cuved which made them really hard to hit. I think either my releasing point or grip was not right. My ball was either too fast or too curved.
Cool, I'm going to try to add that to my arsenal. I've been pitching for awhile, I've tried to throw softball pitches, like I would for a baseball. Change up, Knuckle, and a palm ball, and a split finger. I've just BS around, but I've found some that work. I probably average 2 walks a game. 9 runs a game. It's slow pitch softball so you're going to give up runs
The last two weeks the umps have called differently. Our league is the beginners, so if I throw the meatball they have crushed it. I went back to the backspin and have done much better. The pitching in our league is weak, and everybody is looking to walk. I have walked fewer, but they CRUSH the meatball.
Sorry, I have been EXTREMELY busy with client web site work and illustrations, my brother has been busy with client video work. Surprising considering the economy . . . I will email him and we will schedule a time to do this.
Im 21 years old n i jus started pitchin this year. When i first started i was jus up there throwin meatballs n gettin lit up!! Haha then i learned a curveball on my own, which gota lota grounders towards 3rd n short for me. But that wasn't good enough for the better hitters. So i look up slow pitch videos. Found this. N i now know how t throw that knuckle curve for a strike. Idk if its really suppose t knucke or anythin but it curves pretty dam hard haha. It starts way outside n breaks in t the
Now that I have reached the tender age of 50, I would like to start acting my age a bit, by moving from third base to pitching, therefore, what type of drills would you recommend to an individual that has never attempted that position (pitching) in the past?
Not trying to be mean, but most of this video is nonsense. The only pitch this guy is throwing that is moving at all is the knuckleball. It is possible to throw a curveball and a screwball (similar to what this guy is calling a cutter) in slowpitch, but not as described in the video. Very few people are strong enough to throw an effective curve (one that breaks more than a few inches) by spinning the ball the way this guy is trying to do it. I will explain further in my next comment.
I've tried pitching this way. And guess what? Batters will still make base hits and home runs. Just like they do in the pros. It doesn't matter what you pitch to them. If it's a good batter, he/she will hit it no matter what's p;itched and what defense you got and will rack up the scoring. I've also discovered that in baseball related sports it's all about offense. I've played with great defenses but we still lost because our hitting wasn't there but the opposing teams was. I still try though.
Thanks for all the comments. We went 26 and 4 this year. Swept the playoffs and won the championship. I pitched 6 shutouts this year, including 2 in the three games we won for the championship. You can follow my team exploits on facebook if you like, link in the description. For the Championship, I pounded the curve the entire game, and had AWESOME DEFENSE.
After trying pitches this way I'm still not sure if it makes a difference or not. I won my (So far) only championship when all I did was the basic backspin pitch. Of course we had a really strong team. And it's one thing to hit a manipulated baseball coming at you 80-90 mph than it is to hit a softball at like 5 mph. Anyone can hit a softball and get base hits no matter how it's pitched.
@doubled7758 Softball is really fun, I'm a freshman in high school and we started playing Softball in PE. regardless of the fact, I'm hoping to play softball for my church so I don't have to wait til the end of the year if I have PE to play it haha
@Rubbersuitman The secret is hitting, I've played many games, where we don't hit we lose. The D seems to always be there, but the bats aren't consistent
Note the word at the end in the credits: "Edited." How many takes to get the ball right over the plate like that every time? No doubt there were a few outside pitches outside the strike zone.
Pitching to just a home plate is one thing and to a batter is another.
It would be nice to see how effective these pitches really are against an opposing teams batters.
Still watching in 2021. Great video.
The Changeup is thrown almost reverse to a curve and will run into a right handers hands. It also goes to the plate slower, while the tossing motion is the same, almost a cut curve
I was chosen as the pitcher for my company softball team last week. Tonight is my first game and I am def going to use these pitches. I'll let you know how it goes. Greta stuff.
Cool vid. my first couple of years pitching i was the meatball kid. realy served it up and let the defense try to run it down.I dont walk hardly any usualy 1 or less a game so i can throw strikes consistantlybut once i started learning a few other types of pitches the game got realy fun, now i look more forward to pitching then i do to hitting, so i want to try a couple of the trows you sudjest in this vid namely the knuckle curve, cause they do get used to my curve. thursday night im trying it
I believe there are two ways to throw a "screwball" (pitch that breaks opposite the direction of a curve) in slowpitch. I do it using basically the same grip I use for the curve ball (see my previous comments), except that I use a backspin delivery, with my palm toward the ground. I angle my arm out a little to the side so that the ball comes out spinning at an angle (similar to the curve except backwards instead of forwards). I find that I have to keep my wrist loose when I throw this pitch.
The best way to throw a curve is to hold the ball with the seams (similar to this guy; I use a "3 fingered" grip, laying my index and ring fingers along the seams where they are closest together, but this isn't essential). When you deliver the ball you let it roll forward out of your hand off of the finger closest to you (in my case the ring finger, but if you use a "2 fingered" grip it would be your middle finger). The ball should come out spinning forward but at an angle. (see next comment)
I'm usually playing third or left field, but my team is too afraid to pitch to the big hitters in our league, so by default I became pitcher. I actually forwarded this vid to the guy that was suppose to do it so we wouldn't get rocked. I tried the curve for the most part and moved around from side to side on the mound depending on which side the batter hit from.
"Screwball" (cont.):
The other way to throw a "screwball" or "reverse curve", is similar to the curve ball I described previously, except that you roll the ball off of your index finger instead of your ring or middle finger, so that the ball again comes out spinning forward at an angle, but facing the other way. If you're right handed, the ball will be spinning forward and to the right of vertical. I personally use the backspin method, but I have seen this method used by others.
Praise be to thee Malach the Merciless for bestowing upon us such wonderous Slow Pitch guidance! We are not worthy but shall try our best on the field of softball battle o thee Malach!!
This actually is the best video i've seen on youtube describing slowpitch softball pitches. Most are geared towards fastpitch. So...THANKS for the tips!
I don't know how your league works, but usually there is a dot system with all balls. There is the green dots being the lowest, and red dots being the highest. Red dots go a mile. Very tight, and hard. Basically an enlarged baseball. Green dots are mush balls. There are gold and blue as well. Blue and gold are very close to each other, but gold after about 20-50 hits, they turn into a good green ball basically. Just check your rules, and check their balls. The only difference. Is the balls' skin
The curve ball was great then they got used to it. I moved to the knuckle ball and one with backspin against the big guys and they really struggled. Got a lot of pop ups in the infield, I recommend this to everyone, in competitive and beer leagues..!! Nice job!
Good short video. Right to the point and you explain it very well. Seriously thank you.
thanks man. you got a nice hat.
Thanks for the tips Malach! I am playing my first slow pitch game tomorrow and I am the pitcher! YIKES! I throw a back spin like a fast pitch change-up, and can throw the meatb all, but that's it. Your vid will help.
Curve ball (cont.):
You DO NOT torque your hand and impart sidespin on the ball. I have only seen one guy throw an effective sidespin curve, and he was like 6' 4" and 300 lbs. You have to be very strong to do it that way. However, I have seen many guys throw effective curves in the manner I described. I personally have gotten the ball to break more than two feet on occasion. Note that if the wind is blowing from behind you or against the break it will not work.
As for the knuckleball, your website says that we should release the fingers at the end of the windup: (1) does that mean release during the "backswing" or, when you're about to let go of the pitch? (2) What do you mean by "release": just let go of it? I've heard other people say to "extend the fingers".
In Special Olmypics which I know follows ISF rules does it really matter how you throw the ball. I guess it doesn't matter if you use the change up, curve ball, and knuckle ball sometimes. I would like to get myself as a pitcher to the point where i'm not throwing the basic meatball. I can throw a curve, a change up, etc. I can be able to throw at least 2 types of pitches.
Pitches do work - I use the curveball and knuckleball - I get atleast 2 Ks a night and mostly make them pop up or ground out - we made the playoffs - lost first round due to our bats not being there
Yes, exactly. Curve = pop ups, Knuckle = Short Pop ups and grounders
I got a all star defense, which make awesome pitching
Don't use backspin at all, can get grounder by the knuckle, cutter and pounding inside.
Smile and be happy, softball begins tomorrow.
The umpire was only calling a dead-on strike, no black, no corners. I walked 14, 10 in one inning, and we came from ahead to lose.
Nice job!! Our league is underway tomorrow, and I feel like I have some responsibility as the starting catcher to try and use the pitcher's tools to outsmart the hitters. It could be a big team effort, or you may have found something during the offseason that they have no idea to adapt to right now.
Check the article attached in the description takes a ton of practice
You don't get it, the goal is not to strike people out, it is to make them adjust to the movement and hit grounders and pop flies. Yes, I still give up hits and runs, but not that many. In addition as I have said before, I play is a wooden bat league.
Wow, thank you. I have had a few surgeries on my glove hand so my shoulder does not go up as well. I never really leaned to step back after the follow through. So I gave up my pride position. I like to be the one coming in to replace the easy hit pitcher. I would love to get back into this. I will be working hard at this so when I come back I will have some awesome to display. Thanks
For the curveball, do we want to focus on putting equal amounts of (1) twisting with (2) backspin? Or, would a curve ball be more effective if we focused entirely on just twisting it ?
I use no backspin, all twisting, I use what I learned as a Baseball pitcher and coverted it to underhand
is pitching palm down better?
My brother and I plan to do this this spring, living in MA, hard to do until April or so
Being a softball pitcher I agree. But in s.p.s.b. compared to baseball strikeouts are a rare thing. Batters WILL hit the ball 95-98% of the time.
The purpose is to give them these sloppy pitches so that they will make sloppy hits which are easier to catch or make an out with.
sorry. I meant a straight trace ball with minimum curve. the young kids couldn't hit my ball because my ball was always curved too much in front of the home plate. i just wanted to help them to practice hittin a ball.
@bigFATloser29 Change up is a name I use, it is more like a cut fastball, but that did not sound right for slow pitch. It runs in on right handed batters.
I like to throw a meatball but with a lot of back spin on it. Seems to induce a lot of pop ups that are easy to catch.
nice vid man. good job. I'll definitely use the tips.
Juking and faking is not allowed. If you take a straight up and down line from the plate, you will see the curve.
i started in slowpitch but now play fastpitch but dont think im any better than a slow pitch player,. slowpitch is good for beginners etc and then you can step up to fastpitch if you want,. slowpitch gives you a different element to the game everyone is able to get bat on ball more plays are made more runs are put on the board and everyone has a great time! & thats the main thing,. i do have one question for you though, what is this "Traveling slowpitch"?
Good Info!
@GameMasterSoko It is all practice. Biggest key is to make sure you can throw a strike when you need too
We are now 23 and 6, with one game left until playoffs, I walked my first batter in 5 games today.
I get called for illegal if I got over 15' for Special Olympics, honestly, the umpire love me there cause I can throw all sorts of pitches and hardly ever toss a walk, and can hit a strike 95% of the time.
Click the link in the video description to show the article I wrote on it, shows how to throw a basic "meatball"
Hey thanks, spread the word!
Why did it take you "year" to master the knuckle ball? If you can throw one period you can adapt it to underhand with just a few practice throws.
The cutter works about the same way, we are tops in our league, got an awesome defense, which I force people to hit into.
It is possible but in reverse, change the speed of your windup, and then toss the ball with movement
More important than a good defense is a good offense. In baseball related games having good hitters is what scores and wins games.
I've lost many games with an awesome D but we lost because we didn't have enough good base hitters.
@TheMike33909 Wind can be awesome especially with the knuckle ball
@Madnessonman I am the editor. Each pitch took 3 takes, and almost all are in that video. Malach never misses his targets. Trust me.
first off im not a pitcher, i play everwhere but pitcher and catcher im just here to show my buddy some new pitches, second this video just made my day because Clutch- profits of doom is playing in the background haha
My understanding from our umpires is it is 6 - 12' from your release, hence, I release at about 3'
Would love an updated video with new equipment!
Turning your back on the batter and pitching it over your shoulder would not be a good idea for two reasons.
1) The umpire may call that "illegal" and have that be an automatic ball.
2) If the batter hits that anyway it could line drive into the back of your head causing injury and even possibly death.
So always face the batter when pitching.
That is Malach is this one, You can borrow the Sponge Bob tee if you want
@michaelisbalance I am real good fielder, so hit through the middle. Again, the idea is not to get you to strike out, it is to get you to hit it into my good defense, generally where I want you too hit it. A little late movement, which I have, throws off batters.
any help? would someone explain how to throw a fastball? I never took any softball training but somehow ended up pitching for kids' practice (after two guys were knockdowned by the ball on their faces.). My balls always cuved which made them really hard to hit. I think either my releasing point or grip was not right. My ball was either too fast or too curved.
We got 2 left, our record is 21 - 6 and we are in first, got the second place team on Monday, we win that one, we got top ranking for the playoffs.
So, we won today finished the season 24 and 6 and in first place. We are the top seed in the playoffs, and get a bye for the first round.
wats da difference between fastpitch & slowpitch???
No, place a vertical line on the screen from the plate up, and you will see the movement
I have to pitch for my team tomorrow for the 1st time ever. any tips guys?
Great video for learn and practice. saludos desde Caracas
@Elduders Your my hero
@wookieeassassin Slow pitch Secret: You need a pitcher who throws strikes and a good defense, you got that you will win most of your games.
3:20- knuckieball?
Good tips. We need more pitching videos like these.
Cool, I'm going to try to add that to my arsenal. I've been pitching for awhile, I've tried to throw softball pitches, like I would for a baseball. Change up, Knuckle, and a palm ball, and a split finger. I've just BS around, but I've found some that work. I probably average 2 walks a game. 9 runs a game. It's slow pitch softball so you're going to give up runs
Thought you buckos would like to know, after 4 games, my ERA is 5.14.
Thanks for all the emails and messages about this video. We are going to break down some individual pitches and film them and post them
Yeah, the square one in my pitching inspiration!
I think I may stick with that last tip. It may save our season!! Lol. Good video, sir.
The last two weeks the umps have called differently. Our league is the beginners, so if I throw the meatball they have crushed it. I went back to the backspin and have done much better. The pitching in our league is weak, and everybody is looking to walk. I have walked fewer, but they CRUSH the meatball.
Underarm vs. Overarm
Thanks for all the comments and emails, I am glad this has helped so many of you.
Sorry, I have been EXTREMELY busy with client web site work and illustrations, my brother has been busy with client video work. Surprising considering the economy . . . I will email him and we will schedule a time to do this.
3:32- sounds like Knuckie Ball
Im 21 years old n i jus started pitchin this year. When i first started i was jus up there throwin meatballs n gettin lit up!! Haha then i learned a curveball on my own, which gota lota grounders towards 3rd n short for me. But that wasn't good enough for the better hitters. So i look up slow pitch videos. Found this. N i now know how t throw that knuckle curve for a strike. Idk if its really suppose t knucke or anythin but it curves pretty dam hard haha. It starts way outside n breaks in t the
Now that I have reached the tender age of 50, I would like to start acting my age a bit, by moving from third base to pitching, therefore, what type of drills would you recommend to an individual that has never attempted that position (pitching) in the past?
Not trying to be mean, but most of this video is nonsense. The only pitch this guy is throwing that is moving at all is the knuckleball. It is possible to throw a curveball and a screwball (similar to what this guy is calling a cutter) in slowpitch, but not as described in the video. Very few people are strong enough to throw an effective curve (one that breaks more than a few inches) by spinning the ball the way this guy is trying to do it. I will explain further in my next comment.
Sorry dude, we are 19 - 5, and in first place, In those 24 games, I have pitched all but 10 innings.
I've tried pitching this way. And guess what? Batters will still make base hits and home runs. Just like they do in the pros.
It doesn't matter what you pitch to them. If it's a good batter, he/she will hit it no matter what's p;itched and what defense you got and will rack up the scoring.
I've also discovered that in baseball related sports it's all about offense. I've played with great defenses but we still lost because our hitting wasn't there but the opposing teams was. I still try though.
o ok thx
Thanks for all the comments. We went 26 and 4 this year. Swept the playoffs and won the championship. I pitched 6 shutouts this year, including 2 in the three games we won for the championship. You can follow my team exploits on facebook if you like, link in the description.
For the Championship, I pounded the curve the entire game, and had AWESOME DEFENSE.
this should be going as a reply to Crazymandii but it is not showing up that way. Sorry for the double comment! My bad.
No problem I fixed it
After trying pitches this way I'm still not sure if it makes a difference or not. I won my (So far) only championship when all I did was the basic backspin pitch. Of course we had a really strong team. And it's one thing to hit a manipulated baseball coming at you 80-90 mph than it is to hit a softball at like 5 mph. Anyone can hit a softball and get base hits no matter how it's pitched.
3:30 "kuckie-ball?" lol
It would be cool if you go do another vid with the pitch grips up close and hold them for about 10 seconds each.
Already is
@Tyrushumphrey Throw strikes
@doubled7758 Softball is really fun, I'm a freshman in high school and we started playing Softball in PE. regardless of the fact, I'm hoping to play softball for my church so I don't have to wait til the end of the year if I have PE to play it haha
@Rubbersuitman The secret is hitting, I've played many games, where we don't hit we lose. The D seems to always be there, but the bats aren't consistent
I wished our pitcher would just stop guzzling beer before the game. His balls to strikes ratio is terrible.
Note the word at the end in the credits: "Edited."
How many takes to get the ball right over the plate like that every time?
No doubt there were a few outside pitches outside the strike zone.
Yoy hurt my feelings, I am going to cry . .
I'll take all your pitches deep. They all look the same to me...come on now...its slow pitch softball.