Girls we need to start a fundraising campaign to help the struggling indigenous residents in Acholi mother land. The funds will go towards purchasing their own cattle instead of Balaalo imposing their animals in that land which belongs to families of the Luo population in the Northern regions of Uganda. They are being down trodden in their God given land and Balaalo are trying to turn them into squatters and taking over what does not belong to the Hamlets. This is a serious issue and people in the diaspora can surely make a massive difference to promote the economic well-being of our country men and women plus the children in the North of our Beautiful mother land Uganda. There is an existential crisis in the Northern regions where customary land is facing threats from 3rd generation refugees who seem determined to take hold of Acholi land. Please Ugandan Americans please rise up to this challenge.
Beautiful! I love the baganda gomesi dresses and the Acholi and South Sudanese cultures blend with these ladies!
Love you culture my pride
Tears of joy from me
Love the song remind me of market day in Panyikwara in the 1990s
Girls we need to start a fundraising campaign to help the struggling indigenous residents in Acholi mother land. The funds will go towards purchasing their own cattle instead of Balaalo imposing their animals in that land which belongs to families of the Luo population in the Northern regions of Uganda. They are being down trodden in their God given land and Balaalo are trying to turn them into squatters and taking over what does not belong to the Hamlets. This is a serious issue and people in the diaspora can surely make a massive difference to promote the economic well-being of our country men and women plus the children in the North of our Beautiful mother land Uganda. There is an existential crisis in the Northern regions where customary land is facing threats from 3rd generation refugees who seem determined to take hold of Acholi land. Please Ugandan Americans please rise up to this challenge.
This is Acholi of South Sudan