Buenisimoo, me encanta...Solo me recuerda aquel viaje que hice desde Honduras hasta Alemania, Berlin...fue realmente exitante...Mi ida a Cafe Zapata..cuando estaba BumBumTechno...Increible...fue magistral esa noche.... Simple y sencillamente Berlin....Cuna del Techno...!!!!
Hello I want to know night clubs to go in Berlin that play techno, deep house, or minimal ,... please :) that can be close to Friedrichshain... danke :)
i was 1st in berlin in 1991 been back since to the pbar and cdv, but the 1st time was the best just loved the squat party so much just loved the hole punk thing about it, hope they don't bring in all the new laws there talking about!! berlin i fucking love that place so good luck 2 YA............coby
an haupstadtarroganz hauptsache es verstehen alle das interview ist doch wurscht wenn die die interviews auf englisch geben und diese dann untertitelt werden...
Buenisimoo, me encanta...Solo me recuerda aquel viaje que hice desde Honduras hasta Alemania, Berlin...fue realmente exitante...Mi ida a Cafe Zapata..cuando estaba BumBumTechno...Increible...fue magistral esa noche....
Simple y sencillamente Berlin....Cuna del Techno...!!!!
Cool!!! Danke!
Really cool documentary.
Thanks for uploading.
is there any way to get this without the hardcoded spanish subtitles?
El mejor
Hello I want to know night clubs to go in Berlin that play techno, deep house, or minimal ,... please :) that can be close to Friedrichshain... danke :)
i was 1st in berlin in 1991 been back since to the pbar and cdv, but the 1st time was the best just loved the squat party so much just loved the hole punk thing about it, hope they don't bring in all the new laws there talking about!! berlin i fucking love that place so good luck 2 YA............coby
Would you like to translate it for us? We'd love to have German subtitles, but don't speak German...
traks id Please
ah now i see, u uploaded that stuff - sorry. i would start with it and let you know...
erst müssen die berliner die interviews auf englisch geben und dann wird das ganze für die spanischsprachigen auch noch untertitelt haha
na, ick sage ja ooch imma!
an haupstadtarroganz hauptsache es verstehen alle das interview ist doch wurscht wenn die die interviews auf englisch geben und diese dann untertitelt werden...
die sprechen alle so ein kack englisch, das is beinahe unerträglich :(
fang doch an zu weinen, nur weil man nen deutschen akzent hört?!?
voll schlimm alter...du bis der geilste
This is a terrible excuse for music. What a disgrace to Germany's rich musical history.
Shut ur mouth. I can like Bach, Beethoven, Schönberg and Techno music perfectly. Fukin' pretentious.