Not only of Makkah, he is the best reciter in the whole world...May Allah bless him. I’m Very much blessed that got the to chance hear his voice at Masjid Al Haram in 2014..😇😇😇
SubhanAllah. How truly small we as human beings are if we commit sins and how big in the eyes of Allah SWT we are if we follow his commands. Indeed this is a blessed surah to remind us all. La illaha illAllah
masak sih..q 10 thn di sana suaranya sama kayak gini tu,,apa lg klo waktu puasa yang baca doa al-sudais pa al-serem...hatiku pecah berkeping2 dan air mata langsung tak terbendung.
Mashallah! Very great voice. Ya Allah bless him and ummat-e-muhammadi . I pray to Allah that Allah bless all Muslims like this voice. And make our brothers and sisters Hafiz-e- Quran. Ameen!!!
Kalau kita sholat biasa dgn bacaan surat panjang insha Allah kita tambah merasakan nikmatnya sholat ..krn dgn begitu semakin lama kita berkomunikasi dgn Allah
Shafinaz Nehalkhan Dawud (alayhi wa Salam had the best voice ever). besides you might not know if there's a Imam in some poor village somewhere that might have the best voife
In The Name Of Allah SWT The Most Gracious The Most Benificient The Omnipresent The Most High The Most Forgiving Master of the Universe Peace and Blessings my brothers/sisters/equals in humanity Long Live Islam and Shiekh Sudais Inshallah Do Dua we and everyone around us can recite and read our holy Qu'ran like this. Jazakallah for posting.
comment ne pas croire en ces merveilles du coran au 3° millénaire , avec tous les moyens technique et visuel, a ceux qui ne se prosterne pas face contre terre en vue de glorifier le tout puissant misericordieu.........l meditez cela aux siècles anterieur nos aïeux n'avaient ni le confort actuel, et encore moins le savoir et les moyens actuels pourtant ils étaient plus pieux et vertueux que nous.
اللهم يا سامع الصوت ويا سابق الفوت ويا كاسي العظام لحما بعد الموت ويا من أجاب نوحا حين ناداه وكشف الضر عن أيوب في بلواه وسمع يعقوب في شكواه ورد إليه يوسف وأخاه وبرحمته ارتد بصيرا وعاد النور إلى عيناه وليس بعزيز عليك وليس بعسير عليك أن ترزقنا الجنة بدون سابق حساب أو عذاب سبحانك لا إله إلا أنت يا ذا الجلال والإكرام
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Izaa waqa'atil waaqi'ah Laisa liwaq'atihaa kaazibah Khafidatur raafi'ah Izaa rujjatil ardu rajjaa Wa bussatil jibaalu bassaa Fakaanat habaaa'am mumbassaa Wa kuntum azwaajan salaasah Fa as haabul maimanati maaa as haabul maimanah Wa as haabul mash'amati maaa as haabul mash'amah Wassaabiqoonas saabiqoon Ulaaa'ikal muqarraboon Fee Jannaatin Na'eem Sullatum minal awwaleen Wa qaleelum minal aa khireen 'Alaa sururim mawdoonah Muttaki'eena 'alaihaa mutaqabileen Yatoofu 'alaihim wildaa num mukhalladoon Bi akwaabinw wa abaareeq, wa kaasim mim ma'een Laa yusadda'oona 'anhaa wa laa yunzifoon Wa faakihatim mimmaa yatakhaiyaroon Wa lahmi tairim mimmaa yashtahoon Wa hoorun'een Ka amsaalil lu'lu'il maknoon Jazaaa'am bimaa kaanoo ya'maloon Laa yasma'oona feehaa laghwanw wa laa taaseemaa Illaa qeelan salaaman salaamaa Wa as haabul yameeni maaa as haabul Yameen Fee sidrim makhdood Wa talhim mandood Wa zillim mamdood Wa maaa'im maskoob Wa faakihatin kaseerah Laa maqtoo'atinw wa laa mamnoo'ah Wa furushim marfoo'ah Innaaa anshaanaahunna inshaaa'aa Faja'alnaahunna abkaaraa 'Uruban atraabaa Li as haabil yameen Sullatum minal awwa leen Wa sullatum minal aakhireen Wa as haabush shimaali maaa as haabush shimaal Fee samoominw wa hameem Wa zillim miny yahmoom Laa baaridinw wa laa kareem Innahum kaanoo qabla zaalika mutrafeen Wa kaanoo yusirroona 'alal hinsil 'azeem Wa kaanoo yaqooloona a'izaa mitnaa wa kunnaa turaabanw wa izaaman'ainnaa lamab'oosoon Awa aabaaa'unal awwaloon Qul innal awwaleena wal aakhireen Lamajmoo'oona ilaa meeqaati yawmim ma'loom summa innakum ayyuhad daaalloonal mukazziboon La aakiloona min shaja rim min zaqqoom Famaali'oona minhal butoon Fashaariboona 'alaihi minal hameem Fashaariboona shurbal heem Haazaa nuzuluhum yawmad deen Nahnu khalaqnaakum falaw laa tusaddiqoon Afara'aytum maa tumnoon 'A-antum takhluqoo nahooo am nahnul khaaliqoon Nahnu qaddarnaa baina kumul mawta wa maa nahnu bimasbooqeen
All praise belongs to Allah alone. None is worthy of worship but Allah , the Highest, the most Merciful, the most Kind.
May Allah give all Muslims opportunity to offer Hajj
JazaakAllah...I'm listening to that right now..Sudais Surah Saad.
I memorized Surah Alwaqiah 50 verses, pray for me to memorize it
Did you manage to? Been three months
Mate, it's been three years did you manage to memorize it?
I did in 10 days
Masha Allah❤️❤️❤️🙌🏻
Me to Masya'Allah
Not only of Makkah, he is the best reciter in the whole world...May Allah bless him. I’m Very much blessed that got the to chance hear his voice at Masjid Al Haram in 2014..😇😇😇
Yes you are right yeh mery bhi favorite imam hai...
Inka lehja bahot saf hai as a Indian mujhe suitable laga
This imam's recitation makes me cry fr my sins.Hs recitation is the best !!!
I love hm
انا احبك يا الشيخ
What a beautiful yet powerful surah- allahu akbar... Thanks for the subtitles
Semoga aku dan keluargaku bisa ke Makkah ya Allah amin
اتمنى ثروة عائلتي ولكل المسلمين ان تكون سلسة يا الله امين
MASHA ALLAH , Abdulrahman al_sudais, his voice ,,,,it's like,,,it's from HEVEN......
SubhanAllah. How truly small we as human beings are if we commit sins and how big in the eyes of Allah SWT we are if we follow his commands. Indeed this is a blessed surah to remind us all. La illaha illAllah
Semoga imam as Sudais selalu di timpakan Rahmat dan hidayahnya
Ramadan Mubarak!
yaa ALLAH Buka kanlah rizki ku/ keluargaku.amin3
Very nice surah i learned it by heart
ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله
ألله كبر الله كبر ألله كبر الله كبر ألله كبر الله كبر ألله كبر الله كبر ألله كبر الله كبر ألله كبر الله كبر ألله كبر الله
subhanallah allah bless abdul rahman and family remember my days for my haj and umrah when abdul rahman is the imam.
I love his voice!!!!!!! Subhanallah!!!!!!!!!!
mashAllah very nice tilawat
حاشا لله ما احسن هذا الصوت
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد صلاة دائمة مستمرة مر العصور والليالي والأيام لا انقطاع لها باقية بفضلك واحسانك يارب العالمين
Masha allh allahu akbar
I think there are the ones closest to Allah (swt), the right group and the left group.
Masha Allah
masha allaaaaah allaha kaa jasaa isiiyo
masak sih..q 10 thn di sana suaranya sama kayak gini tu,,apa lg klo waktu puasa yang baca doa al-sudais pa al-serem...hatiku pecah berkeping2 dan air mata langsung tak terbendung.
start with beautiful courage and rewards..then following by hard warning...ALLAHU AKBAR...u are the only hope we have
ماشاء اللّه .
Ma sha Allah
i love this imam
i wish i culd recite like him
but ( ان اللّة يفعل ما يشاء )
dislikes!!!!! who cn dislike such beautiful recitation??
*Fazal Ghori non-muslims*
They r kaafir
I love surah Al Waqiah
Har magrib me padhiye surah waqiha
I memorized Surah Alwaqiah 50 verses, pray for me to memorize it
I love Surat rehman
Subhanallah,Allahhu akbar
masya allah..suaranya bikin q bisa sholat di makkah lg...aqu kangen suasana makkah,,,,
Massya Allah 👍
Mashallah! Very great voice. Ya Allah bless him and ummat-e-muhammadi . I pray to Allah that Allah bless all Muslims like this voice. And make our brothers and sisters Hafiz-e- Quran. Ameen!!!
Wa'maaaaaa'innnn massqooob
Love the way he says that aayah!
Ameen Summa Ameen
استغفر ربك انه كان غفارا
Kalau kita sholat biasa dgn bacaan surat panjang insha Allah kita tambah merasakan nikmatnya sholat ..krn dgn begitu semakin lama kita berkomunikasi dgn Allah
Masha Allah how beautiful your voice sheikh😇
Mashallah this is completed 13 years 😍😍😍
زنهغغفققثثفعهخخخخفث🎉🎉😢😢😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅صصصصثفعمخخحخقشصثق هخخححعقصصصفهخح
Ya Allah..Subahanallah
sob7ana rabbi al 3adim !
Merci beaucoup à notre frere Shaikh Sudais, Allah il tu protege inshallah, Hafizehollah
I love him for Allah.
may Allah give him long and healthy life...ameen..ameen...ameen ya rabbal aa'lameen
mashaalah may God bless u
10 years?
ماشاء الله
Subhanallah. Allah huakber
La ilah a illa allah
Let's read it every morning, may allah bless you
Subhan Allah
Very good voice..i wnat to see him
Alloohu Akkbaarr.........
Mash A allah
Masha Allah😇😍
Alhamdulilah that is good! :)
Masyaallah jadi keinget jaman dulu 😭
*amazing may allah take us to jannah*
😍😍😍🤗🙏🙏 subhanalloh
i remember when i went to makkah once and sudais recited for ishah i was soooooo happy ..his definately my all time favourite!
ma'sha' voice ever👍👍👍
Shafinaz Nehalkhan Dawud (alayhi wa Salam had the best voice ever). besides you might not know if there's a Imam in some poor village somewhere that might have the best voife
Alhamdulillah....mudah2 dpt mengamalkanya sehingga akhir hayat
masa allah
Subahan Allah
In The Name Of Allah SWT The Most Gracious The Most Benificient The Omnipresent The Most High The Most Forgiving Master of the Universe Peace and Blessings my brothers/sisters/equals in humanity Long Live Islam and Shiekh Sudais Inshallah Do Dua we and everyone around us can recite and read our holy Qu'ran like this.
Jazakallah for posting.
When I Heard Ab,Rahman Vice my health cool
i love what you said
comment ne pas croire en ces merveilles du coran au 3° millénaire , avec tous les moyens technique et visuel, a ceux qui ne se prosterne pas face contre terre en vue de glorifier le tout puissant misericordieu.........l meditez cela
aux siècles anterieur nos aïeux n'avaient ni le confort actuel, et encore moins le savoir et les moyens actuels pourtant ils étaient plus pieux et vertueux que nous.
I've been using this website for almost 2 yrs and it is the best!
Sudais is my favorite sheikh
I love his voice
I love Allah
And quran
masha Allha
masha Allha
اللهم يا سامع الصوت ويا سابق الفوت ويا كاسي العظام لحما بعد الموت ويا من أجاب نوحا حين ناداه وكشف الضر عن أيوب في بلواه وسمع يعقوب في شكواه ورد إليه يوسف وأخاه وبرحمته ارتد بصيرا وعاد النور إلى عيناه وليس بعزيز عليك وليس بعسير عليك أن ترزقنا الجنة بدون سابق حساب أو عذاب سبحانك لا إله إلا أنت يا ذا الجلال والإكرام
beautiful talawat masallah
17 Years Ago Ma Sha Allah
macha allah alhamdulillah
salam aleikoum j'aime beaucoup ce récitateur
Mashaallah ❤❤
La Ilaha Illallah.
Masha allah Nice Recitation
Makkah imam kaba mashalla
I love your voice!!!!!!!!!!!
I love his recitation. May Allah grant him Jannatul Ferrous. Amen
Subhanallah, Maha suci Allah dgn segala firmanNya.
masha Allah very nice reciting
56 al waqi'ah
beautiful, Alhamdolillah
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Izaa waqa'atil waaqi'ah
Laisa liwaq'atihaa kaazibah
Khafidatur raafi'ah
Izaa rujjatil ardu rajjaa
Wa bussatil jibaalu bassaa
Fakaanat habaaa'am mumbassaa
Wa kuntum azwaajan salaasah
Fa as haabul maimanati maaa as haabul maimanah
Wa as haabul mash'amati maaa as haabul mash'amah
Wassaabiqoonas saabiqoon
Ulaaa'ikal muqarraboon
Fee Jannaatin Na'eem
Sullatum minal awwaleen
Wa qaleelum minal aa khireen
'Alaa sururim mawdoonah
Muttaki'eena 'alaihaa mutaqabileen
Yatoofu 'alaihim wildaa num mukhalladoon
Bi akwaabinw wa abaareeq, wa kaasim mim ma'een
Laa yusadda'oona 'anhaa wa laa yunzifoon
Wa faakihatim mimmaa yatakhaiyaroon
Wa lahmi tairim mimmaa yashtahoon
Wa hoorun'een
Ka amsaalil lu'lu'il maknoon
Jazaaa'am bimaa kaanoo ya'maloon
Laa yasma'oona feehaa laghwanw wa laa taaseemaa
Illaa qeelan salaaman salaamaa
Wa as haabul yameeni maaa as haabul Yameen
Fee sidrim makhdood
Wa talhim mandood
Wa zillim mamdood
Wa maaa'im maskoob
Wa faakihatin kaseerah
Laa maqtoo'atinw wa laa mamnoo'ah
Wa furushim marfoo'ah
Innaaa anshaanaahunna inshaaa'aa
Faja'alnaahunna abkaaraa
'Uruban atraabaa
Li as haabil yameen
Sullatum minal awwa leen
Wa sullatum minal aakhireen
Wa as haabush shimaali maaa as haabush shimaal
Fee samoominw wa hameem
Wa zillim miny yahmoom
Laa baaridinw wa laa kareem
Innahum kaanoo qabla zaalika mutrafeen
Wa kaanoo yusirroona 'alal hinsil 'azeem
Wa kaanoo yaqooloona a'izaa mitnaa wa kunnaa turaabanw wa izaaman'ainnaa lamab'oosoon
Awa aabaaa'unal awwaloon
Qul innal awwaleena wal aakhireen
Lamajmoo'oona ilaa meeqaati yawmim ma'loom
summa innakum ayyuhad daaalloonal mukazziboon
La aakiloona min shaja rim min zaqqoom
Famaali'oona minhal butoon
Fashaariboona 'alaihi minal hameem
Fashaariboona shurbal heem
Haazaa nuzuluhum yawmad deen
Nahnu khalaqnaakum falaw laa tusaddiqoon
Afara'aytum maa tumnoon
'A-antum takhluqoo nahooo am nahnul khaaliqoon
Nahnu qaddarnaa baina kumul mawta wa maa nahnu bimasbooqeen