10 Helpful Tips in Icarus and Things You Should Know to Help You Survive!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @joshphillips171
    @joshphillips171 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Consuming water to put yourself out if on fire is a great tip!

  • @VirusOfCyrus
    @VirusOfCyrus 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    *Common sense to me & I dont see it posted anywhere but the BEST storage by FAR are "Mortar and Pestle's"!!* They are VERY cheap to make, Almost TWICE the storage of boxes!! Smaller & easier to fit almost anywhere (& you can place them on ANY object too! like I put them on my furnaces for smelted ore etc) & my best "Common sense" strategy is to build 3-4 large wood boxes in a row for storage early on & then once I have a workbench I put mortar and pestle's on top of the wooden boxes with spaces in-between, like 2 mortar and pestles side by side for fiber & sticks then a space & 3 for bones, leather & fur, a space & one for stone etc etc.

  • @Dudemeister67
    @Dudemeister67 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    1:58 you can actually die in your pod and not lose your loot. Just hit unstuck again while your dead body is in the pod and it teleports your body's loot to a safe location nearby. 🤓

  • @boneykingofsomewhere
    @boneykingofsomewhere 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm new to ICARUS and I'm loving these videos, they're very helpful and enjoyable, thanks!

    • @VirusOfCyrus
      @VirusOfCyrus 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      GREAT HINT which personally is common sense to me but nobody seems to tell u that the BEST & easiest storage by FAR is the "Mortar and Pestle"!! They are Very cheap to make, all u need is the workbench which is one of the first constructions you make & they hold almost TWICE as much as anything else + you can put ANYTHING in them! I make 3 or 4 wooden boxes in a row & them put Mortar and Pestle's along them so u can store everything u will ever need!

  • @doomslayerforever2858
    @doomslayerforever2858 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Camera mode is still cheezin. They could add a drone into the game with a light

  • @barrylopes
    @barrylopes 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks Game Advisor, saw a lot of tips videos but they have just pointed out the obvious, but got a few good points from your videos :)

  • @cavman7
    @cavman7 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If you have allocated an item to a numbered slot and it is used up and empty and now only showing the shadow of the item, simply clicking the number on the slot will craft a new item if you have the components. No need to go to craft menu.

  • @xdpeacekeeper2890
    @xdpeacekeeper2890 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    nice vid keep it up

  • @doctorstrangepants6706
    @doctorstrangepants6706 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another super useful talent/BP for late game is "turn wood into sticks". Whenever you build concrete or make fuel, you need tons of tree sap. It's way faster to cut down a single tree and make all the sap you need, than it is to run around picking up bushes and saplings.

  • @mtpstv94
    @mtpstv94 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don't know how they were in the past, but wolves are a pushover with the most primitive weapons and armor now. As are everything else I've come across in the game. You can just tank the damage now easily.

  • @squirrelsmovingpictures
    @squirrelsmovingpictures 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    hahaha, the drink water to put out fire is the one i def missed...oh man...that could have come in handy, lol

  • @RocKaiGaming
    @RocKaiGaming 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is any of the workshop bow worth the purchase?

    • @stanleyclark923
      @stanleyclark923 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I just purchased the very top tier bow and I hate it. The first crafting bench is really easy to make and the longbow does more dmg with the same arrows. The ONLY reason I'm not totally disappointed is because it's great for leveling alts in the desert where resources are scarce (and extremely scarce if you don't have the right talents).

    • @GameAdvisors
      @GameAdvisors  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      honestly the top tier is nice but none make a massive impact at the end of the day.

  • @benbaker4198
    @benbaker4198 ปีที่แล้ว

    I found a way to make a level 50 character go back too zero and keep all your talent points so you can get additional 50 tent points

  • @saschavolkmar7990
    @saschavolkmar7990 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey, do you guys noticed that some talents and actions just work when you are the host of the game. In our sessions e.g. the drinking from the river in the souteast just workes for the host. Also the perks for less weight just worked for host. bagpackon host 18 kg per stack, not hosting guy with bagpack and talents 20 kg

    • @volvotgb1314
      @volvotgb1314 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Late reaction, but drinking from the small creeks does still not work when your not the host. :(

  • @gunner4062
    @gunner4062 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can anyone tell me why i cant skin any animals? i have a knife but no skinning Interact...

  • @benbaker4198
    @benbaker4198 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've done payday in 18 mins playing solo

  • @VirusOfCyrus
    @VirusOfCyrus 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    BTW @Game Adviser Maybe the Devs will listen to you since they WONT listen to thousands of players ALL literally begging for the SAME things to be fixed & ALL of them very pissed since the game has already Lost HALF its player base because the Devs wont fix these easy to fix things (they are literally all only "code" fixes, meaning ALL the devs have to do is change a single line of code & they are fixed!) & their all pissed since instead of fixing these things the stupid or arrogant devs just add small things instead that aint gonna help players that have left! Things like EVERY player wasting their time building with glass just to have the first storm destroy it! Even tho as they all point out its only small segments of glass all "reinforced" with Steel! But Glass build pieces are completely POINTLESS! If the asshole devs WONT fix it then WHY even have glass to build with?!? Just delete it! The other HUGE complaint by hundreds of players is the other build materials like Aluminum, SAME story, the first storm & its ruined?! Its ALUMINUM! It would be STRONGER than a Stone wall with some glue inbetween! & also the game "Intro" its from YEARS ago & has NOTHING to do with the game now! Showing "Alien" creatures on the planet instead of the Earth like animals they have now, it even shows the players driving VEHICLES! Have you seen a buggy? & the other complaining (& another EASY fix) is the " Supporters Edition" of Icarus that is $100 AUD which is about the MOST expensive game EVER, for a game thats bot even finished! Cant TH-camrs do something POSITIVE for ONCE? Instead of just pissing off legit gamers by getting to play games before all of us that does nothing but piss us off, lol. GO talk to the devs please!! Maybe we wont lose more players then.

  • @Ryankary666
    @Ryankary666 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    dont waist your points on thatch stuff