Dude has a double brace on but is constantly bening his wrists the whole game...some people just dont make sense to me espically in the tcg anime community's
He played a Crosis's Catacombs and stacked the triggers so that he returned the City of Traitors to hand (from the Catacombs trigger) before the sacrifice trigger (from thr City of Traitors) resolved
Amazing match, coverage, and commentary!! Great players. I wish Caleb would atop shuffling his cards constantly.
I have same idea, also would be nice to see him cut his nails 😂
Isnt stroke a sorcery?, it looked like caleb was casting the stokes in response to tangle wire and port
Nvm - its an instant im dumb
I really love the format/template of this thumbnail. did you make it yourself?
Dude has a double brace on but is constantly bening his wrists the whole game...some people just dont make sense to me espically in the tcg anime community's
T4 BN - City of traitors should go to the yard, went back to hand instead.
He played a Crosis's Catacombs and stacked the triggers so that he returned the City of Traitors to hand (from the Catacombs trigger) before the sacrifice trigger (from thr City of Traitors) resolved
@@CloudgoatRanger Doh! watching on mute, missed the catacombs and confused AF. Cheers