Hi guys! Welcome back it’s been a while, I hope you all enjoyed today’s video! What do you think about the Manitou? I would love to hear your feedback! I hope you’re also staying safe in these unusual times, will see each other soon, Lamma is going ahead so hopefully a meet up there Olly :)
HEY OLLY-- Welcome Back !!!! I have missed your videos- I was going to email you to check on you but didn't want to bother you or invade your privacy. I know sometimes we all need some time to our self. Glad to see you back and can't wait to see more video. Be safe and Stay well. :)
Fantastic video! Great addition for the yard Olly. Keep up the great work loved some of the angles you got of the machine working. Welcome back bud! Let’s smash it!
OMG hi Olly hope you’re doing well, it’s been a long time since we’ve heard from you but we have all sticked together and waited, have a nice day everyone!
Olly your back yay!!! Yes you took a break so happy to see you back again. love the manitou very nice 👍🏻 I’m from Ireland 🇮🇪 but if lama is going ahead I might go over. Only if this virus 🦠 calms down! Please do another video. Keep it up Olly 🤘🏻👍🏻
Hi Mr Olly. It is very nice video and your work is very valuable. I am Manitou dealer. I would like to translate subtitle into Vietnamese for our customers to under your review if you allow. Thanks for your work
Manitou, is a fine machine aside from 2 things, those roller switches for the boom extension and bucket/grab pin are far to close together ( easy to mis-select) + the jumping between gears is a bit .... otherwise they are alright, wouldn’t have one over a JCB tbh
Brought a manitou 741 this year for are beef farm to replace are very tired case ih 895 so versatile to a tractor loader it’s not the smallest telahandler but gets about the sheds no problem brilliant machines anyone using a loader tractor should at least have a go for a week different machines altogether for loader work
I've used manitou and jcb machines and I've found with manitou and jcb you get more for your money where as I found with bobcat and a few others they tend to charge you for any extras
Love these machines we have some larger models, when they work they are great but our site has two of them ones stuck in turtle mode but rarely kicks into full gear and it hates going into reverse, need to restart the machine serveral times to get it to reverse. The second Manitou is in limp mode basically unusable
Hi Billy, unfortunately JCB don’t make an ultra compact 3 tonne lift 6 metre machine with high ground clearance, they make the 525-60 which is interesting but not quite beefy enough, also I feel the cab is quite dated, and the Kohler engine in it from America, isn’t quite the same as a German Deutz, drive a Manitou and you might be surprised:) Edit: Kohler engines are now made in China :( Manitou’s Deutz units still made in Germany :)
Hi guys! Welcome back it’s been a while, I hope you all enjoyed today’s video! What do you think about the Manitou? I would love to hear your feedback! I hope you’re also staying safe in these unusual times, will see each other soon, Lamma is going ahead so hopefully a meet up there
Olly :)
Hello olly it is good to see you again
Olly s farm fs???
I tought u wernt going to make vids any more
No you have the manitou, does that mean the frontloader on the 6r will be going? Great video pal
Welcome back ollie
Tom Pemberton would love that machine. :D
Nah Tom's machine is a beast what u on about
Manitou is brilliant definitely works well when feeding the animals
It will be interesting to see how it operates the feeder bucket :)
What ya on about thare crap wen it comes to relyabilerty
@@bucko3644 but the model he has got is a good model
Great to see you back, we have all missed your video's, hope all is well k
Nice one glad to see you back
good to see you again i hope you and family are all well lot of us were quite worried hope its back to regular vids all the best to you
Wonderful to see that you are well and back to business. Thank you Olly.
Manitou looks ideal for your requirements. Nice little machine. Good to see you back👍🏻
Great to see you back olly from Ireland 🇮🇪
As a Technician for Manitou, seeing an MLT on the thumbnail got me very very excited haha
Looks a great machine, and it's good to see you back again
thanks, hopefully it will last a while ;)
Aside from that, great to see you back on the channel. Hope all has been well since we’ve seen you last.
Delighted to see you back here. Love Ollys Farm channel. 👍
Good to see you back its been too long I have missed watching you're videos keep up the good work dude!!!!!!!!
Good to have you back
Good too see you back ollie
Hey olly hope your well. We are glad your back!
Beautiful new piece of kit
great video olly, nice to see you back!
So happy to see a new vid after all these months but what a great video keep up the good work and looking forward to the next videos.
Thanks :)
LAMMA is going ahead?! That’s awesome!! Nice to be back again, that manitou is a great machine! Looks good as well! Great video and stay safe!
Great video Olly! We are so pleased you are back. Looking forward to more soon. Best wishes and stay safe.
Great to see you back. Keep the videos coming stay safe
HEY OLLY-- Welcome Back !!!! I have missed your videos- I was going to email you to check on you but didn't want to bother you or invade your privacy. I know sometimes we all need some time to our self. Glad to see you back and can't wait to see more video. Be safe and Stay well. :)
Thanks, hope you're well also ;)
Fantastic video! Great addition for the yard Olly. Keep up the great work loved some of the angles you got of the machine working. Welcome back bud! Let’s smash it!
Hi Kai, thanks ;)
I heard of a Company called BUDD llc or BUDD that makes all kinds of adapters and things for telehandlers, an awesome find!
OMG hi Olly hope you’re doing well, it’s been a long time since we’ve heard from you but we have all sticked together and waited, have a nice day everyone!
Great your back olly cant wait for some new ollys farm vids !!!!
@@OllysFarmLtd you havent posted in along time.
Good to see you back, Olly. Keep safe. Great loader.
Love the tellyhandler
Been a while olly, good to see ya back 👍
amazing vid olly, i cant wait for more vids like this !
Finely a new video!
Good too see you back 😃
I have been waiting for so long welcome back olly I have missed you
Olly your back yay!!! Yes you took a break so happy to see you back again. love the manitou very nice 👍🏻 I’m from Ireland 🇮🇪 but if lama is going ahead I might go over. Only if this virus 🦠 calms down! Please do another video. Keep it up Olly 🤘🏻👍🏻
Thanks, hopefully next year things will get better ;)
We used to run manitou now we’ve switched backed to jcb as we prefer them
Nice :)
Love you and your videos
good to see that your back we have missed you olly
I clicked on this so fast have not seen a vid for a long time keep the videos up they are enjoyable
The new farming sim looks amazing 😂
Great to see u back mate
Finally videos been waiting forver 😁
Hi Mr Olly. It is very nice video and your work is very valuable. I am Manitou dealer. I would like to translate subtitle into Vietnamese for our customers to under your review if you allow. Thanks for your work
Good 2 sea you back ollie. Like vid.
Guess who’s back back again
Loving the vids olly
Thanks 🙏
This had made my day olly replying to my comment
Enjoy your videos
Yesssss your back
I like your new telehandler
Hi can I ask you something about calves do you have feeder calves or steers for beef
Heifer calves to sell for breeding heifers, and store calves to sell for fattening:)
Olly i missed you so much my friend
It’s also got a button that will take it up to 1500rpm boom suspension too
thanks, that's going to be handy
Manitou, is a fine machine aside from 2 things, those roller switches for the boom extension and bucket/grab pin are far to close together ( easy to mis-select) + the jumping between gears is a bit .... otherwise they are alright, wouldn’t have one over a JCB tbh
agree.. JCB are better quality telehandlers i think.
Great 👍 video oilly
Long time no see great video and the manitou looks great looking forward for the upcoming videos
You are backkkk
I am gping to watch video now😍
Great video Olly 👌🏻👍🏻
Thanks Colm, hope you are well ;)
Brought a manitou 741 this year for are beef farm to replace are very tired case ih 895 so versatile to a tractor loader it’s not the smallest telahandler but gets about the sheds no problem brilliant machines anyone using a loader tractor should at least have a go for a week different machines altogether for loader work
Your back 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
First thank god olly is back😁😁
Long time no see good to see a new post
Yes olly is back
I have the same one is good!!
Great video glad your back. Where have you been.
I've used manitou and jcb machines and I've found with manitou and jcb you get more for your money where as I found with bobcat and a few others they tend to charge you for any extras
hows the 135 getting on
Finally a new vid
Are you still using that telehandler? How is it working out?
Yes everyday, it’s been really good so far 👍
What’s it like on the road mate?
Farm I worked on at the time had one on demo when beast from the east hit it was rubbish for snow clearing
OMG FINALLY! I loveyour vids bro!! You are so blessed!
Thanks :)
Love it mate
Why did u get rid of the jcb loader
We wanted to find something a bit smaller and with a vario :)
@@OllysFarmLtd oh ok, I live on a farm in the Cotswolds I love you’re videos don’t stop uploading!
Can't beat a Matbro 👍😎😎
Keep the wide bucket keeps up machine away from the walls
Pressuredump is great! To bad there is so many different attatchsystems.
Hi Olly. When do we see the Massey furgerson?
Love these machines we have some larger models, when they work they are great but our site has two of them ones stuck in turtle mode but rarely kicks into full gear and it hates going into reverse, need to restart the machine serveral times to get it to reverse. The second Manitou is in limp mode basically unusable
Your back
Gud ur back, missed the gud videos.
Where I live a Ernest doe agriculture shop it’s like 5 minutes away that’s where me and my dad bought our puma 165
That a nice machine and are you gonna harvest some beet?
next month ;)
Welcome back.
Nice Mantiou. R u doing the tanco wrapper video, r did u put it up?
finally you uploaded
Thought it would have side shift is that more for telehandlers that work in stacking
no side shift, you can buy side shift attachments :)
JCB is 👑
Your finally back!
Waxoyl under seal clear for the boom all motor factors and Halfords carry it
is clover a springer or cocker?
Will you be doing videos on a schedule or just the random one
Back to business :)
Is the 135 away off to be restored
Do you own it
Hopefully we will look into buying it, its a well made machine which will hopefully last a long time if looked after ;)
@@OllysFarmLtd yea it is a lovely machine we have a mlt 940-140 v+
Hi olly can you tell us why you didn't do videos for a while
Hi Oliver, I have had some time away from YT :)
@@OllysFarmLtd OK thanks for letting us know
Have got the same manitou as you
nice, i hope you are happy with yours ;)
Are the posts on TH-cam going to be more daily
Hi Sean, they will be more regular :)
@@OllysFarmLtd thanks so much for replying I love your videos m, keep up the good work 👍
Out of Interest why not JCB, Seen as it's British and you want the British public to support you then surely you need to support JCB??
Hi Billy, unfortunately JCB don’t make an ultra compact 3 tonne lift 6 metre machine with high ground clearance, they make the 525-60 which is interesting but not quite beefy enough, also I feel the cab is quite dated, and the Kohler engine in it from America, isn’t quite the same as a German Deutz, drive a Manitou and you might be surprised:)
Edit: Kohler engines are now made in China :(
Manitou’s Deutz units still made in Germany :)
I like your videos
Long time no see
Hello :)
Nice manitou