This just goes to show you don’t need gnarly 10+ stair flip tricks and a tre flip in every line for a skateboard video to be amazing. I prefer this kind of skating.. he’s having fun in the streets.
See lot of hate in the comments. It's a great video, if you like it or not. Has great filming, great editing and fun skating. I think he is really clever shredding just one single spot to the limit and creating different type of lines. It's not a sponsor me tape but it's a cool, fun video in my opinion. The music and his smile are like evil af though hahah
The reason skateboarding videos are still filmed with a VX1000 is because quite simply, they capture the true essence of skateboarding. Yes it may not be HD or 4K, but it is a reflection of art and just plain old fun. Every VX part is unique and different from one another. An HD video to me looks the same across the board, there is no art to it. With a VX you have no screen, no memory card....just a camera/lens and a DV tape. There's no "delete" on the camera. You are forced to go out and make things happen whereas HD makes filming and editing disposable. There are 100% videos done in HD that are fantastic and have a lot of time and effort put in. There is no reason why there can't be both in the industry. I myself prefer footage that is properly framed and with 4:3 you can frame the shot much better than HD. 16:9 cuts a lot out from the top and the bottom, but only filmers would know that.
Even if you didn't like him(which you have good reason to) its pretty shitty of you to disrespect a dead person, especially one who was brutally murdered, we all have our opinions, but i thought we all knew not to slander the dead. No one deserves to die that young.
Plenty of people deserve to die young lol.....Including X. Don't wanna be disrespected in death? don't be a shitty person when you're alive. It's a sweet sentiment you got going really, But that's not how real life works xD
The match cut at 1:10 from his bald head to the pillar is the best thing in the video.
DeadPixelProductions looooool 😂
lmaoo didn't even notice
incase you dont know about colin read who edited this watch the spirit quest video or any of his others for more of that magic
DeadPixelProductions idk the fs louie barletta grind nollie flip out was fin tight
its colin read
Always the most refreshing footage coming from this guy.
Dude makes skateboarding around an urban park fun, check da smile on him
I love nick boserio
Love it. Dude owns this classic spot. Really dig his style and shoes. Good stuff right here.
Skating in dunks looks so good 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
Makes me want to hop on the train to skate that spot, love that place 😎
This guy knows how to keep it interesting.
Third eye at 2:06, anyone?
This dudes parts are always so fucking good
This just goes to show you don’t need gnarly 10+ stair flip tricks and a tre flip in every line for a skateboard video to be amazing. I prefer this kind of skating.. he’s having fun in the streets.
The boardslide at 2.15 was nice, very creative.
Looks like a single fun chill day of skating. The impressive part was the beard. 👍
But then you realize he's regular
The first song is Fight Bite by Catiline
Dude is a frickin beast.
This just feels like a continuation of his Spirit Quest part, down to the music... both good videos though
This man is a wizard
See lot of hate in the comments. It's a great video, if you like it or not. Has great filming, great editing and fun skating. I think he is really clever shredding just one single spot to the limit and creating different type of lines. It's not a sponsor me tape but it's a cool, fun video in my opinion. The music and his smile are like evil af though hahah
that third eye clip is so dooooope
I wish i could film or skate this good
that chinesse nollie fs flip was sick
Anyone know whats with the double intro/ atlantic drift/ misspelling his name?
Xing Tu lol wordd probly more an inside joke
That nut-scratch nollie flip at 2:00 was sick, so much harder than it looks.
Crazy I never heard of him but he’s shredding
Ragnar descended from the Valhalla to put this sick montage together, nice.
OMFG ·_·
Das racist
Hey, guys! Who can tell what camera they use to film?
Shoe game🔥
wow this makes me want to go skate
I love thrasher 💕💕💕
first song name?
catiline - fight bite
what a guy!
this is tight i like this
That was sick
OMG. This smile)
Thrasher is a good skate channel for real skaters and hype beasts .great video
Just noticed first clip is from atlantic drift
Colin is the fucking man!
What the first song ?
catiline - fight bite
Que part lindaaaaaa
Steezy as fuck!
my boy!
best fucking style
Only the gooseberrys
the goods
Tremendo goce el muñeco este paaaaa
Got damn!
fuckin rad
catiline - fight bite
kool beared, nice trix, bad sk8ter 🌠.
I had no idea that Kraytos can skate.
Cleanin up
I from Brasil and this is the Best video
my IQ is higher after watching this part
Yo dude where you wanna skate today?
2:06 monkaS
This is mad tough, yo.
Why is everything in 4:3?
djisar vx
it´s cool shit bro!
is this the first skateedit u erver watched?
No and my question extends to all 4:3 parts made after 2010...
The reason skateboarding videos are still filmed with a VX1000 is because quite simply, they capture the true essence of skateboarding. Yes it may not be HD or 4K, but it is a reflection of art and just plain old fun. Every VX part is unique and different from one another. An HD video to me looks the same across the board, there is no art to it. With a VX you have no screen, no memory card....just a camera/lens and a DV tape. There's no "delete" on the camera. You are forced to go out and make things happen whereas HD makes filming and editing disposable. There are 100% videos done in HD that are fantastic and have a lot of time and effort put in. There is no reason why there can't be both in the industry. I myself prefer footage that is properly framed and with 4:3 you can frame the shot much better than HD. 16:9 cuts a lot out from the top and the bottom, but only filmers would know that.
He skates like he’s from Michigan. Is he?
he looks like a young Lurker Lou
Ou shitt
If you have a bald head and a beard your just automatically good
Why is he wearing a bearskin tiara on his chin?
Sou brasileiro
lourd !!!
🇲🇽 awuevo
On ma jakieś korzenie polskie?
RASTi nin cur bit newart buteil in curbretich tr y flynk ent !
3 and a half stars outta 5. great creativity. could use a good banger (something that makes me say "what!?!?".
shoe envy
Raw skateboarding
too many damn handrails! :(
Ah. Not my style
Taylor will you marry me?
Dilbert Doe 👍👍
I knew you'd say that
Wow really?!?!?! This is a TWS video?!?!??! I did this when I was 13 23 years ago. I would have been sponsored then. Sweet video though...
you did dis. cool. i´ll try dis.
Stylish fantastish. Best of the tired skaters. Man, use blade and get clean face.
omg wtf ? xD
sí, lo sé. amo andar en patineta, pero x era un icono joven
Had to pay my respects. I used to listen to x when I skated
Even if you didn't like him(which you have good reason to) its pretty shitty of you to disrespect a dead person, especially one who was brutally murdered, we all have our opinions, but i thought we all knew not to slander the dead. No one deserves to die that young.
Plenty of people deserve to die young lol.....Including X. Don't wanna be disrespected in death? don't be a shitty person when you're alive. It's a sweet sentiment you got going really, But that's not how real life works xD