Actually. A fusion it's stronger than both people who composes it at his max power. As an example, base vegetto was able to easily injure merged zamasu when changing an attack and probably was in high guard, thing that goku in the perfectioned ssb wasn't able to do when zamas's guard was down. There before, making his base stronger than Goku via scaling. The MUI and UE are also transformations, so it would be counted for this in his most recent key. Making a "Granolah saga" vegito or gogeta in base stronger than MUI and likely able to use it. Now, vegito's MUI/UE power+gogeta's MUI/UE power multiplied at an unknown rate would basically make Gogito stomp MUI Goku without even trying and in his base.
@@garouu-t5q Goku has a UI transformation and a UI technique (which he got in the granolah arc). The transformation it's what makes it count for vegito/gogeta to have a higher base power.
Hmm I don't think it works like that Gotenks ssj was fighting Majin Buu so if your theory was true then SSJ3 Gotenks is 64x times stronger than ssj gotenks
@@dejure3785 ....What? Transformations power comes from the base power of the warrior, even if a fusion it's stronger in his base than both people at his maximun power fighting together, the multipliers are the same, ssj3 gotenks would be 8 times stronger than ssj1 gotenks still.
you should do vogito vs gogeta cuz vogito is fusion of gogito and vogeta and goku already had some hard problems with gogito so why not? vogito vs gogeta to make it more weaker vogito vs goku and this is how it works goku + vegeta = gogeta (fusion dance) goku + vegeta = vegito (potora earrings) gogeta + vegito = vogeta (fusion dance) gogete + vegito = gogito (potora earrings) gogito + vogeta = vogito (fusion dance) also nice vid but i think we already know gogito could've won cuz you know he's littarally the fusion of 2 Goku's and 2 Vegeta's so yea keep up the good work!
Something needs to be clarified, Vegetto and Gogeta in base state are the maximum power of Goku and Vegeta, when they merge that power must be doubled, therefore, Gogito in base form is more than enough for all Goku's phases "canonical"
Nope, the double fusion would work the same as the regular fusion. So for example. Goku = 5 Vegeta= 5 Vegito = 25+ (because fusion not only multiplies the twos power but adds on something.) Gogeta= 25 Gogito= 625++ (This would mean the power would be double added since the two fused beings who fused already get an added bonus to the multiplication. So gogito would get twice that amount of a boost, but the multiplication would stay the same.)
Yamoshi might be the first super saiyan god but he is weak compared goku because even super saiyan god he lost to the evil saiyans and those evil saiyans is weak compared to frieza
Bro recuerda que solo gogito en su estado base ya supera el máximo nivel de los que lo conforman (vegito=vegeta+goku arcillos potara)(vegeto=goku y vegeta con la danza) y esto lo dice en el manga
@@Prosigmaxdd4302 claro que no, ya que el maximo poder es al estado que pueden alcanzar voluntariamanete, esto seria el UI propio y el ultra ego. Y ya un vegito base puede ganarle a goku y vegeta juntos, ahora imaginate un gogito que cuenta como maximos poderes el Ui propio y el ultra ego, esto quiere decir que un gogito base le gana a gogeta y vegito en sus maximos poderes este estando en estado base. Asi que es estupido comparar poderes
Goku just need to go UI for beating Gogito (Base form) . Bruh moment cuz FP Gogito makes UI Goku weakness . I like moments that u included OMNI-GOD forms, God-of-all Goku, Zenku fusion and GOD FUSION form . Good job 🎉🎉🎉 Create more videoes like that !!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Goku only two form able to defeat Gogito. Drip Goku and God fusion Goku. In other forms Goku will not able to defeat Gogito.. Those people who think this my words are right than plz give a like to understand, how much people like my words... 😁😊
Let me correct something. Vegito in itself would be the same power level as ssjb goku in this vid, so 8.5 Quintillion, due to how fusion works Gogito himself would have a power level of 72 UNDECILLION in BASE. Why? Because it multiplies the power of the two beings into one. So since you multiply the base of goku and vegeta you get vegito which is slightly superior if not equal to their ssjb forms. But then, you multiply the base forms of gogeta and vegito, then you get that absurd number. This might take awhile but this is how it would go. Ssj = 50x Ssj2 =100x (2x) Ssj3= 400x (4x) Ssj4= 10,000x (25x) Ssj5= 150,000x (15x) Ssjg= 1,000,000x Ssjb= 50,000,000 SsjbKK(x)= y Ui Omen= 10,000,000,000x Mui = 500,000,000,000x (i assume its like a ssj multi) These are my multipliers for these forms, the ssj ones actually being official (apart from ssj4) So now we head to scaling Gogito Gogito (base)= 72 Undecillion Gogito (ssj)= 36 Duodecillion Gogito (ssj2) = 72 Duodecillion Gogito (ssj3) = 288 Duodecillion Gogito (ssj4) = 72 Tredecillion Gogito (ssj5) = 1.08 Quattordecillion Gogito (ssjg) = 7.2 Quattordecillion Gogito (ssjb) = 36 Quattordecillion Gogito (ssjbKK) = Depends on the multi Gogito (Omen) = 72 Quintidecillion Gogito (Mui) = 36 Sixtendecillion
the power scale is wrong because according to the fusion it says that the maximum power of the two individuals is obtained (including transformations), goku ultra instinct would also be much inferior to gogito
O Gogetto facilmente na forma base iria ter o mesmo poder de luta de Gogeta e Vegetto e ssjb blues O Gogetto tem a força do Gogeta blue e Vegetto blue na forma base só que misturado no corpo de Gogetto ele seria muito poderoso em dragon Ball heroes
Gogito ssj is enough to beat ultra instinct surpassing a G.O.D of any universe . Even ssj3 side of A.E.D is enough to beat ssj78, Aldo moro is the one who can only surpass zarama and archon , thus , aldo moro power is familiar with Goku omni god + zeno form - omni zeno goku . And still gogito ui can easily beat them . My new fusion Gogetama + brokuto + jiroku + gogito + voggetta - brojitomo
Is gogito and gojeta same? I didn't understand the consept vegeta and goku both can't beat beerus but when they fusion how they can beat beerus like whaat
Seh. Incluso deje un comentario en idioma tiroteo escolar explicando el poder de las fusiones como... dejaron a Gogito un poco débil en mi opinión XDN'T (Aunque Goku God Fusion>Ficción)
goku + vegeta = gogeta or vegito gogeta fuse with vegito = gogito gogeta potara with vegito = vegeta also gogeta potara with vegito = gogito like if you get it
Normal power levels videos: goku o.k 2 Octillion Him: 5520000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Next Video Convert GOKU SSJ 20000 +Infinity VS Gogito All Forms Power Levels
This is easy match for gogito
Ssj fovs mastered migate no Gokui Green essa sola Omni Goku omni zenku fácil e até infinito fácil agr perde de muitos
A fusion it's stronger than both people who composes it at his max power.
As an example, base vegetto was able to easily injure merged zamasu when changing an attack and probably was in high guard, thing that goku in the perfectioned ssb wasn't able to do when zamas's guard was down.
There before, making his base stronger than Goku via scaling.
The MUI and UE are also transformations, so it would be counted for this in his most recent key.
Making a "Granolah saga" vegito or gogeta in base stronger than MUI and likely able to use it.
Now, vegito's MUI/UE power+gogeta's MUI/UE power multiplied at an unknown rate would basically make Gogito stomp MUI Goku without even trying and in his base.
o ui e o mui são técnicas mais agem boa corpo do Goku como uma transformação
@@garouu-t5q Goku has a UI transformation and a UI technique (which he got in the granolah arc).
The transformation it's what makes it count for vegito/gogeta to have a higher base power.
Hmm I don't think it works like that
Gotenks ssj was fighting Majin Buu so if your theory was true then SSJ3 Gotenks is 64x times stronger than ssj gotenks
@@dejure3785 ....What?
Transformations power comes from the base power of the warrior, even if a fusion it's stronger in his base than both people at his maximun power fighting together, the multipliers are the same, ssj3 gotenks would be 8 times stronger than ssj1 gotenks still.
MUI is a technique
I like the video 😎😎😎
Parcero tus videos son de lo mejor👌👍👌👌
@@_Skun_ like your mom
@Adjfhdyedb Tw we go your fatha
Lo malo esque solo en base gogito le gana a goku
Good Video and The Song
Nice video bro
you should do vogito vs gogeta cuz vogito is fusion of gogito and vogeta
and goku already had some hard problems with gogito so why not? vogito vs gogeta to make it more weaker vogito vs goku and this is how it works
goku + vegeta = gogeta
(fusion dance)
goku + vegeta = vegito
(potora earrings)
gogeta + vegito = vogeta
(fusion dance)
gogete + vegito = gogito
(potora earrings)
gogito + vogeta = vogito
(fusion dance)
also nice vid but i think we already know gogito could've won cuz you know he's littarally the fusion of 2 Goku's and 2 Vegeta's so yea keep up the good work!
Vogito ssj3 > God fision goku
Something needs to be clarified, Vegetto and Gogeta in base state are the maximum power of Goku and Vegeta, when they merge that power must be doubled, therefore, Gogito in base form is more than enough for all Goku's phases "canonical"
@Kara i agree, but you don’t have to say it like that
@Kara nah he’s equal to MUI goku in ssjb
Nope, the double fusion would work the same as the regular fusion. So for example.
Goku = 5
Vegeta= 5
Vegito = 25+ (because fusion not only multiplies the twos power but adds on something.)
Gogeta= 25
Gogito= 625++ (This would mean the power would be double added since the two fused beings who fused already get an added bonus to the multiplication. So gogito would get twice that amount of a boost, but the multiplication would stay the same.)
@@XeptorKingGG Nah its more like
Goku = 5
Vegeta = 5
Gogeta = 3125
Cuz its supposed to be exponential, but they have to nerf him
Best video dude😏
Goku: This is SSJBU It is one of the best forms
Gogito: k let me just go SSJ Supressed+++
Can you do Gogito against Goku and Vegeta on the same song?
It’s gogeta btw
No, I mean Gojito
@@AliRaza-ww6bv gogito means fusion of vegito and gogeta
Do Yamoshi vs Beerus next time please 🙏 😢 🙂
Yamoshi would get clapped by base goku...
@@Shrine_of_Karma wtf yamoshi beaten even beerus
@@gameruchiha4947 who told u yamoshi beat beerus?
@@gameruchiha4947 yamoshi isn’t canon and he Is weak
Yamoshi might be the first super saiyan god but he is weak compared goku because even super saiyan god he lost to the evil saiyans and those evil saiyans is weak compared to frieza
Goku omni god:
gogito ssj:
ok ._.?
Pls make Zekito pls vs Af Goku power levels make form Zeno and gogito form pls 🥺🥺🥺☺️☺️
Goku doesn't Even reach gogito' s feet Even though he is at his maximum power
Aye fr so much cap in that video
@@zebedeemarshall-watson6231 how is it cap u think goku can beat a double fusion of himself
@@Hakuta925 no lmao Goku wouldn't even come close to gogito never said he would 😂😂
cc goku universal blue can
Goku does not have a limit 😂🤣🤣😂😅😅😅😅
من الأفضل أن تصحح أخطائك لأن كوكو بالغريزة المتقنة أقوى من غوجيتا الأحمر وأيضا هناك أخطاء أخرى و شكرا ❤️🔥
يا عبسي، ذا غوجيتو مش غوجيتا
غوجيتو هو اندماج غوجيتا و فيجيتو يا غبي الاغبياء
ياخي بهيم هذا gogito وليس gogota هو اندماج vegeto و gogita
I love the music 🎵🎶.
What is music, please?
NEFFEX - Grateful [Copyright Free]
@@DBlevelscalez thanks !
hello bro
thank for omni power
but god fusion's power infinity bro♾
He is boundless
No he isn't infinity he is beyond fiction 😅
Logically Omni God Gogito Power level should be 7 Duodecillion, and Omni God 5 Gogito Power Level should be 700 Tredecillion
1 limiter yes but 0 limiter would be boundless
U mean ssj5 omni god with limiter? No just Omni God, because Gogito Base is trillions of times stronger than Goku Base
Nah Omni god gogito is so op the power level is 2.7 quattourdecillion
These power levels are actually very realistic but they get messed up when heroes characters show up
Dragon Fans are indeed taking the finest drugs
Muy bien me gusto mucho
Bro recuerda que solo gogito en su estado base ya supera el máximo nivel de los que lo conforman (vegito=vegeta+goku arcillos potara)(vegeto=goku y vegeta con la danza) y esto lo dice en el manga
Se esta refiriéndose el blue como los máximos poderes
@@Prosigmaxdd4302 claro que no, ya que el maximo poder es al estado que pueden alcanzar voluntariamanete, esto seria el UI propio y el ultra ego. Y ya un vegito base puede ganarle a goku y vegeta juntos, ahora imaginate un gogito que cuenta como maximos poderes el Ui propio y el ultra ego, esto quiere decir que un gogito base le gana a gogeta y vegito en sus maximos poderes este estando en estado base. Asi que es estupido comparar poderes
@@TurlesPower-ut9tlthey got there forms in manga it's referring to there blue froms
Hello Bro nice vídeo Bro 👋
song name?
NEFFEX - Grateful [Copyright Free]
ata because I didn't know thanks bro
East or West Goku is the best 😎
Please gogeta 🆚 vegito
00:03 song name please?
Goku and Vegeta V.S Cuphead and mugman Power Levels❤
I can almost here " go Gogito go Gogito go go go" from the broly movie
do gogito MUI vs goku base form the fight will be so fair idk who will win
Goku and zeno fusion should be way stronger than that
True because zero can just erase him
Xdddddd zero bruh do u watch lol
@@arshavinsakitos-n9b bro wym do u watch? Gogito isn’t canon it’s fan made so is the goku and Zeno fusion
@@cartiontopFWEUH don't get me wrong
8f they are from the same timeline
No matter what goku does
Gogito gets the W even I base form
What's the first song called?
Bruh Gojito has a fusion of Goku
and Vegeta then why are you doing comparison between both?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤨🤨🤨🤨
Mi estimado, si vas a hacer una comparación, por favor, para la próxima hacelo bien, saludos.
Goku just need to go UI for beating Gogito (Base form) . Bruh moment cuz FP Gogito makes UI Goku weakness .
I like moments that u included OMNI-GOD forms, God-of-all Goku, Zenku fusion and GOD FUSION form . Good job 🎉🎉🎉 Create more videoes like that !!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Base gogito solos mui goku
Goku only two form able to defeat Gogito. Drip Goku and God fusion Goku. In other forms Goku will not able to defeat Gogito.. Those people who think this my words are right than plz give a like to understand, how much people like my words... 😁😊
What about infinity 💀
Good brooo
I haven't seen the video properly but I'm assuming gogito is a fusion between vegito and gogeta or its fan made
It's the fusion between vegito and gogeta
That's why he is so power ful
7:06 before he go to this level
Gogito will slap him in the face
And he will be dead.
Next video:goku, vegeta, broly, gohan, piccolo vs bills
Let me correct something. Vegito in itself would be the same power level as ssjb goku in this vid, so 8.5 Quintillion, due to how fusion works Gogito himself would have a power level of 72 UNDECILLION in BASE. Why? Because it multiplies the power of the two beings into one.
So since you multiply the base of goku and vegeta you get vegito which is slightly superior if not equal to their ssjb forms.
But then, you multiply the base forms of gogeta and vegito, then you get that absurd number.
This might take awhile but this is how it would go.
Ssj = 50x
Ssj2 =100x (2x)
Ssj3= 400x (4x)
Ssj4= 10,000x (25x)
Ssj5= 150,000x (15x)
Ssjg= 1,000,000x
Ssjb= 50,000,000
SsjbKK(x)= y
Ui Omen= 10,000,000,000x
Mui = 500,000,000,000x (i assume its like a ssj multi)
These are my multipliers for these forms, the ssj ones actually being official (apart from ssj4)
So now we head to scaling Gogito
Gogito (base)= 72 Undecillion
Gogito (ssj)= 36 Duodecillion
Gogito (ssj2) = 72 Duodecillion
Gogito (ssj3) = 288 Duodecillion
Gogito (ssj4) = 72 Tredecillion
Gogito (ssj5) = 1.08 Quattordecillion
Gogito (ssjg) = 7.2 Quattordecillion
Gogito (ssjb) = 36 Quattordecillion
Gogito (ssjbKK) = Depends on the multi
Gogito (Omen) = 72 Quintidecillion
Gogito (Mui) = 36 Sixtendecillion
Ok idiot
What if there is Ultra Gogito Exist 💀
Big fax although Goku mastered ultra instinct powerlevel is 400 septillion
Gohan bald with superior instinct, and vegetates with bangs and hermano sole.
Boy the last one wasn’t even goku that was gogeta 😹
Imao the last one is god fusion goku
Son goku win 😊😊😊😃👌👏👏👏👏👏
No don’t like goku winer❌,gogito winer✅✅
the power scale is wrong because according to the fusion it says that the maximum power of the two individuals is obtained (including transformations), goku ultra instinct would also be much inferior to gogito
NoCopiryghtSounds(NCS) o Neffex
Base Gogito: 154+ Septillions
Great ape Gogito: 1,54+ Octollions
Gogito (FP): 1,54+ Octollions
Gogito (SSJ): 7,7+ Octollions
Gogito (SSJ2): 15,4+ Octollions
Gogito (SSJ3): 61,6+ Octollions
Gogito (SSJ4): 616+ Octollions
Gogito (SSJG): 3,08+ Nonillions
Gogito (SSJB): 154+ Nonillions
Gogito (SSJBE): 15,4+ Decillions
Gogito (UE): 20+ Undecillions
Gogito (Omni god): 250+ Tredicillions
What are the names of the songs used in this video?
0:29 name the song
What is the name of the song???
But I love the song thank you...
bro you knew you were going beyond logic when you went over ssbu
Next time do Zamasu God vs Granolah .
I think gogito won't have a door when he put all his energy in to his hand in his normal form vs goku sayans blue universal
O Gogetto facilmente na forma base iria ter o mesmo poder de luta de Gogeta e Vegetto e ssjb blues O Gogetto tem a força do Gogeta blue e Vegetto blue na forma base só que misturado no corpo de Gogetto ele seria muito poderoso em dragon Ball heroes
legal manolo sss
Gogito ssj is enough to beat ultra instinct surpassing a G.O.D of any universe . Even ssj3 side of A.E.D is enough to beat ssj78, Aldo moro is the one who can only surpass zarama and archon , thus , aldo moro power is familiar with Goku omni god + zeno form - omni zeno goku . And still gogito ui can easily beat them .
My new fusion
Gogetama + brokuto + jiroku + gogito + voggetta - brojitomo
goggifla kefla+gogeta+veggito
You forgot the multiplier that comes with fusion wich gets ridiculously strong ssj god is God killer wich is a better version of ki
@@SonGoku-ob9wl nice one
base state fusions are stronger than the max power of the strongest person in the fusion
And then *4 that cos of Set A(Goku vegeta) +Set B(Goku vegeta)
i think is suposed to be a "cannon" gogito versus every version of goku
but then gogito uses omni god and make that theory stupid
The fusion is stronger because it is the power of goku and vegeta so they are the same statistics but multiplied by their strength
GokuSSJ Infinity True vs gogito SSJ INfinity🙂
Ngl Gogito's power level in base 15 septillion💀
Gogito is so strong just in base wow i kinda expected that he base i almost as strong as jiren
He is Soo many stime stronger than jiren
Is gogito and gojeta same? I didn't understand the consept vegeta and goku both can't beat beerus but when they fusion how they can beat beerus like whaat
Gogito is the fusion of gogeta and vegito
Yo what's this Song called?
Ypi forgot ssj5 omniking koacken100
Goku vs Fiction characters plisss
You forgot Omni god kioken X100 but it wouldn’t make a difference but you also forgot omni king gogito
Nice goku wins i wish he has another form because he already has god fusion goku
He has alot forms
Well he can beat whis too.... (my opinion)
@@dragonballlegendsplayer no he can destroy whis even zeno true form and he need only 0.0000001% of his power to destroy both of them
@@CLASHROYALE_NOOB581 well you forgot akira toriyama robot
bro i thought kaioken and ssj was multipliers ...
god fusion goku power level 5000000 beyond fiction not centillion
Makes sense. Goku is stronger than the fusion of Gogeta and Vegito. Sure these videos make no sense
facts bruh.
eu quando tinha 8 anos e achva que esse era meu alge de poder minimo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
For anyone not knowing gogito is the fusion of gogeta and vegito
Can I have the name of the song?
God fusion Goku vs drip Goku please
Goku mặc dù k mạnh bằng gogito nhưng mãi fan nhân vật chính songoku
name of music
What's the name of the song
Why does the thumbnail looks cap
Goku Black vs beerus Power Warriors
Gogito en su estado base supera las dos transformaciones en su máximo poder
ni gogeta ni vegito juntos lo atian transformarse en sjj1
Incluso deje un comentario en idioma tiroteo escolar explicando el poder de las fusiones como... dejaron a Gogito un poco débil en mi opinión XDN'T (Aunque Goku God Fusion>Ficción)
remember that gogeta and vegito power is doubled from the two, so saying the quadruples the power for gogito in base
goku + vegeta = gogeta or vegito
gogeta fuse with vegito = gogito
gogeta potara with vegito = vegeta
also gogeta potara with vegito = gogito
like if you get it
I'm still pretty shocked that "base Goku's" power level is over trillions I bet its mostly on the millions chill dude
Fotito significa que es la función de cogeta y vegitto
If you use canon forms Gogito will win
Gogito isn't canon in the first place so he used non canon to make it fair
Gogito is not even basic canon lmao
Oh your right
Goku is better than gogito
@@senaymahmut6594 greatest cap
Music name
Cómo se llama la canción del inicio del vídeo
Ultra ego stronger than mastered ultra instinct cap x ♾
Normal power levels videos: goku o.k 2 Octillion
Him: 5520000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000