Seifu, you are less than ordinary human being. በጣምና ተራ ግለስብ ነህ ኢትዮጵያ የምሁራን ስደት እንዳለ የምታውቀው ይአንተይን አይነቱን ስው ስታይና ስትስማ ነው:: በእድሜ የሚበልጡህ ስው ምንም ይሁን ምን በአንድ ወቅት የኢትዮጵይ ምክትል ፕሬዝዳንት የነበሩ ስው አንተ ኢያልክና በተራ አቀማመጥና አነጋገር ሳይ እንኮን ከኢትዮጵያ ድሮ ወጣህ እላለሁ: : The way you once interview Al amoudi, I found you to be less than a human being ( in flat talk kiss ass) with one tome VP of the country like street boy. My dear brother in honest and strength talk your are a piece of work ( if you understand what it means)
Supportive udua and africanism Asians India and so on 0:580:580:590:590:590:59 1:021:021:031:041:041:04 1:071:071:071:08 aster are people too To come with these people are looking forward to meeting you at all life I'd like to see my life in a clear way with and without any
This man is crazy. He tries to blame Mengistu, for the killings of the sixty seasoned politicians of Haile. Selase's government. Yet, he also stated he voted Supporting Mengistu's proposal to kill the sixty innocent men. At the same time he tells us his interest is to study law and become a lawyer. What a schizophrenic irreconcilable differences of ideas. If he was a real legal scholar who claims to have graduated from Law school, he would have stopped the killing and propose to send the case to court. His behavior to obey what ever Mengistu propose and decides tells us he is a group-thinker who cannot be an independent thinker like most legal scholars. He made a choice to become a group-thinker and Mengistu's enabler for some seventeen years. As he ascends to power during these years, he demonstrated unshakeable loyalty to Mongistu's killings that included some of their friends [ Atnafu, et al] who highjacked the student's movement to make it a military dictatorship. I have observed
long live EPRDF, love your enemy, those people slaughtered many people, but eprdf forgives them, eventhogh in many war, the captured derge soldiers had been forgiven, released them free......
አስተዋይ ሰው ነው ! ሌሎቹም የደርግ ባለስልጣን የነበሩት የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ይቅርታ ቢጠይቁ መልካም ነበር፡ ሰይፉ ድንቅ ስራ እየሰራህ ነው በርታልኝ ወንድሜ፡
+Solomon - VA I agree.
Seifu, you are less than ordinary human being. በጣምና ተራ ግለስብ ነህ ኢትዮጵያ የምሁራን ስደት እንዳለ የምታውቀው ይአንተይን አይነቱን ስው ስታይና ስትስማ ነው:: በእድሜ የሚበልጡህ ስው ምንም ይሁን ምን በአንድ ወቅት የኢትዮጵይ ምክትል ፕሬዝዳንት የነበሩ ስው አንተ ኢያልክና በተራ አቀማመጥና አነጋገር ሳይ እንኮን ከኢትዮጵያ ድሮ ወጣህ እላለሁ: : The way you once interview Al amoudi, I found you to be less than a human being ( in flat talk kiss ass) with one tome VP of the country like street boy. My dear brother in honest and strength talk your are a piece of work ( if you understand what it means)
Long-life our hero konerel Fseha Desta. and also former Ethiopia Army and family members...!
Konerel ayibalim..colonel bel.
seyfsha mnew muluwn program btlekew lemanghawm thanks
ከዚህ ይልቅ በቅንነት የወደድከው ሳይመጣ አይቀርም
ታህሳስ 14 ሺ9መቶ 67 ወይስ ህዳር 14 እርሶ የጻፉት አቢዬቱና ትዝታዬ ላይ ያየሁት ትንሽ
ገረምረም ነገርአርጎኛል እና በጣም ትልቅ ሰውኖት
ግን ገጹን ጠፋብኝ ብቻግን የሆነ ከጻፏቸው ትልልቅ
ቁብነገሮች ውስጥ ከውስጤ ሊጠፋ አልቻለም
እና እጅግ አድርጌ አመሰገናለሁ ተራሰውነኝ ግን
አይን እና ጆሮዬ ንጹነው
ያው ጆርና ጭንቅሊት እንዲሁም
ፍስሐ ደስታ ፡ሀገር ወይም ደግሞ ፕሬዝዳንት የነበሩት are better than air even if it's not fair
Looking at you and your meal don't think I have any other questions about ty 😃
በጣም አሪፍ ስው ናችው ክፍል 3 ይለም እንዴ ሴፉ
minew asaterikew seifu yihe tarik eko bedekikawoch yemiyalik tarik ayidelem ebakih sefa adirigeh bitakeribew endet des bale neber lemanignawim enamesegnalen
ለሁሉም ጌዜ አለዉ ደስ ይላል
Seyfu I'm surprised you were easy and not pinned the colonel with good questions
Supportive udua and africanism
Asians India and so on 0:58 0:58 0:59 0:59 0:59 0:59
1:02 1:02 1:03 1:04 1:04 1:04
1:07 1:07 1:07 1:08 aster are people too
To come with these people are looking forward to meeting you at all life I'd like to see my life in a clear way with and without any
sefa adrgeh likekew bakih.
where is the third part?????????
Colonel Atinafu was made historical mistake when he call Menigestu from Harare.
Wgat avle to discuss in these interval
Words ignore other dliers issue thier
Covered knowledge
Where can we buy his book please?
ሙዚቃ በጣም ሀይል አላት
Yenefse geday tebabari nehe!!wetatena azawente begefe sigedale ante weskihene teteta nebre.ferina erase wedade,hodame nehe!!!!!keye shebrene memakome men serahe?????????
በጣም ደስ ይላል ግን ለምን አጠረ
seifu menew atere des yemil koyta neber yemecheh
ፍስሐ ደስታ
ኮሎኔር ብላችሁ ትጽፋለህ ፤መሀይም ሁሉ።አስተካክል
Looking at you and your ()
ኮሌኔል ፍስሃ ደስታ ይህን ቪደዮ መታየት ያለበት ነው ይላሉ።
I wonder Fiseha Desta still alive as he he killed so many innocent ppl
በኤርትራ ጃኖሳይት አድርግሀል ተጠያቂ ነህ ውሻ
የሻቢያ ትርፍራፊንማ አይምርም ነበር ጀግናው ኮሎኔል ፍስሃ ደስታ ንፁህ ህዝብ ምንም አላደረገም ልክስክስ ፖለቲካ ውስጥ ጥልቅ ለሚል ውሸታም ሸለመጥማጥ ኤርትራዊ ግን በደንብብብብ አድርጎ ጨፍጭፏል ይገባችኋልም ቆራጥ ትግራዋይ ነው: እሰይ!😂
And pancreas produce a little bit of your meal
ፍሳሀደስታ ያልከዉ ውሸት ነዉ ሰአት እላፊ ደርግን አይመለከትም : የወታደርን መኪና መንም አይጠይቅም ። ቡና ቤትም በር አዘግተዉ ሲጨፍሩ ያድሩ ነበር ።
እሰይ ደስ እንዳላቸው ኖረዋል አንተ ርካሽ የህወሓት ሸለመጥማጥ ተላላኪ ቅጥልልልል በል they were heros!😂
This man is crazy. He tries to blame Mengistu, for the killings of the sixty seasoned politicians of Haile. Selase's government. Yet, he also stated he voted Supporting Mengistu's proposal to kill the sixty innocent men. At the same time he tells us his interest is to study law and become a lawyer. What a schizophrenic irreconcilable differences of ideas. If he was a real legal scholar who claims to have graduated from Law school, he would have stopped the killing and propose to send the case to court. His behavior to obey what ever Mengistu propose and decides tells us he is a group-thinker who cannot be an independent thinker like most legal scholars. He made a choice to become a group-thinker and Mengistu's enabler for some seventeen years. As he ascends to power during these years, he demonstrated unshakeable loyalty to Mongistu's killings that included some of their friends [ Atnafu, et al] who highjacked the student's movement to make it a military dictatorship. I have observed
tlk shtet new enj
60ዎቹን ባለስልጣናት አስመልክቶ ያቀረቡት ይቅርታ ተቀባይነት ሊኖረው አይገባም :: ምክንያቱም ተመሳሳይ የሆኑ በርካታ ክስተቶች ተፈጥመዋል:: ታዲያ በስህተት ተፈጸሙ ማለት አግባብ ይሆናል? :: ለምሳሌ የ1981ን የመፈንቅለ መንግስት ሙከራ ያደረጉ 12 ጀነራሎች ላይ የተወሰደባቸዉ እርምጃ እነ አማን አንዶም ላይ ከተወሰደዉ እርምጃ ጋ ተመሳሳይ ነዉ:: ታዲያ እንዲህ አይነቱን ክስተት "ተሳስተን ነዉ ይቅርታ!" ብሎ ማለፍ አይክብድም :: "ፈርተነው" በወቅቱ መከላከል እንችል ነበር ብትሉ ያምራል::
Temam A. Beshir yekr le egzhier new wendmie
long live EPRDF, love your enemy, those people slaughtered many people, but eprdf forgives them, eventhogh in many war, the captured derge soldiers had been forgiven, released them free......
ትንሽ የዘበራረቅ ይመስለኛል በ ከርከበት የመጣው ሃይል በ ቀይ ኮከብ ዘመቻ በኤርትራውያን በ (ሻድሻይ ወራር ) የሚታውቅ ሳይሆን የመጣው በ ኤርትራውያን በ ( ሰላሕታ ወራር ) የሚታወቅ ነው : ያ ሁላ ሰራዊት በ ሰለጠነ የጦር መሳርያ ታጥቆ የመጣ የጦር ውግያ ልምድ ያለው ሰራዊት ነበር መጨም ከርከበት የሚያውቅ መገመት ይችላል ሰራዊቱ የውግያ ልምድ ስላልነበረው ሳይሆን ሻብያ በተከተለው የውግያ ስልት ተከበው ተደምስሰው ነው የናቅፋው ደሞ ይቅር ልትገቡ ትንሽ ቦታ የፊት ምሽግ ተቆጣጥራቹ እንደነበር እናውቃለን ግን ወድያው በፀረ ማጥቃት ትልቅ ኪሳራ ወርዶባችሁ ወደ ነበራችሁበት ተገፍታቹ ነው የተመለሳችሁ ለምን ይህ ሁሉ መሸፋፈን ኣስፈለገ?
የሻዕቢያ አለቅላቂ የኢሳያስ ቂጥ ላሽ የአሳ ነባሪ ትርፍራፊ ቦቅቧቃ ወጥታችሁ መፎከር ማቅራራት ከአያቶቻቹ የወረሳችሁት ነው አልፈርድብህም!!😂😂
እንደ ደርግ ቅዘናም መሪም ሆነ ወታደር የትም አፍሪካ ውስጥ አልነበረም አይኖርም
ለዚህ ነዋ ሲያንጰረጵርህ የኖረው
@@سعدتبلقائك.منفضلك kkkk The best reply I have read in a long time. 😂 Derg egnaneme ararutonal. Ke afesa lemamlete. Ayakewume yehonal.😂
30 amet mulu sigrfih neberko
እንደ ህወሓት ተላላኪ ቂጥ ላሽ😂 ሌብነትን የሚጠማ ርካሽ ቅማላምምም የለም! ለዛ ነው የሚያርበደብዱህ ኣታ ሓሳዊ ለኽባጥ Colonel Fesseha Desta was a rational Tigraway, not like u!!