Jia is so pretty without the heavy make up. Her face features are so unusual yet beautiful that natural best suits her. I think. As for her character, she s definetly make you hate her but I felt so sad for her when she saw the duke again after 20 years.
Ruyi was always so relaxed when she was with Ling Yunche. I so loved their friendship. 14:40 Ruyi's rye smile indicating *Checkmate!!* 14:42 The look you get when it dawns on you that you're dealing with a superior intellect ......who, may just be more conniving than you!
Да, еще вместо извинений, каждый раз просит забыть о случившемся и дарит побрякушки: -За несправедливое заключение в холодном дворце - сливовые румяна (рукалицо); -за обвинения в связи с магистром, плюс сломанную ногу Сосин, когда Руйи пришлось самой доказывать свою невиновность, подарил на выбор одну из десятка вещиц. Грубо говоря - хрень на голову - за разбирательства с супругой Линг, когда умер принц Ронг и другие, за предательство - вернул ей титул, печать и прочее То есть всегда совсем не то, в чем Руйи нуждалась. Когда она каждый раз делала именно во благо императора, даже против его воли. Стоит вспомнить ее действия на лодке, хотя до этого было столько предательства((
Gotta love how Jia literally ran out in her pajamas and her socks, after having labored for a long time, and yet somehow she made it all the way to the gates where the Duke was with no one stopping her.
Jia is so much prettier without that evil queen makeup. You would think with Ruyi constantly being framed and set up, that she would not have to keep proving her innocence and the fact that she is always doubted just leads those witches to keep torturing her and he allowed it to continue. If He ever stood up and put an end to it and put her where he claimed to be, no one would dare touch her again. He was a weak man and a coward in my opinion, just worried about himself. Even Queen Dowager knew it in the end.
No he was more worried about the womens families than the women. First empress had strong family and ruyi has no one to back her. That meant everything to them back then as family backed family even when they were all sniveling arrogant jerks.
From the map of The Forbidden City that I recently saw, Yangxin Hall and Yikun Palace is pretty close to each other. It’s like probably like a 3 minute walk from each other.
im convinced she would've been so happy if she had been allowed to be a duchess instead of a consort, maybe she would've lived to see her grandchildren
Всю жизнь она боролась за этот трон , сама влезла теперь детей затащила , и что в итоге а ничего что получила то и получила закон бумеранга никто не отменял.
Jia is so pretty without the heavy make up. Her face features are so unusual yet beautiful that natural best suits her. I think. As for her character, she s definetly make you hate her but I felt so sad for her when she saw the duke again after 20 years.
She did all that evil just for him and yet at the end he said she wasn't even considered a Yu Clan; she was just raised as one!
Ruyi was always so relaxed when she was with Ling Yunche. I so loved their friendship.
14:40 Ruyi's rye smile indicating *Checkmate!!*
14:42 The look you get when it dawns on you that you're dealing with a superior intellect ......who, may just be more conniving than you!
Right. They were family for sure.
She is right. He doesn't trust her one bit, he's just doing it for himself!!!
Да, еще вместо извинений, каждый раз просит забыть о случившемся и дарит побрякушки:
-За несправедливое заключение в холодном дворце - сливовые румяна (рукалицо);
-за обвинения в связи с магистром, плюс сломанную ногу Сосин, когда Руйи пришлось самой доказывать свою невиновность, подарил на выбор одну из десятка вещиц. Грубо говоря - хрень на голову
- за разбирательства с супругой Линг, когда умер принц Ронг и другие, за предательство - вернул ей титул, печать и прочее
То есть всегда совсем не то, в чем Руйи нуждалась. Когда она каждый раз делала именно во благо императора, даже против его воли. Стоит вспомнить ее действия на лодке, хотя до этого было столько предательства((
Gotta love how Jia literally ran out in her pajamas and her socks, after having labored for a long time, and yet somehow she made it all the way to the gates where the Duke was with no one stopping her.
She threatened to kill herself. Besides to the guards she was only embarrassing herself so why get themselves into trouble over it.
Lovely music at the end. The Consort and her Duke 😅
Jia is so much prettier without that evil queen makeup. You would think with Ruyi constantly being framed and set up, that she would not have to keep proving her innocence and the fact that she is always doubted just leads those witches to keep torturing her and he allowed it to continue. If He ever stood up and put an end to it and put her where he claimed to be, no one would dare touch her again. He was a weak man and a coward in my opinion, just worried about himself. Even Queen Dowager knew it in the end.
No he was more worried about the womens families than the women. First empress had strong family and ruyi has no one to back her. That meant everything to them back then as family backed family even when they were all sniveling arrogant jerks.
hey I just noticed. it's light out when Ruyi leaves Yangxin Hall, but it's dark when she gets close to Yikun Palace. how far is it to Yikun Palace? 😂
From the map of The Forbidden City that I recently saw, Yangxin Hall and Yikun Palace is pretty close to each other. It’s like probably like a 3 minute walk from each other.
im convinced she would've been so happy if she had been allowed to be a duchess instead of a consort, maybe she would've lived to see her grandchildren
10:58 灑了一臉
玉氏王爺是 歡樂頌安迪前男朋友魏總😂😂😂😂😂
@ 是的,因為花絮有採訪
That bowl of medicine splashed on her face was clearly not in the script?
Lol must of hurt😂
10:59 上一秒被射滿臉
11:00 下一秒就洗乾淨了
Such an out of pocket comment and I love it.
Всю жизнь она боролась за этот трон , сама влезла теперь детей затащила , и что в итоге а ничего что получила то и получила закон бумеранга никто не отменял.
Цзя и герцог клана Ю,что либили друг друга?
麻豆油車里害人不淺的吳敏雄 楊不經(楊桂珠)
隔壁作惡多端的二嬸婆楊碧霞 她見不得人好 這幾十年她會一直陷害人 無論是為了讓人夫妻感情出裂痕不斷挑撥她所忌妒的人的丈夫 讓夫妻吵架 她笑到彎腰 或是因為她被二叔公揍幾十年 她就故意造謠夫妻感情很好的三嬸婆去遊覽都跟男人睡
還常常把垃圾丟到別人的土地上並告知地主是她所要陷害的人放的 還有她偷人東西到街上逢商販就說是哪個她要陷害的誰偷的 還蓄意跑到人家中破壞家具電器紗窗弄破更惡劣的是她為了害一個剛會走路就告訴她以後都第一名以後要讀博士 常常說在思考以後要走什麼路 父母卻不栽培 的天才兒童 每天灌酒 餵酒 要讓天才兒童變白痴 一切都不見報應
應該說 幫了很多人但是那些人卻人品不好
請問忘恩負義的人是不是有報應?因翻身貴人相助而翻身賺鉅富 卻過河拆橋到極致 這樣賺的鉅財留得住嗎?謝謝
新竹召會的國中退休女老師顏智 台東高中 義守大學大學部和 研究所畢業的66年次楊斐雯即是如此之人
他們真的是得到賺大錢的方法後就封鎖我了 楊斐雯還要親朋好友都封鎖我 他認識我時還非常落魄
嫁去永和的專利事務所工程師72年次彭靜宜和70年次住永和 工研院工程師 往返新竹永和通勤的黃@懋 都是忘恩負義的人 幫他們佔上百堂課 因為發現他們只有要佔座位才找我 有好康的都不會想到我 之後找我幫忙佔位都拒絕 他們就封鎖我了
是我發現他們的人品不好 不值得幫 並非要回報 例如退休公務員官精忠 我囑咐他我幫他 他不能外流 他答應 結果他是在跟我要求幫助時就已經跟他那一群說好 他跟我要 再一起用 我月初發現 他承認 而且他當時要求幫助的理由也不好 我發現後就禁止他們繼續使用 他貪得無厭 不願放棄
顏智是被我發現她只想從我身上得利益但是她會故意隱瞞她知道而我需要的 被我發現後 她還很驚惶說怎麼會被我發現 她怕別人比她好 包括幫她的人
楊斐雯是會演戲 在得到巨大利益後 本性露出來