Damn! It was so hard But at last I made it the results were pretty cool I suggest everyone to try this As Aja:v commented take a bigger paper i also recomend that try try but don't cry remember that!
ююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю это классное оригами
I couldn’t do anything everything failed you use paper that blends too well you need to use white paper and I couldn’t see any of the bands and I couldn’t see anything so I couldn’t even do anything and you call it ““ easy with you with 100 times harder because you go 100 miles an hour and I have to send it to 0.25
I had a lot of fun doing this tutorial and the results are great! That said, though, as many people mentioned, I recommend using a larger piece of paper for this tutorial as there is a lot of detail in it. Also, this tutorial is a bit difficult and probably not the best for anyone who is brand-new to origami.
Ok, i made it, but my parrot looks so old and cant stand, i cant stop laughing but i fixed him a bit up and now he can atleast stand, my friend raged atleast 5 times..
If you feel confused,try this~
I hope it helps you😉
O what
iş this
@@Kimezor971 ffffff
@@Kimezor971 p
Wow so easy that I have to rewind it 1000 time oh this too easy. It just took me around 2 hrs to complete it. Very easy.
Same I even put it on slo-mo 😭
good there is someting known as slow mo inyoutube
@@vinxd5518 Ya but he is just confuzling
I almost cried when the 6 time I couldn't do it 😭 😢 😪 😫 😩
I've seen so many origami channels of Chinese people. They're very creative. 來自印度的愛
im canadian chinese! LOL!
@@aliciamiu4377 that's great though
Bin chillin 🥶👍
very nice😃
Thank you ❤️
OMG it's so difficult 😭
You can do it,keep it up 😉
I agree
Me too❤️
Not difficult... He made like difficult..... U sea other channels...
@@sabarianitha8325 but why it's not difficult
Me gusta esta épico el video🤩🤗🤩🤗🤗🤗🤩🥰🥰
Wow beautiful 😃
WOW this parrot is very good
Im doing an origami's competition. Wish me good luck....
Thank you for your clear instructions. 🙏 Quite easy to follow.
Damn! It was so hard
But at last I made it the results were pretty cool I suggest everyone to try this
As Aja:v commented take a bigger paper i also recomend that try try but don't cry remember that!
omg too easy thank you
Toooo harddddddd
Tooooooooooooo easy
toooooooooooooooooooooooooo ez
حلو حلو حلو😍😍😍
When i was in 3rd grade i forced my mom to do this for me😳
My pashion is origami because I love to do it 😀.
I think it's FANTASTIC! I make 4🤣
its made 4
Demaciado estresante tu video!
Its was verry difficult but I suceeded this origami. 💪🏾
This is good 😊
i made it in first time :D , so easy P.S: im an child xD
I like parrots so much well i like having them
Good paper cutting
Thank you so much!! i didn't really follow the rules on the wing part but it still turned out good :D it's very cute! Thank you!!
Masshallah bohat acha banaya hai very good keep it up amazing 👌👌👌👍🏻
This bird is so fun and easy! I made 11 birds. I memorized it from my head! Amazing work. Keep it up 😀😀😀
Wow i ❤️ it am soo like
I can do it easily for I have someone who makes origamis ✔️
thank you so much
Wow how beautiful 😎😎😎😎😎😎
Why are you telling like that
Broo so easy ❤️ I made like 100 of these
You are very nice 👩🏫
❤️ S U P E R....!! ❤️
Thanks I made some for
my entire family
Ita really easy I made it 2 times
Super tuto merci. like les francais
Very nice👏👏👏
I officially declare who was able to complete this is 30% people and officially declare that I am one of them. Oh my that is a lot of officially 😳
I tried it succeeded 2nd time failed 1st time
ююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю это классное оригами
This is difficult 🤣
Wow very nice 😍👌🏻
I'm just grateful that mine came out as a parrot and not a crushed ball of paper
I made it ..... It look like a small budgie.... .... I love birds!!
Bahut khoob
It's hard but I have made it 😀 thanks for this video
I couldn’t do anything everything failed you use paper that blends too well you need to use white paper and I couldn’t see any of the bands and I couldn’t see anything so I couldn’t even do anything and you call it ““ easy with you with 100 times harder because you go 100 miles an hour and I have to send it to 0.25
Existe uma coisa chamada pause
I think your just bad at origami or something like me
But this is amazing
Thank you🐦🐦
Yay I did it
nice parrot amore nice parrot mi serve per school
This so harddddd
its easy not hard
@@alphashalommamorno1600 The wing is difficult
I like it
It is harder than I thought 😟
I don't think so
Nailed! But it came out with out a leg
This is the most insane origami I have ever done in my entire life
So you like mine craft
wonderful 👍👍👍
thank you so much! it´s so cute and so pretty!!
I like your idea
It was so hard that I thrown my paper in garbage
10000000000000000000 like
Me salió el loro genial
The video is very nice,well done 💫✨
Thank you so much❤ it looks beautiful 😍
It's very nice
This sucks!
It is easy and look very nice 🐱
Wow super
It made my head hurts
It was very easy I made it in one go
ගොඩක් ලස්සනයි
Good origami
Thanks a lot! This parrot is beautiful :)
It is so easy
I had a lot of fun doing this tutorial and the results are great!
That said, though, as many people mentioned, I recommend using a larger piece of paper for this tutorial as there is a lot of detail in it. Also, this tutorial is a bit difficult and probably not the best for anyone who is brand-new to origami.
Thanks for your advice
All best
This is how you taught
Who is gonna learn from your video
@@wajithatabasum8798 🙀
Яасан хэцүү юм бэээээээ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ended up making a grasshopper
It was toooooooooooooooooooo EASY
I hope this is sarcastic
After 9:25
My brain: Yes a few minuits more.
My hande: ok I'm done.
Ok, i made it, but my parrot looks so old and cant stand, i cant stop laughing but i fixed him a bit up and now he can atleast stand, my friend raged atleast 5 times..
Thats chaotic
So amining
Whoa I made it more than 50lac times🙃
Its so pretty..... im going to make this for my school asignment
me too
Its hard.
It is very vnice
8:06 my brain stopped. but the tutorial was nice
Mine too
Watch this video this is an easy version
Very nice
One of the better illustrated tutorials, made it with 8x8cm cm paper(from printer) and it’s super cute
This was hard I rip my paper and yeeted it.I thought this was easy 😅
Thankyu 😅 brov.
Nicely done
Wow so nice and cute
you do it so fast with no instruction