The three puzzling events in the story of Hazrat Khidr and Hazrat Musa (PBUH)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ก.ค. 2024
  • The story of Al-Khidr and Musa (peace be upon them) in Surat al-Kahf contains three important events, each with valuable life lessons that we can learn from.
    Following a long and arduous journey, Musa (peace be upon him) finally tracked down Al Khidr who was a prophet, who had been granted special insights from Allah. Musa, who was a messenger (a prophet sent with a shariah), was very eager to learn from him as he had been told that he was the most knowledgeable person alive.
    Protecting the Ship
    Musa and Al-Khidr boarded a new ship. The owners of the ship were very poor and they offered them a ride for free because Al Khidr was well known in the area. Al Khidr made a hole in a ship at sea, which seemed like a strange thing to do. This made Musa
    upset as he could not understand why Khidr had repaid their kindness by damaging their ship. He could not restrain his annoyance,
    It was said in verse 71: أَخَرَ‌قْتَهَا لِتُغْرِ‌قَ أَهْلَهَا (Did you break it that you drown its people?). About it, it appears in the Hadith of the Sahihs of al-Bukhari and Muslim that al-Khadir (علیہ السلام) had dislodged a plank of the
    boat with an axe because of which there was a danger that water would fill up the boat and it would capsize. Therefore, Sayyidna Musa (علیہ السلام) had objected to it. But, according to historical reports, water did not fill into this boat. This may have happened either because al-Khadir had somehow repaired it himself soon after - as in a report carried
    by al-Baghawi according to which al-Khadir (علیہ السلام) had replaced the plank with glass. Or, water just did not enter the boat in the manner of a miracle. However, the context of the Qur’ an by itself is telling us that the boat did not capsize - something which supports these reports.
    And Al Khidr replied that he knew that Musa would not be able to contain himself and would question his wisdom.
    Al Khidr in fact had taken a brave decision. His intention was to protect the poor owners from their unjust ruler. By causing minor damage to the ship, he
    prevented the oppressive king from seizing the entire vessel, thereby saving the owners’ source of livelihood. Al Khidr could have left the ship in good condition and it would have been taken from them, or he could cause a minor harm to their ship to prevent them losing their livelihood and repel the greater harm.
    Key Lessons:
    Sometimes, preventing a greater harm requires accepting a lesser harm.
    Making timely decisions before it is too late requires courage.
    Emotions should not dictate critical decisions.
    Trusting in God’s plan can save us even in the most challenging situations.
    Some tasks require secrecy to achieve their purpose.
    Responding to kindness with greater kindness and offering superior service in return.
    Judging based on appearances alone can lead to misunderstandings, and missing the true nature of the matter.
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