These people aren’t doing this for money. Not for fame. Not for glory to themselves. They do this to honor a man who sang what we couldn’t express. A man who wrote rage and pain, grief and apathy, newness and wonder, light and hope. These men and women came together to honor and remember an era that shaped millions. RIP Chester. And thanks for giving me some fire back in my heart in a damn dark time,
Боже мой! Это же в Москве в парке Горького?! КАК Я МОГ ПРОПУСТИТЬ ЭТО СОБЫТИЕ???!!! Спасибо большое организаторам концерта памяти и я сожалею что не был там (((
You are so, right, I was told the last time someone says my son Jimmy’s name he will be dead. That’s why, although he’s been gone 14 years, I say his name every single day of my life for as long as I’m on this earth and then I will be with him forever
"Friend, have you heard of Linkin Park?" "Oh, is that a band?" "No, that is an era." Music has no national boundaries, we are family here. Love from China! 我们想念您
Though I'm not a Linkin Park fan...I loved Chester...I literally cried the day he died...Well if you're thinking how I'm not a fan of Linkin Park...Im a 13yo from India and in India we don't get phone and internet connection too early...But I knew about him because of my brother...
На дворе 2020 год, а я до сих пор не могу смотреть это без слёз.😪 Честер, ты навсегда в наших сердцах. Я всё же хочу верить что у тебя ТАМ всё хорошо. Спи спокойно, легенда... 🖤🖤🖤
Chester would love this... can't believe that this legendary voice is gone but this mob is the best tribute to him. We will never forget u and r.i.p Chester
Это невероятно. LP были огромной частью моей подростковой жизни. Их музыка лечила и спасала. Мне уже 32, но я до сих пор их слушаю. Когда умер Честер, я будто потеряла близкого друга, которого при этом никогда не видела в живую. Мурашки от этого выступления. Ребята, вы такие невероятные и талантливые. Спасибо вам, за то что вы есть!
Such an irony. My life was soo fucked up and Linkin Park's music saved me. I was one step on the other side, but Chester's voice made me want to stay here. And now he's gone and even if it was a few years ago, I still feel Deep and cold hole in my heart. This video make me cry every time I see it, I feel piece of Chester in it. He would love it. He was my star on the dark sky. I didn't knew him for real, but I know his music. I miss you Chester. Hope you're ok now. I'm, sometimes.
Man i feel this. When it became public that he‘s gone i cried so god damn hard. It felt like i lost a family member, and still does. Glad i saw them live when i was 12 and 17.
This video give me life after chester death . I want to go there and hug them, cry , sing with them . Chester ,I know you are looking at us and smiling . I love you and no one can make me forget you and replace you , you will always stay in our memories and heart . Thank you for this amazing childhood. 😭😭😭
What a message! Thank you for these truly wonderful words! We would love to hug you and to sing with you too :'( Chester will be in our hearts as well and we will play LP in future - no doubts in that.
Наверное это высшая степень проявления любви и преданности к музыканту. После просмотренного, гордишься своей страной, а главное людьми, которые в ней живут) Спасибо всем участникам! Ребята из LP должны это увидеть! До слёз ё моё...
надеюсь Честер видит это оттуда... сверху и радуется что он не зря прожил свою жизнь, что он вдохновил много людей, и мы должны отдать дань ему и его творчеству
I was honoured to be an angsty teen when those new guys, Linkin Park, had released their first singles. I'm so much more honoured today, getting reaffirmed time and time again that the sensational musical phenomenon that was, is and forever will be Linkin Park still touches so many hearts.
Music always help on tough time, chester u one who always understand us, u song has always help us fight in tough situation, we still missing u chester for everything u create for us( numb,heavy is one my favorite song) we still love u man😥
I have never seen a single man that hates linkin park Im 26 years old, from Pakistan Linkin park music helps me out from some of the darkest moment of my life when i got expelled from college and lost my big brother nd a good friend, doing drugs and not doing well in my life. Now I'm finally graduated, and have a good job, doing well Huge love for linkin park music. I will always be thankful for their great music 🎶💝
И это Россия? Я думала, это происходит где-то в США. Я до сих пор пускаю слезу, когда смотрю что-то посвященное Честеру. Столько людей собрались, чтобы проявить уважение и признание к честеру и линкам. Музыка действительно может объединять.
Спасибо за теплые слова. Справедливости ради стоит отметить, что наш моб был 1 июля, до смерти Честера. Но впоследствии мы, во-первых, попридержали выход видео, а во-вторых, постарались передать и свои эмоции, поэтому видео получилось с грустинкой :'(
Боже осень 18 года. А слезы текут ручьем. И не от того что Честер ушел от нас. Ведь он не ушел)))!!! Все это он, в сердце каждого там. И до слез смотреть на то как такая толпа объединилась всеееее, просто чувствуется тепло и позитив. Это невероятно. Забыв о повседневном негативе
Тоже смотрю со слезами и одновременным восторгом от того, что такие люди не умирают, а остаются частичками в сердцах других людей, это бесценно! Честер с нами
@@goldenwife1143 да, большинство моих сверстников слушают совершенно другую музыку. Это огорчает. Хотелось бы почаще встречать людей, ценящих музыку со смыслом
A man stepped on the Earth and showed humanity that he is capable of conquering death. Acts 24:15 says that Chester can live again. I want to be there to greet him
4 years latter and the fact that Chester is gone still hits hard. I didn't think much about the band beyond the music until Mike came onto a dumb radio show called love line. Chester called in and messed with him and I laughed so damn hard. That little inside look at them made me want to know more about the people making the music I love. So I did. I found out that Chester was such a kind person and a wounded soul. The day I learned of his passed ripped my heart out because I knew what a hard fight he'd had. Rip Chester, you gave me and thousands like me a cathartic outlet for all of my anger and pain and I'm so sorry no one could do it for you.
Дайте мне человека кто решил сделать это. Если этот момент увидит русский, то поставь лайк, посмотрим сколько нас. Upd: 2024 год, а это так и вызывает бурю эмоций, МУЗЫКА ОБЪЕДИНЯЕТ!
Chester’s death has been one of the hardest things for me to handle in my life. This video, I can’t even say if I like it or not, it made me cry but, not for the right reasons. I’ve always had a very dark suicidal depression since I can remember and Linkin Park was always my first, most listened to, and respected band. They had amazing sound, diversity, individuality, and they had heart and soul behind every song. Chester’s song resonated with my heart and kept me alive; I always looked at him as a strong symbol of overcoming life’s hardships and adversity and made me believe that I could fight off my depression, make myself into something, and realize in the end it doesn’t even matter. Now...I feel so lost and like my fear of one day falling will happen. I can’t really listen to Linkin Park now because I hear him crying in each song. I hear myself crying again and can’t handle it. I think of my daughters and family and the ones that have watched me battle with my depression and think I am some amazing person. SMH. I think he has scared me, at least instead of inspired, to stay alive because, I would never want to put this kind of pain on someone that may look up to me like that. I pray that if there is a hell and if what is said about Christ is true in my mind that Chester’s soul was saved and he can finally embrace life through the universe, that he might have finally reached some sort of peace in the end.
Chester impacted so many lives and was such a powerful and eternal soul that will live on through every piece of his art and memory that we have of him. That will never go away. That holds value. It will always mean something. #MakeChesterProud
Don't feel like that. Chester helped so many people like us. Now you have to be stronger than ever.I know he feels our energy. Let's make Chester proud.
My mom died July 20,2013. I was sitting near Safeco Field(now T-Mobile Park) in Seattle listening to our 🎸 station when the news of Chester's passing broke on what would have been Chris Cornell's birthday. Really? All three on the same day?FML.😭😭😭💔💔💔
only this one russian guy in that talent show came even close to his voice and he could only hold it for the last part. 1:05 does he go into Chester mode
いつ聞いても泣いてしまう傑作。 チェスターがもういないなんて未だに泣きそうになるが、それでも彼の声やリンキン・パークの曲は心を震わせる。 This video always makes me cry so emotionally. Chester's voice& soul still lives in our heart,
I am a die hard fan of LP & Chester from INDIA. Still enjoy all the tracks n specially that deep voice of Chester. Best band in the world. RIP Chester, miss you....
The song numb is to heavy for me. Every time I listen to that song, the only thing I could think of is how much Chester was suffering. But this version lifts me up Makes me feel I'm not alone Makes me feel I'm not the only one suffering, I got so many people with me to sing this song
Hi there! Like you said, you're from Russia-can you translate the russian in these comments and tell me what they're basically saying out of curiosity?? I'm sorry, I know a little bit but not alot so idek what theyre saying😂
Индира Зуева мне очень жаль...наверное он был мой ровесник если он это слушал,мне 21 год.Мой лучший друг который меня подсадил на эту группу ещё в 2007 году,он тоже умер((ему бы было 23 года, Да и линкин парк уже не существует ,пусть это все светлое мы пронесём через всю жизнь.Остались лишь хорошие воспоминания,тогда я был по настоящему счастлив
Honestly speaking, we did this mob BEFORE Chester's death (and we mentioned it in the description + we highlighted the date on the video too). But after latest event, we had to remaster the final video and we had to dedicate it to Chester. But we are sure that we will play LP in future anyway. With respect to remembering - last year we performed "The Show Must Go On" for Freddie, who is still in our hearts too...
Moved beyond of the best tributes out there for sure.....incredible! None of my circle of friends is a fan so it would mean a lot if I could have been a part of this. Great job guys!!!!
It is so sorry that this video did`t created and published before Chester's suicide... maybe he would have been alive if he had seen this video... exactly what he probably needed... this song about monstrous pain is just that he needed which he sang for us, and which we all had to sing for him... had to... the cruel irony of fate... did`t have time to mount, although the concert was on July 1... Who knew?..............
Oh, don't tell us :( We were close to releasing the video when we found out about his death :( First week after the gig we spent on gathering all the videos from spectators and cameramen + started working on audio (as you can imagine there are a lot of tracks to handle) + as always we were anyway a bit behind in terms of time planned for everything. And we couldn't even imagine that something like that could have happened. Though last LP's album could give some hints actually - but everyone realized it only afterwards :'(
RocknMob Oh man, that was an incredible heartfelt tribute. Great singing and lovely piano too. For some reason I've got tears in my eyes... On a technical note, how did you isolate and record so many tracks in an open space? Well done.
Thank you! :'( We were recording vocals and instruments through mixers online (since our main organizer is musical studio, we had enough professional equipment for recording vocals and instruments, the set up usually takes around 4-6 hours) + in the final version of the tracks we are also using sound from video cameras where possible (to stay as close as possible to live sound). Though we should admit there's a room to improve and we are gonna work on that for sure!
God... The second the music kicked in I already had tears in my eyes, this is absolutely amazing, I wish I could've been there to sing along and pour out some of that sadness, that frustration about what happened with Chester... I mean I've never been a hardcore Linkin Park-fan but just...a fan. I've loved their music every since I was around six years old and listened to their songs on the radio by chance without even knowing anything about them. My dad only really got me into the band when I was around twelve and straight up got me all the albums - even those that others may describe as bad. He even agreed to take me on one of their concerts when I turned sixteen and I remember being absolutely excited because even though I was never trash for this band it was just a part of my childhood. When I heard one night on summer vacation that he had passed away I thought it was a joke. My friends convinced me to look it up, I did and still didn't want to believe it. I went up to my dad's bedroom, woke him up in the middle of the night to tell him what had happened. He didn't want to believe it either and looked it up immediately...but it proved to be true. That was the first time I've ever really seen my dad cry. He let me sleep in his room for the rest of the night and we ended up listening to old albums and even some bonus tracks we had never heard before - a nostalgia trip of a lifetime. And I guess it really helped me find closure, hearing those lyrics again (and sometimes for the very first time actually understanding them since I didn't speak English yet when I first heard most of them) and understanding some of the messages behind them made me understand that even though Chester was gone all that he had done in his life and all the songs that inspired so many would never disappear. And just seeing this video of all these people just singing that song together makes me so happy that Chester continues to live on in a way in all those that still cherish their music even now. Thank you - and sorry for rambling😊
Thanks a lot for sharing your story and nothing to apologize for! Yes, it was something nobody could believe in and for us it was also completely unexpected. We recorded this video 3 weeks before he passed away and suddenly it became a tribute... We are not planning to stop any time soon and we would be happy if you manage to join us one day! For sure LP will be performed on your mobs in future, so take your dad, come to Moscow and sing your souls out with us one day - we would be glad to help organize your trip!
I love that you’ve taken the time to type out your story with Linkin Park. Your not expected to love Linkin Park like a super fan and there’s no need to be sorry
Видео и исполнение и количество людей, которые приняли в этом участие, все просто невероятное. Спасибо за акцию, спасибо за то, что поделились! Спасибо, что сделали видео как "до свидания" Честеру, это невероятно!
Chester would've loved this. And I'm sure he does as he's looking at this in heaven.
This is the best tribute I've seen. I'm fucking crying right now.
Thanks so much for these nice and touching words! We are crying too, really :'(
Of course. Just watching you all play and sing together? I never seen anything like this before in my life. This was an amazing cover for real.
Thank you! You should also come and join us one day - it's so much more powerful live!
MegaTwiztid15 what if there no heaven nor hell?
Love u Chester
Happy 43 yrs old Chester, because legends never Die.
And 43 likes
Ammen brother. We. Love you Chester!!!! Rock on forever into the Afterlife.
# legends never die
He will forever be 41. You cant age within death.
These people aren’t doing this for money. Not for fame. Not for glory to themselves. They do this to honor a man who sang what we couldn’t express. A man who wrote rage and pain, grief and apathy, newness and wonder, light and hope. These men and women came together to honor and remember an era that shaped millions.
RIP Chester. And thanks for giving me some fire back in my heart in a damn dark time,
insaniac169 i feel you so hard
Megadeth referencce?:v
Music brings everyone together put the phones away just have fun and enjoy life !!!!
Semangat seLaLu ya 👍👍
Who is getting the TH-cam revenue tho?
When this pandemic is over.. I just want people to sing together like this again
Mukya Pradipta Agreed this is what we have been missing out on
Maybe one day soon
Amen for that
Mukya Pradipta yeah day rip this is amazing I loved the old days where we could live our life normally
@@salem_meow7137 music is haram. Don't be stupid
2024, and I'm listening again
You will listen this for your whole life.
Words like the “numb” ones will simply never pass away, and never gets old.
me too
Me also
Это точно, главное не потерять это наследие тех недалеких времен прошлого, когда мы были дружны. ❤✌️😊
- Chester didn't die
- Chester is still alive in our Hearts
- Miss U A Lot
He will never be Forgotten.
@@northerncalifornianewsnetw1300 Chester Bennington was murdered...
- Ты слышал "Linkin Park"?
- Это группа?
- Это эра.
В точку.
Лучше и не скажешь.
Красавчик, более и не скажешь...
Era это тоже группа, вот и круг замкнулся :)
Боже мой! Это же в Москве в парке Горького?! КАК Я МОГ ПРОПУСТИТЬ ЭТО СОБЫТИЕ???!!! Спасибо большое организаторам концерта памяти и я сожалею что не был там (((
A man is not dead while his name is still spoken
R.I.P. Chester May your name or your music never be unsung
Very nicely said. A man is dead while his name is spoken.. They say you have two deaths. This is perfect
One piece reference
as bruce lee said "the key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering." and we will never forget chester!!
You are so, right, I was told the last time someone says my son Jimmy’s name he will be dead. That’s why, although he’s been gone 14 years, I say his name every single day of my life for as long as I’m on this earth and then I will be with him forever
Ok, I am happy, TH-cam recommendations got something correct
Same here!
Same bruh
"Friend, have you heard of Linkin Park?"
"Oh, is that a band?"
"No, that is an era."
Music has no national boundaries, we are family here.
Love from China!
Love from India!
Love from india bro. LP foorever
Love back to you from Bulgaria!
This is so beautiful.. it's a shame we are divided by our leaders and politicians... This is one of the most beautiful thing I saw this month
I truly hope you have seen at least 6 months worth of beautiful things since you saw this!
Edit: spelling and clarity
Just visit Russia. We dont want war. How much Russian military bases can u count close to your county?
Music unites us all forget politics and media I'm from the US I have no hate towards anyone no matter what leaders try to do
these people made a start. don't let yourself split up. they always like to divide the masses because it's easier to keep them in check. let's unite
I could swear, when I'm listening to this, I can hear Chester's voice inside my head.
I was just thinking this!
Though I'm not a Linkin Park fan...I loved Chester...I literally cried the day he died...Well if you're thinking how I'm not a fan of Linkin Park...Im a 13yo from India and in India we don't get phone and internet connection too early...But I knew about him because of my brother...
Same here... if you can't, your not a real fan.
2019? Still miss him😞😞
He will be missed forever. He left behind a lot of reasons to be missed.
Miss him so much
Miss him so much
its still hurting...
I'm 28 and crying like a baby, this is magnificent. Thank you all.
Поддерживаю тебя, это сильно, это мощно и непередаваемо
I'm the same, bro!
don't worry bro u're not alone, i'm 31 and crying too
31 here, same here. It never changes man.
Завтра будет 7 лет, как его не стало. С ним ушла целая музыкальная эра. Покойся с миром Честер...
Is this just me or I hear Chester singing with them. Missing his arts.
One of the guys in the video was on the voice in one of the countries in or around Russia and sang this song for his audition
Let's be honest, many started thinking they won't cry but cried by the end.
During the second chores
Since the1st verse
When they started "and I know I may end up failing to..." I was done
By the middle
No matter how many times I try not to, I always cry because *In the end, it doesn't even matter*.
Today, two years ago he died..and till now i still miss him everyday
Same ... 😔 💔
Same .... 😔 💔
still makes me cry tbh
Its soon to be 3 years💔
*This was so good and sad at the same time....*
A'n'B Gaming Oh yeah yeah
На дворе 2020 год, а я до сих пор не могу смотреть это без слёз.😪 Честер, ты навсегда в наших сердцах. Я всё же хочу верить что у тебя ТАМ всё хорошо. Спи спокойно, легенда... 🖤🖤🖤
Здесь видела комментарий:
- Ты слышал "Linkin Park"?
- Это группа?
- Это эра.
И это истинно. Целый мир ушёл, целая эра закончилась.
привет мы из Индонезии
эх, если бы он видел это
@@lllKaradjalll 😣
@@lllKaradjalll он видел это....) Только на том свете...........)) Мы все к нему присоединимся,ведь рано или поздно мы все умрем..
Chester would love this... can't believe that this legendary voice is gone but this mob is the best tribute to him. We will never forget u and r.i.p Chester
Big Bosseseses your actually believing in this miracles ?
@Big Bosseseses nice you are a rassist as well, lovely. The structure of your german sentence is totally wrong, you aren't very bright are you ?
Это невероятно. LP были огромной частью моей подростковой жизни. Их музыка лечила и спасала. Мне уже 32, но я до сих пор их слушаю. Когда умер Честер, я будто потеряла близкого друга, которого при этом никогда не видела в живую. Мурашки от этого выступления. Ребята, вы такие невероятные и талантливые. Спасибо вам, за то что вы есть!
Тоже самое только мне 31
Плюсую, ощущения полностью такие же (
Мне 44
Мне 35 и Я с Вами содидарен
All guys, 2020. But we will never forget Chester.
Correct cuz even chester is gone our emotions and feelings for him is still here we love you chester especially my cousing your biggest fan 😭
We will never ever forget Chester
before Chester sang for Millions of people ... now Millions of people sing for him💔💔💔 We miss you Chestes❤
that`s so dame true
RIP Chester
We should sing more song for him them!!!
So he can hear us from above :)
I cant stop crying
Me too
Me too
@@abderazak7445 why,we do so much love,when anybody,s go for heaven
Don’t cry 😢
Same I don’t were I would be without him
Such an irony. My life was soo fucked up and Linkin Park's music saved me. I was one step on the other side, but Chester's voice made me want to stay here. And now he's gone and even if it was a few years ago, I still feel Deep and cold hole in my heart. This video make me cry every time I see it, I feel piece of Chester in it. He would love it.
He was my star on the dark sky. I didn't knew him for real, but I know his music. I miss you Chester. Hope you're ok now. I'm, sometimes.
Never stop fighting.
Man i feel this. When it became public that he‘s gone i cried so god damn hard. It felt like i lost a family member, and still does. Glad i saw them live when i was 12 and 17.
I can feel you bro. ❤
He's that one more light goes out in you
Hugs bruh. I feel you. ❤️
great job. Chester will be forever in our hearts. now we have to care for the other five :(
Thank you :'(
And for each other :)
Pahnful true bro
actually i'm female, but thanks :)
You're right the other five is so painful now..keep supporting them
Thank you Russia ❤ from Pennsylvania, U.S.
Jun Takumi I'm from Pittsburgh.
Lexa Lexa 😂😂😂😂
Рафаэль Габдрахимов пхп пхпхпхпхх,сам с себя угараю :D
Lexa Lexa конченый...
@@linkin0e339 вот из-за таких кретинов всё так и плохо в мире
This video give me life after chester death . I want to go there and hug them, cry , sing with them . Chester ,I know you are looking at us and smiling . I love you and no one can make me forget you and replace you , you will always stay in our memories and heart . Thank you for this amazing childhood. 😭😭😭
What a message! Thank you for these truly wonderful words! We would love to hug you and to sing with you too :'(
Chester will be in our hearts as well and we will play LP in future - no doubts in that.
RocknMob thanks for this video 😭
Почему я плачу? Плачу одновременно с улыбкой и чувством непомерной утраты.
I love it how music connects people...
Наверное это высшая степень проявления любви и преданности к музыканту. После просмотренного, гордишься своей страной, а главное людьми, которые в ней живут) Спасибо всем участникам! Ребята из LP должны это увидеть!
До слёз ё моё...
Спасибо за ваши слова :'( Музыка всегда стирает все границы!
Как говориться "Он пел для нас а теперь мы поём для него "
я плачу
Красиво сказал!)
Да но даже у пятиста человек не получится спеть так, как это делал Честер...
Лучше и не скажешь😔
Честер светлая память тебе не забуду тебя и Linkin Park 😭😭😭❤❤❤👍👍👍
надеюсь Честер видит это оттуда... сверху и радуется что он не зря прожил свою жизнь, что он вдохновил много людей, и мы должны отдать дань ему и его творчеству
Holy shit I got goosebumps. This is legendary.
Me too
Instantly got goosebumps not even joking 20 seconds in
Same, bro
Everyone did
Russian metal fans are the greatest, together with South Americans and Mexicans. Respect from Romania.
respect bro, fuck politic !
BlackkkSunrise South America is the fucking best continent. Respect from Argentina :D
Thank u ;3 ❤
The Danes are pretty awesome too! :P
Thx с:
I love you chester 😢😢
Md Soikot i miss to((
sup saber
Даже подумать не мог, что в России такие мероприятия проводятся. Молодцы те, кто это организовал
Заглядывайте к нам в будущем
Если найду деньги на самолет до Москвы то обязательно загляну)
@@RocknMob там даже бабиев
Балалайка топ :)
Это в Москве? Круто
Молодцы, ребята!!! Как бы мне хотелось оказаться вместе с вами!! R.I.P CHESTER мы знаем, что ты с нами❤
@@MrKoTera это было в Москве, чел
@@rondling Не, я просто смотрю, тут пишут одни англичане, что даже русских найти нужно листать)
@@MrKoTera всемирная легенда все же,
Очень круто !!!
I was honoured to be an angsty teen when those new guys, Linkin Park, had released their first singles. I'm so much more honoured today, getting reaffirmed time and time again that the sensational musical phenomenon that was, is and forever will be Linkin Park still touches so many hearts.
Music is a language we all understand. In the tough times we can unite and put differences aside. I pray for good health for all.
Music always help on tough time, chester u one who always understand us, u song has always help us fight in tough situation, we still missing u chester for everything u create for us( numb,heavy is one my favorite song) we still love u man😥
I have never seen a single man that hates linkin park
Im 26 years old, from Pakistan
Linkin park music helps me out from some of the darkest moment of my life when i got expelled from college and lost my big brother nd a good friend, doing drugs and not doing well in my life.
Now I'm finally graduated, and have a good job, doing well
Huge love for linkin park music.
I will always be thankful for their great music 🎶💝
И это Россия? Я думала, это происходит где-то в США. Я до сих пор пускаю слезу, когда смотрю что-то посвященное Честеру. Столько людей собрались, чтобы проявить уважение и признание к честеру и линкам. Музыка действительно может объединять.
Спасибо за теплые слова. Справедливости ради стоит отметить, что наш моб был 1 июля, до смерти Честера. Но впоследствии мы, во-первых, попридержали выход видео, а во-вторых, постарались передать и свои эмоции, поэтому видео получилось с грустинкой :'( в участниках в поиске напиши Emily
Это Киев,столица Украины!!!
@@hopper1313 да, знаменитая киевская набережная в Парке Горького, напротив МО России.
Just imagine being there with all these people.❤❤ That feeling of acceptance and singing along ...
Is what I want for so long now...
you wrote what i was just thinking
Боже осень 18 года. А слезы текут ручьем. И не от того что Честер ушел от нас. Ведь он не ушел)))!!! Все это он, в сердце каждого там. И до слез смотреть на то как такая толпа объединилась всеееее, просто чувствуется тепло и позитив. Это невероятно. Забыв о повседневном негативе
Было бы неплохо и в Рашке такое замутить, Медведев подтянулся бы ))
Тоже смотрю со слезами и одновременным восторгом от того, что такие люди не умирают, а остаются частичками в сердцах других людей, это бесценно! Честер с нами
Gerlum light В описании написано, что это Москва, так что уже замутили))
Entendi tudo!
So sad we can't bring the world together peacefully like music does. 🤘☮️
Go to " ONE FOR ISRAËL MINISTRY " ,you will see.
Кто и в 2020 пересматривает это?😇
Это невероятно😄
Тоже смотрю. Это вечно. Всё пройдёт, всё выйдет из моды, но классика и рок - это вечно.
@@goldenwife1143 дааа, неизменное на поколения 😳😳
@@alinapogosyan1110 мой сын слушает LP и я счастлива - ведь у современных подростков совсем другие предпочтения.
@@goldenwife1143 да, большинство моих сверстников слушают совершенно другую музыку. Это огорчает. Хотелось бы почаще встречать людей, ценящих музыку со смыслом
@@ИльяМасленников-ю3ю , приятно осознавать как много людей и сейчас любят такую музыку. Это же правда, очень удивительно
Вот что значит легенда .. когда тебя помнят ,любят и не забывают .. 🤘🏻💔
Thailnnd. Thang you
So much.
Легенды не уходят. Они с нами
I miss the rock era😟 a dying genre which needs a serious redemption!! Hope Chester comes back one day 😭
Rock won't die, it just sleeps for a bit and then it comes back. I love Rock it has so many feelings.
True now its just beaten by mumble rap
Alex J just as long as their is fans it will never die
Linkin Park,Steppenwolf,and Nikelback my favorite bands
A man stepped on the Earth and showed humanity that he is capable of conquering death. Acts 24:15 says that Chester can live again. I want to be there to greet him
4 years latter and the fact that Chester is gone still hits hard. I didn't think much about the band beyond the music until Mike came onto a dumb radio show called love line. Chester called in and messed with him and I laughed so damn hard. That little inside look at them made me want to know more about the people making the music I love. So I did. I found out that Chester was such a kind person and a wounded soul. The day I learned of his passed ripped my heart out because I knew what a hard fight he'd had.
Rip Chester, you gave me and thousands like me a cathartic outlet for all of my anger and pain and I'm so sorry no one could do it for you.
Дайте мне человека кто решил сделать это. Если этот момент увидит русский, то поставь лайк, посмотрим сколько нас.
Upd: 2024 год, а это так и вызывает бурю эмоций, МУЗЫКА ОБЪЕДИНЯЕТ!
а зачем тебе этот человек?) меня и других организаторов можешь найти на в разделе "команда" !
Просто хотел поблагодарить тебя и пожелать счастья
Спасибо, взаимно и тебе!)
Какой момент ?
sasha1990blr коммент
I still can't believe Chester is gone. 💔
I.M all in suga AN ARMY HERE HA?
I.M all in suga dame here
Army and yea it’s so sad even my parents were shocked
I.M all in suga same
I love that Balalaika guy. He's rock'n'roll at it's heart!
He is! And he is kind of symbol of Rocknmob by now, though it's a bit difficult to bring his balalaika to other cities :(
Честер не умер, он будет жить вечно в наших сердцах....!!!!
Честер он как Цой, его вроде уже нет но он все ещё с нами)
Chester’s death has been one of the hardest things for me to handle in my life. This video, I can’t even say if I like it or not, it made me cry but, not for the right reasons.
I’ve always had a very dark suicidal depression since I can remember and Linkin Park was always my first, most listened to, and respected band. They had amazing sound, diversity, individuality, and they had heart and soul behind every song. Chester’s song resonated with my heart and kept me alive; I always looked at him as a strong symbol of overcoming life’s hardships and adversity and made me believe that I could fight off my depression, make myself into something, and realize in the end it doesn’t even matter. Now...I feel so lost and like my fear of one day falling will happen.
I can’t really listen to Linkin Park now because I hear him crying in each song. I hear myself crying again and can’t handle it. I think of my daughters and family and the ones that have watched me battle with my depression and think I am some amazing person. SMH. I think he has scared me, at least instead of inspired, to stay alive because, I would never want to put this kind of pain on someone that may look up to me like that.
I pray that if there is a hell and if what is said about Christ is true in my mind that Chester’s soul was saved and he can finally embrace life through the universe, that he might have finally reached some sort of peace in the end.
Sak estu ngih dekk
Chester impacted so many lives and was such a powerful and eternal soul that will live on through every piece of his art and memory that we have of him. That will never go away. That holds value. It will always mean something. #MakeChesterProud
Don't feel like that. Chester helped so many people like us. Now you have to be stronger than ever.I know he feels our energy. Let's make Chester proud.
My mom died July 20,2013. I was sitting near Safeco Field(now T-Mobile Park) in Seattle listening to our 🎸 station when the news of Chester's passing broke on what would have been Chris Cornell's birthday. Really? All three on the same day?FML.😭😭😭💔💔💔
Это невероятно круто! Ребята спасибо вам за видео и такую акцию, спасибо что заставили улыбаться! Это потрясающе! Вы супер!!!
Спасибо вам такие слова поддержки!!
RocknMob где пели?
Данил Ш в описании
Парк Горького, Москва, 1 июля.
Спасибо ребятам! Почтили память, так почтили)) и спасибо Честеру за прекрасное детство и юность 👏🖤🖤🖤
Всегда в нашей памяти и сердцах
RIP, Chester. What an incredible tribute to an even more incredible musician. ❤
This video has to be shown to the whole world, showing how it is done homage. Not just for Chester, but for anyone who has left us.
Even all these crowd together don’t come close how Chester screams “I’ve become so numb”. He was a beast. Best tribute though.
Was gonna say the same thing....
Come on man no one could scream sing like Chester. Give them a break and throw in the Russian accent. I know what you mean.
only this one russian guy in that talent show came even close to his voice and he could only hold it for the last part.
1:05 does he go into Chester mode
Zeles, a Bulgarian guy.
Just imagine..
Chester voice was 1 of all and even louder..
Sang like an angel
Screamed like a demon
RIP Chester!🙏❤
This video always makes me cry so emotionally.
Chester's voice& soul still lives in our heart,
Без слёз смотреть не возможно😪
Честер навсегда в наших сердцах 🖤
До слёз и мурашек...Все поют и играют...Они одно целое. Linkin Park связывает и сближает. Честер Беннингтон навсегда в наших сердцах.
Chester never died. He simply became music..
I love hearing LPs music sung with the accents of different countries. Chester touched so many lives
Miss u badly Chester😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.... RIP legend.......u deserve this Tribute
Thats perfect . Im in tears right now
i miss you Chester bennington you are in my heart Chester bennington you were the Lead singer of Linkin park Chester bennington💔😢
Love from India 🇮🇳... You will be in our heart forever
Спасибо, Linkin park, за ваши легендарные треки. Спасибо, Честер, за твой замечательный голос. Ты навсегда в моём сердце ❤️
Who cares if one more light goes out? In the sky of a million stars..
And we always will
Linkin park is damn famous in India, we used to exchange these songs on Bluetooth. Love u chester❤ RIP
Hi ...I can only listen this song in V music channel but now I play his songs daily
Hell right bro, RIP Chester Bennington, miss the band so badly
Semangat seLaLu ya 👍👍
I am a die hard fan of LP & Chester from INDIA.
Still enjoy all the tracks n specially that deep voice of Chester. Best band in the world.
RIP Chester, miss you....
Not much famous still many people doesn't know about Linkin park
The song numb is to heavy for me. Every time I listen to that song, the only thing I could think of is how much Chester was suffering.
But this version lifts me up
Makes me feel I'm not alone
Makes me feel I'm not the only one suffering, I got so many people with me to sing this song
Ooooooooh yes, a lot of people...
Как же это классно!!!! И трогательно 🙏🙏🙏 Линкин парк группа моей души!
2019 ?
Who still misses him and listen to Linkin park when you ain't having a good day ?
Sanjay Bishnoi almost 2020
2020 and now....
I'm crying like a waterfall..... chester was my idol. He saved me from a big mistake. This Video gives me new strength
Он оставил такой большой след в наших сердцах.Мы все его ужасно любим,хоть и не знали в живую.
Так вот и не будь так он-придурком,за жизнь держись,дорожи ей
@@реальныйдальнобойщик не круто, чувак, не круто
🙏🙏🙏 respect !! What a good way and a good tribute to Chester's Legacy !!!
Wow.. Literal chills from watching this. Amazing how one person can make such an impact on so many lives.
Rip Chester
Честер Беннингтон 🙏😢
Помним,слушаем ,скорбим...
From Russia 🇷🇺 with love! We love Chestera.Legend never die
Hi there! Like you said, you're from Russia-can you translate the russian in these comments and tell me what they're basically saying out of curiosity?? I'm sorry, I know a little bit but not alot so idek what theyre saying😂
chester is THE legend
And legends never die
All the team are legend 😉
Который раз слушаю до сих пор слезы не высыхают... Все равно со слезами 😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🧡🧡🧡
Тебя с нами больше нет..... но ты вложил всю свою душу в музыку , а твоя музыка на всегда останется в наших сердцах.
Это слишком прекрасно.
До слез.
Для меня Linkin park это святое.. я плакал и сквозь слёзы подпевал
Ютуб, спасибо тебе за такую рекомендацию в 2020 году, Честер всегда в наших сердцах. Помним. Любим.🙏🙏🙏 RIP Cheaster, i miss you
Hey Chester , January 26 2022. We are still here.. Your music will never die.. Your legacy lives on . rest in paradise
Bro. January 22 2023 and we are all here )
Most of amazing tributes have come from Russia. Fans are thankful for these amazing performances. Thank you, guys.
Thank you for these warm words!
... и в память о моём сыне Сергее, он любил это произведение. часто слушаю... и плачу...
Индира Зуева мне очень жаль...наверное он был мой ровесник если он это слушал,мне 21 год.Мой лучший друг который меня подсадил на эту группу ещё в 2007 году,он тоже умер((ему бы было 23 года, Да и линкин парк уже не существует ,пусть это все светлое мы пронесём через всю жизнь.Остались лишь хорошие воспоминания,тогда я был по настоящему счастлив
@@АлександрКомаров-ы6ь моему сыну было 26 лет
моему тоже 26 было
Сочувствую Вам, Индира😔
Сочувствую вам
AMAZING ... crying... U rocks guys!!!!!!
thank you :'(
RocknMob I can't believe people would do this to remember someone, it's awesome
Honestly speaking, we did this mob BEFORE Chester's death (and we mentioned it in the description + we highlighted the date on the video too). But after latest event, we had to remaster the final video and we had to dedicate it to Chester. But we are sure that we will play LP in future anyway.
With respect to remembering - last year we performed "The Show Must Go On" for Freddie, who is still in our hearts too...
Growing up on LP, many of us felt like Chester was OUR voice, saying what we couldn't. NOW...WE are Chester's voice
chester would be smiling watching this from heaven
i miss you Chester bennington you are in heaven
We could only hope for that :'(
This is just the power of music. Love your job guys, this tribute is just amazing 😍😥
Thank you!
The power of music, it reminds me of exo
I can say nothing right now. So emotional.😭😭
Best Tribute ever...wish i was part of that. #ChesterLivesOn
Come to our next mobs then! We will perform LP for sure!
RocknMob thanks a lot. Am in Kenya, Africa..but that is not an issue. Thanks again for the good work.
Chester didn't die
- Chester is still alive in our Hearts🤍🤍🤍
Music has no national boundaries, we are family here.
Love from Bangladesh!
Moved beyond of the best tributes out there for sure.....incredible! None of my circle of friends is a fan so it would mean a lot if I could have been a part of this. Great job guys!!!!
Thank you!
It is so sorry that this video did`t created and published before Chester's suicide... maybe he would have been alive if he had seen this video... exactly what he probably needed... this song about monstrous pain is just that he needed which he sang for us, and which we all had to sing for him... had to... the cruel irony of fate... did`t have time to mount, although the concert was on July 1... Who knew?..............
Oh, don't tell us :( We were close to releasing the video when we found out about his death :(
First week after the gig we spent on gathering all the videos from spectators and cameramen + started working on audio (as you can imagine there are a lot of tracks to handle) + as always we were anyway a bit behind in terms of time planned for everything. And we couldn't even imagine that something like that could have happened. Though last LP's album could give some hints actually - but everyone realized it only afterwards :'(
RocknMob Oh man, that was an incredible heartfelt tribute. Great singing and lovely piano too. For some reason I've got tears in my eyes...
On a technical note, how did you isolate and record so many tracks in an open space? Well done.
Thank you! :'(
We were recording vocals and instruments through mixers online (since our main organizer is musical studio, we had enough professional equipment for recording vocals and instruments, the set up usually takes around 4-6 hours) + in the final version of the tracks we are also using sound from video cameras where possible (to stay as close as possible to live sound). Though we should admit there's a room to improve and we are gonna work on that for sure!
God... The second the music kicked in I already had tears in my eyes, this is absolutely amazing, I wish I could've been there to sing along and pour out some of that sadness, that frustration about what happened with Chester...
I mean I've never been a hardcore Linkin Park-fan but just...a fan. I've loved their music every since I was around six years old and listened to their songs on the radio by chance without even knowing anything about them. My dad only really got me into the band when I was around twelve and straight up got me all the albums - even those that others may describe as bad. He even agreed to take me on one of their concerts when I turned sixteen and I remember being absolutely excited because even though I was never trash for this band it was just a part of my childhood.
When I heard one night on summer vacation that he had passed away I thought it was a joke. My friends convinced me to look it up, I did and still didn't want to believe it. I went up to my dad's bedroom, woke him up in the middle of the night to tell him what had happened. He didn't want to believe it either and looked it up immediately...but it proved to be true.
That was the first time I've ever really seen my dad cry.
He let me sleep in his room for the rest of the night and we ended up listening to old albums and even some bonus tracks we had never heard before - a nostalgia trip of a lifetime. And I guess it really helped me find closure, hearing those lyrics again (and sometimes for the very first time actually understanding them since I didn't speak English yet when I first heard most of them) and understanding some of the messages behind them made me understand that even though Chester was gone all that he had done in his life and all the songs that inspired so many would never disappear.
And just seeing this video of all these people just singing that song together makes me so happy that Chester continues to live on in a way in all those that still cherish their music even now.
Thank you - and sorry for rambling😊
Thanks a lot for sharing your story and nothing to apologize for! Yes, it was something nobody could believe in and for us it was also completely unexpected. We recorded this video 3 weeks before he passed away and suddenly it became a tribute...
We are not planning to stop any time soon and we would be happy if you manage to join us one day! For sure LP will be performed on your mobs in future, so take your dad, come to Moscow and sing your souls out with us one day - we would be glad to help organize your trip!
RocknMob I'd love that😊
That comment made me so sad and so happy at the same time... touching❤
I cried for the millionth time for Chester after reading your comment. Thank you for writing this, @Mina Noack
I love that you’ve taken the time to type out your story with Linkin Park. Your not expected to love Linkin Park like a super fan and there’s no need to be sorry
Видео и исполнение и количество людей, которые приняли в этом участие, все просто невероятное. Спасибо за акцию, спасибо за то, что поделились! Спасибо, что сделали видео как "до свидания" Честеру, это невероятно!
Спасибо вам за теплые слова поддержки - для нас это действительно важно! :)
Честер...это такая боль...как же тебя не услышали..😣Легенда многих поколений,спи спокойно