Ben 10 Vs Goku | Epic Showdown | Part 1 | Sticknodes Animation | SK Animations

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 109

  • @SKAnimations2007
    @SKAnimations2007  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I know this video has some flaws and it feels kinda choppy because I was making two animations at the same time. The next part will be better and good, so wait patiently 😊 and enjoy....

    • @Sotanah
      @Sotanah 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You can't send me freeze big chill

    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Sotanah Oh, sure I can 😁

    • @Sotanah
      @Sotanah 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you you new my friend

    • @Sotanah
      @Sotanah 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You want pack ben

    • @GloomyGluttony
      @GloomyGluttony 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SKAnimations2007 can you do itachi vs madara.

  • @sonxicor8921
    @sonxicor8921 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    My face went like this 🤨 when I saw the incorrect super saiyan hair

  • @gamebyte637
    @gamebyte637 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Awesome bro!!! 🎉

  • @Chokdenwukong
    @Chokdenwukong หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    2:36 able to survive fire on face
    Meanwhile in dragon ball super :get fking hurt by a bullet

    • @pokeball-king6373
      @pokeball-king6373 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Do you even watch dragon ball that was for comedic effect like when Krillin threw the rock and when how he just shook his hand after an elephant stepped on it and has caught rounds of bullets like mosquitos what's your point

    • @Chokdenwukong
      @Chokdenwukong 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@pokeball-king6373 are you 🤡 or what because this comment is just a joke and I already watch db so your point and everyone was right db fans can’t read if you don’t understand joke than get off internet bruh

  • @Rip_sguy
    @Rip_sguy 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Channel is gonna explode 1 day…gud luck sk animation ❤

    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Keep supporting and one day I hope it will happen...😊

  • @gamerlion9926
    @gamerlion9926 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @quinnoliver3958
    @quinnoliver3958 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Not gonna lie I'm entertained but IDC what nobody says ben and his aliens can't keep up with Goku like that

    • @GloomyGluttony
      @GloomyGluttony 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It can depending on which Ben it is but not making it to super sayain blue or super sayian 4 at most
      Well Ben 10k biomatrix can pass super sayian 4 because of alienx and he can fuse with other powerful aliens
      Actually I lied I forgot Ben can take other aliens DNA he can take gokus DNA and turn into him

    • @quinnoliver3958
      @quinnoliver3958 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@GloomyGluttony ok maybe I gotta get more into ben 10 because I didn't know that but I still think Goku's skill and experience will give him the W

    • @GloomyGluttony
      @GloomyGluttony 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@quinnoliver3958 it will it just depends who thinks faster like goku will mop the floor with Ben 10k if he does go alien X at start and if he doesn't take goku's DNA then I doubt see a chance Ben 10k winning at all to be fair goku will still win but it just depends if Ben 10k on his feet

  • @KalopiAnimator
    @KalopiAnimator 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @MohamedDekkal-yy3uh
    @MohamedDekkal-yy3uh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Honestlly none of these guys would damage base goku
    But great animation aanyway keep up

    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sorry, I regret it but I have nothing to do now, I didn't research it well that time actually...Won't happen again 😐

    • @MohamedDekkal-yy3uh
      @MohamedDekkal-yy3uh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SKAnimations2007 it's alright keep up the good work

  • @user-qe3qs9bv2r
    @user-qe3qs9bv2r 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    saw your 2nd most recent vid about superman and homelander, can you make homelander vs batman?

    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I will think about it, it's a good idea 😁

  • @ashlol1839
    @ashlol1839 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Finally some Chromastone respect🗣️🗣️

  • @winterwinstar458
    @winterwinstar458 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @farukreis23
    @farukreis23 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Baisakh-g8q
    @Baisakh-g8q 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I want to sce goku power full form vs alien x this would be great battle 🎉

    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wait for the next part then...🙃

  • @JulianVera-l9z
    @JulianVera-l9z หลายเดือนก่อน

    3julian vera👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @Darkseidsolosfiction
    @Darkseidsolosfiction 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Hardest part about animations: choosing a background

  • @ВладиславДаков-щ4р
    @ВладиславДаков-щ4р 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Tova video e xybavo za Ben 10 Omniverse vs Goku 👍👍👍

  • @WhatIfStoryteller
    @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    ben 10 slams goku

    • @abetterworld96
      @abetterworld96 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Only with Alien X.

    • @WhatIfStoryteller
      @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@abetterworld96 actually he slams with clockwork and feedback too since these two aliens can be calced from complex multiversal to Outerversal

    • @Davi_Animations_BR_HD
      @Davi_Animations_BR_HD หลายเดือนก่อน

      without alien-x he has no chance, all other aliens would be very weak and their hax's would be nullified

    • @Davi_Animations_BR_HD
      @Davi_Animations_BR_HD หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@WhatIfStorytellerthey do not have this scale of raw power, the feats of these aliens were through hax's, which are not linked to other characteristics. Feedback and Clockwork have already been defeated by normal aliens, as they have physical limitations and their haxs are not linked

  • @PurplexFlex0316
    @PurplexFlex0316 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Waiting for the omnitrix to look at goku like 👀👌🏾🤼🏾‍♂️

    @KINGSHAYEN 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @WhatIfStoryteller
    @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    For Alien X:
    scaling Alien X using the CSAP Tiering System
    A small part of Alien X's DNA was able to cut through the contumelia's barrier who were 5d beings and they stated that the barrier was extradimensional and was what they used to protect them from the annihalarrg and alien X cut through this barrier and seeing as they needed the barrier to shield themselves this means that the barrier had to be also 5D or above 5D because the annihalarrg has to be above 5D since it is able to harm them so I would put the annihalarrg at 6D and the barrier at 6D and from this alien x is already One tier above sonic as alien x from this scales to 1-C or Complex Multiversal Level and also Instead of using this I can also just use the fact the barrier was extradimensional which on CSAP is alrieady 1-C even without my explanation. Next the Alien X recreates the universe feat is actually much greater than people think as the universe stated by Joe kelly is made up of multi-verses and ben 10 universes are confirmed as infinite and in the show it is stated several times that the multiverse is infinite (meaning it contains infinite universes) plus the other dimensions in ben 10 like null void, ledgerdomain, upchucks stomach dimension etc are part of the main universe and they are all also infinite so this means that a ben 10 universe already scales to multiversal. We can go even further in scaling the universe as in ben 10 alien force when paradox is retelling his backstory he said he had acquired knowledge on all the secrets in the universe and in the clip it showed aleph null so this means the universe has aleph null and a single universe in ben 10 is high hyperversal in the least and the universe is atleast aleph null sized which on CSAP scales Alien X to High Hyperversal Level or 1-B. Now Alien X can also changed the artstyle and cgi of the show which equates to r>f transcendence but to lowball him i will give him plot manipulation. In a cannon ben 10 comic called Ghost ship (comics are cannon confirmed by Duncan Rouleau) Ben 10 and Rook meet beings from incalculable dimensions this means that they are not from an infinite dimension no they are from incalculable dimensions meaning they come from a dimension so high it can't be calculated using infinity or finite numbers and this means these being at the very least are 1-B or High Hyperversal level and Alien X scales beyond these beings making Alien X 1-A or Outerversal level being beyond dimensionality and also alien x comes from the forge of creation a place beyond and outside of space, time and everything and so Alien X by these two feats is beyond dimensionality and there are more than 27 dimensions in ben 10 the naljians said there are only 27 that matter but this doesn't mean that there are only 27 there are more and maybe it doesn't matter to them because they can't view them or they know they could never reach or accend past the 26 dimension or 27th. There are more things I can use to scale Alien but for now ALIEN X SCALES TO OUTERVERSAL LEVEL OR 1-A.

  • @WhatIfStoryteller
    @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I could go way further with this as ben 10 has type 4 multivers and type 4 multiverse contains all math and things that can be explained with logic. If I used vsbw alien X could go up to boundless+ and goku would practically still be the same on multiverse level, a little stronger or even weaker seeing as vsbw mods said the tiering downplays DB

  • @Gojo_554-o1y
    @Gojo_554-o1y หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  หลายเดือนก่อน

      You know the winner already, right?

    • @Uknown-c7t
      @Uknown-c7t หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SKAnimations2007 goku obviously 👍🏽

  • @bluefire126
    @bluefire126 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    who was goku talking about that was mistaking for ben

  • @GloomyGluttony
    @GloomyGluttony 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ben is stupid when he held the kamekameha he should have absord it instead of throwing it back this why the ben 10k is more advance and smarter
    And ik its not elictricity but if he can hold it he can absorb it

  • @katherinedoughty7084
    @katherinedoughty7084 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    bro whats whith the ssj hair

  • @Moonlight_23451
    @Moonlight_23451 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bro why hair ssj base

  • @TheGoat16
    @TheGoat16 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Goku a alien am I right. Technically he Ben10 can transform into goku's strongest form

  • @WhatIfStoryteller
    @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I am not going to go too indebt on alien X seeing as I would be going into the ben 10 cosmology and I might seem too sophisticated so I'll downplay alien X's scale

    • @kye1814
      @kye1814 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      might seem too sophisticated 🤓🤓 alien x never wins against goku buddy

    • @WhatIfStoryteller
      @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@kye1814 Alien X does fodder gokus verse entirely DBTARD

    • @blumusprime2900
      @blumusprime2900 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Downplaying him is ok, alien x is overkill for goku anyways

    • @WhatIfStoryteller
      @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@blumusprime2900 Fr, W comment feedback is enough

    • @WhatIfStoryteller
      @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      A single universe in Ben 10 has infinite dimensions, proving with MWI and Ghostship (canon) that a universe in Ben 10 is high hyperversal. It’s further proven to be high hyper with aleph null existing in the universe.
      Then, Ben 10 universes have other dimensions in them like null-void, ledgerdomain, computer simulation universes and many more. its fx but at this point it is irrelevant as a single universe is already high hyper. But this would be complex multiversal for one universe (fodder for true scale) due to null-void and ledgerdomain, with null-void being extradimensional while ledgerdomain is about 5D, which on tiering scales a single universe in ben 10 to complex multiversal.
      But a universe in Ben 10 is actually high hyper. WRONG! A universe in Ben 10 also has metaphysics, and metaphysics scales to 1-A or outerversal level. Meaning, a universe in Ben 10 is Outerversal.
      Then, Joe Kelly says that a universe in Ben 10 is made up of multiverses which contain universes, and the Ben 10 multiverse is a type 4 multiverse. So, a universe in Ben 10 has type 4 multiverses in them, and a multiverse in Ben 10 has infinite universes. So, these multiverses have infinite universes.
      I already scaled a single Ben 10 universe, and by the logic of Ben 10 universes, these universes should also have their own multiverses, and the cycle repeats indefinitely. So, a single universe in Ben 10 should be high outer due to having infinite multiverses in it which are type 4 and have MWI, inaccessible dimensions and metaphysics in a single universe and this universe is infinitely or inaccessibly beyond each of the universes that it contains. Thus, the main universe that holds all this should be inaccessible layers beyond these universes and multiverses. But just to lowball it, I’ll put it at Outerversal level.
      This means that a single universe in Ben 10>>>>>>>>>>>Comp Adventure Time. So, Alien X neg diffs Finn into nonexistence as Alien X recreated this universe and is beyond all this as he exists in a metaphysical plane called the forge of creation outside all of time, space and dimensions and in multiple ben 10 scans it is stated that Celestialsapiens had transcended our very plane of existence. The Celestialsapiens have R>F transcendence over their entire verse, meaning Ben 10’s Omniverse, as the omniverse exists in Ben 10 due to Ultimate Albedo’s statements. We know that the omniverse > multiverse (main one that contains all timelines and universes with dimensions) and timestream.
      Since Joe Kelly confirmed that Celestialsapiens can control and change the entire Ben 10 franchise and he even stated that if they did that, "he’d be without a job", and Duncan Rouleau also confirmed that Celestialsapiens are avatars of the authors, so they are beyond the Ben 10 verse (R>F transcendence). Plus, the changing of the art style and CGI of the verse and the fact that they are beyond Paradox, who keeps referring to the verse or timelines as a story with his “there are many ways to tell a story” statements which would mean theoretically he also has R>F Transcendance over the verse.
      So, Celestialsapiens R>F transcend a verse with this high of a cosmology. So, they should be infinite or outerversal layers into high outerversal or boundless.
      single ben 10 universe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comp Nasuverse and Comp Adventure time 🗿

  • @mehmetarslan5847
    @mehmetarslan5847 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If that is the last chapter manga Goku, then Ben can only beat him with Alien X. The other aliens can’t touch him. Base Goku easily destroys them all

  • @WhatIfStoryteller
    @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A single universe in Ben 10 has infinite dimensions, proving with MWI and Ghostship (canon) that a universe in Ben 10 is high hyperversal. It’s further proven to be high hyper with aleph null existing in the universe.
    Then, Ben 10 universes have other dimensions in them like null-void, ledgerdomain, computer simulation universes and many more. its fx but at this point it is irrelevant as a single universe is already high hyper. But this would be complex multiversal for one universe (fodder for true scale) due to null-void and ledgerdomain, with null-void being extradimensional while ledgerdomain is about 5D, which on tiering scales a single universe in ben 10 to complex multiversal.
    But a universe in Ben 10 is actually high hyper. WRONG! A universe in Ben 10 also has metaphysics, and metaphysics scales to 1-A or outerversal level. Meaning, a universe in Ben 10 is Outerversal.
    Then, Joe Kelly says that a universe in Ben 10 is made up of multiverses which contain universes, and the Ben 10 multiverse is a type 4 multiverse. So, a universe in Ben 10 has type 4 multiverses in them, and a multiverse in Ben 10 has infinite universes. So, these multiverses have infinite universes.
    I already scaled a single Ben 10 universe, and by the logic of Ben 10 universes, these universes should also have their own multiverses, and the cycle repeats indefinitely. So, a single universe in Ben 10 should be high outer due to having infinite multiverses in it which are type 4 and have MWI, inaccessible dimensions and metaphysics in a single universe and this universe is infinitely or inaccessibly beyond each of the universes that it contains. Thus, the main universe that holds all this should be inaccessible layers beyond these universes and multiverses. But just to lowball it, I’ll put it at Outerversal level.
    This means that a single universe in Ben 10>>>>>>>>>>>Comp Adventure Time. So, Alien X neg diffs Finn into nonexistence as Alien X recreated this universe and is beyond all this as he exists in a metaphysical plane called the forge of creation outside all of time, space and dimensions and in multiple ben 10 scans it is stated that Celestialsapiens had transcended our very plane of existence. The Celestialsapiens have R>F transcendence over their entire verse, meaning Ben 10’s Omniverse, as the omniverse exists in Ben 10 due to Ultimate Albedo’s statements. We know that the omniverse > multiverse (main one that contains all timelines and universes with dimensions) and timestream.
    Since Joe Kelly confirmed that Celestialsapiens can control and change the entire Ben 10 franchise and he even stated that if they did that, "he’d be without a job", and Duncan Rouleau also confirmed that Celestialsapiens are avatars of the authors, so they are beyond the Ben 10 verse (R>F transcendence). Plus, the changing of the art style and CGI of the verse and the fact that they are beyond Paradox, who keeps referring to the verse or timelines as a story with his “there are many ways to tell a story” statements which would mean theoretically he also has R>F Transcendance over the verse.
    So, Celestialsapiens R>F transcend a verse with this high of a cosmology. So, they should be infinite or outerversal layers into high outerversal or boundless.
    single ben 10 universe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comp Nasuverse and Comp Adventure time 🗿

  • @hssjsbvdhs3382
    @hssjsbvdhs3382 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You know what is cool ? If someone made a fnf mod about this
    I am cringe 😢

    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nah bro, you are animation is cringe 😐

    • @hssjsbvdhs3382
      @hssjsbvdhs3382 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SKAnimations2007 cringe ? You serious? You make a awesome video i can't even do the same like you ? Cringe ? You must be a jokester if so you make me laugh

  • @fs-puwali9933
    @fs-puwali9933 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Instead of fighting with that monster together they r fighting with each other. How dumb...

  • @WhatIfStoryteller
    @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'll be using CSAP tiering cuz its more consistent and VSBW mods already said there were some biases in their scaling to lowball DB so i'm using CSAP

    • @gamebyte637
      @gamebyte637 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What the hell are you saying?

    • @WhatIfStoryteller
      @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gamebyte637 well its power scaling u wouldn't get it

    • @WhatIfStoryteller
      @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      A single universe in Ben 10 has infinite dimensions, proven with ben 10 having a type 3 multiverse(its actually type 4 multi) and a type 3 multi has MWI and infinite dimensional hilbert space and also in a cannon ben 10 comic called Ghostship (canon) we see beings from incalculable dimensions and this puts a universe in Ben 10 easily at high hyperversal. It’s further proven to be high hyper with aleph null existing in the universe.
      Then, Ben 10 universes have other dimensions in them like null-void, ledgerdomain, computer simulation universes and many more. its fax but at this point it is irrelevant as a single universe is already high hyper. But this would be complex multiversal for one universe (fodder for true scale) due to null-void and ledgerdomain, with null-void being extradimensional while ledgerdomain is about 5D, which on tiering scales a single universe in ben 10 to complex multiversal.
      But a universe in Ben 10 is actually high hyper. WRONG! A universe in Ben 10 also has metaphysics, and metaphysics scales to 1-A or outerversal level. Meaning, a universe in Ben 10 is Outerversal.
      Then, Joe Kelly says that a universe in Ben 10 is made up of multiverses which contain universes, and the Ben 10 multiverse is a type 4 multiverse. So, a universe in Ben 10 has type 4 multiverses in them, and a multiverse in Ben 10 has infinite universes. So, these multiverses have infinite universes.
      I already scaled a single Ben 10 universe, and by the logic of Ben 10 universes, these universes should also have their own multiverses, and the cycle repeats indefinitely. So, a single universe in Ben 10 should be high outer due to having infinite multiverses in it which are type 4 and have MWI, inaccessible dimensions and metaphysics in a single universe and this universe is infinitely or inaccessibly beyond each of the universes that it contains. Thus, the main universe that holds all this should be inaccessible layers beyond these universes and multiverses. But just to lowball it, I’ll put it at Outerversal level.
      This means that a single universe in Ben 10>>>>>>>>>>>Comp Adventure Time. So, Alien X neg diffs Finn into nonexistence as Alien X recreated this universe and is beyond all this as he exists in a metaphysical plane called the forge of creation outside all of time, space and dimensions and in multiple ben 10 scans it is stated that Celestialsapiens had transcended our very plane of existence. The Celestialsapiens have R>F transcendence over their entire verse, meaning Ben 10’s Omniverse, as the omniverse exists in Ben 10 due to Ultimate Albedo’s statements. We know that the omniverse > multiverse (main one that contains all timelines and universes with dimensions) and timestream.
      Since Joe Kelly confirmed that Celestialsapiens can control and change the entire Ben 10 franchise and he even stated that if they did that, "he’d be without a job", and Duncan Rouleau also confirmed that Celestialsapiens are avatars of the authors, so they are beyond the Ben 10 verse (R>F transcendence). Plus, the changing of the art style and CGI of the verse and the fact that they are beyond Paradox, who keeps referring to the verse or timelines as a story with his “there are many ways to tell a story” statements which would mean theoretically he also has R>F Transcendance over the verse.
      So, Celestialsapiens R>F transcend a verse with this high of a cosmology. So, they should be infinite or outerversal layers into high outerversal or boundless.
      single ben 10 universe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comp Nasuverse and Comp Adventure time 🗿

    • @gamebyte637
      @gamebyte637 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@WhatIfStoryteller I am starting to like you man, your explanations has logic

    • @WhatIfStoryteller
      @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gamebyte637 thanks

  • @uwgres
    @uwgres 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why goku vs kaido
    And goku forgot multiverse

  • @Kenarinor6650
    @Kenarinor6650 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Did Goku meet albedo because he is the evil version of ben 10

    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yup, he misunderstood him for albedo and that's how they start fighting, Goku didn't give ben a chance to explain anything...😁

    • @Kenarinor6650
      @Kenarinor6650 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SKAnimations2007 and I see part 2 in the end beerus appeared then after part 3 end whis must appear and tell Goku that you fighting the wrong person like this

  • @МагомедМеджидов-м5л
    @МагомедМеджидов-м5л 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Почему так много людей недооценивают гоку как по мне некто кромя героя X не чего не смогут сделать ему в его базовой форме он ещё во времена битвы с бирусом перещёл на уровень вселенной в базе и это без учёта космологии его вёрса как оказалась ни#ёвая такая, так он ещё на момент битвы с моро усилилсля до#илярд раз если не трилиарды или даже больше количество раз так что в базе он уже как миниум средний мультивселенский если не полнноценный мультивселенник так что одно только микроскопическое давление аурой со строны гоку и бен развеется кровавым туманом по ветру если вобше не разложится на атомы да я не отрицаю что в форме Героя X он на легке вынесет гоку из за по сути всемогущества этого иноплатянина что как говорят ограничен лишь собственным воображением но тут вступают в дело 2 фактора ещё в турнире тенкаичи будокай против теншинхана гоку показал скорость превышающую скорость света а про нынешную его скорость и помыслить страшно так что пока Бен будет нажимать кнопку часов с перспиктивы гоку он будет долбанной статуей который пока тот двинется хотябы на миллиметр для гоку пройдёт целая вечность и тот просто оторвёт ему голову не потратив и мгновенья Бен тупо не поспеет,во вторых активаци героя X для Бена не лёгкая ибо даже когда вселенная была на грани уничтожения бену понадобилось не мало времени на то чтобы помирит две личности внутри него и заствить их действовать но даже тогда они сделали это с неохотой да и то когда они уже согласились вселенная уже была уничтожена и бен просто создал новую так что они могут тупо отказать ему в использывании героя X

    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Bro, chill, don't take this seriously, I also know that ben's aliens are no match for goku but I had to tone down goku so that all csn enjoy the video.

    • @МагомедМеджидов-м5л
      @МагомедМеджидов-м5л 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SKAnimations2007 не анимация супер просто мне голову ломает то что 4 руки тетраманд может наносит урон гоку

    • @gamebyte637
      @gamebyte637 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@МагомедМеджидов-м5лAtomix and alien x can damage goku, in my opinion, other than that, no other aliens won't stand chance against him

    • @WhatIfStoryteller
      @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Alot of this is wrong as 1. Ben has full control of Alien X and 2. Well they were in the white nothingness which is a timeless void proven when maltruant tries to use his time powers but fails because time doesn't exist there and the omnitrix was still functioning and working so this means that the omnitrix has infinite speed; another fact is when the Omnitrix gave Ben feedback to stop the annihalarrg's explosion and save him from the annihilarg's big bang, but Ben was already struck by big bang so "the omnitrix stopped the another from hitting ben with feedback when it had already hit base ben" The annihalarrg had already hit Ben and was still extending (so Ben transformed into feedback after getting hit by it) , Ben obviously can't survive it so omnitrix reacted to something that already happened which is an immeasurable speed feat and also the annihalarrg created spacetime in an instant and expands through it so the annihalarrg was moving at immeasurable speed and the omnitrix reacting to it is also an immeasurable speed feat.

    • @WhatIfStoryteller
      @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Therefore Omnitrix reaction time is way faster than goku's speed

  • @RobotronicFIat
    @RobotronicFIat 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The commentor deleted his own comments, I didn't do anything

  • @Rakibb-oz6zz
    @Rakibb-oz6zz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Big Fan Boss🥲

  • @ShermanYeo
    @ShermanYeo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How did Goku met Ben? Did he met another version of him?

    • @SKAnimations2007
      @SKAnimations2007  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Good question, goku fought with ben's alternate versions before that's why he recognizes him and wants to fight him again (It's just a made up story to make them fight)

    • @ShermanYeo
      @ShermanYeo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SKAnimations2007 cool, also, Goku's ssj hair is weird.

  • @WhatIfStoryteller
    @WhatIfStoryteller 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    feedback tbh can damage goku