Inspiring Library Growth Through Outreach

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ม.ค. 2025
  • Embracing the old saying "the more you know, the more you grow'' holds true for Libraries, but with just a little adjusting, "the more you are known, the more you'll grow." Expanding outreach allows the community to know and acknowledge the Library as a thriving community service. Using this idea the Floyd County Library Director Melissa Merida will share their library's expansion of services over the last 5 years through creating unique service locations including an art museum, a digital library branch, and a satellite library in a local college library. Their approach through a low cost commitment to deliver creative outreach points of service without a bookmobile will be highlighted and tools for successful events will be shared . "Our growth in branches, funding and services is not due to any one thing, it is due to staff being committed to dream big and finding a way to say "yes" to community events and partnerships." Allowing people to SEE the Library in new and unique ways that has people asking for library locations in their neighborhoods. The ideas that will be shared can be duplicated or may inspire your own creativity.
    Presenter: Melissa Merida, Library Director - Floyd County Public Library
    This webinar is worth 1 LEU
    This webinar is eligible for Library Education Units for Indiana Librarians. The following policy applies: Any time a staff member views an online event (or a library purchases a site license for an online event) by any of the Training Providers Approved by ISL for LEUs, the library’s designee in an administrative or Human Resources role shall create and award LEU certificates in-house.

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