You can just unequip the gamma when making the preset. This way it will unequip it but it doesn't change its internals so you only have to manage the gamma which is super nice
Tried the whole 'AP, SP, HP, Tracer' combos in the past (kinda amusing the differences we can make on a full auto burst) - just make note of the difference in the ammo values; a tracer that's 250m/s slower has a different trajectory to the 'main' ammo and is going to give a misleading impression. eg. We see the tracer fall low or short and correct but with 250m/s more speed and a flatter trajectory, our main bullets then fly high/long once we correct based on the tracer..
One issue with what you said: even with docs case presets, leaving keys loose in your stash takes up a TON of space, especially if you run key heavy maps like shoreline or reserve. Its very worth it to get multiple docs cases, especially considering how cheap they are to barter
@@lootzifer3056 There are both green and red tracers but I wrongly thought some guns had both red and green tracer rounds. I checked today and it's only one color or the other
@squawmous yeah no, I meant the 7.62x54 R calibre has only red, green is 7.62x51. 9mm got only green. 545 has red and so on... there was never a calibre that has both colours.
Great Point ! I'd would also love to see an option in the preset to ignore selected slot. That way, we could really stack the preset, like you proposed, but without having to move our loadout ...
I had slowly been piecing together this "modular" kit style together in my mind after realizing the kits I saved weren't being used. Well done sir. You saved me some headache by explaining it so well.
@@Hawokki that is one thing, otherwise you would have to place multiple items back into the container, and you might forget something. Not to mention takes a lot of time.
You can make drinking even cheaper by trading water from Therapist's barter. Bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide usually costs between 7 and 10k on the Flea and serves as a 1 to 1 barter on Therapist.
While partial presets have value, I think full kit presets do as well. This weekend I was working on Tarkov Shooter Part 3 (AP-M for the win). So I saved a quest specific kit preset so I could quickly get back into raid after each death. (Hint: you can right click on your gun & gear in the preset screen to buy the base gun so it doesn't rebuy any basic items. This is also a good idea for any items with durability to ensure you don't buy a burnt out item because it was the cheapest.) This worked well enough that I'm probably going to use this for any raid where I've built the kit rather than just grabbing gear I have on hand. One annoyance with presets it they don't save the slot binds, so I have to remember to set them before going back into raid.
The presets are great and I am a fan of your content and how you present it. I am coming aback to EFT after a year or two of being away. I was never really great at it. I love the "tab" feature as well as using the menu button on the equipment you want to employ. I have always scrolled up and down my stash. OMG, this is very helpful even if I am just now getting the idea for the preset load outs. Thank you so much.
I'll just add that they should swap the buy/sell bit in the middle of trading to each respective side that you've clicked, so if you click on something a trader has the buy/sell needs to auto switch.
Absolutely killing it this wipe with the tip videos, these efficiency shortcuts really help out! Would love an updated barter overview if you got that cooking.😲
That is brilliant with the presets for mixed mags. I loved mixed mags that but eventually stopped due to how annoying it is to do each time. Eventually I craft enough ammo for it not to matter but early game this is key. I also wonder if it works for guns with internal mags like shotguns. I liked mixing flechette and magnum buckshot together in my shotgun mags since I could shred armor and do heavy flesh damage for my first fight which could either be a mega chad . Super handy on factory on in CQC early in a raid.
Gigabeef never disappoint! The preset for is so useful!!! I never thought of it. I like to do 856a1 and 885a1 by interval, now I can do it so efficiently.
Hey, new to Tarkov why the different bullets in the same mag? I read some comments about tracers in intervals or at bottom of mag to know when low, but why 10x then 20x? Wait is it to pack armor pen rounds up top to break through armor, then high damage rounds to do high damage since you don't need pen after armor is broken anyway?
@@Dapeach_ in some raid you wont empty out and magdump ur whole 30 rounder and often its those first 10-15 bullets that are making the major difference in a fight, so its for efficiency so you dont bring 30 expensive ammo and not often use the whole mag. but ofc it depends on the specific situation but ppl do that to save money
They should have modes for kit presets, like "replace" and "add". You could make a kit that just added basic meds to whatever loadout you have or have a preset docs case that just adds to your pouch.
What we really need is the option to mark individual slots as included/excluded from a preset so we can use modular presets without having to take things off.
I’ve been doing this as well. Default preset with headset, mask, 6b helmet, and bank robber. Then just adding in whatever gear I have left through the stash. I do like the docs case trick and will be incorporating that once I’ve collected some more useful keys.
The thing i think would make the preset system perfect is the ability to exclude certain slots from being handled by that individual preset. Like a preset that only handles your rig, or a preset that only handles your pockets, or a preset that doesn't touch your secure container etc.
Actually been doing the sugar and water trick for a couple wipes now and it’s amazing. Also do it with kvass last wipe so I can make aquamaris. Any food item I get in raid, I just eat. I could bring a pack of sugar if it’s a long raid but will save it. Will try to save the hydration too in raid if I don’t need the loot slots
Ok, hear me out: if you can get the beard as a streamer item, then you should TOTALLY get Gigabeed hair piece as a streamer item. It can’t allow a helmet and has no armour but looks dope af. 50,000 roubles for it!
A "Don't care" option for slots would be great, it would allow you to apply a gear preset without affecting your wielded firearm, or vice versa. Lean into the "modular" side, allowing multiple presets to be put one on top of the other.
I'd like to be able to Right-click on the empty slot on my PMC, say Holster or Backpack and it then give me a drop down menu with the relevant presets that I have saved (not all.. don't show me weapon presets for my Backpack). Ideally if making a preset could be done in a pop-up like the Sorting table, then we could make the AK101 preset, with mixed and spare mags by the side. Selecting that option would then equip the weapon and lob the mags into the rig/backpack as space allowed. If not enough space is available on the PMC, then the preset would clock this and not allow selection. Alternatively we could choose to just make a gun preset without the mags and make rig presets instead with mags in them but the Right-click and drop down would make the whole process so much slicker than the current model, albeit it's a hella improvement over what we've had.
The presets should be configurable so that you can choose which slot it applies to and not just unequip every slot that was empty in the save preset and make a mess in your stash
I stack a 6-4-6-4-6-4 ratio of AP/Tracer ammo for 30rnd mags, when/If I have enough rounds to load up. It saves me a little money, but it lets me know, with each say, 5-10rnd burst, I'm putting out a good number of AP type rounds, but have enough Tracers to know where the rounds are going, but where I'm at in my magazine without needing to manually check it mid fight.
2:30 Although this trick is a good one, in order to not use doc cases for each map, but the doc case, in my opinion, can save up lots of space(64 keys in 4 doc case= 64 slots to 8 slot). For players like me who keep a tons of decent weapon mods, I think it would be better if I stick with 1 doc case/keychain/SICC per map(except Factory).
This is why I save all my presets without my gamma case equipped, that way it never messes with what's inside of it, then I can just grab the right docs case and go, its so much easier than having to fight the game every time you switch kits.
"Out of raid food" means the Metabolism bug has been fixed, where you are not leveling it while consuming something not in raid? Or are you consuming it in raid down to 1 durability and take them back?
I run bottom 10 tracer as that was my old SOP, I think it has helped in tarkov for more of the medium range fights, like 50 yards+ but I also count my rounds, like how you count triplets in music... idk its what I do.
So, if I have more than one docs/sicc case, which I have put the corresponding keys into, does the preset prefer to equip the docs case which is already finished, or does it drop all my keys from one of my storage docs cases and yoink the keys off the already stored and finished docs case?
I started making and using presets and after the first time equiping one it trades all ur keys from ur keytool and or docs case to another set of keytools and docs case, idk why prob based on the first case u got, so I found its best to just leave ur Gamma container out of the the preset, ur probably gonna change it anyway so its better to just take it out when equiping a preset and make a preset
But if ur gonna do presets for 1 docs case ok multiple maps with multiple keys. Where do u have the rest of the keys that u dont use for that raid? It will use a lot of slots if ur only using 1 docs, maybe its usefull pre 15-20 but after then it's pretty ez to buy more docs and use them for both storage and switching for each map ur going. I also like to go wity several docs on most maps since u can loot so many keys, valubale items u can have in docs and whatnot and then keep my keys witch is almost a full docs for that map.
i have gear sets and then use the workshop to assemble guns and then just name the guns and gear accordingly with labeled magazines for each map it has saved me a ton of time
I swore I said no more tarkov for me ever, but by watching all your vids, I once again fail against the temptation and am back in the crazy mess of early wipe
IN PRESETS on your first attempt to equip it will try to buy every part of the gun that comes stock. just buy the gun from that menu and then go back and then click equip again. now it works perfectly. I have about 10 presets for what ever map im going to. I don't recommend the docs case one. it doesnt work out if you use those for wallets. but the presets are amazing. I am now able to completely regear gun and all in under 30 seccs and be back to matchmaking
Hey Giga, one mistake you made. When you create a load out with a docs case it seems to use whichever docs case is at the top. It also will not prioritize used keys, I brought in a custom key set with a bunch of FIR that I was saving to sell on flea and in doing so it emptied my other docs case I had not yet saved as a preset. A bit chaotic.
see this dude is massively help full, question, if my key are all shoved into a keytool will it pull them from the keytool to my docs case with the preset?
Use Thunderbolt over Tazan. Almost the same price, but almost a kg lighter and more space. *correction, 13-14k more expensive than Tarzan, I forgot about the barter
@@fukkitz7015 Where did I say it's cheaper? Also, you are correct about the 4-6k estimate, I wasn't looking at the barter when I checked so it's something like 5k vs 18k. Still not a huge difference for almost 1kg less weight and a few extra slots.
@@Gl-my8fw People who want the best and don't worry about every 10k rubbles? I also (sometimes) pay for bags cause either a Day Pack and a Tasmanian Tiger bag are way better than any other bag in terms of weight to size ratio. You can easily save 2-3 kg just by buying the right rig and bag.
Seems the real purpose of the loadout presets will become apparent when arena releases, because Nikita said in NoiceGuys Q&A that its the custom loadout screen for arena and if you dont have EFT you can only use default presets
I'll never understand top loading mags. Theres so many scenarios where you would expel all your good ammo before its effective leaving you with the lesser effective ammo to do the job. The times where I get my kills with the last legs of my mag are far too many. Its based on the assumption you're hitting every single shot which is never the case in any game. You run into multiple PMC's with one mag all the sudden you drop one with 55A1 now you're left with 56A1 to deal with others when you could've just had a full mag of 55A1 to send their way.
Top loading mags is not done because it's better than just having the mag full of good ammo. It's done because you're broke and can't afford more of the good ammo. That said, I personally always prioritize having the first mag (in the gun) use all the good ammo.
@@tdrm 100%. I die with several loaded mags most of the time, I am lucky if I use up one full mag in most fights (and this wipe has been a LOT of ambush kills so I don't get to shoot at all). I'd rather give my enemy 20 or 30 good rounds instead of 90 to 120. I do the same though, first mag is nothing but good ammo for that first fight if I have the ammo available. Depending on my mood I may also bring a different color mag with cheaper ammo and use the mag selection reload feature to load that when fighting a scav. For instance 7.62 PS for scavs, BP for PMC's. Assuming I have time to switch.
Having your high pen high recoil ammo first is actually kinda bad because of tarkov first recoil impulse before leveling out. By the time your spray levels out all of your good ammo has missed on any target that’s at any sort of range.
6a1 and 5a1 are practically the same recoil add. This had practical use in some extremely niche cases, ie subsonic sx and sb193 but with their pen nerfs it's basically only 7n40 5.45 that this works properly with now
@@Gigabeef regardless, the initial recoil impulse that all automatic weapons in tarkov have, especially if not meta, would make make you miss more of the first half of your mag than the latter half.
This might be the case in certain situations, but that ultimately comes down to the user to determine semi auto vs full auto depending on how comfortable you personally are with that weapon, imo
Isn't essentially everything you said about these presents pointless? For example, if you just came out of Shoreline with an RFB and want to run customs with an AK 101, you would need to load 2 presets, one for mags, one for the Docs case. Depending which order you load them in, they're going to overwrite one another. It's essentially useless.
8:10 No, I disagree as a person who has played the game for half a decade, Im too used to older trader screens. Its instinct, Changing to the new method will take learning and I CBA with that.
You can just unequip the gamma when making the preset. This way it will unequip it but it doesn't change its internals so you only have to manage the gamma which is super nice
thank you
I'm now tempted to run a tracer every 3rd round for spotting
Remember tracers work both ways lol
Tried the whole 'AP, SP, HP, Tracer' combos in the past (kinda amusing the differences we can make on a full auto burst) - just make note of the difference in the ammo values; a tracer that's 250m/s slower has a different trajectory to the 'main' ammo and is going to give a misleading impression. eg. We see the tracer fall low or short and correct but with 250m/s more speed and a flatter trajectory, our main bullets then fly high/long once we correct based on the tracer..
Or tracers at the end of mag, say the last five rounds so you always know when you're almost out
mixing ammo is a scam in this game, so I don't know
@@HeyItzMeDawg sometimes
Your endless quest for efficiency speaks to my engineer brain and soul
One issue with what you said: even with docs case presets, leaving keys loose in your stash takes up a TON of space, especially if you run key heavy maps like shoreline or reserve. Its very worth it to get multiple docs cases, especially considering how cheap they are to barter
we need to be able to "ignore" some eqpt slots in the preset, would help a ton
Now you can mix green and red tracers for Christmas magazines
what caliber can u do like this?
@@mysterioushomoguyyou could do it with 7.62x54mm R
@brgplxdfkuhecnxde1613 isn't there just red tracers? Is there new ammo? didn't play last and this wipe so far.
@@lootzifer3056 There are both green and red tracers but I wrongly thought some guns had both red and green tracer rounds. I checked today and it's only one color or the other
@squawmous yeah no, I meant the 7.62x54 R calibre has only red, green is 7.62x51. 9mm got only green. 545 has red and so on... there was never a calibre that has both colours.
Great Point !
I'd would also love to see an option in the preset to ignore selected slot. That way, we could really stack the preset, like you proposed, but without having to move our loadout ...
This is the needed feature that makes presets perfect. This exists in Hunt, and is the thing I most love about inventory management in that game.
I had slowly been piecing together this "modular" kit style together in my mind after realizing the kits I saved weren't being used. Well done sir. You saved me some headache by explaining it so well.
1:14 it might be better to unequip the secure container instead of emptying it. Just a tip.
@@Hawokki that is one thing, otherwise you would have to place multiple items back into the container, and you might forget something. Not to mention takes a lot of time.
I would looooooooooove a "drag all button" from the sorting table, so we can drop everything into a scav box in 1 drag.
You can make drinking even cheaper by trading water from Therapist's barter. Bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide usually costs between 7 and 10k on the Flea and serves as a 1 to 1 barter on Therapist.
While partial presets have value, I think full kit presets do as well. This weekend I was working on Tarkov Shooter Part 3 (AP-M for the win). So I saved a quest specific kit preset so I could quickly get back into raid after each death. (Hint: you can right click on your gun & gear in the preset screen to buy the base gun so it doesn't rebuy any basic items. This is also a good idea for any items with durability to ensure you don't buy a burnt out item because it was the cheapest.) This worked well enough that I'm probably going to use this for any raid where I've built the kit rather than just grabbing gear I have on hand. One annoyance with presets it they don't save the slot binds, so I have to remember to set them before going back into raid.
The presets are great and I am a fan of your content and how you present it. I am coming aback to EFT after a year or two of being away. I was never really great at it. I love the "tab" feature as well as using the menu button on the equipment you want to employ. I have always scrolled up and down my stash. OMG, this is very helpful even if I am just now getting the idea for the preset load outs. Thank you so much.
Always great and unique content. Loving the hardcore videos too! Watched you my first wipe and now I’m on my 6th!
I'll just add that they should swap the buy/sell bit in the middle of trading to each respective side that you've clicked, so if you click on something a trader has the buy/sell needs to auto switch.
Thank you. The presets are a game changer for me now. Thank you for showing me this.
Absolutely killing it this wipe with the tip videos, these efficiency shortcuts really help out! Would love an updated barter overview if you got that cooking.😲
havent played much this wipe, had no idea the presets worked with items inside the gear. very cool
Awesome tips! Thank you Gb!
Dude, you are the absolute go to authority on genuinely useful tarlov info. Cheers
That is brilliant with the presets for mixed mags. I loved mixed mags that but eventually stopped due to how annoying it is to do each time. Eventually I craft enough ammo for it not to matter but early game this is key.
I also wonder if it works for guns with internal mags like shotguns. I liked mixing flechette and magnum buckshot together in my shotgun mags since I could shred armor and do heavy flesh damage for my first fight which could either be a mega chad . Super handy on factory on in CQC early in a raid.
GigaBeef is out here single-handedly saving my wipe
Great tips as always GB!
Love the idea of modular. And a "base" set. Gonna try this. Thank you for the great content!
Gigabeef never disappoint! The preset for is so useful!!! I never thought of it. I like to do 856a1 and 885a1 by interval, now I can do it so efficiently.
Hey, new to Tarkov why the different bullets in the same mag? I read some comments about tracers in intervals or at bottom of mag to know when low, but why 10x then 20x?
Wait is it to pack armor pen rounds up top to break through armor, then high damage rounds to do high damage since you don't need pen after armor is broken anyway?
@@Dapeach_ in some raid you wont empty out and magdump ur whole 30 rounder and often its those first 10-15 bullets that are making the major difference in a fight, so its for efficiency so you dont bring 30 expensive ammo and not often use the whole mag. but ofc it depends on the specific situation but ppl do that to save money
@@snorka1029 makes sense! Thanks for the reply! Safe extracts brother
@@Dapeach_ ofc
They should have modes for kit presets, like "replace" and "add". You could make a kit that just added basic meds to whatever loadout you have or have a preset docs case that just adds to your pouch.
That would be the ideal version yeah
Man, some great tips here. Bless you.
What we really need is the option to mark individual slots as included/excluded from a preset so we can use modular presets without having to take things off.
3:50 what do you keep your keys in then? a key holder?
Bro this is a really good Tips with the presets ❤
I’ve been doing this as well. Default preset with headset, mask, 6b helmet, and bank robber. Then just adding in whatever gear I have left through the stash. I do like the docs case trick and will be incorporating that once I’ve collected some more useful keys.
The thing i think would make the preset system perfect is the ability to exclude certain slots from being handled by that individual preset. Like a preset that only handles your rig, or a preset that only handles your pockets, or a preset that doesn't touch your secure container etc.
I don’t always watch Tarkov videos, but when Gigabeef posts, I watch it to the end.
This is pretty neat. I still am lvl 13 so the only preset I've used is my "Stirrup" setup. Naked with a 1911 with compensator and a 11 rnd mag 😅
GOAT’ed tips right here mate! Such a high quality every time
10:44 POV: you're a hummingbird
Actually been doing the sugar and water trick for a couple wipes now and it’s amazing. Also do it with kvass last wipe so I can make aquamaris. Any food item I get in raid, I just eat. I could bring a pack of sugar if it’s a long raid but will save it. Will try to save the hydration too in raid if I don’t need the loot slots
Ok, hear me out: if you can get the beard as a streamer item, then you should TOTALLY get Gigabeed hair piece as a streamer item. It can’t allow a helmet and has no armour but looks dope af. 50,000 roubles for it!
finally some 1 with knowledge attached ) thx mate)
Great breakdown Gigabeef!
A "Don't care" option for slots would be great, it would allow you to apply a gear preset without affecting your wielded firearm, or vice versa. Lean into the "modular" side, allowing multiple presets to be put one on top of the other.
I'd like to be able to Right-click on the empty slot on my PMC, say Holster or Backpack and it then give me a drop down menu with the relevant presets that I have saved (not all.. don't show me weapon presets for my Backpack). Ideally if making a preset could be done in a pop-up like the Sorting table, then we could make the AK101 preset, with mixed and spare mags by the side. Selecting that option would then equip the weapon and lob the mags into the rig/backpack as space allowed. If not enough space is available on the PMC, then the preset would clock this and not allow selection. Alternatively we could choose to just make a gun preset without the mags and make rig presets instead with mags in them but the Right-click and drop down would make the whole process so much slicker than the current model, albeit it's a hella improvement over what we've had.
That would be N I C E
The presets should be configurable so that you can choose which slot it applies to and not just unequip every slot that was empty in the save preset and make a mess in your stash
You're a legend
Funny thing is I realized I could mag pack like this about a day ago when I unlocked 855A1 😂 thank God I don't have to do it by hand anymore.
I stack a 6-4-6-4-6-4 ratio of AP/Tracer ammo for 30rnd mags, when/If I have enough rounds to load up. It saves me a little money, but it lets me know, with each say, 5-10rnd burst, I'm putting out a good number of AP type rounds, but have enough Tracers to know where the rounds are going, but where I'm at in my magazine without needing to manually check it mid fight.
Some tasty tips here. thanks gigabeef
2:30 Although this trick is a good one, in order to not use doc cases for each map, but the doc case, in my opinion, can save up lots of space(64 keys in 4 doc case= 64 slots to 8 slot).
For players like me who keep a tons of decent weapon mods, I think it would be better if I stick with 1 doc case/keychain/SICC per map(except Factory).
Running tracer as the last 5 of a mag is a wonderful idea
Great video. Thank you!
Going to try the docs case key trick.
For the mag preset you could also put the ammo in your secure on the preset to make it easier to pull them up
Well a few minutes later we great minds-ed
Haha yep still figuring it out totally myself!
@@Gigabeef this new system makes a really good argument for saving weapon presets without mags for now too.
This is why I save all my presets without my gamma case equipped, that way it never messes with what's inside of it, then I can just grab the right docs case and go, its so much easier than having to fight the game every time you switch kits.
"Out of raid food" means the Metabolism bug has been fixed, where you are not leveling it while consuming something not in raid? Or are you consuming it in raid down to 1 durability and take them back?
I run bottom 10 tracer as that was my old SOP, I think it has helped in tarkov for more of the medium range fights, like 50 yards+ but I also count my rounds, like how you count triplets in music... idk its what I do.
Awesome tips!
Also the gingy Keychain is probably the best streamer item.
So, if I have more than one docs/sicc case, which I have put the corresponding keys into, does the preset prefer to equip the docs case which is already finished, or does it drop all my keys from one of my storage docs cases and yoink the keys off the already stored and finished docs case?
I started making and using presets and after the first time equiping one it trades all ur keys from ur keytool and or docs case to another set of keytools and docs case, idk why prob based on the first case u got, so I found its best to just leave ur Gamma container out of the the preset, ur probably gonna change it anyway so its better to just take it out when equiping a preset and make a preset
But if ur gonna do presets for 1 docs case ok multiple maps with multiple keys. Where do u have the rest of the keys that u dont use for that raid? It will use a lot of slots if ur only using 1 docs, maybe its usefull pre 15-20 but after then it's pretty ez to buy more docs and use them for both storage and switching for each map ur going. I also like to go wity several docs on most maps since u can loot so many keys, valubale items u can have in docs and whatnot and then keep my keys witch is almost a full docs for that map.
i have gear sets and then use the workshop to assemble guns and then just name the guns and gear accordingly with labeled magazines for each map it has saved me a ton of time
I swore I said no more tarkov for me ever, but by watching all your vids, I once again fail against the temptation and am back in the crazy mess of early wipe
IN PRESETS on your first attempt to equip it will try to buy every part of the gun that comes stock. just buy the gun from that menu and then go back and then click equip again. now it works perfectly. I have about 10 presets for what ever map im going to. I don't recommend the docs case one. it doesnt work out if you use those for wallets. but the presets are amazing. I am now able to completely regear gun and all in under 30 seccs and be back to matchmaking
Gigabeef just once again being a Gigabrain thx for the content
Any tips for meds in the gamma case? I'm going crazy that everytime it switches used meds for new meds for no reason...
Hey Giga, one mistake you made.
When you create a load out with a docs case it seems to use whichever docs case is at the top. It also will not prioritize used keys, I brought in a custom key set with a bunch of FIR that I was saving to sell on flea and in doing so it emptied my other docs case I had not yet saved as a preset. A bit chaotic.
i see one problem with the Pouch, if u use your Surg kit once it will switch it out for a fresh one. same with painkiller etc. thats kinda annoying
I guess it's always fresh then. Can add it manually if you want to keep a 4/5 or something
How would it be to HAVE 5.45 BP-US-BP-US
How would that work recoil wise?
Always brilliant
see this dude is massively help full, question, if my key are all shoved into a keytool will it pull them from the keytool to my docs case with the preset?
Hmm I think so? I haven't checked that tbh
@@Gigabeef it pulls my meds from my medical case, so i assume it would work with keys in a keytool. I just checked that one out myself
Also to add, im my customs keys preset i added 10000 roubles just incase car extraction as well
Use Thunderbolt over Tazan. Almost the same price, but almost a kg lighter and more space.
*correction, 13-14k more expensive than Tarzan, I forgot about the barter
Who pays for rigs?
tarzan is about 4-6k dont know how thunderbolt is cheaper
@@fukkitz7015 Where did I say it's cheaper? Also, you are correct about the 4-6k estimate, I wasn't looking at the barter when I checked so it's something like 5k vs 18k. Still not a huge difference for almost 1kg less weight and a few extra slots.
@@Gl-my8fw People who want the best and don't worry about every 10k rubbles? I also (sometimes) pay for bags cause either a Day Pack and a Tasmanian Tiger bag are way better than any other bag in terms of weight to size ratio. You can easily save 2-3 kg just by buying the right rig and bag.
@@Dyils I always have an unlimited supply of stuff like zhuk by day 3
for food and water, i like sprats and ewr. maybe not the most cost effective or efficient but its compact
Do you think they will patch the Doc's case preset? It seems too convenient.
Man, you're a god damn genius
Seems the real purpose of the loadout presets will become apparent when arena releases, because Nikita said in NoiceGuys Q&A that its the custom loadout screen for arena and if you dont have EFT you can only use default presets
This man is always showing us ways to do simple cheeky exploits. Love it, man!
Can you do video on new 7.62x39 PP rounds?
I do sugar then aquamari then barter for flir’s but a lot of people seem to be doing it too
Great video
Changing my diet with last tip now hahaha
Does it save tagged mags?
Once a lot more people get to mid/late wipe stage it will make more sense to use it. But love the video and i learned a lot
I'll never understand top loading mags. Theres so many scenarios where you would expel all your good ammo before its effective leaving you with the lesser effective ammo to do the job. The times where I get my kills with the last legs of my mag are far too many. Its based on the assumption you're hitting every single shot which is never the case in any game. You run into multiple PMC's with one mag all the sudden you drop one with 55A1 now you're left with 56A1 to deal with others when you could've just had a full mag of 55A1 to send their way.
Top loading mags is not done because it's better than just having the mag full of good ammo. It's done because you're broke and can't afford more of the good ammo. That said, I personally always prioritize having the first mag (in the gun) use all the good ammo.
@@tdrm 100%. I die with several loaded mags most of the time, I am lucky if I use up one full mag in most fights (and this wipe has been a LOT of ambush kills so I don't get to shoot at all). I'd rather give my enemy 20 or 30 good rounds instead of 90 to 120.
I do the same though, first mag is nothing but good ammo for that first fight if I have the ammo available. Depending on my mood I may also bring a different color mag with cheaper ammo and use the mag selection reload feature to load that when fighting a scav. For instance 7.62 PS for scavs, BP for PMC's. Assuming I have time to switch.
@@Swarm509exactly why I top load so when I do die I don’t lose 90 rounds of good ammo that cost a fortune and I’ll never get to use
I do it to save the good ammo. So if you die before shooting it doesn't hurt as much
I don't top load
I alternate 2 bullets if three types
Just because I know it will piss off the guy who killed me
Having your high pen high recoil ammo first is actually kinda bad because of tarkov first recoil impulse before leveling out. By the time your spray levels out all of your good ammo has missed on any target that’s at any sort of range.
Just run full mags and don’t top load like a puss
You should be aiming for the head and pulling down on the recoil anyway
6a1 and 5a1 are practically the same recoil add. This had practical use in some extremely niche cases, ie subsonic sx and sb193 but with their pen nerfs it's basically only 7n40 5.45 that this works properly with now
@@Gigabeef regardless, the initial recoil impulse that all automatic weapons in tarkov have, especially if not meta, would make make you miss more of the first half of your mag than the latter half.
This might be the case in certain situations, but that ultimately comes down to the user to determine semi auto vs full auto depending on how comfortable you personally are with that weapon, imo
Mixing your ammo like this is asking to miss your shots if you are taking shots in quick succession. Different ammo types have additional recoil.
Finally i can have like 10 different tan man loadouts saved so i can die even faster
Why do you use the tarzan rig usually? I personaly don't like it at all.
Cheapest rig in the game with the hunter matches barter
They really need to allow you to have presets ignore certain slots. Having it save and change every single thing is very annoying.
I like this idea with mags but with keys doesn't it just throw all your keys into the top of your stash when you swap?
Probably. I keep the top of my stash empty with cases below so it’s easier to find stuff i just bought or taken off my PMC or Scav
Ive been doing the tab thing for all of last wipe and this wipe
Isn't essentially everything you said about these presents pointless? For example, if you just came out of Shoreline with an RFB and want to run customs with an AK 101, you would need to load 2 presets, one for mags, one for the Docs case. Depending which order you load them in, they're going to overwrite one another. It's essentially useless.
with the ak101 preset you should save it with the ammo in your secure container
I actually thought after it's better to save it in the rig. As it needs to be removed totally to make the base kit as the ammo is not included there
But aren’t u only suppose to drink and eat in raid? Or else u don’t level metabolism.
I believe they changed that a couple of wipes ago it now counts out if raid aswell
I prefer a 1-2-1-2 method. Its a pain to waste the better ammo on scavs being left with what was meant for them on players instead
8:10 No, I disagree as a person who has played the game for half a decade, Im too used to older trader screens. Its instinct, Changing to the new method will take learning and I CBA with that.
Lazy is never a good look
Adapt or d
Beef, tab has always worked, I used to use it to go back to stash from the queue....
I always miss my shots 3-4 due to recoil, wish I could replace those with FMJ lolll
Omg that's what this video's about! Yooo thank u!
@@benallmon5613but only if he’s a cqb warrior. If he fullauto regularly and miss his first shots
There is a hidden stat that increases probability of jams when you switch ammo types. So dont pack mags 1/1/1/1/1/1...
Where do you find this info?