Last week I grabbed a couple of microwaves that seemed a little lighter than I was expecting. When I opened them up, I found the transformer had been replaced by some sort of module containing several coils of copper wire. Very surprised and happy! So be on the lookout if you normally just grab and scrap.
Since I only get about 5 cents lb in Sarnia it is way better to take off the copper spools and aluminum first. Transformers are another great item I get from a lot of circuit boards.
Great teardown well done
Thank you for the comment and for watching.
Great video. I've never seen an electric caddy.
Yeah, amazing what you can find on garbage day.
Final weight 6lbs aluminum, tin 9lbs , and copper armature
Good job 👍👍👍 pozdrawiam serdecznie z Polski 🇵🇱🤗
Thank you.
Last week I grabbed a couple of microwaves that seemed a little lighter than I was expecting. When I opened them up, I found the transformer had been replaced by some sort of module containing several coils of copper wire. Very surprised and happy! So be on the lookout if you normally just grab and scrap.
You got one that has an inverter. They have a good few pieces of extrusion as well as copper coil.
U should buy a storage unit to clean out ive seen other scrappers do that
Yeah, you can find some real treasures for sure. Although not many places around where I live for that unfortunately.
Hi what do u do with all ur circuit boards do u sell them or tear them apart
Since I only get about 5 cents lb in Sarnia it is way better to take off the copper spools and aluminum first. Transformers are another great item I get from a lot of circuit boards.
I still bring the rest of the board in for circuit board price once removing the goodies.
Have you ever torn apart a pneumatic motor for scrap?
You have to be more specific, there are
lots of types of pneumatic motors. I would say yes, a few styles.