Ziyarat Sayada Zainab Zaynab

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Today is Wiladat hazrat Zainab (sa) Egyptians the daughter of Fatima (sa) is with you and her message
    Zainab's message - "Any of you who are related to or committed to this family - anyone who is faithful to the mission of Muhammad (saww) - you must think and select - in every age, every generation, in whatever land you may be; you must listen to the message of the martyrs of Karbala who said:
    'Those can live well who can die well.'
    "You who believe in the message of divine unity and the Qur'an as well as the way of Ali and his family and you who will come after us, the message of our family to humanity is the art of how to live well and how to die well.
    "If you are religious, you have a responsibility to your religion. A liberated person also has a responsibility towards human liberty. Witness your time. Witness the conflict between the truth and falsehood of your age. Wherever our martyrs bear witness, they are aware and alive and always present. They are a symbol and bear witness to the truth and falsity, the destiny and fate of humanity."
    A martyr embraces all of these. Each revolution has two visages: blood and a message. Anyone who has chosen the responsibility of accepting truth, anyone who knows what a Hussaini's responsibility means, anyone who under­stands the responsibility of the freedom of humanity, must know that in the permanent battle of history -,everywhere and everyplace, all fields - are Karbala, all months are Muharram, all days are Ashura and thus one must choose: either blood or bearing the message, to be either Husayn-like('a) or Zainab-like (as), to die like Husayn ('a) or remain like Zainab, if he does not want to be absent and always wants to have presence.
    Hussain and Zainab this brother and sister showed you the way to freedom but only you can make your destiny. If you take one step towards them they will take several steps to help you. Reclaim the true meaning of martyrdom freedom for all (and not to kill innocents on trains ), Freedom for Christian Muslims and all Egyptians. Do not forget those who have fallen and do not let their sacrifice be in vain for you and not give you maximum benefit. Freedom is round the corner seize the moment, seize your destiny and with the blood of those that you have lost Damn the miserable fate, Damn the slavery to Pharoes, Damn Mubarak and his thugs! Today is the day! There are no tomorrows unless Hayhat Mina Zilla! Hayhat Mina Zilla! Hayhat Mina Zilla!
    (dr. Ali shariati arise and bear witness)
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of the Chief of prophets.
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of the Master of the sanctuary and the banner.
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of him who was made to ascend to (highest) heaven and reached the station of two bows' length (to Allah) or even closer.
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of the Leader of the pious.
    Peace be upon you. O' daughter of the Leader of the Deen.
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of the Commander of the faithful.
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of him who prayed towards the two qiblahs [Jerusalem, then Mecca].
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of Muhammad, the chosen.
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of Ali, the content (with the decree of Allah).
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of Fatima, the radiant.
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of Khadija, the elder.
    Peace be upon you, O' righteous one, pleasing (to Allah).
    Peace be upon you, O' learned, rightly guided one.
    Peace be upon you, O' generous, noble one.
    Peace be upon you, O' pious, pure one.
    Peace be upon you, O' you who were thoroughly tested by sufferance like Husayn, the oppressed.
    Peace be upon you, O' you who were kept far from your home.
    Peace be upon you, O' you who were held captive in cities.
    Peace be upon you, O' daughter of the greatest endeared friend of Allah.
    Peace be upon you, O' sister of the glorified friend of Allah.
    Peace be upon you, O' aunt of the revered friend of Allah.
    Peace be upon you, O' sister of misfortunes, Sayyida Zaynab, and may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.
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