btw the littlebird has rockets and machine guns and flares also pls do a viewer loadout vid my loadout is fal desert eagle hk416 riotshield or mcx spear 5th slot is kriss vector 6th is barret m82 7th is aug 8th is airstrike and 9th is medkits
The harrier was made for ground attack operations not for air to air fighting it’s slow turn rate makes it easily able to be outperformed by multirole fighters like the MiG-29 I mean you can still get a kill but you would have to go head on since the two twin 25mm guns can shred it if your leading is good.
Go military tycoon and haven’t seen updates you will really love these new updates. Go try for yourself. I promise you these are the best updates. It’s much better than war.
What level are you in War Tycoon?
How many sound effects do u want?
Zaylex: *yes*
Nice vid man I even bought merch from the group ❤
Can I get a f 35 plz
6:00 *YOUR LAND NEEDS A LITTLE FREEDOM*🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
what are you doing 😂
1 and You Blow up the Bridge LOL😂
toycopter best vehicle fr
You my fav war tycoon TH-camr
It is I agree
It's the scariest thing to get chased by
Ur my fav war tycoon player ngl love u (
no homo)
Zaylax your videos help me get new vehicles and motivate me to fight back thank you
man i am his subscriber since his channel still 800 subs now its growing very fast im glad to see you growing fast 😊
Good for you
ahh yes another wonderful meme zaylax vid
Respect. As an editor, this would've taken forever.
I love your content i just alway's find it amazing so i say you keep it up
Bruh me who has harrier and gonna sell its plushie for 800 robux:🤑🤑🤑
Zaylax you have the best videos and best editing i just love to Watch these videos them always make me laugh ❤
The guy who you killed in the 600 second was me 😂😂😂
Um he never died during it
@@afkaim3read it
3:08 I skydive into under the map too😅😅😅
yo love the vids i dare u to get a 100 kills with the warthog
btw the littlebird has rockets and machine guns and flares also pls do a viewer loadout vid my loadout is fal desert eagle hk416 riotshield or mcx spear 5th slot is kriss vector 6th is barret m82 7th is aug 8th is airstrike and 9th is medkits
I thought that I was so bad with planes but when I saw the clip of Zaylax trying to kill that mig I changed my mind
The harrier was made for ground attack operations not for air to air fighting it’s slow turn rate makes it easily able to be outperformed by multirole fighters like the MiG-29
I mean you can still get a kill but you would have to go head on since the two twin 25mm guns can shred it if your leading is good.
Yo wassup ma boy I love ur videos
Zaylax are you Filipino?
No he isnt
@@henrycariaga8312actually he is
your videos always make me laugh
99% video
1% gameplay
War Tycoon suggestion: make a video about the Mi-24 Hind
6:29 he crashed the toycopter 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I got 5 2 Days but im level 2 😂
Watching this after getting harrier II just hit different (For me only, or is it?)
Yes yes yes😊
Bought your merch Andi really like it
Maybe pin
30 lvl on daily challenges
You forgot the i woke up in a new Bugatti sound effect
Im on lvl 26 and tmmr i get harrier i am exited!!!🎉🎉🎉
I got an a10 that boi IS FIRIN UP I LOVE THE A10
Bro showing all bugs of war tycoon Xd
I broke down in tears after they removed toycopter 😭😢
8:10 Why dont you use flares?!
Go military tycoon and haven’t seen updates you will really love these new updates. Go try for yourself. I promise you these are the best updates. It’s much better than war.
“Level 30”😂😂
Level 5 get an Katyusha USSR Artillery
Level 20 get an Supermarine Spitfire From Brtitish
Survey quest get an Toycopter
Haha abramos x
Hello what are you
nice video
Level 28 i think ill get jt friday
is toycopter real?
zaylax i need to teach u to get better in flying
am i that bad?😪
@@Zaylax yes you are u crashed a toy helicopter WE NEED TO TEACH YOU
@@Zaylax i would teach u bc u lost to a mig
I am stronger and war tycoon 😈 war or fear?
In your dreams💀💀💀💀💀💀
Are you sure?
Whats the song name? 0:45
my level is 17 and hi zaylax
Level 7 what are you level?
Bạn là nhất vì tôi chỉ mới có 20 tái sinh nên sẻ cho bạn thấy caln tôi mạnh thế nào
Almost 30
Pls can u give name this shorts 😢😢
5:57 💀
hi papa zaylax
bro is a veteran
Level 30 because you say so in vid
6:12how to get toyocopter
Phighting soundtrack???🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
F 35 = A10 warthog + Harrier 2
how does this mf have better editing than most big youtubers 😭
Engel56y: você vai querer ir pra casa ou na?
Plz play milatery tycoon agen
I'm level 41 or 42 i don't remember well
3:28 women driver 💀💀💀
Early team
I’m rebirth seven
hairrier is OOOPPPP!!!!!
F14 Tomcat = Best Dogfight
A10 Warthog = Best Ground attack
Harrier II = Best F2P
F35 Lighting II = Best P2W
Can you make videos about military tycoon please you need to check the new updates it’s so cool
Military tycoon is a money grab game and negative graphics and even worse physics than war tycoon
So true
military tycoon?
Can you doo losat
press f toycopter
The first one
Over 30
5:52 NATO💀
AH-1Z pls
Soy nivel 30 Xd
@@G396gg si pásame tu user
@@G396gg el mío es ASTEKAYU
Can I get gifted the f-35 pls or the hindi or explosive sniper.
Blud thinks he's going to get that types of gifts 💀
LEVEL 10 /:
Im anger1972
Haii zay can u give me a f-35 hehehe i already subscribe😊😊😅
Ye i aready have harrier ll it côl
My level is ???
3 level☠️
Can i get please F35 Lighting im subscribe
Lv 15
Where's the funny moments
1 levl
blud aint buur
1:50 уровень 30
I'm at level 16
I am 25 right now
I’m level 43
Can u gift me f-35 pls
I can
Level ur sigma