From the smallest tick of the clock Until the son and moon change spot Money and I gon be jumping the broom Fill up the room with the craziest rocks Fame is fake love respect and hate For as long as you make it A couple tricks under my sleeve, cut from a different cloth you’ll never see me naked Why Would I trade decades of peace for a brief pleasure Soon as I pop you’ll be able to guess the heat measure Iced out, my Climatic jewels are able to change weathers Jealousy, envy, ego are against solidarity To live a life of quality Africans need the ability to raise funds and escape slave salaries Put Work in to get ahead of the rest Thought expressed under duress Nevertheless Since my passion threatens my peace I’m zipping up my fleece Baby boy goes fast and furious like tyrese
☝🏾 #foshen
From the smallest tick of the clock
Until the son and moon change spot
Money and I gon be jumping the broom
Fill up the room with the craziest rocks
Fame is fake love respect and hate For as long as you make it
A couple tricks under my sleeve, cut from a different cloth you’ll never see me naked
Why Would I trade decades of peace for a brief pleasure
Soon as I pop you’ll be able to guess the heat measure
Iced out, my Climatic jewels are able to change weathers
Jealousy, envy, ego are against solidarity
To live a life of quality
Africans need the ability to raise funds and escape slave salaries
Put Work in to get ahead of the rest
Thought expressed under duress
Since my passion threatens my peace
I’m zipping up my fleece
Baby boy goes fast and furious like tyrese
Bro make something lik 4 your eyez only 🫶
feel like i got plenty of that on my channel