When I enter the MQTT settings in Meshtastic, there is a switch for Precise Location, You can also set the radius of your approximate location up to 7 miles.
to clarify. these nodes on the map are not all connected to mqtt. its enough if your node gets recieved by a node that is connected to mqtt. A node connected to mqtt sends every message that it recieves to mqtt
I’m in spicewood and picked up 62 nodes today. Longest distant was 29 miles. I set the location with my phone. However I did it a little ways from my actual location got that reason.
Good question, I am not 100% sure. According Meshmap it "shows all position-reporting nodes heard by Meshtastic's official MQTT server Includes nodes self-reporting to MQTT or heard by another node reporting to MQTT" Note all nodes are removed from the map if their position is not updated after 24 hours. Nonetheless, I am going to do more digging and get back to you with a better answer.
All these videos about LoRa and similar are like "yo you can message people!" And I'm like "yo i don't want to message weirdos in my area..." I got interested for a rural driveway to get alerts for deliveries and such. But I'd prefer video feed as well so that's beyond LoRa.
Chamberlain makes a real nice driveway alarm. I'd hazard it's way better than IOT devices. You can run up to 4 sensors off of one base unit and with lithium batteries your get better than a year between replacing. Something like 1/2 mile range. You won't get video but you'll here them coming. Each sensor beeps a certain amount of times to let you know which sensor is firing. Fantastic perimeter security feature.
As of two days ago I started seeing a handful of nodes about 125 km from my location. Which is very cool, bit also weird because those are the only ones I see. There is nothing inbetween.Maybe because those are very high up at 550 m, and I'm fairly high at 350 m. MQTT is off, and I've set "ignore MQTT". What I also don't understand is that the app says "Connected: 12 of 35 online", but the users tab only lists 5 nodes. Still much to learn for me.
@@EmCommSolutionsIn about 1 km distance from the house there's a 150 m wide river that flows roughly perpendicular to the direction in which I see these nodes.
Tons of cheap mesh units with no gps if you’re concerned with that privacy. Only 1 of my mesh devices has gps and it’s my personal portable unit. All my permanent home units have no gps
Dang since this video was put out, it has literally doubled. That is truly crazy. I’m just curious if there is any way to tell if they are 433mhz or 915mhz. I read somewhere that the UK is 433 and US is 915 but I unfortunately got the 433 before learning about this😅
I know, crazy. 433 MHz is allocated for Europe. Europe also has 868 MHz. which worked well for me. I found that the LoRa that are 915 MHz and 868 MHz. All I had to do was swap the antenna and reconfigure the device with Meshtastic. Below is a list of ISM frequency by region. www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/frequencies-by-country/index.html
In Europe : no. Quote : Currently the Helium system operates on 200 kHz channel frequencies from 868.1 to 868.8 MHz in the EU868 band. Meshtastic uses max 4 frequencies from 869.4 to 869.6, so no worries 🙂
Thanks...I ran into a node (the only one I've seen in a population of 250k) and it confirmed received but no answer :( Made me start wondering if it was just a lora miner. Good to hear there won't be false positives.
If location is an issue you could turn gps and smart position off and turn fixed position on and set a location down the street.
There is no lack of privacy in meshtastic, you are completely allowed to not share your location if you don't want it shared.
You are correct, thanks for the feedback. My question was how is MeshMap.net getting their data.
@@EmCommSolutions mqtt :)
Mqtt and also manual self reports. People do infact just put their location of the device on the map@@EmCommSolutions
When I enter the MQTT settings in Meshtastic, there is a switch for Precise Location, You can also set the radius of your approximate location up to 7 miles.
Yes indeed which a great feature of the newer version of the firmware.
As a German speaking person from Switzerland I find the Kühl cap cool 😂
Thanks. 😂
to clarify. these nodes on the map are not all connected to mqtt. its enough if your node gets recieved by a node that is connected to mqtt. A node connected to mqtt sends every message that it recieves to mqtt
Thanks for the clarification.
Thank for the information.
I’m in spicewood and picked up 62 nodes today. Longest distant was 29 miles. I set the location with my phone. However I did it a little ways from my actual location got that reason.
The fixed location feature can help protect your privacy.
Been playing with this too, you an force specific coordinates, works well ive done it
yeah should be an opt in if you care to share your location or not.
I believe there is any option. I am in the process of learning how to connect to a MQTT server so I can test it out.
will another (offgrid) node hitting a MQTT Node be tracked on the MQTT server as well?
Good question, I am not 100% sure. According Meshmap it "shows all position-reporting nodes heard by Meshtastic's official MQTT server Includes nodes self-reporting to MQTT or heard by another node reporting to MQTT" Note all nodes are removed from the map if their position is not updated after 24 hours. Nonetheless, I am going to do more digging and get back to you with a better answer.
All these videos about LoRa and similar are like "yo you can message people!"
And I'm like "yo i don't want to message weirdos in my area..."
I got interested for a rural driveway to get alerts for deliveries and such. But I'd prefer video feed as well so that's beyond LoRa.
Chamberlain makes a real nice driveway alarm. I'd hazard it's way better than IOT devices. You can run up to 4 sensors off of one base unit and with lithium batteries your get better than a year between replacing. Something like 1/2 mile range. You won't get video but you'll here them coming. Each sensor beeps a certain amount of times to let you know which sensor is firing. Fantastic perimeter security feature.
Approximate location should be a default for the map in my opinion.
Can you run CW on this?
No. Text only
Is there a way to view topics. For instance msh/US/?
I haven't spent much time on MQTT so unfortunately I am not sure.
As of two days ago I started seeing a handful of nodes about 125 km from my location. Which is very cool, bit also weird because those are the only ones I see. There is nothing inbetween.Maybe because those are very high up at 550 m, and I'm fairly high at 350 m. MQTT is off, and I've set "ignore MQTT".
What I also don't understand is that the app says "Connected: 12 of 35 online", but the users tab only lists 5 nodes. Still much to learn for me.
Wow that is interesting. Do you live near a large body of water?
@@EmCommSolutionsIn about 1 km distance from the house there's a 150 m wide river that flows roughly perpendicular to the direction in which I see these nodes.
@@me1ne The water must be sweeping the radio waves along with it ;-)
Tons of cheap mesh units with no gps if you’re concerned with that privacy. Only 1 of my mesh devices has gps and it’s my personal portable unit. All my permanent home units have no gps
Good advise!
I heard the canvis map was down bc people were drawing inappropriate symbols on it.
Ha, that is why we can't have nice things.
Dang since this video was put out, it has literally doubled. That is truly crazy. I’m just curious if there is any way to tell if they are 433mhz or 915mhz. I read somewhere that the UK is 433 and US is 915 but I unfortunately got the 433 before learning about this😅
I know, crazy. 433 MHz is allocated for Europe. Europe also has 868 MHz. which worked well for me. I found that the LoRa that are 915 MHz and 868 MHz. All I had to do was swap the antenna and reconfigure the device with Meshtastic. Below is a list of ISM frequency by region. www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/frequencies-by-country/index.html
433 trans/receive better…. There are others in the US.
If they are helium mining, can that show up?
I don't think so but I will do digging and find you a better answer.
In Europe : no. Quote : Currently the Helium system operates on 200 kHz channel frequencies from 868.1 to 868.8 MHz in the EU868 band.
Meshtastic uses max 4 frequencies from 869.4 to 869.6, so no worries 🙂
Thanks...I ran into a node (the only one I've seen in a population of 250k) and it confirmed received but no answer :(
Made me start wondering if it was just a lora miner. Good to hear there won't be false positives.
The Canvas site removed all of the data cause someone drew some nasty adult stuff on it…
Go figure, people are so immature.
Europe obviously likes this. Is there a more popular US version?
There was but it got take down because people where being stupid.
@@EmCommSolutions Without even knowing the details... I can believe it.