  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 พ.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 108

  • @minase_kori
    @minase_kori หลายเดือนก่อน +12


  • @user-monkey-d-lucy
    @user-monkey-d-lucy หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    あずきち、そらちゃんがポールダンスであんなにはしゃいでいる光景なんて貴重過ぎるわwGTA有難う!! ホロメンのみんな長時間配信続いてるから体調と喉ケア気を付けて欲しい

  • @heyhey-hey
    @heyhey-hey หลายเดือนก่อน +7


  • @pekkorone
    @pekkorone หลายเดือนก่อน +4


  • @tamappe
    @tamappe หลายเดือนก่อน +5


  • @dn2oa2
    @dn2oa2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    ラミィちゃん飄々としてるから面白いことが更に面白くなるんだからぁw 40:05 コナン君の破壊力すごかったしぼっちコースターワロタw

  • @ARUKAS_0000
    @ARUKAS_0000 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @雪カワウソ
    @雪カワウソ หลายเดือนก่อน +58

    01:34 start&喉が限界なパンパン仮面組
    03:53 ママと会話開始・新人のお迎えへ
    10:42 新人のあずきち発見
    15:00 あずきちを接待&キャバクラに連れ込まれた事に気が付くあずきち
     17:16 あずきちの前でポールダンスを始める二人
     19:40 あずきちに体験をさせるママ 20:50
     22:55 一緒に踊るラミィ
     23:30 ポルカ記者から連絡&事情聴取
     25:10 本当の説明をするママ
    40:00 リスナーからコナン君といわれてるラミィ。ツボに入る船長
    49:05 ママ&あずきち到着&あずきちの服選び  55:20 エッ
     59:30 服確定・仮面選び
    1:01:40 お店到着&ノエル警官の職質
    1:03:25 あずきち初めてのお仕事
     1:04:50 ノエル警官の感想&請求タイム
    1:15:24 あずきちを紹介してほしいころさん&ドスケベ女扱いするラミィ
     1:17:34 パン屋に訪問するあずきちとママ
      1:18:27 あずきちにアプローチするころさん
       1:19:33 録画を始まるラミィ
       1:20:18 ツイートするラミィ
    1:32:30 あずきちのタクシー運転手就任と犯罪指導のためにすいちゃんと行動開始
     1:39:00 なんだかんだノリノリなあずきち
    1:48:12 事故発生&消えたママ
     1:49:20 病院で治療を受けるママ
      1:50:34 バイクってこわいなぁ~
    1:56:10 キャンピングカーに興味を持つマリラミ
     1:57:39 ショバ代が先だと指摘されて…
    2:01:40 お店到着&キャンピングカーに興味深々な三人
    2:03:10 そらちゃん来店情報
     2:04:22 ポルカに連絡するも…
    2:07:00 出勤するそらちゃん
    2:08:40 おかゆんのポールダンス
     2:10:30 弾けるおかゆ社長
    2:12:10 ダイナミック出庫&閉じ込められるすいちゃん
    2:13:13 そらちゃんの新しい服購入に同伴するラミィ
     2:17:30 背徳感を覚えるおかラ
     2:19:00 そらちゃんに並ぶヘンタイ猫
     2:20:50 名前を間違えられるラミィ
     2:26:20 そらちゃんの衣装決定
    2:28:00 ポールダンスをしても品性を失わないときのそら
     2:30:40 健全なエロです&そらちゃんの仕事事情を聞くマリラミ
    2:36:05 あずきち帰還&キャバ組で遊園地へ
     2:37:10 ウーバー人質を頼まれる三人
     2:38:25 暴走するキャンピングカー
    2:40:58 タクシーでウーバー人質へ
    2:44:20 こよと合流
     2:45:30 強盗開始
     2:47:20 出張キャバクラ&警察突入
     2:49:22 スバル署長到着
     2:50:10 いろは警官到着
    2:54:01 遊園地へ向かうキャバ組
     2:55:00 ルイ姉に連絡&修羅場
    2:56:20 遊園地到着&みこちに連絡
     2:57:00 悪魔の誘惑をするキャバ組
    2:57:40 遊園地を楽しむキャバ組
    2:58:51 テディベアを楽しむ3人
     3:00:15 スタンドになるテディベア
    3:02:28 エアホッケーを楽しむあずラミ
    3:05:09 あずマリエアホッケー戦を見学するラミィ
    3:09:50 ジェットコースターへ
     3:10:55 昨日のぼっち事件再び
     3:12:24 ジェットコースターを楽しむ3人&ビデオ通話するママ
    3:30:35 みこちとあずきちの自己紹介
     3:31:27 あずきちオンステージ 3:31:55
     3:33:05 そらちゃん到着
     3:33:40 SorAZポールダンス&脳破壊されるみこち
      3:34:50 請求タイム
     3:37:15 悪いエモートを教える船長
      3:37:50 みこちにサービスするあずきち
      3:38:50 そらちゃんからサービスを受けるみこち
     3:39:20 追加サービス料請求&連絡先交換
      3:41:01 ナンバーワンが変わった瞬間
     3:41:50 退店&すぐに態度が変わるみこち
    3:43:00 そらあずに未来を託すマリラミ
    3:43:44 終了挨拶
    3:44:25 Cパート

    • @雪カワウソ
      @雪カワウソ หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      01:34 start&喉が限界なマリラミ
      03:50 ママと会話開始・新人のお迎えへ
       10:42 新人のあずきち発見
       11:22 車の屋根でお店へ移動することになるラミィ
        12:54 予想通りの結末&スケボー移動でお店へ
      14:25 お店到着
       15:00 あずきちを接待&キャバクラに連れ込まれた事に気が付くあずきち
       17:16 あずきちの前でポールダンスを始める二人
       19:40 あずきちに体験をさせるママ 20:50
        21:20 SNSで宣伝するママ
       22:55 一緒に踊るラミィ
        23:30 ポルカ記者から連絡&事情聴取
       25:05 本当の説明をするママ
      26:07 あずきちが気になる職業&あずきちに車をプレゼントするためにメカニックへ
       30:33 車の運転を教えるママ、メカニックまでスケボーで移動するラミィ
        31:44 高級車や車が欲しいラミィ
      35:45 ママ&あずきち、メカニックに到着
       37:28 おかゆん到着&連絡先交換
       40:00 リスナーからコナン君といわれてるラミィ。ツボに入る船長
        41:30 ホロサントスのコナン君と光彦勝手に決められる歩美ちゃん 、元太くん
       42:59 あずきちを悪い道に誘うママ
      45:13 服屋までスケボー移動
       46:43 怪盗のために銃も買いなおしたい
      48:30 服屋到着&今日の洋服探し
       49:05 ママ&あずきち到着&あずきちの服選び  55:20 エッ
       59:30 服確定・仮面選び
      1:01:40 お店到着&ノエル警官の任意聴取
       1:02:42 調査の一環であずきちのお仕事を拝見するノエル警官
       1:03:25 あずきちはじめてのお仕事
        1:04:50 ノエル警官の感想&請求タイム
      1:07:30 ノリノリなあずきち&今後の相談

    • @雪カワウソ
      @雪カワウソ หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      詳細版②(パン屋・メカニック交流・タクシードライバー就任・キャンピングカー購入編) 該当部分が削除されるためパン屋部分のみ
      1:09:05 ストレス解消のために犬カフェに行こうとするが…
       01:10:48 パン屋へスケボー移動&ママに笑われるラミィ
      1:14:00 パン屋に閉店事情を聞くラミィ
       1:15:24 あずきちを紹介してほしいころさん&ドスケベ女扱いするラミィ
       1:16:57 おかゆん来店
       1:17:31 パン屋に訪問するあずきちとママ
       1:18:27 あずきちにアプローチするころさん
        1:19:33 録画を始まるラミィ
         1:20:18 報告ツイートをするラミィ

    • @雪カワウソ
      @雪カワウソ หลายเดือนก่อน

      1:09:05 ストレス解消のために犬カフェに行こうとするが…
       01:10:48 パン屋へスケボー移動&ママに笑われるラミィ
      1:14:00 パン屋に閉店事情を聞くラミィ
       1:15:24 あずきちを紹介してほしいころさん&ドスケベ女扱いするラミィ
       1:16:57 おかゆん来店
       1:17:31 パン屋に訪問するあずきちとママ
       1:18:27 あずきちにアプローチするころさん
        1:19:33 録画を始まるラミィ
         1:20:18 報告ツイートをするラミィ

    • @雪カワウソ
      @雪カワウソ หลายเดือนก่อน

      1:47:39 ママと一緒にお店へ
       1:48:12 事故発生&消えたママ
       1:49:20 病院で治療を受けるママ
        1:50:27 バイクってこわいなぁ~
      1:51:47 ママ退院&ディーラーへ
       1:55:20 スポーツカーの値段に驚くラミィ
       1:56:10 キャンピングカーに興味を持つマリラミ
        1:57:39 ショバ代が先だと指摘されて…
      1:58:52 購入した船長から連絡
      2:00:00 キャンピングカー発見&お店へ
      2:01:40 お店到着&キャンピングカーに興味深々な三人

    • @雪カワウソ
      @雪カワウソ หลายเดือนก่อน

      1:36:40 バイク移動&スケボーをあっさり捨てるラミィ
       1:37:07 自損事故発生
      1:38:30 タクシー本社到着&他の仕事の紹介をする二人
       1:38:54 ホロサントスのお仕事状況&なんだかんだノリノリなあずきち
       1:41:10 あずきちがタクシー運転手に就任
       1:42:50 すいちゃんをなぐっちゃうあずきち
       1:44:12 タクシー運転手の職業の説明を受けるあずきち

  • @ヨッシー101
    @ヨッシー101 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @Inumochi_wanko
    @Inumochi_wanko หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @Vtenco_ch
    @Vtenco_ch หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    53:25 突然ぶっこむラミィちゃん好きよ

  • @freon_holon
    @freon_holon หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @チャアクック
    @チャアクック หลายเดือนก่อน +3


  • @RYOTA10w-50-xr2qo
    @RYOTA10w-50-xr2qo หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @kakiyan_snow
    @kakiyan_snow หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @わにわに-m7c
    @わにわに-m7c หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @003rec5
    @003rec5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @Clip_bell
    @Clip_bell หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @ju-ichi527
    @ju-ichi527 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @ルナティック鬼島
    @ルナティック鬼島 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @taratara0627
    @taratara0627 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @tsusoichi231
      @tsusoichi231 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @badapow
    @badapow หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @user-rei_sakuraduki
    @user-rei_sakuraduki หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ネレウス-e8r
    @ネレウス-e8r หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @高橋蓮太郎-y8i
    @高橋蓮太郎-y8i หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    1:07:10 「あっという間にパンチラ娘の完成よ」草

  • @2_chance_HND-1_chance_NRT
    @2_chance_HND-1_chance_NRT หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @user-Pikaty
    @user-Pikaty หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    24:01 かわいい

  • @khoonkitlim5963
    @khoonkitlim5963 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for tonight's fun Holo GTA Day 4 stream, Lamy-chan!

  • @askayukimin
    @askayukimin หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @exp2518
    @exp2518 หลายเดือนก่อน +4


  • @byakkou0427
    @byakkou0427 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @たろう-b6z
    @たろう-b6z หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @zyuz
    @zyuz หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ズオウかける
    @ズオウかける หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @user-kisaragiyuki
    @user-kisaragiyuki หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @クロニクルアッキー
    @クロニクルアッキー หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @だいすけ雪民
    @だいすけ雪民 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @雪花たまごドッグ
    @雪花たまごドッグ หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ケンザン筋肉
    @ケンザン筋肉 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @シュウ-u6z
    @シュウ-u6z หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @チベットスナギツネ-d1u
    @チベットスナギツネ-d1u หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @webxxk
    @webxxk หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @user-ry9ig4yw3barnstrike
    @user-ry9ig4yw3barnstrike หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @X-Kill
    @X-Kill หลายเดือนก่อน

    [Timestamps Part 1] Day 4 of HoloGTA.
    1:32 Start and introduction. _"This is the Bar mistress of the PanPanKamen cabaret with a suber weak throat, Yukihana Lamy"_
    1:57 _"Today, both mama and mine's throats are at their limit... As expected us PanPanKamen have much of a glass heart"_
    2:20 _"Next week's monday HoloGTA will end right? And on Tuesday i have a very important recording for long hours, i won't overdo it to impact that, for real"_

    3:19 _"L: I may have a key now, she said she'd give it to me yesterday, Mama?/M: Lamy-chaaan?/L: Is your throat fine?"_
    3:44 Lamy vibing. 💃
    3:57 _"L: Mama, is your throat fine?/M: it's tired, totally/L: Mine too! So this shop's no good! It'll go bankrupt!"_
    4:29 _"L: This is the most seiso/M: Let's go like this then!/L: So where is she, do you know?/M: Yeah... She's probably there so let's go on my car!/L: Ehh? You increased my authority didn't you Mama?/M: I named you chief/L: So the Key's ALT?/M: Just E"_

    5:20 Pinning destination. _"L: This is what we have to do so this shop keeps on living even if Mama and the bar mistress are gone/M: Yeah yeah! Taking over this shop may be hell but... Yeah, 1 person has it tough"_
    5:54 _"L: they say [She went out of the room] so it means she's probably walking around isn't she?/M: She should be around here though?"_
    6:49 _"M: She's not there.../L: I wonder, maybe the other side... Ahh but we can't watch her stream.../M: Ehhh but i can't find her!/L: Mama, can you find her yourself? Cause i'm streaming myself so..."_
    7:17 _"M: They're watching a map so i can't tell/L: Leave it to me!/M: No no i mean, she has a full screen of a map so i can't see anything, she's looking at the map cause she loves them/L: It should say where she's at the moment though/M: Let me look"_
    7:39 _"L: SO it's a girl who loves maps you mean?/M: There's a lot of... Yeah no, it's no good..."_
    8:11 _"L: People in the comments? Those who know, tell us! by [8039]'s corner you mean? Aren't we close?"_
    9:17 Trying to call for her. 💬
    9:57 _"L: Eh?! She's at the hospital they're saying, why the hospital?"_
    10:17 _"M: So she's injured already?/L: She fell already then? 8040 they're saying..."_
    10:35 _"L: You were the same right?/M: Yeah, i died as i started! Wait, she's there, isn't this girl?"_
    10:51 Found AZKi! Cute seiso AZKi intro. _"A: Pleased to meet you! I moved just today! I'm AZKi!/Both: So cute! So seiso!/M: She's like a countryside girl so cute!/A: I was waiting for a person to teach me lots of things/M: So you're waiting!/A: Yeah! I don't know anything so i want someone to teach me!"_ ⚒
    11:21 _"M: Wait, this car only has 2 seats, Lamy-chan you can read on top/A: Why does it read [Pervert]?/L: Can i?/M: In this town if you put a sticker that says [Pervert] you can buy it for 10% off the price/A: Is that so?"_
    11:47 They drive as Lamy on top of car.
    12:27 _"L: Is there something you want to do now Az-Az?/A: Well i don't have money so something to win/L: I see so money!/M: I get it, Lamy-chan, please pin the place!/A: Oh, could it be a dangerous kind of job?/L: No no, it's wholesome!/M: It may even be the one you get the most at from the civilians"_
    12:57 Lamy fell from the car. _"L: OIII! It's fine, you go ahead Mama! Ah the Pin was removed..."_
    13:14 Skating Lamy. 🛹
    13:50 _"L: Mama has no stream today so i'm trying not to get away from her as possible, so sorry to all ichimis who are watching, As much as possible i want to be together, but she's with Az-Az so if you look at Az-Az's stream you could"_
    14:17 Reached shop. _"M: Oh www, what is that/L: You didn't know Mama?/M: You had that?! It's amazing you have that!"_
    14:40 _"M: This is where we work!/A: What kind of shop is this?/M: This is PanPanKAmen!/A: What do you do at this shop?/M: First by seeing you'll know.../L: Yeah, first!/M: To begin with your throat must be dry so, first you get a welcome drink!"_
    15:08 _"A: So kind! It's a nice shop!/L: Is it? It also earns plenty of money!/A: Now how should i call you both?/M: For me? Mama!/L: I am the #1 Cabaret hostess but... Lamy would suffice/A: Cabaret? So is thi-/L: Oh No no, it's a bar!/A: So that kind of work do you plan for me to...?"_
    16:00 _"A: [Marine's Paipai Pantsu Cocktai-]/L: Don't mind it, it's just a product!"_
    16:32 _"A: Please teach me lots about what i don't know of this town yet/M: Please sit down there first!/A: I will!/M: Press Alt and then sit down, in front of the chair"_
    17:13 AZKi sat down! _"M: Look forward to it... Let's go Lamy!/L: Me too?/M: of course!/L: Do we change Mama?/M: Of course!/L: Ara..."_
    17:33 _"L: do you really think this will go well? Should we stop? Let's go with this/M: www No no the other is fine/L: Eh? WIll it be fine, won't we shock Az-Az's listeners?/M: It's better to surprise them/L: Then let's dance/M: The impact's important!"_
    18:01 _"M: Kept you waitiiing~/L: Az-Az~!/A: ...Eh?!"_ *Dancing in front of her*
    18:15 _"A: Being this extreme... Is this shop alright? Is it for 18 year olds?/M: What's wrong are you nervous?/A: A bit, Mama!/M: Then wait a bit/L: Then Look Az-Az~ This is a PanPan dance/A: wwww, it's a lovely body..."_
    18:45 _"L: How is this outfit Az-Az?/A: *Nervous sweating*/M: It's fine, i called but didn't get a reply, our super seiso Tokina Sora-chan of the Neko cafe already did this too!/L: Yeah yeah! Sora senpai did this too/M: So it's all fine!/A: Ah... It's a pretty extreme shop/L: But what do you think, you had money issues right?/M: You have to do this or you won't earn! Ah..."_ 💸
    19:43 _"A: 88888/L: Thank you Az-Az!"_
    20:18 _"M: If you dance once you'll be refreshed!/A: You mean as experience?/L: Yeah, experience or rather practice.../M: Try standing in front of this pole?/L: You get EFG right?/A: yeah!"_
    20:53 AZKi Pole dancing.
    21:01 _"A: Am i doing this well?/L: She has such seiso pantsu!/M: How does it feel doing this after coming from the countryside?/L: Aaara she's showing them!"_
    21:17 _"A: How is this? Am i doing well like this?/L: You're SOO good!/M: I just took it so i'm uploading a picture to my social media"_
    21:54 _"A: Scary.../L: There's nothing to be afraid of! But would you please dance a different dance?/A: How? Should i try?/L: Show us all!/A: How about this?"_
    22:16 _"L: What color of pantsu is that?/A: I wonder whaat color~/L: Aren't you into it? You're like saying [Please look well into what color they are~ Look well at my panties]?/A: It's a bit extreme but... I'd like to practice more by seeing my senpai's form"_
    22:50 _"L: Go AZKi-chan, dance!/A: Ah... Would you teach me together?/L: Sure, let's dance together~"_
    23:20 _"L: Mama, is all prepared?/M: Calling with gang but they're not answering/L: _*_calls_*_ Wait a bit..."_
    23:35 PolKall. _"L: Hey journalist, there's a super perverted new girl from the countryside!/Pol: I've gotten word but, did that person really want to try it?/L: Of course! She said she wanted to get money!/A: A perv... Y-Yeah! I just came here and didn't know a thing so Marine Mama came here and brought me to her club"_ 📲
    24:07 _"A: First when Lamy-san saw my Pole dance she said she liked it and i was good.../L: She has good chances!/A: But dancing/Pol: Is that fine though?/A: Well, suddenly being posted in TwiX is something i didn't think/Pol: It's posted already! It's on the internet!/L: You can't escape from it!/A: Must I do this then...?!/Pol: Call me if there's anything!"_
    25:01 _"A: What do i do?/M: Let me tell you, this is a cabaret with a lot of free time so, you don't have to be there all time, only when you have free time, other than that you can do lots of things so... Since you're good in reading maps, you can maybe ride a taxi/A: Ah true, there's that job/M: Something I think you'd be super fit to is, there's this place called the mechanic and you fix cars, Plenty of people can have several jobs that are pretty tame so, i think it'd fit you well"_
    25:41 _"A: I see, do you both do another work?/M: ...PaiPaiKamen www/L: We're only one-work/M: As thieves? Sometimes, we robbed yesterday/L: We want to become the [PaiPai Kamen thieves]"_
    26:01 _"M: Want to become a thief?/A: I want to know this town more.../M: Yeah, first the mechanic, taxi, Cat cafe or bakery, any of those pique your interest?/A: I'm intrigued about taxi dribing/M: Then i'll give you my car!/L: The [Pervert] one? It's dangerous!/M: Or at least until you can get your own!"_
    (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill หลายเดือนก่อน

      [Timestamps Part 2]
      26:54 _"L: Let me change cause i'll get scolded otherwise/A: Scolded? Cause of the outfit?/L: Yeah it seems Police would catch me if i do"_
      27:23 AZKi recruited! She'll get her salary from here on!
      27:53 _"A: I want to work proudly from here on!/L: Will this be fine...?"_
      28:32 _"L: Mama, your voice range may be a bit low/M: Is it? Ah, it is.../L: What about if you remove the [Pervert] sticker?/M: Well... Can i?/L: Or do you intend to tag Az-Az as one?"_
      29:02s _"M: Let's first call Sui-chan the Jack of all trades!"_
      30:03 _"M: So [Give Key] i see, let's try/A: I'll dig in this [Natto & Egg].../M: Go ahead, that one stinks though/A: www You're a good person Mama/L: She sure is!"_
      30:35 AZKi can drive Marine's car now!
      30:51 _"L: I'll go to the mechanic first!/M: Okay okay!/L: Let's go shall we?/C: It says [Hentai] there/L: Yeah, it has that, so rather than being marked as one, i think she'd deserve a cuter sticker! Also this skateboard has quite the speed, I think it's very good and nobody rides on one! Actuallt does anybody in Holos'santos ride a skateboard?"_
      31:44 _"L: I want a luxury car! It seemed there was one in front of the mechanic... Can i buy a home? I want to get one! And ride a Luxury car!"_
      32:19 _"C: Do you have money?/L: Ehh... Money? Ahh, my skateboard's gained high speed, will this be fine?"_
      33:05 Falling from skateboard. _"L: Heeeey is it okay? If i were to fall from here i'll get injured again! I don't know how to get off/C: You'll get hit by a car again!/L: I know that but i can't get off the skateboard!"_
      34:06 _"C: Are you Conan-kun?/L: Yeah i'm detective Lamy-chan... But since i want to do something bad, i'd be not so much Conan but the dark shadow guy instead... Oh, a Jewelry shop, found it! I want to be the PanPanKamen thief!"_
      35:03 *Into Car shop* _"Eh? Did i arrive here first?"_
      35:19 _"Amazing, it's the bakers' car! Or not? Oh, trypophobia..."_
      35:44 _"L: Mamaa/M: Ah she's here!/L: She's good at driving! I can't see any employees though"_
      36:06 _"L: Hello, any employees? Excuse meee!"_
      36:37 _"L: Today there's only Okayun you say?"_ 🍙
      37:07 _"L: Az-Az, you're good at driving!"_
      37:32 Okayun and Sui-chan are here!
      38:26 _"L: Seems we'll buy a 4 person car, and give this one to Az-Az/Suisei: You're the new girl who came to this town huh/A: Yeah! I'm AZKi, i'll be under your care!/Suisei: In the end, did you become a cabaret girl?/M: No no, it's just that she needs money, not that she was dragged to be one!"_
      39:15 _"M: I want a car 4 people can ride!/L: I want a pretty high class car!"_
      40:02 _"M: I'll buy a car later so it's fine/L: But if you don't buy a car i can't get on it, i'll always be moving on this skateboard/M: wwww!/L: My listeners called me Conan-kun/M:"_ *Marine loses it*
      40:58 Marine still laughing. _"L: How much are you going to laugh?!/M: I just remembered/L:It's not THAT fun!/M: wwwww/L: This person's noisy!"_
      41:29 _"L: They're saying we're the three in Conan now!/M: wwww No good Conan-kun!/L: Where are we?/C: Az-Az is Ayumi-chan then!/L: So not Genta/M: Who'd be Genta?/L: Well... This is a pretty sensitive topic isn't it?/M: Then Noel"_

      42:47 _"L: Okanyan?/Okayu: Heyooo!/L: Do you know where a high class retailer is?/Okayu: There's 2 around here!/L: Is that so? Thank you! I'll go watch!/M: So if she dances with a lewd outfit, i don't know, charge 10 million!"_
      43:12 _"Suisei: Oi, and you haven't paid the 50 million! Pay!/M: I'll pay tomorrow!/Suisei: Tomorrow?! How much do you intend to postpone it?!"_
      44:07 _"M: Shall we buy lewd clothes too?/A: Ahh lewd clothes... What... I get it, lead the way/L: Mama will choose them?/M: Let's all choose them"_
      45:07 _"L: Ah geez, Let's meet at the clothes shop in front of our shop?/M: Ah yeah! That one!/A: Wait, where in the map-/L: Ahh geez, i have to be Conan-kun again!"_
      46:42 _"L: But there's that... for the sake of Thief PanPanKamen- Ah, what is that? Smells of accident, but i want to buy a gun today cause i disposed of it before. Could i be caught for posession of weapon? Cause Mama was caught yesterday but paid just a few tens of thousands"_
      47:44 _"C: Good at skateboarding!/L: I am right?"_
      48:27 _"L: I really am fast enough to beat a pretty luxurious car though... Well let's think about our clothes for today too!"_
      49:02 _"L: Let's wear this one today shall we?"_ *One piece with roses* 🌹
      49:37 _"A: What happens with these clothes i'm wearing?/L: They won't disappear/M: But if you don't save the default outfit it won't be there/L: How did you save it?"_

      50:47 _"L: I can't see... I'm wearing not so cute panties..."_
      53:25 _"L: You can also pick lots of colors for the top.../A: Color.../L: Cause they're colors (Pun: いろいろ = Several, but it can also be written as 色々, whose first Kanji is the character for [Color])"_
      55:22 Losing it at AZKi's garter belt. 🙏
      55:51 _"A: Will me waring this outfit be fine?/L: Nooo a big perv is here!/A: Lamy-san no you got it wrong!"_
      57:06 _"A: What about this one?/M: That one's cute!/A: I'll buy this!"_
      57:35 _"L: You have such a cute face... Ahh that's seiso!"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill หลายเดือนก่อน

      [Timestamps Part 3]
      58:58 _"L: It sure feels night-like!/A: It does right? Let's look the other ones... So what's the concept of our shop Marine Mama?/M: Concept...? Well, isn't this cute? Won't you go [Wohooo!] If you see her panties?/L: Yeah! It'd make them happy cause you'd normally not see them!"_
      59:33 Cute seiso outfit!
      1:00:24 _"M: Perfect!/A: Is White alright?/M: You can go with your favorite color!/L: Black is cute too/M: I'm on red/A: And you Lamy-san?/L: I'm currently wearing white, or rather black"_
      1:01:06 AZKi putting on white mask.
      1:01:18 _"M: I'll teach you how to get changed!"_
      1:01:30 _"L: It looks like my #1 will be taken, what do i do now?/A: No, you'll still be called the one!"_
      1:01:42 Noetan's here! ⚔
      1:02:04 _"L: So Genta-kun, over here please!/Noel: This... Is that on the person's own will?/L: No no what do you mean? Making people dance isn't something/Noel: But that's a popular trope right? Cute girls coming from the countryside/L: No no, she herself said she wanted to earn money!"_
      1:02:42 _"Noel: I'll decide when i see her dance/L: But she's pretty much into it! She even said in a few words [What color are my pantsu?]/N: HA! She wouldn't!"_

      1:03:12 Fusioning in the same chair with Noel. _"L: A new service/Noel: Is that also a service?/L: A hug service, ah she's here!/A: Please to meet you, im AZKi!/Noel: AZKi-chan!/A: i just moved-in today! And Mama let me work, i'm still new, but i'd be happy if you watched/L: She's into it!"_
      1:03:52 AZKi pole dancing. 💃
      1:04:31 _"L: So good Az-Az! You're amazing!/A: Am i good?/Noel: No... AZKi-san?/A: How is it?/Noel: A new wind will be blowing in favor of this shop... It's very good!"_
      1:04:56 _"Noel: White are the best after all/A: It may be a bit unsightly still but.../Noel: No, for real it's the best..."_ *Saluting*
      1:05:16 _"M: So how much money do you have?/Noe: Ahh i'm really short of money but.../M: But you saw AZKi-chan's pantsu didn't you?/Noel: They were pure white.../L: There, she said it!"_

      1:06:18 Paying cheaply for it all, 1Million.
      1:07:26 Noel going back to patrol.
      1:07:34 _"M: You're the best AZKi-chan!, also the gang said they were doing crime but they'll come look later/A: I'll do my best then!/L: Is there something else you want to do?/M: Taxi right?/L: Do you know how to do it?"_
      1:09:44 Lamy vibing. ❤
      1:10:37 _"M: Let's go to the bakery/L: So i have to go on skateboard again! I'll go ahead..."_
      1:11:17 _"M: Riding the skateboard www/L: I mean you didn't buy a 4-people car!/M: But you have the bike!"_
      1:12:19 _"C: Don't you dislike being a loner?/L: Well rather than that, when we return to the shop it's leaving the car, closing and storing right? Well... This is... Wait, i'm going too fast!"_
      1:13:24 _"L: It's here, i arrived quickly... Are they even here in the first place?"_
      1:13:52 _"L: Wah, cute! What's this, the shop's so emotional!"_
      1:14:09 _"L: Kanataso, you closed the dog cafe after the first day. why?/Kanata: Yeah i closed.../L: Why?/Kanata: Well... I couldn't pay the fee for it.../L: So you have to sell your body now right?/Kanata: Don't say that!/L: Well you ran over me yesterday so..."_ 🚗
      1:14:55 _"Kanata: I'll give this to you, sorry about yesterday Lamy!/L: And my Oracle?/Kanata: I'll give you that too!"_
      1:15:27 _"Koro: So Lamy-chan, the lady from the cabaret, Mama is coming?/L: She's coming here/Koro: why?/L: A girl from countryside came here/Kanata: AZKi-san person?/Koro: Is she coming with her?/L: Why?/Koro: Introduce me to her please/L: Why?"_
      1:16:01 _"L: This stays here but... That woman's very naughty!/Koro: AZKi-san?!/L: Very! As soon as she got into the shop she was too into it!/Koro: But i can't go, my wife didn't forgive me!/Kanata: She promised!"_
      1:17:17 _"L: Mama? You're slower than a skateboard, why?/A: www/M: No no, we had to go for gasoline!"_
      1:17:51 AZKi goes into bakery and is immediately popular.
      1:19:27 Korone explains her family in the bakery. Lamy takes picture.

      1:20:21 Tweeting their photo. 📸
      1:20:43 _"L: Oi stop!/Koro: No no, *pheugh coughs*, it was written [Kiss] so i was wondering what it was like!/L: You'll have to pay for that!"_
      1:21:20 Lamy cheering *Kiss, Kiss!*
      1:21:53 _"Koro: Lamy, will you also buy a Kaopanpanpan bread?/L: I don't need it!/Koro: www"_
      1:23:07 Lamy Buying 5 breads from Korone.

      1:23:54 _"L: Where are we going?/M: Well Lui isn't available for the taxi yet/L: Why don't you ask Sui-chan?/M: True..."_
      1:24:21 Senchou putting Sui-chan on speaker since the former's not streaming.
      1:25:07 Going back on her skateboard. _"L: This one takes time to gain speed, that's about it, it's slow to accelerate but once it does you can run like the wind... See, nothing more than this/C: Holos santos' Conan/L: Yeah, i'm Yukihana Lamy the Conan in Holos Santos... But i want to buy a luxurious car, how much do i have now?"_
      1:26:19 _"C: YOu're good at skateboarding!/L: Yeah! Good enough i'm surprised!"_ *Honk noises*
      1:27:44 Storing money at her bank, she's almost at 10 Million! 💰
      1:28:17 _"L: Because i kept looking at it i can completely imitate the dance now! PaiPai Kamen's dance now ingrained in my brain. Ah, what's up Mama?/M: Ah, i thought they had come now.../L: Oh not yet!/C: Waiting for you to try and dance it!/L: I want to... I want! It's stuck to my brain now"_
      1:29:45 _"L: The rumor is that you can't live in this town without a gun/A: Ehh is that so?/M: Lets ask Sui-chan when she comes by"_
      1:30:54 _"L: Az-Az, have you been taught how to make drinks?/A: Ah please teach me! I haven't learned yet!/L:Over here!"_ 🍸
      1:32:47 _"L: There you are!/Suisei: Did you call for me?/L: I did... Why do you look so sluggish?/M: For now, AZKi-chan would like to drive a taxi, so she wants to join the company/Suisei: Want to change occupations?/M: No no, as a side business!/Suisei: I get it! But for the taxi we must go to the main office"_
      1:33:51 _"A: I have a lot of things to work, but I'm used to to working with locations cause i've worked as a [Geoguesser] before!/Suisei: So you're used to it huh!"_
      1:35:07 _"M: Lamy going on her skateboard/L: No i'll use my bike!/A: You have a bike!/M: Ride the bike then, why?!/L: It's just that i didn't know which garage would be good! *Pinning*/M: Conan-kun has graduated www/L: Shut it www"_
      1:36:47 _"L: I Want to show my driving technique... I said something about the skateboard... But this is overwhelmingly faster!"_ 🛹
      1:37:14 Fell from bike.
      1:37:47 _"L: i'm glad i bought this!/C: Glad you lived/L: Wait, i'm not going to die from this!"_
      1:38:30 _"A: She's here!/M: Lamy-chan! Even though you though you went so fast!/L: No no, I had an accicent/A: Are you ok?!/L: I'm fine, totally!"_
      1:39:40 _"M: yesterday it was very tough since there were only 3 girls healing even if you died so one couldn't get it/L: It's possible you may even become an angel, Az-Az/A: Ambulances must have a very tough job huh..."_
      1:40:50 Cute Lamy trying to read [Cab Co] in english.
      1:41:22 _"Suisei: By the way AZKi-chi What's your ID on the top right?/A: 2/Suisei: That's quite faster/M: Isn't it cut off?/L: I don't know, today i'm 6..."_
      1:42:52 AZKi Punching Suisei by accident. ☄
      1:43:27 AZKi gets a Taxi! _"AZKi: how many can this fit?/Suisei: About 4 people i think/M: That's nice if it's 4! And then.../A: It says i must be [Working] or can't use it/Suisei: If you have the character that says [At work] then that's what it is/A: Oh so i'm working now!"_ *Crash as Suisei spawns a taxi*
      1:46:12 _"Suisei: Cabaret girls, let's meet up later!/M: Can't ride this since i gave you the property of it!/L: I'm wounded... Where at though? Where did she say we should meet?/M: The Cabaret!/L: I'm so injured..."_

      1:47:34 *AZKi storing car* _"M: I'm climbing on your back/L: So it's fine there?/M: Yeah let's go to Cabaret!/L: Alright, sorry if i have an accident!"_
      1:48:17 Crashing on sign and Marine is snapped from existence.
      1:48:53 Dr. Fox is here. Taking Marine to hospital.
      1:49:34 *Ded Biboo* _"L: The head Dr. is sure busy today, he's always in demand! Ah yeah, let's call since we may take a while, Az-Az then?"_
      1:50:01 _"A: Hello?/L: Az-Az, sorry, Mama's got an appointment at the hospital so can you wait at the shop?/A: It's fine, i'm taking an NPC on taxi!/L: Got it, so se you at the shop! Well, all that's well is well, isn't it?..."_

      1:50:54 Lamy wheeze. _"L: She said she underestimated bikes/C: You drive wildly/L: No no, i should be good at driving! That was my first injury today too, i hadn't up until now, really! By a miracle i had no accidents"_ *cute giggle as she sees Biboo walking*
      1:51:56 _"Fubu: Take care!/L: Thank you for taking care of her!/M: Let's put the seatbelt.../L: So now Az-Az was working as Taxi for NPC's/M: Let's buy the car then?/L: That'd be you right? A car for us 4"_
      1:54:05 _"M: I didn't know that you had seatbelts for the bike!/L: I didn't either!/M: No wonder i flew off!/L: It's cause i'm holding with my hands"_

      1:54:54 *Arrived at luxury car shop* _"L: This is amazing, it really feels more luxurious than any other shop so far! How much do you have? Yesterday you said 40 million right?/M: Right now about 46 million?"_ 🏎
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill หลายเดือนก่อน

      [Timestamps Part 4]
      1:55:17 _"L: Which one, i want a sports car!"_
      1:55:54 _"THEY'RE super expensive! Haaa?! What's this! I can't buy them!... These dreams will remain a dream!/M: Lamy-chan! There's a camping van, it looks so fun!/L: Ehh?! I want it! I can't buy anything myself! Let's see, ehh amazing!"_ *counting*
      1:56:37 _"L: Mama, let's buy the camping van!/M: The camping Van's nice right? I want to try driving it! Let's see... Wah, 24 Million, should i buy it?/L: But thinking calmly, are we able to ride it with 4 of us?/M: We can right? It has such space on the back!/L: People in the comments, can you tell us? Cause if we bought this and coudn't get 4 on it we'd be like fools!"_
      1:57:17 _"L: Seems we can!/M: Do we buy it?/L: I want want it!"_
      1:57:43 _"C: Are you fine paying the 50 million fee?/L: We may have to get rid of Sui-chan then at worst, i mean 50 million is too expensive! Mama has 40 Million from working so hard right now... 50 Million from that are... So expensive!"_
      1:58:35 _"L: I mean thinking coldly, 50k Yen is too expensive! 30 Million would be right? I'd still think that's fine!"_ 💰

      1:58:54 Senchou bought it, telling her to wait below.
      1:59:14 _"L: I want to see! Camping is sure a dream of mine!"_
      1:59:34 _"C: What will hyou do with the bike?/L: Well we have to return to the shop one way or the other so... Let's go back"_
      2:00:06 Camping van spotted! _"L: Mamaa?! So burly! Mama i see you!/M: Lamy-chan this is crazy, i can't see! The field of vision's so bad!"_ 🏕

      2:01:06 AZKi call. _"A: I've finished the Taxi work, so i'm at the cabaret!/L: We're on our way!/A: Alright, i'll be waiting!"_
      2:01:54 _"A: Ehh?! What vehicle is this?/M: AZKi-chan We bought a camping van!/A: Amazing!"_
      2:02:27 _"L: It's so good Mama!/A: Mama, we can go several places with this!/M: It's crazy right? Let's go to the amusement park!!"_
      2:02:54 _"A: How much was this?/M: This was 24 Million!/L: It's expensive!/A: 24 Million!/M: Ah true AZKi-chan, the Mechanic boss said that Sora-chan was coming and she wanted to see you doing strip/A: What do we do then, should we open/M: I'll call Sora-chan just because/L: Wait so we'll be seeing SorAz strip?!"_
      2:03:46 _"A: Sora-chan's also working?/M: Ah yeah, she's also one of our workers!/L: yesterday she did a wonderful whirling dance!/A: Amazing!/L: She is!"_

      2:04:30 Contacting Journalist Pol. _"Pol: Heyo?/L: Hello, journalist, it's crazy, at our shop there'll be the legendary SoraAz! They'll be dancing!/Pol: _*_shock_*_ Ahh, right now i am taken hostage, i got involved in a crima... So i'll go if i make it alive!"_
      2:05:32 Suisei climbing instead of entering the van.

      2:06:06 Sora+Okayu are here!
      2:06:37 _"A: What will today turn to be?/L: Dancing together!/Okayu: I'm Looking forward to it!"_
      2:07:12 _"Sora: I came only here to see but i became an employee, it went different than i thought/M: Ah yeah, actually Sora-chan's also a staff member!/L: Yeah!/Okayu: Looking forward to it!"_
      2:07:54 _"A: Ah, true, we didn't exchange contact info Lamy-chan!/L: Eh? Let's do that!/A: Let's exchange!/L: But didn't i call you?/A: But i couldn't tell who it was since it seems it was from call history"_
      2:08:39 _"L: Okanyan, you dancing too?!/Okayu: I Wanted to try!"_ 🍙

      2:09:22 _"Suisei: Head mechanic? What are you doing?/M: She wanted to release her inner woman!/Okayu: is there a place where i can get changed Marine?/Suisei: Want to get chnaged? Were you that bored today?/A: Is that so?/Okayu: I'll be busy from 9 onwards so.../A: So from now?"_
      2:10:24 _"L: What's that? You're even naked!/M: GROSS! WHAT IS THAT?!/L: Your face's all bloated... What is that... I can't be happy/Okayu: whyyy?!/L: The face's bad!/Sora: It's like a mysterious lifeform dancing/Okayu: www/M: What if you also change clothes Sora-chaan?/Okayu: Looking forward to it!/L: They sell them close!"_
      2:12:07 Camper van causing disaster as it's brought.
      2:12:52 Sora and Okayu inspecting inside the camper van.
      2:13:47 _"Okayu: What will Sora-san wear?/L If you're interested let's go! (English)"_
      2:14:25 _"L: Press E/Sora: So the wardrobe?/Okayu: I'm intrigued!"_
      2:15:03 Panic RTA.
      2:17:32 OkalA Panic as Sora's trying the sexy pants options.
      2:18:21 _"Sora: I'm transparent wwww"_
      2:19:01 _"L: Ii, there's a perverted cat, it's no good to line up besides Sora senpai!/Okayu: This is bad, it's too perverted! I wonder if there's something i could hide it with... Lamy look/L: Oi oi oi, what are you doing?"_
      2:20:50 _"Okayu: How does this look Marine?/L: Eh... Marine?/Okayu: www sorry! It's just that pronouncing Marine and Lamy is similar!/L: You're good at making excuses!"_
      2:21:48 _"Okayu: Lamyyy, i have work so i must go/L: Dressed like that?/Okayu: Well there's no time to put on pants so i'll go like this/L: Be safe! A pervert will be going"_
      2:26:42 _"Sora: It's saved now!/L: Alright, let's go back to shop! I must confirm both sides.../C: It was a date/L: A clothes-shopping date!/L: Mama, Sora senpai changed!/M: Wahh! Amazing, i can feel the fetishes on this!"_
      2:28:02 Sora-chan dancing. _"M: Good good, sexy! But this is, a wholesome kind of eroticism!/Sora: isn't it cute even?/L: It feels so wholesome!"_ 🦵
      2:28:29 _"M: how does it feel?/Sora: If it's like this, dancing is way cleaner!/M: Even if this cabaret were to fail, you'll never be short on money like this, as expected!/Sora: www, but in some extent, having my legs be seen, there's also some cuteness into it, it's a cuter-side of performance i feel/L: What's with this, i can't see the pantsu!/M: The thighs are so nice though, they feel naughty!"_
      2:29:37 _"M: I've posted/L: Niice!"_

      2:30:54 Lamy TwiXing [A wholesome kind of eroticism].
      2:32:26 _"M: What do we do now Lamy-chan? I'm resting right now but... While you went buying i was resting, just standing here/L: So you rested already?/Sora: Owner... I can't get out..."_
      2:33:13 _"L: What happened with Az-Az?/M: AZKi-chan Went with Sui-chan"_
      2:33:35 _"M: So if you don't have anything to do right now, could you come with me to the mechanic?/L: Ahhh...Wan wan/M: Wan wan? No meow meow?/L: Actually you wanted to change the color of your car but you were busy right?"_
      2:34:26 _"L: I thought maybe nobody would get caught today... I don't have anything to do... Since my throat's a bit hurt/M: So you wanted to do a zatsudan drive?/L: I thought about doing that yeah/M: Then i'll blankly stare in this direction/L: But in the end, will Az-Az and Sora senpai come and do that?/M: I don't know, so i'll sit inside/L: Got it, rest well, reach to me if something happens!"_

      2:35:22 _"L: Fishing? I want to! I want to go to someplace i haven't went... Where can i fish? I want to do bowling too!/C: Golf?/L: I don't know how to so i can't... [Hunting Zone], ah a ca-r"_
      2:35:47 _"L: I mean, I want to go see the houses! Where are they?/C: Marine seems lonely/L: No way!"_
      2:36:04 AZKi is back! _"A: How is the Shop right now?/M: It's super free right now, a lot! So if you don't have anything to do, you may want to maybe go play someplace else/A: I see, we have the camping van too right?/M: We do!"_ ⚒

      2:37:03 AZKi Breaking the window to get... Into her own car. Call from Koyo. _"Koyo: It's Koyo! Right now can we ask for an Uber person?/M: Can it be 3?/Koyo: Would all 3 come? Alright, let's go! My car now can only hold 1 person so.../M: I have a camping van!/Koyo: So can you bring a car for 2 more people?/M: I'll bring the camping van, where at?/Koyo: Should we do Jewel robbery? Would you come together?/M: Let's do PanPanKamen thieves!"_
      2:38:27 _"L: Mom and me are bad with maps so we can only trust Az-Az with that!"_ *Camper van making noise* _"L: What a crazy nois- EHH?! Mama?!"_ *Camping van gets stuck and damaged*
      2:40:07 _"A: Wait, we can push it, can't we?"_
      2:41:20 _"L: Cant get in/M: It's closed!/A: Ah, sorry, i'm on the right side"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill หลายเดือนก่อน

      [Timestamps Part 5]
      2:44:36 _"L: Did you win that?!/Koyo: Yeah i won it! I won it! Next time if you're alone i'll let you ride it!/A: What's this car, so cute!/Koyo: I wont it at the casino!/M: Wait, don't get along with her.../A: Ah.../Koyo: www"_
      2:45:07 _"Koyo: It's here... Oh you got a new worker?/A: yeah i just moved today! I'm AZKi!/Koyo: Aren't you cute? This is Koyo the thief, pleased to meet you!/M: Right now i'm getting an ominous Miko call so let's be careful, let's start the act.../L: Scarryyyy!/Koyo: I'll start!/A: What's the plan?"_
      2:45:55 _"M: I haven't seen any kind of evil like this! Scary/L: Help us!/Koyo: I can shoot you at any moment!/All: Noo, i don't wanna die!"_ 😭
      2:47:02 _"M: Even though they should've been alerted they're not coming/Koyo: True... Not at all/M: This is easy.../Koyo: If only i had another gun.../M: Shouldn't we raise our hands?/A: How?/M: Press X!"_ *They raising their hands as if they were hostages. *Cops Ollie and Gozaru are here*
      2:47:40 _"Ollie: YOU AGAIN?!/M: Help us! We'll be killed!/L: Amazing, they keep on the pretense/Koyo: Just a bit more!"_
      2:48:22 _"Ollie: What's the reason you did this?/Koyo: Reason?... I wanted money!/M: Please protect us! If you target this person she'll shoot us!/Koyo: Ill kill them all 3!/M: NOOO! I don't wanna die!/Ollie: Stop that!"_
      2:48:46 _"M: Ollie-chan listen, today AZKi came to live for the first time!/A: Yeah Ollie-san, help us! I got involved in this, Police officer!/Koyo: Poor them right officer?"_
      2:49:17 _"L: Save us sheriff!/A: Save us!/Suba: What for?/AzuLamy: We were abducted!/Suba: Got it, hostages then! Wait there's a lot of them!/M: Listen sheriff, this girl just debuted her night driving/A: Yeah i just came here and saw myself involved in such a bad thing!"_
      2:49:52 _"M: Listen sheriff, AZKi-chan here is following a fashion to properly hide her panties that if you see them you're happy, what do you think?/Suba: AZKi-san wasn't it? I have a search warrant for you so please come along/A: Eh?/M: But she's one of our girls!/Iroha: Eh?! What happened since you left the countryside AZKi?!/A: I was doing my best to work!"_ 👀

      2:50:37 _"Suba: If you need help from the police call them right away!/M: No she's going to shoot us, help!"_
      2:51:27 Koyo giving them all a commemoration jewel cause she feels sorry for them.
      2:52:17 _"M: We got a jewel/L: Yeah, what do we do with it?/M: Exchange for money?/L: How?/M: I'm happy... It's closed, AZKi, can you open it?/A: _*_breaks glass_*_ www/M: Why do you always do it"_ 🪟👊

      2:54:02 _"A: What's the number for the amusement park?/L: Number... What was it.../M: Going to it?"_
      2:55:14 _"M: Let me call Lui before we go play there/A: Alright... Can i stop here?/M: I'll place the call.../Lui: Yeah?/M: Hello? We just finished the uber person so.../Lui: Oh but i didn't needed you/M: ehh? Right now AZKi is driving so i got you on speaker!/Lui: Marine-san said she was mine alone but, you're with someone else huh/M: What?/Lui: You're having an affair i heard... I can't trust you anymore, sorry Marine-chan... I won't go to the shop anymore/M: NO way!/Lui: Farewell!/A: What happened?/L: Did she find out the baker thing?"_

      2:56:16 Reached Amusement Park! 🎡
      2:56:35 _"M: Sorry, did you call earlier?/Miko: This... Sora-chan was working there it seems... Wait, i hear AZKi's voice!/A: hello, this is AZki who moved here today!/Miko: Eh?! NO way, AZKi-chan, are you working... There?/M: Want to see her?/A: I was allowed to work!/Miko: Eh...?! I want to see her.../M: Why don't you go now?/Miko: but i'm working now!/M: Just forget about work!/Miko: I can't! We're short of officers!/L: They're busy/M: So call us once you're done!/Miko: I will! This is crazy AZK-"_
      2:57:53 Lamy getting her fortune read. [I see you! Nazar sees all!] _"M: What is she saying i don't get her/L: She said [Nazar sees all!]/[Nazar: I see a ridge in the land… and a falconer… and a black smoke rising to the east]/M: What's starting?/L: I don't know, it's scary though... I paid 1000 Yen and didn't understand..."_
      2:58:51 _"L: Wait, i can buy a teddy bear!/M: No way? I want it! It's true!/L: Yeah for real!"_
      2:59:13 Teddy bear! 🧸
      3:00:10 AZKi cute english, they exchanged bears.
      3:00:32 Holding ice cream!
      3:01:29 Eating their ice cream.
      3:01:49 _"L: I kind of don't like how they walk though/A: Why do they walk like that?/L: Why do you walk normally thou- oh no www"_

      3:02:30 Playing Air Hockey with AZKi.
      3:03:04 Lamy goal
      3:03:14 AZKi scores 2 goals in a row.
      3:02:35 Lamy self goal.
      3:03:47 _"L: Let's do a victor's match, once Mama returns!"_

      3:04:34 _"L: You can play this Az-Azu right?/A: I can! Sure!/L: I'll watch you!"_ *Bang-a-beaver game start*
      3:05:06 Marine's back, they invite her to play Air Hockey.
      3:05:55 _"L: wwww/A: yaay!/M: Dang! Oh, are you watching Lamy-chan?/L: Yeah i can!"_
      3:07:10 _"A: Ah i lost, Mama!/L: That was fun www"_

      3:07:47 Calli had called for a Taxi but is fine, apoologetic for calling for AZKi.
      3:10:56 Lamy going alone on Roller coaster. _"L: OI OI!/M: Don't leave!/L: It's not that! This happened yesterday... Can't be helped, i must ride it! Can't i let go of? Oh i can raise my hands!/C: Alone again?/L: Shut it, its not like i wanted to end up alone!/C: You did though/L: Cause i'm troublesome you mean? Well, can't say about other people but... Mama's troublesome Or rather, everyone in the cabaret is!"_
      3:12:43 *Senchou calling (Probably Lui)* _"M: Oi, look at me on the roller coaster!/L: It'll start in 20 seconds.../M: 20 seconds.../L: So until then she'll be seeing this view?"_
      3:13:08 AZKi waving her arms with Space Key. 🙌
      3:14:49 Riding free fall.
      3:15:50 _"A: Thank you, it was fun! So do we go back?"_
      3:17:35 _"M: Between noon or night view which do you prefer?/L: Night!/A: It has to be Night!/M: And for a walk, do you prefer a noon or night?/L: Noon!/A: noon! That for walking!/L: Is this a psychology test?/M: Just bored so asking you"_
      3:18:11 _"L: And you Mama?/A: Yeah mama? Between the night and the walks/M: I like to walk during the nightime, it's cool! When i'm not doing anything during night i go [What is that?] And go look/L: But can only go to the convenience store right?/M: But yeay, rather than a sleepless city, i like the feeling of the city being asleep"_
      3:18:48 _"M: It's been really hot lately right?/A: It is/M: Where did the autumn go.../A: It's about to start wasn't it?/M: It's hot/L: And yet it was hot today by the way/M: It really was, i can't!"_
      3:19:26 Couldn't bring out the camper van but found it on street.
      3:20:20 Marine bumping into Lamy as she finds how to ingite the engine.
      3:21:12 _"L: Scary scary SCARY! *Almost run over*/M: This is so hard to drive, try driving this Az-Az/A: It does look difficult just looking!"_
      3:22:52 Marine giving key to AZKi so she could drive it.
      3:25:02 _"L: Wait wait wait! It hurts! We're losing to gravity!/M: We can't sit back here!"_
      3:26:46 _"M: We're about to-AHHHH!"_ *Gravity beats them again*
      3:27:29 Marine ejected out of car.
      3:28:17 _"M: Could it be this car was a worthless purchase?"_
      3:29:00 _"M: So THIS is how the 4 people ride!/A: Ah a police car!/M: This car's junk! Should we dispose of it?/A: It was 24 million though!"_ *Marine drops*
      3:29:46 AZKi going to get changed for her performance.
      3:31:28 _"Miko: Oi the new girl even is calling you Mama!/M: AZKichi plans to work at a lot of stuff so/L: Yeah! Also driving a Taxi/M: So try calling her if you're out of transportation!/Miko: Got it... Lamy-chan aren't you in danger? You're going to lose demand!/L: Yeah!"_
      (Continuing in replies)

    • @X-Kill
      @X-Kill หลายเดือนก่อน

      [Timestamps Part 6] (Ending)
      3:31:54 AZKi's here _"A: i'm still new but i'll do my best! So please watch unto me!/Miko: You're so seiso, i even feel sorry! Is this fight?/A: I'm still not used but i'll do my best for Miko-san!/Miko: What are you being made to work at.../L: No, she came to work!/M: She wanted money, right?/A: Yeah! i want to gather money and buy a home"_
      3:32:40 AZKi dancing and Miko Panic. _"Miko: THE PANTSU! I SAW THEM/M: What color are AZKi's Pantsu?/L: What color tell us?/Miko: *Crying*/A: What color?"_ 👀
      3:33:04 Princess Sora-chan's here! _"M: Princess Sora, would you dance some?/Miko: I came to investigate at the cabaret/A: Did you like it? I'm just beginning though! *Marine twerking*/Miko: It was amazing!"_

      3:33:42 Miko's dreams being broken as Sora enters stage. _"Sora: I'm also wearing Pantsu, so would you like to dance with me?"_ *Miko dying as they dance together*
      3:34:10 _"Miko: To think i'd see Sora-Az in this form!/Sora: I'm wearing short Pants!/Miko: NOOOOOOO!/L: Ara araaaa! Is this alright?~"_
      3:34:29 _"Miko: There's both joy and sadness in my heart right now!/M: What are you sad about? For feeling right now? Doesn't that sadness feel good?/Miko: Ahh there's both a sense of guilty pleasure but also a terrible feeling!/M: You saw their panties right?/A: You saw them right?"_
      3:35:10 Lamy TwiXing _"[The moment that changed the history of Holos' Santos]/Miko: _*_sees it_*_ For real!/M: AZKi-chan, you can charge what you want/Miko: Wait, isn't that a bit wrong?/M: Sora-chan you too have to charge!/Sora: Alright!/M: Bill Miko-chan!"_
      3:35:49 _"Miko: So how much is it.../M: Doesn't matter, just accept it!/Miko: ... Ehh?! It's 10 Million?!/L: So courageous!/M: Of course!/Miko: 10 MILLION?!/M: You're the first to see our newly arrived countryside girl's panties!"_ *Marine punches Lamy by mistake*
      3:36:46 _"Miko: I only have 3.5 Million... I can't pay!.../A: I'll wait Miko-san!/M: It's fine, it'll be charged from your salary by itself so be at ease! You can't choose!/L: 10 Million is.../Miko: Have to remember the weird service!"_
      3:37:21 Teaching AZKi how to do service through emotes.
      3:37:57 MikoAZKi Kiss. _"L: going up the table like that...!"_
      3:38:54 Sora hugging Miko from the back and everyone Losing it.
      3:39:10 _"Sora: Doesn't this kind of hug make you happy?/Miko: This old man prefers the seiso feeling from Sora!/M: We got 2 seiso members turned vulgar/L: Don't say vugar"_
      3:39:40 _"Miko: It's 13.5 Million!/M: You'll pay right?/Miko: Of course, i'm not kidding!/M: If you don't pay we'll call the police/Miko: Please don't, i'm actually coming here on secret to my sheriff!"_

      3:41:50 Miko going back on Patrol. 🚓
      3:42:16 _"M: Thank you for coming too Sora-chan!/Sora: On the contrary! Seems that the image i'll be giving here, Akin to the cat cafe will be that of a princess/M: No problem, you also can do that here!!/L: That's why you have the spats right?/Sora: I also am sporting a short pants style!/M: That's a lovely seiso line/Sora: Please call me again if someone comes~"_
      3:42:53 _"L: What do to, it seems Lui-nee was doing a flower shop according to comments, i want to go but... Today my throat's at its limit so.../M: What are you doing Lamy-chan?/L: I'll close the shop today!/M: My throat is also hurting a lot, seems i won't stop coughing/L: I'm at my limit too so i'd like to end things here"_
      3:43:29 _"M: Let's close with OtsuPanPanKamen then?/L: This shop's future will be protected by Az-Az, or rather SorAz so/M: I'm at ease now!/L: I'll end now"_
      3:43:42 _"L: Sorry for today's short stream, but my glass heart, i mean, throat is at it's limit, tomorrow i'll be off, and the day after and the one after are the only days remaining so..."_
      3:44:06 _"L: So i'd like to have, with Shishiron and Koyo... What kind of Date is it called? ... Triple date? No, is it? To see who would stay with me, that's what i want..."_
      3:44:21 _"OtsuPanPanKameeen! OtsuPanPaaaaan!"_

  • @cjlee981
    @cjlee981 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @sharu6989
    @sharu6989 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @うめめ1115
    @うめめ1115 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Koji-l5e
    @Koji-l5e หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Grauzan雪民
    @Grauzan雪民 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @raines_2352
    @raines_2352 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @writedraw8655
    @writedraw8655 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @三毛プロ
    @三毛プロ หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @yukimin_shiro
    @yukimin_shiro หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @39teru
    @39teru หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @熊-l1m
    @熊-l1m หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @しゅーし-x1s
    @しゅーし-x1s หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @Sonicmaster2008
    @Sonicmaster2008 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That was a moment we'd never though we saw happen. Sora and AZKi pole dancing together. But it's great everyone had a great time today! Looks like AZKi joined in the club! Thanks for the stream Lamy! OtsuLamy!

  • @Porka-jp1wg
    @Porka-jp1wg 17 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @ミナヅキスイ
    @ミナヅキスイ หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @user-hom5hom7hom03
    @user-hom5hom7hom03 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @miyu6362
    @miyu6362 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @sisiou_nyafu
    @sisiou_nyafu หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @るぷるぷ-n8h
    @るぷるぷ-n8h หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @LOVE-hb2jt
    @LOVE-hb2jt หลายเดือนก่อน

    ラミィさん、お疲れ様でした🙇 楽しかったです!

  • @NightM-bg1dk
    @NightM-bg1dk หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ツトム-b5t
    @ツトム-b5t หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur
    @spino.ultimate.water.dinosaur หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @小室鉄也
    @小室鉄也 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Libra_ajiaji
    @Libra_ajiaji หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @5210702
    @5210702 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @久保田勇-i7w
    @久保田勇-i7w หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @user-sinamonsugar
    @user-sinamonsugar หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Tenebre_Zwei
    @Tenebre_Zwei หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @onsi-i
    @onsi-i หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou
    @CreamCandy1115LamyIloVeYou หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎
    @アストワール十反逆の暗黒騎 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @setio_personal
    @setio_personal หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @tougenkyou1203
    @tougenkyou1203 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ヒロキ雪民
    @ヒロキ雪民 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @miyu6362
    @miyu6362 หลายเดือนก่อน

    1:34 配信開始

  • @政諺-j7j
    @政諺-j7j หลายเดือนก่อน +1

  • @nipitapioka0911
    @nipitapioka0911 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @annadayo962
    @annadayo962 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @FlippyZura
    @FlippyZura หลายเดือนก่อน +1

  • @yukihane_wamy
    @yukihane_wamy หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @らぴす5303
    @らぴす5303 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @murasame_setsura
    @murasame_setsura หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @kururugi_yukima
    @kururugi_yukima หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ceradys7348
    @ceradys7348 หลายเดือนก่อน

    OtsuPanPan~ Thank you for another great day in Lost Santos, Lamy-chan. It was really fun and so many surprising happened ! Lamy-chan is very cute for showing around the city shopping with the new employees. I'm glad you had a lot of fun too. The timing of the accident was really too good as well ! Lamy-chan is really good on a skateboard
    I'm looking forward to your next adventure Sunday ! Don't worry and rest well your throat. I hope you will feel better soon. Love You my N°1